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Gary Williams
May 4, 2014
COMM 3063 Forum

Dr. Robert Scott

Southeastern University
Simon Sinek

1. Ben Carson, March 7, 2014, 9:00 a.m.

2. Ben Carsons speech was basically for us as leaders to gain knowledge and for us to use it wisely. In his
speech he says becoming knowledgeable means youve become an ally to the truth and youve become a
foe to falsehood.
3. There were quite a few things that Ben said that I never wouldve thought of. One of them was when he
said, that we need to replace political correctness with civil discussion. I want to give him a standing
ovation when he told us that. Its important to keep in mind that we are a free country. We have access to
freedom in so many different categories here in our nation. When it comes to politics though, I do think
that we all to some certain extent need to be on one accord and to have most importantly unity in our
politics. I feel that politics is of course of the things that tearing our country apart because as Dr. Carson
said there is no civil discussion, which means nothing is going to resolve. Another thing that he said was,
disagreeing with others does not make you enemy. I think a lot of people need to hear this because once
people disagree than they feel as though to dislike each other. All of us are not going to agree on every
little thing, but that doesnt mean to turn your back on people. I think if people would understand this, than
the world will be a much better place.
4. The thing I found most helpful out Dr. Carsons speech was when he said, becoming knowledgeable
means youve become an ally to the truth and youve become a foe to falsehood. That is why it so
important to have knowledge because with knowledge, there is always a greater access to the truth. People
make up and fabricate things all the time because they either dont want to hear the truth or they are just
lacking in knowledge. Knowledge is a very powerful tool, and when there is knowledge the truth can not
be altered.
5. A good quote that I caught from Dr. Carsons speech was when he said, no knowledge is useless
knowledge. This quote pretty much goes hand in a hand because how are we put to knowledge to use if
we dont have it. This quote is very plain and simple.
Notes: We need to replace political correctness with civil discussion. Disagreeing with others does not
make you an enemy. No knowledge is useless knowledge. Becoming knowledgeable means youve
become an ally to the truth and youve become a foe to falsehood. In order to be a servant leader
1. Have the fear of God
2. Having a solid based of knowledge
3. Being honest






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