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The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real
(historical) and fictitious. Historically the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era
secret society founded on May 1, 1776. In more modern contexts the name refers to a purported
conspiratorial organization which is alleged to mastermind events and control world affairs through
governments and corporations to establish a New World Order. In this context the Illuminati are usually
represented as a modern version or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati.

The movement was founded on May 1, 1776, in Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria) as the Order of the
Illuminati, with an initial membership of five,[1] by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt (d. 1830),[2]
who was the first lay professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt.[3] It was made up of
freethinkers as an offshoot of the Enlightenment and seems to have been modeled on the
Freemasons.[4] The Illuminati's members took a vow of secrecy and pledged obedience to their
superiors. Members were divided into three main classes, each with several degrees, and many
Illuminati chapters drew membership from existing Masonic lodges.
Originally Weishaupt had planned the order to be named the "Perfectibilists".[1] The group has
also been called the Bavarian Illuminati and its ideology has been called "Illuminism". Many
influential intellectuals and progressive politicians counted themselves as members, including
Ferdinand of Brunswick and the diplomat Xavier von Zwack, the second-in-command of the
order.[5] The order had branches in most European countries: it reportedly had around 2,000
members over the span of ten years.[3] It attracted literary men such as Johann Wolfgang von
Goethe and Johann Gottfried Herder and the reigning dukes of Gotha and Weimar.
In 1777 Karl Theodor became ruler of Bavaria. He was a proponent of Enlightened Despotism
and his government banned all secret societies including the Illuminati. Internal rupture and
panic over succession preceded its downfall, which was affected by the Secular Edict made by
the Bavarian government.[3] The March 2, 1785 edict "seems to have been deathblow to the
Illuminati in Bavaria." Weishaupt had fled and documents and internal correspondences, seized
in 1786 and 1787, were subsequently published by the government in 1787.[6] Von Zwack's
home was searched to disclose much of the group's literature.[5]
Another reorganisation took place in 1780 after the Lower Saxon noble Adolph Freiherr Knigge
joined the Illuminati. In 1782 he gave a structure similar to the Freemason lodges to the order
that had until that point, as Weishaupt himself conceded, not actually existed anywhere but in
Weishaupt's head. Leadership of the order was given to a so-called Areopagus that consisted of
Weishaupt, Knigge and others.[citation needed]
This new organisation allowed the Illuminati to recruit numerous Freemasons and infiltrate entire
lodges against the backdrop of a crisis that the higher grades of the German Freemasonry were
going through after the collapse of the Order of Strict Observance in 1776.[citation needed] This
relatively apolitical and romanticising movement claimed succession from the Knights Templars
and had enabled Karl Gotthelf von Hund to get the German lodges under his leadership. For
years he had been claiming to be in contact with "Unknown Superiors" who had let him in on the
deepest secret of Freemasonry. However, after no such "Secret Superiors" contacted the lodges

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after Hund's death in 1776, the lodge members were perplexed. At the great Freemasons'
Convent of the Strict Observance, that was held in Wilhelmsbad from July 16 to September 1,
1782, Knigge and Franz Dietrich von Ditfurth, the second Illuminati representative and a most
radical proponent of the Enlightenment, could claim the opinion leadership for their order. The
templar system was given up and the Order of the Golden and Rosy Cross, itself trying to
succeed the Order of Strict Observance, remained in the minority. The two Illuminati even
succeeded in winning over Johann Christoph Bode, one of the leading representatives of the
Strict Observance.[citation needed]
As a result, the disagreement between Weishaupt and Knigge intensified so much that it
threatened to break the Order apart. Therefore an arbitral tribunal called a Congress was
convened in Weimar in February 1784. It came as a surprise for Knigge that the "Congress", in
which among others Goethe, Johann Gottfried Herder and Duke Ernst of Saxe-Gotha
participated, judged that a completely new Areopagus should be created. Both heads of the Order
were supposed to resign from their positions of power. This seemed to be an acceptable
compromise. It meant an obvious defeat for Knigge, as the founder of the order would probably
still have the same influence even without the formal chairmanship of the Aeropagus. Silence
and the return of all papers was agreed upon and Knigge left the Illuminati on the first of July
1784. From this point on he turned away from the "fashionable foolishness" of trying to improve
the world with secret societies. Weishaupt for his part handed over the leadership of the Order to
Johann Martin Count of Stolberg-Rola.[citation needed]
While members of societies were quarrelling amongst themselves, secret societies had attracted
the attention of the Bavarian authorities. They deemed the objectives of progressive-minded
secret societies suspicious because they concentrated on changing the traditional order and on
establishing a "rational state" by infiltrating public offices. On June 22, 1784, the Bavarian
electoral Prince Charles Theodore consequently prohibited any "communities, societies and
associations", which had been founded without his approval as a sovereign ruler. With the
insistence of Father Frank, the chancellor Baron of Krettmayr, the Rosicrucian Baron of Trring
and other people at court, another edict was released on March 2, 1785, which explicitely
mentioned the names Illuminati and Freemason. It banned them for reason of treason and heresy.
During house searches various documents of the order that showed further circumstantial
evidence for their radical objectives were confiscated. Documents which were found with a
deceased courier gave away information about names of several members. In two letters to the
bishop of Freising, sent within the same year (June 18 and November 12), Pope Pius VI declared
membership of the order to be incompatible with the Catholic faith.[citation needed]

The most valuable secret of the Illuminati was their own moral system of authority, which was
already practiced inside the order, but was now supposed to be applied on the outside world. The
deceit and patronizing of the lower-positioned members soon provoked disagreements within the
order. This was caused by Weishaupt's aim to perfect the individual by encouraging it to practice
more self-discipline and covert leadership. He assumed that for the improvement of the
individual the first necessary step was to know its secrets. Probably, he adopted this concept
from his arch-enemy, the Jesuits, which were known for their slavish obedience and their gentle

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but still effective leadership by means of confession. Actually, according to Illuminati-expert

Agethen, the order stayed in a dialectic entanglement with its opponents: they used Jesuit
methods of investigating the conscience in order to emancipate the individual from the
intellectual and spiritual domination of the church; they also used a ranking system and mystical
fuss, similar to the enthusiastic irrationality of the Rosicrucians, to further the success of
Enlightenment and rationality. They subjected their members to an utterly totalitarian monitoring
and psychological techniques in order to ultimately free mankind of the despotism of princes and

This temporary success cannot hide the fact that the Illuminati order mainly consisted of quite
subordinate academics who maybe joined the order especially in the hope of more career
opportunities. Indeed their hope correlated with Weishaupts concept of infiltration. Of course
new members were ignorant about those intentions. The order hardly achieved its actual aim,
namely to form the intellectual and political elite of society. Apart from the mentioned
exceptions (Goethe, Herder, Knigge), all the really important representatives of the German
"Sptaufklrung" either completely absented themselves from the order (as Schiller, Kant,
Lessing, but also Lavater whom Knigge unsuccessfully tried to convince of joining for a long
time) or shortly afterwards quit, just as Friedrich Nicolai did, out of disappointment about the
rigid structures within the order. Bookworm Weishaupt and his companions, utopists in a good
and a ridiculous way were never considered a real threat for the state of Bavaria but the
challenge for the old regimes was of course still too strong, even in this moderate form.

Barruel and Robison

Between 1797 and 1798 Augustin Barruel's Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism and
John Robison's Proofs of a Conspiracy both publicized the theory that the Illuminati had
survived and represented an ongoing international conspiracy, including the claim that it was
behind the French Revolution. Both books proved to be very popular, spurring reprints and
paraphrases by others[7] (a prime example is Proofs of the Real Existence, and Dangerous
Tendency, Of Illuminism by Reverend Seth Payson, published in 1802).[8] Some response was
critical, such as Jean-Joseph Mounier's On the Influence Attributed to Philosophers, FreeMasons, and to the Illuminati on the Revolution of France.[citation needed]
Robison and Barruel's works made their way to the United States. Across New England,
Reverend Jedidiah Morse and others sermonized against the Illuminati, their sermons were
printed, and the matter followed in newspapers. The concern died down in the first decade of the
1800s, though had some revival during the Anti-Masonic movement of the 1820s and 30s.[1]

Modern conspiracy theory

Main articles: Conspiracy theory and New World Order (conspiracy theory)

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Writers such as Mark Dice,[9] David Icke, Texe Marrs, Ryan Burke, Jri Lina and Morgan Gricar
have argued that the Bavarian Illuminati survived, possibly to this day. Many of these theories
propose that world events are being controlled and manipulated by a secret society calling itself
the Illuminati.[10][11] Conspiracy theorists have claimed that many notable people were or are
members of the Illuminati. Presidents of the United States are a common target for such
A key figure in the conspiracy theory movement, Myron Fagan, devoted his latter years to
finding evidence that a variety of historical events from Waterloo, The French Revolution,
President John F. Kennedy's assassination and an alleged communist plot to hasten the New
World Order by infiltrating the Hollywood film industry, were all orchestrated by the

Modern Illuminati
In addition to the supposed shadowy and secret organization, several modern fraternal groups
claim to be the "heirs" of the Bavarian Illuminati and have openly used the name "Illuminati" in
founding their own rites. Some, such as the multiple groups that call themselves by some
variation on "The Illuminati Order",[16][17] use the name directly in the name of their
organization, while others, such as the Ordo Templi Orientis, use the name as a grade of
initiation within their organization.

Popular culture
Main article: Illuminati in popular culture

The Illuminati are often illustrated in famous novels, such as the Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert
Shea and Robert Anton Wilson; in Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco; or Angels and
Demons by Dan Brown. These authors do not rely on serious sources that provide historic
information about the order, but rather on conspiracy theories which are in circulation about it.
Thus the Illuminati are described as evil villains and mysterious, diabolic conspirators or they are
portrayed as enlightened humans seeking to protect the world from evil. However this
speculative information about the Illuminati is often mistaken as the truth. Neither Galileo
Galilei (1564-1642) nor Bernini (1598-1680) was a member of the Illuminati, as depicted in
Brown's novel, and neither followed the thousand-year old tradition of Celtic druids, assassins
and Templers, who had the intention to find the "umbilicus telluris" (from Latin, meaning "navel
of the world").[citation needed]


^ a b c Stauffer, Vernon (1918). New England and the Bavarian Illuminati. NY: Columbia University Press.
pp. 133134. OCLC 2342764. Retrieved 27 January

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^ Stauffer, p. 129.
^ a b c McKeown, Trevor W. (16 February 2009). "A Bavarian Illuminati Primer". Grand Lodge of British
Columbia and Yukon A.F. & A.M.. Archived from the original on 27 January 2011. Retrieved 27 January 2011.
^ Goeringer, Conrad (2008). "The Enlightenment, Freemasonry, and The Illuminati". American Atheists.
Archived from the original on 27 January 2011. Retrieved 27
January 2011.
^ a b Introvigne, Massimo (2005). "Angels & Demons from the Book to the Movie FAQ - Do the Illuminati
Really Exist?". Center for Studies on New Religions. Archived from the original on 27 January 2011. Retrieved 27 January 2011.
^ Roberts, J.M. (1974). The Mythology of Secret Societies. NY: Charles Scribner's Sons. pp. 128129.
ISBN 9780684129044.
^ Simpson, David (1993). Romanticism, Nationalism, and the Revolt Against Theory. University of
Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-75945-8.88.
^ Payson, Seth (1802). Proofs of the Real Existence, and Dangerous Tendency, Of Illuminism.
Charlestown: Samuel Etheridge. Retrieved 27
January 2011.
^ Sykes, Leslie (17 May 2009). "Angels & Demons Causing Serious Controversy". KFSN-TV/ABC News.
Archived from the original on 27 January 2011. Retrieved 27
January 2011.
^ Barkun, Michael (2003). A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America.
Comparative Studies in Religion and Society. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. ISBN 9780520238053.
^ Penre, Wes (26 September 2009). "The Secret Order of the Illuminati (A Brief History of the Shadow
Government)". Illuminati News. Archived from the original on 28 January 2011. Retrieved 28 January 2011.
^ Howard, Robert (28 September 2001). "United States Presidents and The Illuminati / Masonic Power
Structure". Hard Truth/Wake Up America. Archived from the original on 28 January 2011. Retrieved 28 January 2011.
^ "The Barack Obama Illuminati Connection". The Best of Rush Limbaugh Featured Sites. 1 August 2009.
Archived from the original on 28 January 2011. Retrieved 28
January 2011.
^ Mark Dice, The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction, 2009. ISBN 0967346657
^ Myron Fagan, The Council on Foreign Relations,. Council On Foreign Relations By Myron Fagan
^ "The Illuminati Order Homepage". Retrieved 2011-0806.
^ "Official website of The Illuminati Order". Retrieved 2011-08-06.

Other Reading

Engel, Leopold (1906) (in German). Geschichte des Illuminaten-ordens. Berlin: Hugo
Bermhler verlag. OCLC 560422365.
Gordon, Alexander (1911). "Illuminati". In Hugh Chisholm. Encyclopdia Britannica.
14 (11 ed.). NY: Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc.. Retrieved 2011-01-27.
Le Forestier, Ren (1914) (in French). Les Illumins de Bavire et la franc-maonnerie
allemande. Paris: Librairie Hachette et Cie. OCLC 493941226.
Markner, Reinhold; Neugebauer-Wlk, Monika; Schttler, Hermann, eds. (2005) (in
German). Die Korrespondenz des Illuminatenordens. Bd. 1, 177681. Tbingen: Max
Niemeyer. ISBN 3-484-10881-9.

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Melanson, Terry (2009). Perfectibilists: The 18th Century Bavarian Order of the
Illuminati. Walterville, Oregon: Trine Day. OCLC 182733051.
Mounier, Jean-Joseph (1801). On the Influence Attributed to Philosophers, Free-Masons,
and to the Illuminati on the Revolution of France. Trans. J. Walker. London: W. and C.
Spilsbury. Retrieved 27 January
Robison, John (1798). Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments
of Europe, Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati, and Reading
Societies (3 ed.). London: T. Cadell, Jr. and W. Davies. Retrieved 27 January 2011.
Utt, Walter C. (1979). "Illuminating the Illuminati". Liberty (Washington, D. C.: Review
and Herald Publishing Association) 74 (3, MayJune): 1619, 2628.
Retrieved June 24, 2011.
Burns, James; Utt, Walter C. (1980). "Further Illumination: Burns Challenges Utt and Utt
Responds". Liberty (Washington, D. C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association) 75
(2, MarchApril): 2123. Retrieved June 25, 2011.
Coleman, John (1997). Committee of 300.pdf. London: Global Insights Publications, 4th
edition. pp. 1518.
updated 8-18-04


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"Drawing by Kesara as described by Pamela Stonebrooke"
King Leo: A Message - (This is one of the good types)
Other Types
The Reptilian Aliens which are called Reptoids are proportional in size to modern
humans. They have a snake like or lizard appearance. These are highly advanced entities
but viewed as being of a negative, hostile or dangerous disposition since they regard
humans as a totally inferior race. They would perceive us much the way we would perceive
a herd of cattle. The information about these creatures varies from source to source.
Supposedly they consider Earth their ancient outpost and want to have complete control
over it because their planet is becoming unable to adequately support life.
The so-called "Reptilians", or "Reptoids", is noted that there is no implication in these
descriptors other than of intelligent, communicative persons. What distinguishes these
"Reptilian" extraterrestrials is their skin, which has small, fine scales, rather than smooth,
their face, which has larger-than- human yellowish-green eyes with a "starburst"-shaped
pupil, the eyes often oval, and an almost snout-like blunt process in the area of the nose and
mouth, giving this type an almost dragon-like humanoid appearance.

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Another group of extraterrestrials for convenience, I call the "Jawas", after their
resemblance to the creatures in the film, Star Wars. This group is distinguished by their
clothing. They wear hoods and robes, are generally short (three to four-and-a-half feet tall),
and their faces are concealed by the shadows thrown by their hoods. Sometimes there is a
much taller hooded and robed one on board the UFO, who often stands to the
Experiencer's left as s/he lies on the ET medical examining table.
This Tall One appears to direct the procedures, and often is the one who telepathically
communicates with the Experiencer. A few Experiencers have noted glowing eyes under
the "Jawas'" hoods.
Other Experiencers have reported that when they got a glimpse of the Being whose face
was shadowed by the hood, it was a type of "Gray". Still others saw neither glowing eyes
nor "Grays" under the hoods, but rather never could distinguish the features in the
shadows of the hoods. There are often mixed- race crews on the UFO's. In such cases there
could be "Jawas" or "Praying Mantis" types or "Reptoids" or "Grays", joining in a
coordinated effort in carrying out scientific or medical tasks.
A few Experiencers have noted robot-like figures, whose movements and "vibes" (or rather
lack thereof) strongly suggest that these are robots sent remotely by the extraterrestrials to
observe, reconnoiter, and possibly retrieve objects. The robot-like figures appear to be
relegated to the more impersonal tasks of information - gathering and stealthy surveillance,
without the risk to the extraterrestrials that they would otherwise run of possibly
encountering hostile human responses.
Upon closer looking, the experiencer was able to see the actual nonhuman face of the
extraterrestrial behind the mentally-imposed "human" mask. Extraterrestrials are capable
of producing 'screen memories' and what the abductee sees is not necessarily what is the
true version of what has been seen.
Few races today have actually remained as pure genetic stock, with the exception of two
races that the Andromedans say are really genetically clean. That is the Reptilians from
Alpha Draconis, and the other is what we call, or know as the Elohim, which are a very
ancient race of humans that survived Lyra. All other races are a varied degree of hybrid or
mixture of races of different genetic stock.
DRACO MOTHMEN In the constellation of Draco, there is another race of entities which
has in the past visited Earth. They are 8-foot-tall. dark, nocturnal aliens who appeared
around graveyards and parks. They have red eyes that glow in the dark and wings to fly.
They are referred to by us as Mothmen. They are also the source of legends of the past
relating to gargoyles and Valkeries. Even some qualities of vampires have been taken from
the qualities of this creature -- the ability to fly and nocturnal habits. The Mothmen have
no particular influence on earth at this time other than as causing panic and a cause for
curiosity. They are mostly hidden underground and do not wish to attract attention


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The Vedas divide the beings of the Universe into 3 basic classifications:
The Buttahs:
Being that dwells in spiritual darkness. The person may be intellectually developed. The
Buttah are normally associated with nightmares, abductions and the taking of small
children. They usually come around at night. The Grey aliens who do abductions falls into
this category. The Reptilians are also part of this group. They are usually not very
physically attractive. Apparently long ago there was a visitation long ago by Buttahs called
Wacshashas who were negative, powerful, aggressive beings.
The most common encounter between Humans and Aliens appears to be with the beings
called Greys. They are said to be about four feet tall and get their name from the color of
their skin. They look insectoid in nature with large heads and large black eyes. They have
limited facial features including a dot of a nose with a slit type mouth. They have no visible
reproductive organs. It is reported that they are subservient to the Reptilians and appear
to be a worker-technician class. Some people relate that they are cruel, others state that
they appear benevolent
In addition, they are supposedly here to ready us for our next step. The problem is that
what the next step is, varies from one source to another. Some say that they are here to
infuse new life in their dying species through genetic manipulation with human DNA.
Others say that they are here as a scouting type party for a full scale invasion from the
Reptilians. Another opinion is that they are here to help humans move to the next step of
our evolutionary process.
According to the Andromedans, the Greys are training us to fight their war against the
Draconians (One of their masters) when they get here, because they are going to use us as
their soldiers. Just like when our military sends in the infantry and marines, those
implanted will be the first ones on the beach. While the Greys sitting back on board their
ships, and wondering how the battle is going. they have chosen our world to be the battle
At the same time they are still going about preparing the earth for its new owners.
Apparently, the Greys are going to make this attempt, but the inevitable truth is that the
Reptilians from Alpha Draconis are on their way here now. And this has very serious
implications for us. We have boxed ourselves into a corner and the only way we can change
the outcome is that we have to consciously become aware of what our world is really about,
what's really going on here.

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According to Britain's highly respected UFO abduction researcher and retired police
officer, Anthony Dodd, reports of Grays comprise about 75-80% of alleged encounters
while Nordics, Reptilians and Praying Mantis types round out the other 20-25%
The renegade military-intelligence units deliberately intimidate, physically abuse, and even
gang-rape the civilians they kidnap. The extraterrestrials do not. (Although the
psychological warfare division of the rengegade military-intelligence units, and their dupes
who swallow their progaganda, put out lurid false stories in UFO magazines, books and
internet newsgrpuos about "raping reptilians" and other sci-fi comic book fantasies.)

NEW YORK CITY - may prove that giant cavities exist in granite at depths of more than
11 miles, conclusions which have also been supported by Louis V. King, a mathematician
who calculated that, at normal temperatures, a cavity would exist at a depth of between
17.2 and 20.9 miles. R. L. Blain-Sanders, in an article titled 'TUNNELS AND CAVERNS
BENEATH NEW YORK CITY,' which appeared in the Fall, 1981 issue of
SHAVERTRON, described the author's knowledge of a large triangular system of tunnels
utilized by a 'Masonic lodge', deep below the surface of New York City. There is in fact
evidence that Dorr did dynamite shut the lower level of 'Kin Sabe' cave in Kokoweef Peak,
and there are present-day attempts to break through into this underground system.
ASIA - AGHARIANS - (or Aghartians) -A group of Asiatic or Nordic humans who, sources
claim, discovered a vast system of caverns below the region of the Gobi desert and
surrounding areas thousands of years ago, and have since established a thriving kingdom
within, one which has been interacting with other-planetary systems up until current times.
Vast cavern systems below Tibet allegedly link the Agharti systems of central Asia to
"Snakeworld", a multileveled cavern system under the southwestern slopes of the
Himalayas where the "Nagas" dwell, according to Hindu legend. Here a serpent cult of
human and reptilian collaborators dwells, one which is said to have had contact with the
Nazi Thule society during World War II. Long ago an Asian prince is said to have led
several militant followers -- warrior monks -- into the caves and came in conflict with this
serpent cult. Following the conflict the reptilians and collaborating forces were driven out,
however in recent centuries they have regained some ground (Evadamic).
Between now and 2007 AD, our planet will have a 70 degree pole shift. Saudia Arabia will
become the new North Pole. In the next 10 years, these are the changes we'll be witness to:
1. We will all become telepathic.

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2. The Andromedan Council has ordered all extraterrestrial presences on the planet, in the
planet, and on the moon to be completely out of our space. They want everything that's ET,
benevolent or not, off the planet. This will be very interesting since there are over 1,833
reptilians living in our planet and over 18,000 grays living underground and on the moon.
The council would like to see how we will live with each other when we are not being
manipulated by ETs, as we have been for the last 5,723 years.


Cover of Pamela Stonebrooke's Music Cassette

Pamela Stonebrooke, aka the Intergalactic Diva, a professional singer in the Los Angeles
area, is writing the story of her alien encounters.
According to a report in The New York Post, three major publishers bid for the book, to be
entitled "Experiencer: A Jazz Singer's True Account of Extraterrestrial Contact." In the
book, Pamela will explore her contact experiences in light of their transformative aspects,
describe sexual relations with a Reptilian alien, and detail her experiences with the various
aliens she has encountered. Pamela Stonebrooke's cassette tape "Experiencer" includes
songs about her contact experiences.
Pamela is compiling an extensive database on Reptilian experiencers and anyone who
might wish to contact me with their accounts can do so by emailing her at:
or they can mail hard copies to my P.O. Box

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SIGHTINGS LA Jazz Singer's Book Deal To Reveal Her Sex Life With Aliens

Want to Be an Experiencer?
I'm writing this in response to the news item that appeared in a recent issue of The New
York Post about my forthcoming book, Experiencer: A Jazz Singer's True Account of
Extraterrestrial Contact.
Since the article unfortunately conveyed the impression that the book would be
sensationalistic, it seems appropriate that I share some thoughts with you, and set the
record straight about the book I am writing. I know that The New York Post piece
seriously misrepresented the true nature of the book.
The book is multi-faceted, and treats the abduction phenomenon, in all of its complexity,
with the sensitivity, respect and seriousness it deserves, presenting not only my own
experiences, but those of other experiencers as well. I'll be examining and exploring my
contact experiences in light of their transformative aspects, recognizing that the
phenomenon is, and can be, an incredible catalyst for expanded self-awareness. Interaction
with extraterrestrial intelligence has many aspects, of course, but the transformational
aspect is fundamental to me.
The book will tell about my reptilian encounters, a subject that very few women are
prepared to go public with or speak openly about. I praise the courage of the few that
already have - and endured public ridicule as a result. Reptilians are not a politically
correct species in the UFO community, and to admit to having sex with one - much less
enjoying it - is beyond the pale as far as the more conservative members of that community
are concerned. But I know from my extensive reading and research, and from talking
personally to dozens of other women (and men) that I am not unique in reporting this kind
of experience. I am the first to admit that this is a vastly complex subject, a kind of hall of
mirrors, where dimensional realities are constantly shifting and changing. Certainly, the
reptilians use sex to control people in various ways. They have the ability to shape-shift and
to control the mind of the experiencer, as well as to give tremendous pleasure through their
mental powers. I have wrestled with all of these implications and the various levels of
meaning and possibilities represented by my encounter experiences. I will say, however, as
I have said before, that I feel a deep respect for the reptilian entity with whom I interacted,
and a profound connection with this being.
In a past life regression I did recently, I went to a very remote period in earth's history
(perhaps hundreds of thousands of years ago), and saw myself as one of a brotherhood of
reptilian warriors facing a catastrophic event in which we perished together (it was
possibly nuclear in nature, since I saw a red cloud and felt tremendous heat). I believe that
on one level, I may be meeting these entities again, perhaps fellow warriors from the past
warning us of an impending, self-inflicted doom - or perhaps they are different aspects of

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myself. I don't really know; I'm just trying to unravel this puzzle like everyone else.
Following my initial Art Bell interview, I received hundreds of letters and e-mails, many
from people describing similar encounters to mine. I know that there are people out there
who are suffering in isolation and silence, thinking they are going crazy. I have been able to
give some of these people strength and courage, so that they can move through their fear
and come out the other side, empowered and still able to celebrate life as the incredible
adventure that it truly is. I know that when I was processing my Grey experiences, if it had
not been for people like John Mack, Budd Hopkins, Kim Carlsberg, Whitley Strieber, John
Carpenter, and other researchers and experiencers who have been courageous enough to
come forward, putting their lives and reputations on the line, I would have stayed in fear a
lot longer, cowering in a corner, my self-esteem and identity shattered. Thanks to them and
to the wonderful members of my support group, I am still standing, intact and whole.
I believe that the alien abduction experience is profoundly linked to the momentous shift in
consciousness that is occurring as we enter the new millennium. We are witnesses to and
participants in the most fantastic era in human history. And contrary to the mood of
pessimism from some individuals regarding the way mainstream media treats the UFO
phenomenon, and the trepidation that is felt regarding its ultimate impact on the human
race, I am unashamedly a "Positive." Everywhere I turn, I find much greater public
acceptance of the alien abduction/UFO phenomenon, and active curiosity from enormous
numbers of people. I am also encouraged by the fact that many more experiencers are
coming forward, no longer hiding behind the cloak of anonymity. I believe that within ten
years the reality of alien abduction will be accepted as a fact by the majority of people on
this planet, and ridicule of the subject by the media or anyone else will be regarded as naive
and irresponsible.
I think the problem that exists between UFOlogy and the media stems from the fact that
the UFO community has been so sadly wounded in the past fifty years by rejection and
ridicule that it has been somewhat demoralized as a movement. It has been a long, uphill
battle, with many martyrs shedding their blood along the way, but I believe that we are
winning the battle for public acceptance and are closer than ever before to solving the
mystery of the alien presence itself. I am looking forward to appearing on major TV talkshows, and to bringing the message directly to the public about this phenomenon. This is a
subject that must - and will - be taken seriously, even, eventually, by the likes of Leno and
Letterman. I was amazed, I might add, by the number of editors in the New York
publishing community who are "believers," and I predict that within the next few years,
UFO and abduction books will routinely top the bestseller lists as the public hungers to
learn more about what our encounters mean, and their implications for the human race.
If my book is successful, everyone in the UFO community will benefit. The floodgates are
about to open, and when they do, all experiencers, UFO investigators, writers and
researchers will find wider acceptance for their work. The days and years ahead are going
to be full of challenges and opportunities, but we need to change ourselves in order to
change the world. We need to work together harmoniously with mutual understanding and

[Type text]

I want to thank everyone who is willing to cut me some slack with regard to the article in
The New York Post. I'm sure it won't be the last test of my strength or your discernment.
Please keep those stones in hand until you read my book. I am confident that if and when
you do, you will be able to recommend it to experiencers and non-experiencers alike.
I would also like to thank everyone in the UFO community who has assisted me on my
journey to awareness these past five years.
Pamela Stonebrooke

EXPERIENCER Transmissions (songs)

Side A

Side B

Heart of the Grey Matter

Better World
Blue Seduction

This Train
Paradise Lost
Big Night
Out On The Street
Sex Under Glass
The Dark

e-mail questions to:

Cassettes and videos are available

The Art Bell shows:
12/96 3 Hr. audio
2/98 2 1/2 Hr. audio
UFO Congress lecture, (audio or video) Laughlin, NV (2/99)
UFO Congress lecture (audio only) Mesquite (8/99)
Global Sciences lecture (audio or video) in Daytona, FL (2/99)
Send $20.00 check or money order for each item

[Type text]

which includes shipping and handling

Music Cassettes or CDs are $15.00 each
including shipping and handling
Add $3.00 for International

Pamela Stonebrooke
Higher Self Records
P.O. Box 1552
Hollywood, CA 90078-1552

Subj: A rant - in response to attacks from articles written about my accounts - accusing me
of teaching people to get out of their bodies just to have sex with Reptilians...sigh
Date: 08/29/1999 12:02:45 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Pamela Stonebrooke
Here's the rant...feel free to edit if you see anything that doesn't apply...
Great talking with you.
Let me just say that one of the most frustrating things about coming forward with this
information is the constant third-hand misinterpretation from a misquoted, misrepresented
article...picked up and rehashed and sensationalized for yet another nauseam.
Add to that, the judgmental belief systems that this misquoted information is filtered
through...and then paraphrased...and added to...and then further distorted and again
disseminated. I could spend every waking moment attempting to clarify something for
which most people have no frame of reference.

[Type text]

For this reason, I am concentrating on finishing my book. There is no possible way to
address the constant misunderstandings and judgments in an e mail, but I will take a
moment for those who wish to take a paranormal stretch.'s a piece/peace of my
mind...from the Diva's own mouth.
I would simply like to share that astral projection is one of the most powerful tools for the
exploration of consciousness that I have found to date, and believe me, I have walked down
many paths in the quest for my spirit.
I do not teach people to get out of their bodies to have sex with Reptilians. I have been
astral projecting for nearly two decades, and for over a year now I have been able to
consciously control and direct my experiences to unravel and confront "many" life issues.
We have access to those interdimensional realms and they are within our reach to explore.
I believe it is the cutting edge of experiential consciousness exploration.
I have met loved ones who have transitioned, gone to past lives, and what I perceive to be
future lives. I have seen other entities that I cannot/will not even begin to label, much less,
discuss on the internet. These experiences are sacred to me and I'm learning not to offer
them up to an onslaught of viciousness and ridicule. I will, however, tell you that in the
astral state, I have had healings, and have floated in a sea of knowingness that is beyond
thought...overwhelmed with love, acceptance and close to the "source" as I
have ever felt. I must admit that it is my primary target when I consciously get out.
This skill is the same as a near death experience but it is controllable, repeatable and not
trauma based. Many NDEers have stated, it is life altering. Imagine doing it at will, without
it being trauma induced, and controlling your destination. It is a thought responsive realm
in which your focused/directed thought/intention will immediately manifest the experience
of your choice. My goal is to be "awake" 24 hours a day. Let me further add that I have
been able to target/direct my exploration to see my four hybrid daughters. I had suffered
much guilt at having rejected them and in that interaction (meeting them on the astral) I
was able to tell them how sorry I was and express my love. It was as healing and cathartic
as lifetimes of therapy. I have also targeted the Reptilians and I feel that they are a soul
group of mine, as are the Greys. I can't go into the many experiences I've had that suggest
this to me, but that is my feeling.
As for sex on the astral, it is not physically localized. Nor is it the religiously orchestrated,
guilt-ridden, pornographic act that we have relegated the sexual union to...allowing it to be
bastardized on this plane of existence. Sex on the astral is a complete merging of energy
and spirit...a communion and knowingness that goes beyond so-called rational thought,
into a realm of pure being. The astounding experience of the higher astral planes are
perceived as somewhat orgasmic only because that is the only way we have of describing
that incredibly profoundly ecstatic state of being. We keep trying to ascribe our moral
values, attitudes and definitions to other worldly experiences where they simply do not

[Type text]

As John Mack says "You can't get there from here." It would be helpful if we could start
looking beyond our dualistic views, judgments and limited perceptions.
My feeling is that the entities that we come in contact with are soul groups that we have
had incarnations with. It's like an expanded understanding of reincarnation that goes
beyond our physical/human lifetimes. Perhaps through the hybridization program we are
creating a species that our spirits will one day inhabit? Please understand that these are my
impressions and I fully understand that these concepts will be beyond the pale for those
who cannot embrace these ideas.
One of the reasons I teach people consciously controlled out of the body is that I'm very
aware that you cannot convince anyone that "any" experiences are real, much less,
paranormal ones. But, when we are able to have our own personal and experiential
validation of the multidimensional beings that we are, we gain an unprecedented and
expanded view of the nature of reality. We can switch on that dormant DNA and accelerate
our spiritual evolution, often beyond our capacity to articulate it. Homo Noeticus...the next
leap in our evolution. We are awesome and creative beings capable of much more than we
can ever "fully"'s simply a matter of how much "more" you "want" to know.
Personally, it is an insatiable passion.
Victimization and fear (and certainly "hard" science) will never solve this mystery....but
paranormal pioneers might stand a chance of piercing the veil. I believe that to know
yourself as an inter/multidimensional being can put you on equal ground with any entity
that you come in contact with. I know, from my own experience and several other people's,
that OOB exploration can be a powerful tool for experiencers in terms of processing these
For anyone interested in this skill, might I suggest two books.
Adventures Beyond the Body by William Buhlman
Buhlman's book is an amazing work that looks at hyperdimensional physics and its
eventual merging with metaphysics, or what he calls mysticism. The inevitable evolution of
physics will be to look beyond dense molecular form into the subtle underlying structure of
matter and into the conscious multidimensional universe itself. I guarantee you that OOB
exploration will peak your interest in physics. I can't say enough about this book or its
brilliant author, whom I have had the great fortune to meet and interview.
I suggest that before you attempt this exploration, you take a hard look at your belief
systems and clear out any fear, judgment, criticism, resentment and anger. Reality is
relative and experienced reality is relative to the personal energy frequency of the observer.
Even science has now moved from particle-based (physical) to non-physical (frequencybased) observations and is finally factoring in consciousness. We will only experience the
energy frequencies/entities closest to our personal density or vibratory rate, in essence,

[Type text]

those with which we resonate. It's one of those absolute truths...what you put out is what
you get back. How much of the unseen, non-physical substructure of this multidimensional
universe are you curious enough/fearless enough to explore? How much do you want to
make peace with "all" interactions, relationships and experiences? Before I do my lecture
right here and can check out Buhlman's book and explore it for yourself, if you
so desire.
If you want a lighter and more simple book on the subject, one that takes the voodoo out of
the OOB experience, I suggest:
Out of Body Adventures by Rick Stack
Sorry to go on so long, but I don't "come out" of my cave very often. I guess my excitement
about OBEs is pretty obvious, I could go on about it forever. To anyone reading this, I wish
you many wondrous travels on your journey to the "One".
Back to my cave,
P.S. Just a note of thanks to those who have fearlessly shared their accounts with me for
the book. I honor your commitment to truth.
"I cleave the heavens and soar to the infinite.
What others see from afar, I leave far behind me"
Giordano Bruno
L.A. WEEKLY 11-18-99

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The Reptilian Agenda Videos

The Illuminati Millennium Rituals
A Concise Description of the Illuminati
"The Biggest Secret" "Revelations of a Mother Goddess"
David Icke's Books and Tapes

[Type text]


* Was a Hitler a Rothschild By David Icke
* Description of the Illuminati ~ by David Icke
* Spiritual answers to Global Conspiracies ~ by David Icke
* The Global Elite by David Icke & Jeff Rense
* Unmasking the Grand Deception by David Icke
* The European Spider's Web!
* The New World Order ~ by David Icke
* The Biggest Secret ~ by David Icke
* Conspiracy at the Highest Levels ~ by Jason Dunlap
* Who's Controlling Who?
* The Global Elite
* Turning the Tide of World Events

[Type text]

Compiled by David Icke
* Who is In Control
* Skull and Bones
* SLEAZE British Prime minister, Tony Blair, lies about Bilderbergers
* 3rd Way Socialism or the UK+US Plans to end Freedom
* Cecil Rhodes Scholarship in Action
* George Soros and the Rothschilds Connection

[Type text]

* Microsoft and the Bavarian Illuminati
* List of Famous Masons Throughout History
* List of Council of Foreign Relations Officers, Staff, and Corporations
* Iron Mountain Report
* Economic Conspiracies
The Western Foundation
* The Socialist Organizations
* Just Good Friends - The Fabians and Labour
* The Legacy of Rhodes Scholars
Icke 2/24/00
* Canada - TOTALITARIAN STATE? - 02/25/00
A 3rd

[Type text]
World Government, lots of links:
The High Priests of Globalisation. Excellent site on Bilderberg:
Info on Round Table organisations and related secret societies.
ilderberg attendees, Toronto, 1996:
Bilderberg, Global Elites:
Council on Foreign Relations Official Site:
Trilateral Commission, incl names of members:
Trilateral Commission Official Site:
* Illuminati News:
* Trilateral Commission
* Bohemian Grove
* Western Elites - DANGEROUS LIASONS
Link URL for websites
Feel free to post this page URL anywhere!
Copyright(c) David Icke- Bridge of Love Publications
Permission granted to
distribute this article freely in free-to-the-public media and
publications Other requests should be directed to .

[Type text]

Meetings with Remarkable Aliens. Jim Sparks describes his life changing
encounter with reptoid aliens, whose message for saving planet Earth may veil
their true intentions.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 7, Number 2 (February-March 2000).
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.
Telephone: +61 (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381
Taken from our web page at:
Extracted from Chapter 3 of Glimpses of Other Realities - Vol. II
By Linda Moulton Howe 1998
PO Box 300
Jamison, PA 18929-0300, USA
Fax: +1 (215) 491 9842
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Higher intelligence takes advantage of, and uses, lower intelligence sort of the
way we humans use cattle. And with the privilege of use, comes the
responsibility of caring. A farmer tends to his animals by feeding them and taking
care of their medical needs. If the pasture became contaminated, the farmer
would be the first to protect his investments.
- Jim Sparks, Abductee, 1996 Fort Myers Beach, Florida, USA
In 1995, I met a man named Jim Sparks who says he has had completely
conscious encounters with "small, grey, drone worker types; taller true aliens or
supervisors; and tall reptoids with big, human shaped bodies covered with
scaly, reptile skin". Sparks sees himself as an interpreter or translator or at least
an elementary grade student in an alien "school". He says he has been forced to
learn English letter and number equivalents to alien symbols.
Jim Sparks permitted me to tape record hours of our discussions about his
experiences. This chapter emerged from those conversations and his efforts to
visualise and write down what has happened for his own book manuscript.1
After eight years "of being close enough to breathe their rotten egg smelling
skin", Sparks thinks he has some insights into the alien agenda, but admits he has

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"a thousand more questions than answers". He is frustrated that he cannot

prove his contacts with alien beings.
Sparks was born to Italian parents on November 15, 1954. The formal name on
his birth certificate is Vincent Sparacino. He grew up in southern Florida,
graduated from high school and spent a couple of years in a local college studying
real estate. He moved on to Houston, Texas, in 1979, and then to North Carolina
where he purchased raw land and divided lots for housing construction, but
always felt a strong need to preserve the trees at his developments. Happy,
married and thriving, by 1988 at age thirty four, Sparks suddenly came face to
face with other beings from other worlds.
Sparks at first thought he had lost his mind. He says he was kept totally conscious
through most of the interactions, including the agony of being "pulled" from his
bed at night to a craft.
"I'm usually pulled the same way, which I call the 'hard way', and it's completely
physical. My whole body is taken. The first thing I hear is a low pitched, whirling
sound in my head, like a whip going around in the air. This is usually after I go to
bed and am asleep. Normally for me, it's 3.30 am in the early morning. I don't
know why. I wake up from my natural sleep, and then there's the whirling
sensation in the pit of my stomach and it feels like it's coming up into my chest.
When it gets up to my heart area, my heart starts beating fast, just racing in my
head and the whirling sound starts picking up rpm and is tremendously loud. It
starts low and rises in pitch and screams in your head. The fear is like you're
going to die. Your heart is racing a million miles an hour and then you get this
acceleration feeling, but I always feel like I'm being pulled down; I never feel like
I'm being pulled up. It's like I go down a rollercoaster, only a hundred times faster
and whoom, you black out and you're there, wherever it is you're going to be,
usually on
board a craft."
Sparks told me why he thinks that most of the time he is actually "pulled"
physically from bed and literally moved through the walls or ceiling as other
abductees have also described.
"It's their technology. I know the aliens rely heavily on a created field. This field
produces several things: the ability to be invisible, the ability to work in one
dimension and be partially in another and the ability to move us poor humans
through solid matter.

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"How exactly it works, I don't know. But I know it's a field. When the field is in
action, you can feel it, you can sense it; you almost feel like you are a magnet or
static electricity. It takes a wall as you would normally see it and makes it
transparent. You walk right through it. So, it's a field that somehow separates
molecules, changes your physiology when you're in it."
I asked Sparks if he has been awake and conscious while actually seeing doors
and walls become transparent.
"Only rarely. And it freaked me out. Most of the time I black out before that
moment and then I'm on board the craft. I know this all sounds weird as hell, but
I'm doing the best I can under very bizarre circumstances not to be scared to
death, not to be intimidated, and to figure out what these bastards are up to.
And I know that their technology renders different ways of transport and one is
the 'hard way' and I'm there in the flesh, not out of body!"
In early 1995, Jim Sparks had an abduction experience that changed him forever,
he says and left him obsessed with saving the rainforests and stopping the
human slashing and burning by fire that is destroying them. This experience,
excerpted here with Jim's permission, is puzzling because yet another alien type
is introduced. These reptilian entities also provoke questions about a possible
connection to viper references in Enoch of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Book of
Genesis in the Bible.
Jim Sparks's encounter with reptilian humanoids, their warning and possible
agenda, follows:
"The pulling started the usual way with a low pitched, whirling sound only this
time, it didn't speed up as fast or get as loud and it was more gentle. I was
paralysed again, but I momentarily regained consciousness before the final
transport sequence was complete and I could see where I was going. That was a
"As my eyes opened, I saw that I was at least a thousand feet above the ground
and slowly descending. Below me was an abandoned carnival park. I was floating
over a large, old fashioned wooden rollercoaster and I wasn't scared! I was calm
and relaxed, and the ride was so gentle I was actually enjoying it.
"When I was twenty or thirty feet from the ground, I started to slowly rock back
and forth several times like a pendulum almost like I was being guided to a target
and this was the final adjustment. Then I saw the profiles of about a dozen large

[Type text]

creatures standing in a semi circle. Although it was night, I could make out the
shapes of their body size and they were large, even by human standards. A few
inches front the ground, I blacked out.
"As I began to regain consciousness, I was standing and heard telepathically, loud
and clear:
'We would have given it to you, but we knew it wouldn't have meant anything
unless you earned it. It was the only way you could possibly understand what you
have been a part of and what you have to do.'
"I now know the 'it' was knowledge. I was clear headed and wide awake
conscious. There were twelve large, humanoid creatures standing in almost a
complete circle in which I was a part. The creatures appeared to be at least six
feet tall. All of them had their heads turned towards the alien who was standing
to my immediate left.
"The only apparent light source was on the face of this creature, like a hologram
of a human face superimposed and glowing over the alien's face [Howe's
emphasis]. It was radiating light and this was done to disguise his true
appearance. He had done this to make me feel less apprehensive. The creatures
didn't take into consideration that as this holographic face spoke and moved its
lips, there was no audible sound.
"The voice being communicated telepathically was out of sync with the lips! Plus,
the face was obviously a hologram because it was slightly off centre from the
body. But it worked, nonetheless, because I wasn't scared.
"As the reptoids transmitted telepathically, I noticed that each alien seemed to
be concentrating its thoughts to the creature on my left. One thing for sure: they
were of one mind and it said:
'There are some things you need to understand. Yes, it's true that we have been
in contact with your government leaders and heads of power. It is also true that
agreements have been made and kept secret from your people. It is also true
that, in the past, some of your people have lost their lives or have
been badly hurt to protect this secret. Our hands had no part in this.
'We contacted your leaders because your planet is in grave trouble. Your leaders
said the vast majority of your population wasn't ready for anything like us yet, so
we made time agreements with your leaders as to when your people would be

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made aware of our presence. This part of the agreement has not at all been kept.
'It was also agreed that, in the meantime, steps would be taken to correct the
environmental condition of your planet with our advice and technology. We say
advice, because we respect the fact that this is your planet, not ours. Your
government also broke this agreement.'
"I felt an awful emotion of abandonment from these aliens. They are different. I
never sensed true emotion from the other aliens before. But the feeling wasn't at
all good. It felt like great loss. I couldn't help asking, 'You aren't giving up on us,
are you?'
"There was a long pause of silence and I had a strong feeling of tremendous loss.
So I asked again, 'Well, are you?' There was another long pause.
"Then finally:
'No. We are now concentrating our energy on the average person. Your air and
your water are contaminated. Your forests, jungles, trees and plant life are dying.
There are several breaks in your food chain. You have an amount of nuclear and
biological weapons which include nuclear and biological contamination. Your
planet is overpopulated. Warning: It is almost to the point of being too late
unless your people act now. There are better ways of deriving your energy and
food needs without causing your planet any damage. Those in power are aware
of this and have the capability to put these methods into worldwide use.'
"I asked, 'Why aren't we doing it now?' There was silence and the whole thing
was so strange because I could see that the whole group was thinking and
speaking its mind at one time. It felt good because I was a participant in an
honest to goodness meeting! The best part was that for the first time I was
getting direct answers to my questions. 'Why aren't we putting these new
methods into use now?'
'Those in power view it [technology for clean energy and abundant food] as a
military and security threat.'
"Then I got angry as hell and said, 'You mean to tell me our people in power have
the ability to save and better this planet and they aren't doing it?' The thought
that technology was being held back from the public because of paranoia and
greed outraged me and the aliens saw my anger. But was it true!

[Type text]

"What do you mean?"
'Complete amnesty. To those in power, the governments and the leaders who
have been suppressing the truth. They can't be held liable for any past wrong
deeds. It is the only way these leaders can come forward with the truth. It is
necessary that you do this in order to work together and survive.'
"There was silence for a while, as if they wanted me to think about what was just
said. This was a hard truth to swallow. If anybody had a good reason to hate their
government for covering up this information, it was me and others like me. Most
abductees still consider themselves victims who constantly suffer ridicule. When
your own government's policy is to say 'You're just plain crazy', it only deepens
the pain.
"But this is a time when intelligence should rule over emotions. So I asked, 'How
do I fit in all this? What can I possibly do?'
'What you are doing already. We will share much more knowledge with you in
the future. Although you understand a lot, we will show you much more.
Continue to work with people that come to you. We are aware of the small
groups that are forming around the world. These are people who are prepared to
learn and we consider them the core. Most important is the condition of your
planet. The first step in solving this serious problem is amnesty. We have advice.
You will receive more knowledge in the near future.'
"As this was going on, it started to rain. I mean, it was pouring! The creatures
didn't even budge or try to get out from under it. They didn't have to: we weren't
getting wet. Although we were standing completely outdoors with no roof, not
one drop of rain touched us. I guess we were being protected by some sort of
electric field. I could hear drops as they fell, but there was a clear, detectable line
[around us] between rainfall and no rainfall. Then they said:
'It's time to go.'
"A thought flashed into my mind. 'Wait, please! I have a request. I want to see
what you look like.' I'll never forget their response as long as I live:
'It will strike fear in your heart.'

[Type text]

"I answered, 'It won't scare me so much if you don't stand there and stare at me.
It would help if you would just wave at me. Just don't stare. Promise me you'll
"Now I can't believe how stupid that request was. I had, in the flesh, face to face,
probably some of the most intelligent creatures from the far reaches of the
galaxy, with answers that have been plaguing mankind since the dawn of time.
And what did I say? 'Could you wave at me?'
"The strangest thing started to take place. A spinning white light with a hint of
green began to radiate over their faces and upper bodies, all dozen of them. The
intensity of the light slowly got brighter and it was radiating from no direct or
detectable source. I could see they were huge. Their upper torso was strong, with
huge shoulders and a thick, strong neck like football linebackers. As the light
became brighter and details clearer, fear and shock zapped through me.
"I said, 'You have scales!' Their faces looked like a cross between a lizard and a
snake nothing at all like the little grey guys. Their eyes were small like ours, only
diamond shaped and the pupils were a red colour. Their heads were in normal
proportion with their bodies, but bigger than ours. The skull looked like their
brains stuck out over their foreheads, covered by skin. This feature was slightly
different among all dozen of them.
"I said in a scared whimper, 'You promised to wave.' And each and every one of
them slowly lifted their arms and waved in front of their faces. Their hands were
huge with thick, club like fingers, too thick to work fine instruments. But you
have to keep in mind that their technology is thought activated.
"I stood there and stared at them for a while in silence, absorbing this
spectacular sight. Their message kept running through my mind. I was sure that
my country has been involved with aliens. Most Americans believe there's been a
cover up. But what really got to me was the message about the poor condition of
our planet! Then I felt the acceleration pull and blacked out.
"I understood better their nature and agenda. They are neither benevolent nor
evil. They have been among us in secret for thousands of years, maybe longer.
But the length of time isn't as much the issue as why they have been among us. I
believe they have been farming us for raw materials.
"We humans have been a self perpetuating crop, a crop that doesn't need much
tending and continues to reproduce, at least up to now and all the Earth

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problems. Thank goodness they don't kill us; they just use us. This system has
worked well for the aliens for a long time. But now there's a problem and their
investment is in trouble. They have spent a lot of time, travel and effort to farm
us. But we are on an almost irreversible path of self destruction. Nuclear and
biological weapons and their waste have polluted the air, land and water.
Forests, jungles and trees are being cut down or are dying. Now there are
breakdowns in the food chain and the rest of the food chain is contaminated.
Over population, disease and viruses beyond our grasp, with new and more
complicated illnesses cropping up every day. These are just
a few of the problems we humans have created.
"Most of us are blind or numb to this reality because we can still go to the grocer
and buy food. We can go to work and back and not see this death and dying. All
seems almost normal. But if we environmentally destroy ourselves, the aliens
still have an excellent insurance policy. They've been collecting seeds from
plants, animals and humans. Through semen and ova extraction, the aliens can
start us or other Earth life, all over again, here or somewhere else."
Echoing the Jim Sparks experience, the major concern expressed by abductee
Anna Hayes in Voyagers, The Sleeping Abductees 2 was competition and conflict
among non human intelligences over Earth life and their employment of the
same sophisticated technologies to manipulate, deceive and inspire.
"Just as the original creators of the human prototype desired to see the
fulfilment of our species as guardians of the Earth, there also exist forces of great
power that do not wish this plan to succeed. If humans are able to fulfil their
evolutionary blueprint, the Earth and many other reality fields will no longer be
free for exploitation."
Hayes stressed that if humans had truth about their extraterrestrial genetic
connection and understood how many outsiders have taken advantage of human
ignorance and used sophisticated technologies to manipulate and deceive for
their gain, the human family could change and evolve in strength, not weakness.
In conversation, she told me: "Both negative and positive agendas are producing
hybrids and androids and both sides are emphasising the need to save the Earth's
environment for their various vested interests. Guardian aliens are promoting
healing the planet, but the negative groups are also trying to 'help the planet' by
offering new technologies so they can have a clean place to take over. I
understand the negative ones have had time agreements with the US
Government about introducing their species to humans.

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"Lately, I think the negative ones have told the government they will introduce
themselves to the public if the government does not. So, the government is
supposedly setting the stage to introduce the negative ones, and the negative
aliens are planning to help the government 'clear its reputation' by staging false
events with holographic inserts. Human minds won't be able to tell what's real
and what's not."
Whatever we ultimately learn about the truth in these highly strange cases in
which dire warnings are given to humans about the Earth's future, the fact is
that, by the fall of 1997, Jim Sparks was still pretty much in the same place he
had been after the carnival park meeting. He had no specific instructions
about how to carry out his "mission" to save the environment and to move the
US Government towards amnesty for all military and intelligence people who had
signed oaths of secrecy about UFO related matters.
However, Sparks had a night time visitation by one of the little grey "drones". He
said he woke up and was conscious of "the little guy" standing at the foot of his
bed. Then he got a clear mental picture of Rome burning and then a rainforest
burning, along with the strong telepathic communication, "You must put out the
Jim is confused about the association between Rome burning and the rainforest
destruction, but says he wants to do something to save trees:
"Linda, I need to get better known in order to have influence. I want to get to a
situation where I can speak publicly so I can talk about the rainforest problems
and other issues facing the Earth's environment."
But meanwhile, Jim, every second of every day, the forests are on fire.
"That's right."
So what is being accomplished? Have you contacted groups that are already
trying to save the rainforests and joined up with them?
"No. I have always cared about what happens to the Earth, but I've never got
myself involved with any groups. This is something new to me. What am I going
to say? I'm being advised by ETs?"
What details did the reptoids give about air and water damage?

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"They didn't give me exact details. They told me that we've got problems with
the air and water and food chain. I was told [in March 1995] that we've got about
a decade to turn this thing around. Not that the world will end. But there will be
problems in reversing all the damage. And the reptoids said someone in political
power already has this knowledge and technology and [they] are hoarding it for
security and defence reasons. And probably for greed, too.
"Those Black Budget Boys aren't coming forth with the truth because their asses
are on the line. They've got all the secret organisations out there who have taken
advantage of this knowledge while everything else goes to hell. That's why the
amnesty thing makes sense. Then the BBB guys can tell the truth finally about
alien contact, getting alien technology, making money from it and even maiming
and killing people to protect that secret. With amnesty, they can come forward
with the truth and won't be prosecuted."
Jim, if there is urgency, why would the aliens go to you when you have no
resources to make radical changes?
"Maybe it isn't just Jim Sparks. It could be a million other abductees, too, for all I
know. Maybe all of us are going to do something at the same time. It's a very
complicated thing. I wish I had the power today to go down to South America
and Malaysia and snuff the fires out. I don't. I know there are organisations like
Greenpeace and the Sierra Club and Save the Rainforests, but have they stopped
things, either?"
Jim, what happens if there's no change in the status quo?
"I think the aliens want to do this with our help. But if that doesn't work, I think
they are going to intervene. They use a minimal amount of energy to get the
most work done. I think that if they can interact with individuals on this planet,
give advice, give technology, show ways of doing things that are
better for survival, they'll do that first."
But why? What's in it for the aliens?
"The same thing they've been doing with us for the past several thousand years.
Which is?
"They farm us. They clone us. They make organs from us and all kinds of stuff. I'm

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not saying they are wonderful, benevolent beings coming down here to save the
Earth. Bullshit! They have their own self interests."
So, Jim, they want to preserve the Earth so they can continue to harvest DNA
from certain bloodlines?
"Yeah. I think the Earth will be fine, eventually. But humans might not be able to
live on it. You need a certain percentage of oxygen to breathe."
You mean the aliens are trying to get their 'crop' to stop self destructing, so they
can keep harvesting what they need.
"That's right. And remember, Linda, when this stuff started happening, I didn't
ask for it. And not only did I not ask for it, I didn't want anything to do with it."
1. Sparks, Jim, Star People, Outsiders - Us? Or Them?, 1996 (unpublished
2. Hayes, Anna, Voyagers, The Sleeping Abductees, Wild Flower Press, USA, 1998.
Editor's Note: This text was extracted, with permission, from chapter 3 ("Other
Beings, Other Worlds") of Linda Moulton Howe's book, Glimpses of Other
Realities - Vol. II: High Strangeness (Paper Chase Press, USA, 1998, ISBN 1879706-78-4)
(see review in NEXUS 5/05).
About the Author: Linda Moulton Howe is a graduate of Stanford University,
USA, and has a Masters degree in communication. She is a science and
environment reporter for radio and television, and reporter and editor on and with Premiere Radio Networks. For the last seven years
without interruption, she has reported news for both Coast to Coast AM with Art
Bell and Dreamland on Sundays.
Linda's film documentaries, A Strange Harvest and Strange Harvests 1993,
explored the worldwide animal mutilations phenomenon. Her books include An
Alien Harvest; Glimpses of Other Realities Vol. I: Facts & Eyewitnesses; and, most
recently, Glimpses of Other Realities Vol. II: High Strangeness. These are available
on the Internet via and barnes& Linda's books and
videos can also be obtained through NEXUS offices in Australia, NZ, UK and the

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Mesopotamian Timeline
Alien Astronomer
Drunvalo Melchizedek is not worried about the Reptilians
Interview with Karla Turner
What Rough Beast - by Lynne Bishop
Chapter 18 - Sample
Complete - Below
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Chapter 11 Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Chapter 22
Chapter 23 Chapter 24
A skeptical Believer
The Hollow Earth - How it Began
Alien Images

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The Slimy Serpent Syndrome

Regression Therapy - Barbara Lamb
UNUSUAL RESEARCH - Beyond The Unexplained with Eve Frances Lorgen
UFO Congress
Sativa Sanctuary
Alex Collier - on Reptilians - The Draconians and the Paa Tal - Part 1
Alex Collier - on Reptilians - The Draconians and the Paa Tal - Part 2
The Follow Up Interview
The Rest of the Story
Alex Collier - on Reptilians - Our Ancient Heritage
Alex Collier - on Reptilians - Jahovah, Terran Control Groups -and Derivative Concepts
Reptilian Humanoids - by Branton and Alan Walton


Description: Typically, Reptilians are described as 6 to 8 feet tall, bipedal, having scaly green
skin, have a bad odor, have large eyes usually yellow or gold with a vertical pupil. They are
sometimes linked to myths about ancient astronauts who allegedly came to Earth to seed the
planet and promised to return one day. No one is coming back.
Theories involving Reptilian aliens are metaphoric in content, much like other creational myths
throughout the programs of reality, weaving together clues to help one figure out humanity's
journey in linear time.

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Reptilian humanoids are a proposed race of intelligent, supernatural, or highly developed reptilelike humanoids in mythology, popular fiction, pseudoscientific theories and in the writings of
New Age conspiracists. They appear in some conspiracy theories, most notably those of Riley
Martin, John Rhodes, David Icke, and in science fiction. Reptoids, a conjoined word defining
Reptilian-Humanoid beings, is the most popular name used to describe these cryptid beings,
although some authors also refer to them as dinosauroids, lizardfolk or lizardmen. Other names
include Draconians, Saurians and Sauroids. They are often described as being green or gold
color. Similar to the other cryptids, no one has produced proof of the existence of reptilian
humanoids, and allegations of their existence can at best be referred to as cryptozoology or
Mythological references to reptilian humanoids
Several ancient peoples all over the world have described reptilian beings, and some have
described reptilian humanoids. Common in numerous mythologies are tales of reptilian creatures
(usually not humanoid) who are often, but not always, hostile to human beings. Also rather
common are the myths of "Serpents of Wisdom" who enlightened humanity before the dawn of
Some individuals, doubting claims of reptilian humanoid sightings or contacts, suggest that the
mythological preeminence of reptilian forms could stem from a genetic memory of instincts
developed millions of years ago, when mammals were the prey of the reptiles which dominated
the Earth. Dreams of reptiles are often interpreted as symbolizing "ancient drives" and
"instinctive responses".
The Americas
The Toltec Mayan god Gucumatz was described as a "serpent of wisdom" who enlightened
humankind. His Aztec counterpart was named Quetzalcoatl. In the Yucatan, he is called
The Hopi refer to a race of reptoids called the Sheti, or "Snake-Brothers", who live underground.
The Cherokee and other Native American peoples also refer to reptoid races.
In pre-Columbian mythology from Colombia, Bachue (the primordial woman) transformed into a
big snake. She is also sometimes called the "Celestial Snake" (Serpiente Celestial).
Many users of the drug Dimethyltryptamine (the active ingredient in many South American
shamanic potions such as ayahuasca) have seen reptilian humanoids or reptilian disincarnate
entities and aliens while hallucinating (Strassman 2000).

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Cecrops I, the legendary first King of Athens was said to have been half man, half snake. The
ancient Titans and Gigantes were sometimes depicted as winged man-like beings with serpents
instead of legs, for example on a fresco on a temple in Pergamum. In these images from
Pergamum, some of which depict the gigantomachy, one sees the giant Klyteios with huge
serpents in place of legs.
Boreas (Aquilon to the Romans) was the Greek god of the cold north wind, described by
Pausanias as a winged man with serpents for legs.
The European dragon dates back to ancient depictions on various archaeological artifacts. An
early instance in literature was the dragon that guarded the Golden Fleece in the Voyage of the
Argonauts. In the Middle Ages, tales of dragons seem to have become even more common. The
dragon in Europe, as a rule, was not conceived as having a humanoid form, and would not
qualify as an instance of a reptilian humanoid unless explicitly described as humanoid.
In Indian scriptures and legends the Naga are reptilian beings said to live underground and
interact with human beings on the surface. Some are alleged to turn human. In some versions,
these beings were said to have once lived on a continent in the Indian Ocean that sank beneath
the waves. Indian texts also refer to a reptilian race called the "Sarpa. The Syrictae of India were
a tribe of men with snake-like nostrils in place of noses and bandy serpentine legs.
East Asia
The Chinese, Korean and Japanese speak throughout their history of Lng (Yong in Korean, Ryu
in Japanese) or dragons, conceived of in both physical and non-physical forms, but rarely
depicted in humanoid form, though they may assume a non-reptilian human form.
The Japanese have tales of Kappa, a basically reptilian humanoid.
In China, Korea and Japan, underwater realms where the Dragon Kings and their descendants
live are referred to, as well as the lineage of humans from a race of dragons. This lineage was
often claimed by Asian Emperors, who were believed to be able to change from human to dragon
form at will, much like the modern concept of shapeshifting reptilians. However, the dragon is
seen as good rather than evil in Eastern tradition.
Middle East
In the Middle East, reptilian beings ranging from certain Jinn to dragons and serpent-men have
been spoken of since ancient times. In one of the apocryphal books purporting to be the lost
Book of Jasher, a serpent race is described.

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In the Book of Genesis, God punishes the serpent for deceiving Eve into eating the fruit of the
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil by decreeing, "Upon thy belly thou shalt go, and dust shalt
thou eat all the days of your life" (Genesis 3:14 KJV). Traditionally, many have felt this implied
that the serpent (a snake or reptile) had legs before then. Thus It is therefore often portrayed in
Western art as a humanoid (woman) with a snake's tail, and sometimes lizard-like feet, as in a
detail from Bosch's Last Judgement.
In the Middle Ages down to modern times, the Devil was often conceived as a humanoid with
reptilian characteristics, as were demons in general. But the New Testament reference of
Revelation 12:9 which identifies the serpent of Genesis as Satan himself (the "dragon, devil,
Satan, ancient serpent," etc.) gives insight from another angle. The serpent in the Garden of Eden
was Satan himself, a beautiful supernatural being (either called a "serpent" symbolically, or
because he manifested himself commonly in a dragon/serpent-like form). Hence the reference to
"crawling" and "eating dust" is purely symbolic of his ultimate defeat and humiliation.
In Africa, some shamans claim to bear extensive esoteric knowledge of a race of reptilians called
the Chitauri, whom they say control the Earth. They also claim to have accounts of a reptilian
race who created them and used them to work their gold mines. Also, the ancient Egyptian god
Sobek was portrayed as a man with the head of a crocodile.
Modern Claims
Even in modern times, some claim to have encountered reptilian humanoids. In many of these
cases, a UFO is part of the encounter; alien abduction narratives sometimes allege contact with
reptilian creatures.

Scientific Speculation

In a thought experiment published in 1982, paleontologist Dale Russell, curator of vertebrate

fossils at the National Museum of Canada in Ottawa, conjectured that, had the Chicxulub
meteorite not exterminated the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, bipedal predators (theropods)
which existed at that time, such as Troodon, would have evolved into intelligent beings similar in
body plan to humans. Troodontids had semi-manipulative fingers, able to grasp and hold objects
to a certain degree, and binocular vision.
Like most dinosaurs of the troodontid family, this imaginary creature, which Russell called the
"Dinosauroid", would have had large eyes and three fingers on each hand, one of which would

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have been partially opposed. As with most modern reptiles (and birds), its genitalia would have
been internal.
Russell speculated that it would have required a navel, as a placenta aids the development of a
large brain case, however it would not have possessed mammary glands, and would have fed its
young, as birds do, on regurgitated food. Its language would have sounded somewhat like bird
Russell's fanciful speculation has been met with criticism from other paleontologists since the
1980s, many of whom point out that Russell's Dinosauroid is overly anthropomorphic. Gregory
S. Paul (1988) and Thomas R. Holtz Jr., consider it "suspiciously human" (Paul, 1988) and argue
that a large-brained, highly intelligent troodontid would retain a more standard theropod body
plan, with a horizontal posture and long tail, and would probably manipulate objects with the
snout and feet in the manner of a bird, rather than with human-like "hands".
Darren Naish (2006) pointed to the ground hornbill as a better model for an intelligent dinosaur.
Artists have used these new approaches to the original thought experiment to re-interpret the
Dinosauroid, going so far as to create "Dinosauroid cave art", which depicts sentient, tool-using
troodontids and other dinosaurs and pterosaurs, painted using sticks and feathers.

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The Anunnaki
Zecharia Sitchin claims to have translated Sumerian tablets referring to an alien race which
created a race of humans to work as slaves in their mines in Africa. This race is called the
Anunnaki and Sitchin claims that the "Black-headed" people of Sumer were created by these
beings by mingling the "life-essences" of "man and beast". According to Sitchin, the "Blackheaded people" were considered slaves in the Sumerian caste hierarchy beneath their creators.
The Sumerian Tablets refer to the creation of the Black-headed people in the geographical area
called 'AB.ZU.', which is said to correspond to West Africa. See also Stargate.
The royalty was said to be a combination between "dragons" and humans, or to be direct
descendants of the Sun God, Shamhash. Contrary to the claims of David Icke, the Draconian
Sun-God aspect of the royalty does not correspond to the Anunnaki, but to a different set of
gods. Anunnaki comprised only 23 gods in the Sumerian pantheon, including Enlil (lord of
wind/air) and Enki (lord of earth). Other gods were not Anunnaki at all, but were
personifications of the Sun, or what were described as 'Sir', or Dragons, in Babylonian. This
word, 'Sir', also apparently meant 'great serpent', and is related to the Sanskrit word 'Sarpa',

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which was also used to describe great "Dragon-Gods" who ruled over, and created, the original
Dravidian culture.
Sitchin also suggests that the Annunaki probably still exist in some form or another, with some
degree of influence over humanity. These beings are speculated to be either amphibious,
reptilian, or quasi-reptilian, from ancient description.
According to Arizona Wilder, who claims to be a former mind-controlled subject of MK-Ultra
(much like Cathy O'Brien), Zecharia Sitchin is in league with the reptilians as a disinformation
agent. She claims to have seen him with other shape-shifting reptilians at many high-level
functions attended by the world's "elite". Her claim to have been a subject of mind control makes
her "eyewitness" accounts suspect.
Laurence Gardner, historian and holder of many other titles (the validity of which have been
debated), claims that a "Dragon Bloodline" (a "Holy Grail") was created in ancient Sumer when
reptilian aliens called "Anunnaki" descended upon the region and created a royal bloodline
through genetic engineering.
Stewart Swerdlow, and old friend from NY, claims to possess extensive knowledge of alien
intervention in Earth-human society, and describes in detail the activities of a Reptilian race
called the Draco, originating in the Draco star system. He also mentions a more benevolent
reptilian race called the Anunnaki, the Sumerian Program, which created the Black race in
Africa. He claims that this is supported by ancient Sumerian tablets, as well as the histories of
the indigenous peoples of Africa, such as the Zulu, as well as physical evidence such as ancient
mines which have been discovered by the Anglo American Corporation, dating to 60,000 years

Conspiracy Theories

There are many conspiracy theories involving reptilian extraterrestrials, or terrestials of reptilian
lineage. Many posit that the so-called Greys are in fact reptiles, and should be categorized as
"Reptoids", others that Reptoids are an entirely different species working with or in opposition to
the Greys. Some have also claimed that they are capable of shape-shifting (Icke, 2004).
One of the earliest, modern-day reports is that of Ashland, Nebraska police officer Herbert
Schirmer. On December 3, 1967, Schirmer claims to have been taken aboard a UFO that
appeared just outside of Ashland, where he encountered humanoid beings, 4 feet 6 inches to 5
feet tall, who wore close-fitting silvery gray uniforms, boots, and gloves. Their heads were thin,
and longer than a human head. The skin on their faces was grey-white, the nose flat, the mouth
merely a slit which did not move, even when they spoke. Their eyes were slightly slanted. While

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only slightly reptilian in their outward appearance, these beings bore a "winged serpent" emblem
on the left side of their chest. Schirmer alleged that the beings are from another galaxy, and have
bases on Earth.
John Rhodes was the first person to seriously investigate and publicly present claims of reptilianhumanoid sightings and/or contact. He established the Research Center in 1997 to
collect, review and present evidence of reptoid activity. He has also appeared on television and
radio shows being interviewed about his discoveries and the science supporting the theory of
Rhodes contends that the majority of the reptilian humanoids are descendants of the dinosaurs
and are biological byproducts of Earth evolution. He also states that human attention has been
intentionally misdirected away from the underworld toward deep space, so the subject of
underground Earth dwelling Reptoids and lost ancient civilizations can remain secret. Rhodes
also adds that most accusations of politicians shape-shifting into reptilian humanoids are totally
unfounded, and that such reports are simply projections of collective fear and blame for the
world's conditions.
When questioned as to why Reptoids have become the proverbial "whipping boys" of modern
ufology, he responds that it is because people tend to have a knee-jerk reaction to the image that
western religious authorities have conditioned us to fear and distrust.
A subterranean Nazi-friendly super race is sometimes associated with accounts of reptilian
humanoids, and also with the telekinetic super race depicted in Vril: The Power of the Coming
Riley Martin, author of The Coming of Tan and frequent guest of Howard Stern, claims personal
knowledge of Targzissians, a malevolent race of reptilians who manage to coexist with six other
types of aliens on a mother ship near Saturn.
Paul Shockley, a self-professed psychic, also speaks of malevolent reptilian beings. However, he
explains that he does not believe that all reptilians are malevolent, and that there are benevolent
members of this species as well.

The Theories of David Icke

According to David Icke reptilian humanoids are the force behind a worldwide conspiracy
directed at manipulation and control of humanity. He contends that most of our world's leaders,
from George W. Bush to members of the British royal family, are in fact 7-foot tall, blooddrinking reptilians from the star system Alpha Draconia.

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According to an interview with David Icke, Christine Fitzgerald, a confidante of Diana, Princess
of Wales, claims that Diana told her that the Royal Family were reptilian aliens, and that they
could shapeshift. David Icke and others have claimed that U.S. President George W. Bush and
his family are part of this same bloodline (Icke, 2004).
Icke claims, based on his exploration of genealogical connections to European royalty, that many
presidents of the United States have been and are reptilian humanoids. In his view, United States
foreign policy after September 11 is the product of a reptilian conspiracy to enslave humanity,
with George W. Bush as a servant of the lizards.
He also theorizes that the reptilians came here from the constellation Draco. One type of reptilian
entity that people see during alleged encounters resembles reptoids like those that are addressed
in the studies of John Rhodes and the Reptoids Research Center. Like most conspiracy theories,
proving Icke's hypotheses is impossible, but he continues to sell books and give speaking
engagements based on concepts ranging from the New Age to his political opinions.
Others who share the negative viewpoint of reptilian humanoids include Cathy O'Brien, a
woman who claims to be a victim of CIA MKULTRA mind-control. O'Brien says in her book
"The Trance-formation of America" (with Mark Phillips) that she witnessed George Bush Sr.
physically shapeshift into a reptilian alien being. She rationalized this as potentially being a
holographic illusion as part of her mind control programming. Arizona Wilder reported similar
sightings of prominent politicians shape-shifting into reptilian beings during Illuminati blood
rituals. While her claims sound frightening, no supporting evidence or additional eyewitnesses
Patrick Bellringer and other supporters of NESARA also claim that George Bush is a reptilian. In
this scenario, the announcement and implementation of NESARA (a law passed in secret) will
ultimately end reptilian control over the planet Earth.
Reptilian humanoid aliens figured prominently in the 2003 murder trial of David Icke fan Linda
Henning who was eventually convicted of murdering her boyfriend's ex-wife, Girly Chew
Hossencofft. The trial was covered by CourtTV, providing national exposure to the conspiracy
theories involving such creatures. Henning allegedly believed or was told by co-conspirator
Diazien Hossencofft that Girly's killing would serve as good practice for the upcoming
showdown with the reptilians. Familiar themes of a Bush family reptilian connection surfaced in
evidence seized in connection with the trial. Both Henning and Hossencofft are serving life
Reptilians Wikipedia
The Worship of the Serpent

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Rainbow Serpent (Snake)

Egyptian Goddess Nuit

Metaphysical Myths Based on Metaphors

The Reptilians are the creation of the Carians, (Bird Headed Beings) their parent race. They
evolved on a planet in the Alpha Draconi star system of the Orion Constellation. The royal line
of Reptilians are the Draconians, or Winged Dragons from the House of El. Reptiles have two
major sub races, Winged Serpents (Snakes) and Lizards (Lizzies.) Reptilians have a highly
sophisticated knowledge of universal law and are allegedly responsible for the Mystery School

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Teachings on Earth. The Reptilians allegedly were given a creational agenda by the Carians.
They were to move through the universe and destroy any existing civilization they found along
the way, recreating new DNA codes and entities following those codes. It was part of a Master
Plan, a Universal Game, Polarity Integration, reality in conflict, an experiment in emotions,
resulting in soul evolution at the end of the cycles of its existence.


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Belt Stars of Orion, Three Main Pyramids, Giza Plateau

In the beginning ...

Sirius, Queen's Chamber (Feminine), Pleiades (Sister Stars)

Orion, Kings Chamber, Thuban
Thuban, Gold, Snake, Alpha Draconis, Reptilian DNA Experiment
Thuban was the pole star when the pyramids allegedly were built and the program began.
Seamen called it 'The Dragon's Tail'.
Seamen / Semen / Seeding

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About Thuban ... (See Draco Map Above)

Thuban (Draconis / Alpha Draconis) is a star (or star system) in the constellation of Draco. A
relatively inconspicuous star in the night sky of the Northern Hemisphere, it is historically
significant as having been the north pole star in ancient times. Even though Thuban carries the
Bayer designation Alpha Draconis, at apparent magnitude 3.65 it is over a magnitude fainter than
the brightest star in the constellation, Dra (Etamin), whose apparent magnitude is 2.23. Thuban is
not bright enough to be viewed from light-polluted areas. The Alpha designation is apparently
due to its history as the ancient pole star.
Given good viewing conditions, Thuban is relatively easy to spot in the night sky, due to its
location in relation to the Big Dipper asterism of Ursa Major. While it is well known that the two
outer stars of the 'dipper' point to the modern-day pole star Polaris, it is less well known that the
two inner stars, Phecda and Megrez, point to Thuban, just seven and a half degrees of arc from
Due to the precession of Earth's rotational axis, Thuban was the naked-eye star closest to the
north pole from 3942 BC, when it moved farther north than Theta Botis, until 1793 BC, when it
was superseded by Kappa Draconis. It was closest to the pole in 2787 BC, when it was less than
two and a half arc-minutes away from the pole. It remained within one degree of true north for
nearly 200 years afterwards, and even 900 years after its closest approach, was just five degrees
off the pole. Thuban was considered the pole star until about 1900 BC, when the much brighter
Kochab began to approach the pole as well.
Having gradually drifted away from the pole over the last 4,800 years, Thuban is now seen in the
night sky at a declination of 64 20' 45.6", RA 14h 04m 33.58s. After moving nearly 47 degrees
off the pole by 10000 AD, Thuban will gradually move back toward the north celestial pole. In
20346 AD, it will again be the pole star, that year reaching a maximum declination of 88 43'
17.3", RA 19h 08m 54.17s.

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