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1. I started off researching various pictures of 60/70s bands performing on stage, which gave me many ideas for my digipack. The black and white colour was also something I wanted to include
2. I thought it would be a good idea get the crowd in with the band as it would give the audience an idea of how the band can control the audience
3. As my frontman is the main subject of my band, I thought of other artists who have influential frontman therefore I looked up The Hives as they have one of the best frontmen I have ever seen live. I
liked the idea of just having the frontman of my band looking the part as the front cover
4. I had to think about a layout to my front cover, I like the idea of the title at the top and the writing just to the right of it underneath in smaller writing, (hence my first poster draft)
5. I thought of Tim Armstrongs solo album as the cover was the sort of thing I was looking for, I liked the black and white, retro effect on Armstrongs picture
6. I researched posters and CD covers form the 60s/70s era and found that one person is rarely the main focus, normally the writing stands out just as much, if not more than the picture.
7. As I thought about the layout of my digipack, I researched some jazz pieces from my chosen era, I liked the idea of splitting the page into two colours and merging them together like this Caetano
Veloso album cover
8. I started to go off of the idea to have it all black and white as it might look quite dull, I looked at this picture of John Lennon and thought it looked very 60s because of the colours, therefore I decided
to definitely have colour on both my poster and digipack
9. I went through a period of just researching different coloured pieces of art/digipacks/posters from the 60s and 70s
10. I really liked the idea of having a vectorised picture on my digipack which is why I used this album cover of The Clash as inspiration
11. This album cover is far from what I want my digipack to look like however after deciding to go for a vectorised picture it would make my digipack look slightly more cartoon style, therefore I am
using this album cover to show a change in thought process
12. Revolver by The Beatles is a good example of what I would like the picture to look like
13. This album cover by Johnny Griffin shows how I would like the front cover to look, a vectorised picture with also colour on it to decorate it
14. In order to come up with a good idea for my digipack I researched different pieces of pop art from the 60s era as they are good for inspiration
15. I researched different album covers/posters from the 60s and 70s era in order to find a layoutand liked this idea of the words being different obscure sizes
16. On this one the picture is in the top left with the writing in the middle, it is spit into different sections, I could combine this and the previous poster to make a good design
17. I tried to think of a colour scheme and thought of the Reel Big Fish disc for their album Candy Coated Fury I thought it would look with the idea I had
18. + 19 for the last two, I found magazines which represented almost exactly what I had in mind for my digipack and poster, the vectorised picture at the top with the title just below and writing in the
bottom half

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