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Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Page 4

Continued from page 3

sion. The other marvel is
changed to top and shorts. changing farm methods and
Many schools didnt have labor-saving devices as well
girls basketball teams. This as communication - press
was the years of the dirty a key and the information
thirties or the Great De- flows. Eunice keeps abreast
pression and she remem- of current events in the
bers there was nothing world and locally.
extra. She learned to drive
She met Charles Henn,
in a Model T Ford and lat- the son of Charles, Sr., and
er drove a Model A. Of the Tillie McGinnis Henn, at
many advances in society, Crystal Lake, a popular reshe observes that trans- sort in College Springs. He
portation has made many was a graduate of Amity
strides. When she decided High School and Tarkio Colto quit driving, she owned a lege and though she knew of
2002 Chevy and it was her the family, for during the edfirst automatic transmis- ucational year Henns lived

An early snow day

By Mariana Villagrana
Thats right, its time to
break out the winter coats
and earmuffs as we get
ready to say goodbye to fall
and say hello to winter! Last
Saturday, November 17, we
had our first official snow
day. It snowed all day creating beautiful scenery outside
your window, as the snow fell
gently on the ground cover-

ing every rooftop and every

tree. As you get ready to pull
out your warm clothes and
start looking in the back of
your closet for those winter
boots, here are some great
tips for this winter:
Remember that winter
is to be enjoyed and dont be
afraid to go outside and go
for a stroll.
Have fun with your

in College Springs, he was

ahead of her at school. They
married in 1937 and set up
housekeeping on a farm two
miles west of Blanchard, IA,
and their farm straddles the
IA/MO State Line.
Blanchard was a busy little town with several shops
on either side of Main Street.
As Eunices family was of
she continued the tradition and became a member
of the Methodist Church in
Blanchard. She was active
in the United Methodist
Womens ministry. She also
became a member of the
State Line Club and though
their club is lacking in numbers today, the members re-

main close friends and are

assisting with a birthday reception in Eunices honor.
Charles and Eunice have
a daughter, Carolyn. When
it was time for Carolyn to
start school, Eunice said
she didnt think it unusual
to put a six year old on a
pony and send her two miles
to Emporia country school.
Carolyn switched to Victor
School, which was in Iowa,
and when that school closed,
she went for a short time to
Blanchard. In 1950, Westboro School consolidated
and offered bus service.
Events that stand out
in Eunices mind was the
bombing of Pearl Harbor.

family as you decorate

your house for this coming
Thanksgiving. Be crafty.
There are always great suggestions and I am sure your
children or grandchildren
will be delighted to help
with any ideas that you
might have from making
homemade decorations to
buying new decorations for
the fire place mantel.
For this holiday, create a new tradition. For example, play board games
or watch a favorite holiday
movie. Baking new recipes
could be something that Im
sure your whole family will
Even though it feels like
winter outside, dont forget
to enjoy your Thanksgiving.

Behind the scenes of Thoroughly Modern Millie

By Kaleigh Quimby
As Thanksgiving is right
around the corner, many
people are excited for the
traditions that are about to
get underway. People know
of the turkey and eating
until you pop, and of course
people dont know of the
wishbone, fourth Thursday
of November, and The Macys Day Parade.
The wishbone is a bone
that is shaped like a mix between and y and a u. It is
in all chickens and turkeys,
most people just throw it out.
What you are supposed to do
is have two people, one grab
one side and the other grab
the other side. Then, they
should start to pull apart,
whoever breaks off the biggest side will get a wish.
Now, everyone knows that
Thanksgiving has always
been on the fourth Thursday
of November. But who started this? When did it become
official? Some people think
it is because of the pilgrims
having a feast with the Indians. Which is true, they
did have a feast and that is
why we have Thanksgiving,
but it wasnt on the fourth
Thursday of November.
President Lincoln actually
started Thanksgiving on the
fourth Thursday in 1863. He
declared it this time of year
and it has been that way
ever since.
The Macys Day Parade is
always on TV and full of the
big balloons and singers on
floats. They started the Macys Thanksgiving Parade
in 1924. That means there
has been 90 Macys Day Parades!
Thanksgiving is full of
many other traditions, but
here are just a couple fun
facts about it. A ripe cranberry will bounce if its
completely ripe. Canadians
celebrate their own Thanksgiving every October. Turkey makes you drowsy after
eating large amounts. That
causes the big nap after the
feast!! I think that is most
peoples favorite part. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

By Kat Mrs. Meers

As everyone knows, there
is a lot of work that goes into
the schools musical every
year, but what some people
dont know is all the crazy,
hectic, last minute work
that goes on. You see behind
scenes footage of every movie or music video that goes
on, but never for Tarkios
musical, so that is what you
are getting today!
The last couple of practices before the musical are
insane. The cast is finally
getting their costumes, microphones are being used,
every part of the set is being painted, props are being
figured out, and last minute
changes are being made.
This time is always kind of
stressful for everyone, but if
you ask anyone in the class,
they will tell you that they
love every minute of it. As
director Casey Martin would

Her parents had come for

dinner that Sunday and
they heard the terrible
news. The focus had been on
news from Europe as Hitler was a household word.
Then there was the tornado
of 1954 that sliced through
their neighborhood and did
much devastation. Incredible as it would seem, the
sun never quit shining and
they stood at the open door
of their cellar and watched
debris flying through the
air. Other than litter, they
escaped damage.
Charles enjoyed farming
and wildlife. He liked to hunt
and attend sales. In 1998
when Charles health failed,
they moved to Shenandoah.

say, We are down to crunch

time. Everything has to
start being taken seriously
at this point of the game. Every practice, we run straight
through the play, trying to
get it done in the correct
time. Sunday started the
practices with full costume,
lights, set, and props. For
the rest of the practices and

He died in 1999.
A question often asked
of one who celebrates 100
birthdays is What do you
attribute your longevity
to? In reply, Eunice simply
shook her head, but for those
who know her, a practical
or common sense lifestyle,
hard work, gardening (her
flowers knew her by name),
and enjoyment of walking
and being outdoors seems to
have served her well.
Eunices daughter and
son-in-law, Carolyn and Bob
Schafer, and granddaughter, Lisa, are hosting the
open house for Eunice on
Saturday, November 22. Be
sure to stop by and wish her
a happy birthday!

throughout all the shows everything is done full out!

The play is this Friday
and Saturday, November 21
and 22, at 7 p.m. and Sunday, November 23, at 2 p.m.
in the Tarkio High School
Auditorium. Come out and
support the theater class
and enjoy Thoroughly Modern Millie!

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