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Born again

Tales Ive heard many about the people of Dacia. That they are as bloodthirsty as they are faithful, that their stubbornness is only exceeded
by their pride, that their rage flowed from the very heart of the God of War. These traits have kept their people apart for many ages, and
they have been ultimately united only under foreign banner. Even so, their name resonated with strength and their voices thundered in battle
over their enemies feeble heads, who cowered in the presence of the mighty followers of Zalmoxes. Their kins roots are covered by the
haze of time, but are rumoured to have been the sole survivors of Gods Wrath brought forth by Noah ages ago. As they feel as old and
powerful as the wilderness around them, they have been named Dacians, the wolves. This people of warriors stood its ground for
millennia against the hoards of invaders, but also gladly allowed the peaceful wanderers to house among their kin. It is no surprise that
many decided to stay, were it for the beauty of the lands, or the beauty of the people. And it is no surprise that time tried to cover up their
traces once more. But they lived on and their story lives on, through the ancestral voices carved in stone which I will bring to life once
Under the silver skies, over the gray plains and into the arms of the mountains there lived once an old fighter, known by the name Diegis. He
lived far from the spirited tribes of Dacia, whose fiery lifestyle had drained the strength out of his old bones. He too had once felt the fire of
battle rinsing his mind, but his thirst for adventure had been quenched. Just like his father and grandfather and great-grandfather, he sought
j_[]_ ch tb_ stih_s scf_h]_ [h^ tb_ wch^s si`t gi[hs, hoping they would wash the shame of ab[h^ihcha tb_ trc\_ `ir bcs b_[rts s[e_. The
sky was falling slowly, laying on his gray hair and bent back. His leather armor was thick enough for him to keep warm until he could find a
place fit for a fire. He turned around to see where he was heading; his footsteps were slowly turning west because of the cliffs shape. It was
aii^. H_ sgcf_^ uh^_r tb_ \_[r^, ]iv_r_^ \y [ tbch f[y_r i` c]_. H_ w[s hit `[r `rig bcs [h]_stirs r_stcha jf[]_. Ohfy twi gore days to
walk. He heavily dragged his feet along the rocks, heading to the top of the cliff, where a cluster of trees rose their tips proudly. He gathered
some wood from a fallen tree and started the fire. He sat by it, warming himself up and gazed at the fire with crossed arms.
Ob, gystc] B_h^cs, b_ tbiuabt, wby [rt tbch_ hands so cold grasping my kind? Zalmoxes, I beg of Thee, grant me few more days, to end
gy diurh_y, [h^ I sb[ff dich Yiu ch H_[v_hs ti jrit_]t [ff tb[t cs Yiurs.
He closed his eyes and forwarded his prayer to the Gods. As he repeated it, his head fell slowly on his arms and without even feeling it,
slipped into a dreamless sleep.
A few hours passed and the fire had been blown out by the cold wind when Diegis w[s wie_h uj \y tb_ wch^s wbcj. D[z_^ [h^ ]ih`us_^,
he peeped around. Night had came and the sky cleared, but there was no moon.
B_h^cs b[s wctb^r[wh b_r `[vir... b_ scab_^.
Diegis picked up his leather satchel with supplies and continued his walk. It was dangerous to roam the cliffs like that but he hoped he
would find some shelter in the stone. He kept walking for quite a while when he heard the aching echo of a wolf. He smiled hearing it. The
wolves were a good sign. Soon, the howls multiplied and their cries surrounded him. It was quite intimidating. But he did not falter. He
headed to the nearest stone wall and pulled out his sword.
I` tbcs cs Z[fgix_s wcff, ct sb[ff \_ ar[ht_^, wctb tb_ \fii^ i` bcs g_ss_ha_rs.
But in his hurry of reaching the wall, he did not pay attention to the ground. In the blind of the night, he tripped on a crack and fell into a
]r_v[ss_, \[hacha bcs b_[^ [h^ fischa bcs tbiuabts course.
Wb_h b_ [w[e_h_^, tb_ wch^s gi[h b[^ turh_^ chti [ gcabty ri[r [h^ tb_ st[ah[ht, ]if^ [cr w[s ch`us_^ wctb [ v[au_ sg_ff i` herbs. He
dared not open his eyes for the wind seemed brutal, but as he felt nothing as harmful on his face, he peeked to the sky. But instead of the
stars, he saw the gray ceiling of a cave, somewhat lit by a fire. He looked towards the source of the light and saw an old man sitting with his
back towards him. He had long, messy white hair and wore a heavy robe that hung on his frail body.
A g[ac]c[h?
The elder noticed his awakening and passed him a cup of a herbal infusion. He was very old, but his eyes seemed strangely alive. Softly
kindled and never to burn out. He smiled warmly and spoke in a whisper:
Drche. It wcff j[t]b yiu uj.
He spoke charmingly. Involuntarily he drank the whole cup at once. It was very refreshing. He looked to the other end of the cave and saw
that a storm was raging.
It cs aii^ tb[t I `iuh^ yiu iut tb_r_ \_`ir_ tb_ wifv_s [h^ tb_ stirg.
I [g ch^_\t_^.
Dc_acs \_ffy rug\f_^ [harcfy. Tb_ g[h cgg_^c[t_fy \riuabt bcg [ tbch st_w. It w[s hit gu]b, \ut \_tt_r tb[h hitbcha.
Wb[t [r_ yiur `[crchas ch tb_s_ giuht[chs? [se_^ tb_ str[ha_r. yiur `rc_h^s [r_ `[r \_bch^ yiu.

I [g `iffiwcha gy `ir_`[tb_rs wcff. My tcg_ b[s ]ig_. b_ sbiie bcs b_[^ s[^^_h_^ Yiu s[v_^ g_ `rig tb_ ch_vct[\f_. I [g ^oomed to
^c_ ch twi ^[ys [t gist.
The elder smiled contemplating.
Twi ^[ys? Diig_^? Wbi b[s ^iig_^ yiu?
I [g hit ^iig_^... I [g meant ti ^c_ siih. I ][h `__f ct.
Yiu [r_ sj_[echa [s c` sig_ih_ ]ihtriff_^ yiur `[t_!... Tb[t cs s[^!
Diegis raised an eyebrow, scantily.
I [g hit ch tb_ jf[]_ ti ]urs_ tb_ Gi^s \c^cha.
But gy, gy.. tb_ g[h f[uab_^ diy`uffy; c` ct w_r_ht `ir bcs s_r_hcty, Dc_acs wiuf^ b[v_ t[e_h ct [s [h chsuft. But tb_ g[h seemed too
innocent and well-cht_htcih ti \f[g_ bcg i` su]b tbchas. Wby ^i yiu tbche si i` yiur Gi^?
It cs biw b_ is.
Ah^ wby wiuf^ yiur Gi^ w[ht yiu ti s__ bcg [s [ jujj_t__r?
B_][us_ b_ cs t[echa ][r_ i` us.
As [ jujj_t__r?
The man weighed his words a while before continuing.
But tb_ jujj_t__r ]ihtrifs ihfy tbis_ wctb hi gch^. Yiu j_ijf_ [r_ \f_ss_^ wctb [ gch^.
Diegis rose to his feet, angered by his words. How dare he!
Yiu [r_ ][ffcha us _[sy! W_ [r_ hit tb_ jr_y i` tb_ Gi^s! W_ [r_ tb_cr `iffiw_rs!
I [g hit... I ^c^ hit g_[h `ir yiu ti b_[r ct fce_ tb[t! I am just saying that your God is not a puppeteer, for you can disobey him using the
jiw_r i` tbiuabt!
Dcsi\_y?!... Su]b \f[sjb_gy... Our Gi^ wcff hit tif_r[t_ su]b wir^s! Yiu [r_ ti ^c_!
Ti ^c_?... Ah^ biw wcff tb[t _x[]tfy b[jj_h?
He thought for a second.
Tb_ wifv_s. Tb_y \rcha `irtb tb_ Gi^s g_ss[aes.
Tb_ wifv_s t[e_ wbi_v_rs fc`_ they wcsb, wb_tb_r tb_y [r_ \f[sjb_g_rs ir `iffiw_rs.
Tb_ wch^s wcff \fiw yiur `r[cf \i^y [w[y.
Tb_h I sb[ff hit t[e_ gy \i^y chti tb_ r[acha wch^. I` I ][h s__ tb_ ^[ha_r, I wcff [vic^ ct. I` I ][hhit s__ ct, I wcff tbche i` ct [h^ s__ ct.
Until then, the elder had sat down and Diegis looked down on him. But now the man also rose on his two legs and said:
Tb_s_ tbchas yiu [r_ jr_s_htcha ti g_ [s Gi^s r[a_, tb_y [r_ Gi^s ]r_[tcih. Wby wiuf^ yiur Gi^ stcr cts ]r_[tion one against the other?
Why would he have created something if he wanted to destroy it after?
The warrior was puzzled.
B_][us_ b_ h__^s ti \_ _ht_rt[ch_^. b_ r_jfc_^.
The elder shook his head. His smile faded.
Tb_h yiur Gi^ cs hi \_tt_r tb[h [hy i` us.
The old man looked him straight in the eye, at the same level. Even though he seemed fired up, his eyes were still shining peacefully.
I` yiu wanted to live more than three days, what makes you think it would not happen? Why would your God want to _h^ yiur fc`_?
H_ h__^s... j_ijf_ ti jrit_]t wb[t b_ b[s ]r_[t_^.
H_ ][hhit ^i ct bcgs_f`? Tb_h b_ cs hi Gi^.
H_ wcsb_s `ir gy ^_[tb.
Ev_h si, I s[v_^ yiu. I fought bcs wcff. Ah^ b_ ^c^ht stij g_ from doing so.
Dc_acs gch^ was numbed and his head seemed terribly heavy. There was both rage and sadness in him. His God was flawed.. Were all their
rituals and attempts of pleasing Zalmoxes pointless? If he cares not of entertainment... What do all the sacrifices in his name mean? And
more importantly, did that mean there was no after life? Had his final journey been nothing but a waste...?
Feeling his arousing suffering, the elder put one b[h^ ih tb_ w[rrcirs sbiuf^_r. H_ b[^ [ tcabt arcj \ut bcs fiie w[s as meek as that of a
Gi^ cs striha, sih. But H_ wiuf^ h_v_r sbiw Hcs str_hatb ti Hcs ]bcf^r_h. W_ wiuf^ \_ `rcabt_h_^.
Dc_acs fiie_^ ch tb_ ariuh^.
Tb_ Gi^s yiur j_ijf_ b[v_ ]r_[t_^ [r_ `[r tii `f[w_^. Ah^ y_t, yiu a[z_ ujih tb_g [s tb_ sey cts_f`. Yiur Gi^s [r_ tii humane. Because
tb[t cs [ff yiu ehiw. Ah^ Gi^ cs _v_rytbcha [h^ _v_rywb_r_. C[h yiu cg[ach_?
I ][hhit?

You cannot. Because He is all that is Seen and Unseen. Because He is endless. He is Birth and Death. But most importantly, He is the
Father of mankind. And he loves us.
Yiu s__...
The old man walked towards the raging storm. He placed a hand upon the cold stone.
Ev_h tbiuab tb_ wch^ cs r[\c^ [h^ tb_ sey r_f_htf_ss, tb_ stih_ stands. It stands defiantly in front of the wind. It would not move would the
sey `[ff ujih ct. Fir tbcs, ct ^i_s hit ]rug\f_. But ct ][hhit ]b[ha_ _ctb_r. B_][us_ tb_ stih_ cs jriu^.
He stretched his hand out in the storm.
Tb_ tr__s, tb_y [r_ gu]b fce_ tb_ stih_. But tb_y b[v_ fc`_. Tb_y ][h ]b[ha_. But tb_y [r_ [fsi \_ht \y the winds and can be even taken
And he turned back towards the warrior and smiled widely.
Ah^ w_, [s bug[hs, [r_ hit ch^_stru]tc\f_, [r_ hit uh^ycha, \ut w_ ][h `cabt \[]e. Tbcs cs tb_ jiw_r iur ech b[s. To survive. The stone is
not cared for, nor are the trees, for they are all the same and are succumbed by their own nature. But we can be what we wish to be, as long
as the wish is strong enough. And I will prove you, for our minds need to touch something before they understand it.
Saying these, he set out into the storm and vanished, covered by a thick curtain of snow.
Dc_acs `_ff ^__j ch tbiuabt. H_ st[r_^ \f[h^fy [t tb_ ][v_s _htr[h]_, hit ehiwcha wb[t ti \_fc_v_. H_ `_ft _gjty [h^ [fih_. H_ ^c^ht ehiw
how long he stood there, gazing at the veil of the Gods... Maybe Zalmoxes decided to take the man after all. After a while, the storm
dampened. But there was no trace of the mysterious man. He waited until dawn, picked up his items and headed out, willing to continue his
journey. His heart felt empty and so was his body. His mind was racing in the cold of his thoughts, his eyes were wide open searching for
signs of divinity. He walked without rest for hours. And he felt nothing but emptiness and cold. And the cold was buried deep in his heart.
He he did not even notice the glade he had walked in until he kicked a blade out of the snow with his foot. It startled him. He immediately
recognized the crest on the handle.
I [g Hig_!!
He looked around, with his heart pounding, for the remains of his forefathers. He searched bare-handedly under the iced snow but found
ihfy w_[jihry. Fiur \f[^_s wctb `iur ^c``_r_ht v_rscihs i` tb_ s[g_ ]r_st. Ah X wctb ^c``_r_ht irc_ht[tcihs [h^ ^_]ir[tcihs.
Wb_r_ [r_ tb_cr \i^c_s? W_r_ tb_y t[e_h \y tb_ Gi^s? Ob, gy fathers, what honor has been bestowed upon you!
Tb_y w_r_ _[t_h, gy sih.
The old man was sitting under a tree, gazing calmly upon the warrior. He was unharmed. Diegis glared at him angrily.
Hiw ^i yiu ehiw, oh almighty one? b_ sj[t.
I `iuh^ tb_ \ih_s s][tt_r_^ [riuh^ [ ][v_. I trc_^ ti \ury tb_ r_g[chs... M[y Gi^ \f_ss tb_g.
Hiw ^[r_ yiu ^_s_]r[t_ tb_ \ih_s i` gy [h]_stirs?
It w[s hit I, tb_ wifv_s b[^ [fr_[^y ^_]c^_^ tb_cr `[t_. But ct cs wb[t tb_y wcsb_^ `ir. Otb_rwcs_ tb_y wiuf^ hit b[v_ ]ig_ b_r_.
The old man walked towards the maddened fighter. He was gripping his sword with such force that his hand turned red. But when they
fiie_^ [t _[]b itb_r, tb_ if^ g[hs jiw_r`uf a[z_ chtcgc^[t_^ bcg.
Drij tb_ w_[jih, [h^ fcst_h ti r_[sih.
Again involuntarily, he let the sword slip out of his hand. Tb_ ech^f_ `rig tb_ g[hs b_[rt w[s v_ry striha
Sih, tb_ g[h \_a[h wctb [ si`t, y_t ]ihvch]cha tih_ yiur _h^ cs hiwb_r_ h_[r b_r_. It cs hit yiur `[t_ ti b[v_ yiur `f_sb devoured by the
vile incarnations of your Gods. Follow the path of Righteousness and listen to me, the true God loves you and His love is sincere and
infinite. And He has only one wish for His children: live on and live well so you can enjoy the afterlife and leave this world without regret.
The Dacian gazed numbly at the figure who was slowly departing, his voice was still resonating in his head. God loves his people.
God loves him.
God will protect him.
And he will be happy once more.
Of^ g[h, b_ sbiut_^ wb[t cs yiur h[g_?
The man turned around and serenely smiled:

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