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Hello Holmes and Classmates!

My name is Gustavo Adolfo Quimbayo Criollo, I am 21 years old, I

live in Villavicencio City, But i am from Ibague (musical city of Colombia) I am an industrial
engineering Student, I live Alone in a small room, I work for Weatherford Colombia Limited, I am
The weather in Villavicencio is warm, it is Beautiful, has good economy and we can find
delicious food, if I won the lottery, I would pay the debts of my family, I would buy a house for my
mom and brothers and continued with my studies while I Working, I would travel around the world,
London, France, Rome Italy, Las Vegas, Miami, Brazil, Argentina and much more,
I like to listen to music, watching TV and movies, play virtual and real games like Gear of war 3, Halo,
Need for speed., being with my family and sleep in my free times
(Escribe las acciones que te gusta hacer read, run in the park, sleep, etc).
The job temporary that I want to have is the called President of Colombia.
I want to do what no one has done.
I would combat the poverty, the corruption, the war and bad administration of all resources that we
have in this Country.
Compatriots, let us finish these problems, Live in the best country of world, we have the most
beautiful landscapes, the best weather and respire pure air. This is a wonderful country.
Best studies, better jobs, no more corruption, poverty goodbye and live the peace.
Let's go, we can make this place, a better Colombia.
Whats your name?
My name is Gustavo Adolfo Quimbayo Criollo
How old are you?
I am 21 Years old
Where do you live?
I live in Villavicencio city but, Im from Ibague (musical city of Colombia) because I was born in this
Who do you live with?
I live alone in a small room
Where do you work? What do you do there?
Im working full time like attendant of Inventory in a multinational company
Are you married? Single?
I am Single
Whats your address?
My address is career 33 number 3C-03 enclosed complex Piamonte
Whats your telephone number?
My Cellphone is +57 315 228 0581
Where were you born?
I was born in Ibague City
Whats the weather like in your city?
In this city the Weather is warm and humid

What are your hobbies?

I like listening to music, watching TV and movies, play virtual and real games, being with my family
What kind of music do you like?
I like all kind of music
What do you do in your free time?
In my free time I sleep (sleep little in the week) I enjoy it, I like to drive bike is dangerous but I like it
Where do you spend time on weekends?
Usually on weekends Im at home, doing university Jobs, the time passes very fast, I would go out on
Saturday nights, but I must fulfill my university activities. In this moment I am studying industrial
What do you like about your country or city?
I like about my city, we can reach any place in a short time, and we can find delicious food, found in
most neighborhoods flashy business and Who does not like to party? Monday to Sunday bars are
open, where you listen all kinds of music, accompanied by the most beautiful women llaneras, the
next day you can ride a glider, from above you can see the whole city.
What would you do if you won the lottery?
If one day I won the lottery, I would pay the debts of my family, I would buy a house for my mom and
brothers and continued with my studies while working, while I would travel around the world. Miami,
Las Vegas, Italy, Rome, France, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil,
Dear Students
Les envo este mensaje con una informacin de relevancia con respecto a la actividad 3. Speaking
Assignment, que nuestra Directora de Curso Leidy Diana Snchez realiz para mayor comprensin.
Recuerden que en la gua de la actividad muestran dos momentos en el mismo encuentro:
1. Responder 6 a 10 preguntas... (Abajo est el banco de preguntas para estos eventos.
2. Hablar sobre un tema hipottico. Para los que se inscribieron en este mes, deben dar
recomendaciones a un amigo que viaja a un lugar con un clima diferente en el cual vive.
Esto debe demorar de 5 a 10 minutos por persona. Se les recomienda, tener todo en perfecto
funcionamiento y estar 5 minutos antes de la presentacin.
Por favor ver el video con la ruta para la actividad 3.
S que puedes tener dificultades con el idioma, prejuicios, miedos, falta de tiempo, mala seal. Pero
tambin s, que t puedes hacer lo que quieras.
Un ganador se conoce, porque a pesar de todos esos obstculos, entra a la accin y logra
Estar atento.
Holmes Garca
Estimado estudiante
Cordial saludo
En el siguiente link encontrar un video que le explicar cmo realizar el speaking assignment.
Click Aqu
Las siguientes son las posibles preguntas que se le harn en el primer momento de la entrevista. Del
siguiente listado de preguntas, tu tutor@ sacara entre 6 y 10 preguntas para hacerte.

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