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COD: 37511363

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia


Expected outcomes in the forum:

To read the article What will life be like in 2050? by Think Editors.
1. How will the education system change by 2050?
In the U.S., cities theorist Richard Florida thinks urbanization trends will reinvent
the education system, making our economy less real estate driven and erasing the
divisions between home and work.

2. What will a smart grid make in human beings by 2050?

Charles Ebinger,
Director of the Energy Security Initiative at the Brookings Institution also thinks that
by 2050 we will also have a so-called "smart grid" where all of our appliances are
linked directly to energy distribution systems, allowing for real-time pricing based
on supply and demand

3. How will mass media be in future?

Meanwhile, the Internet will continue to radically transform media, destroying the
traditional model of what a news organization is, says author and former New York
Times Public Editor Daniel Okrent, who believes the most common kinds of news
organizations in the future will be "individuals and small alliances of individuals"
reporting and publishing on niche topics

4. Will global warming have any importance to have a better life in future?
Environmentalist Bill McKibben says that if we don't make major strides in
combating global warming, it's likely we could see out-of-control rises in sea levels,
enormous crop shortfalls, and wars over increasingly scarce freshwater resources.
But information technology may yield some optimism for our planet, says
oceanographer Sylvia Earle, who thinks that services like Google Earth have the
potential to turn everyday people into ocean conservationists
5. What will people know more about health?

We will live longer and remain healthier. Patricia Bloom, an associate professor in
the geriatrics department of Mt. Sinai Hospital, says we may not routinely live to be
120, but it's possible that we will be able to extend wellness and shorten decline
and disability for people as they age. AIDS research pioneer David Ho says the
HIV/AIDS epidemic will still be with us, but we will know a lot more about the virus
than we do todayand therapies will be much more effective. Meanwhile, Jay
Parkinson, the co-founder of Hello Health, says the health care industry has a
"huge opportunity" to change the way it communicates with patients by conceiving
of individual health in relation to happiness
In terms of how we will eat, green markets founder and "real food" proponent Nina
Planck is optimistic that there will be more small slaughterhouses, more small
creameries, and more regional food operationsand we'll be healthier as a result.
New York Times cooking columnist Mark Bittman, similarly, thinks that people will
eat fewer processed foods, and eat foods grown closer to where they live. And
Anson Mills farmer Glenn Roberts thinks that more people will clue into the "ethical

You were asked to write a short article about how you imagine Colombia
will be in 2050 taking into account technology, transportation and health.
Paragraph 1: Introduction (general idea about how the life will be in
Colombia in 2050) 2050 Colombia will have advanced technologically, innovation
in different areas in communications, technology and advances in health, however
the deterioration in the environment will be greater, large population about 64
million people, a lot of poverty and inhuman conditions of society
In 2050 Colombia technological advances are to give more in technology towards
the organic crops and the development of robotic activities, therefore I think 2050 is
going to see reflected in future processes
For transport there are several alternative transportation initiatives with modern
systems for power generation but in general we will have greater difficulties in
mobility. Therefore it is important to the subway system processes will run higher

Advances in health if they will be more noticeable, are giving advances in cardio
vascular medicine and advances in ophthalmology with the new processes of open

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