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Atum The All The Egyptians believe that Atum was the first God on earth and is the

creator of all other Gods.

Tefnut Woman with the head of a lioness, the Goddess of Moisture.

Shu Man wearing a headdress with feathers, the god of the air.

Geb Man lying down below the sky Goddess Nut, Geb is the God of the Earth.

Nut Woman whose body arches across the sky, Nut is the sky Goddess, whose body
created a canopy over the earth.

Isis Woman in the headdress with the shape of a throne, Isis is a protective goddess,
she uses powerful magic spells to help people in need.

Osiris A mummified man wearing a headdress with feathers, Osiris was the God of the
dead and the ruler of the underworld.

Nephthys wears a headdress with her name in hieroglyphs, a protective goddess of

the dead, often shown on coffins.

Seth The God of chaos, Seth represented everything that threatened harmony in
He also murdered his brother Osiris.

Horus Man with the head of a hawk, God of the sky, most well known as the
protector of the ruler of Egypt.
Horus lost an eye whilst in battle with Seth, this eye became a symbol of the
protection of the ancient Egyptians.

Anubis Head of a Jackal, Anubis is the God of embalming and the dead, Anubis
helped embalm Osiris after he was killed; this is why Anubis is the God who
watches over the process of mummifying people when they die.

The following Gods and Goddesses are not part of Safiyas family history but they are important to
the ancient Egyptians.

Bastet Woman with the head of a cat, she is a protective goddess and sometimes
appeared with the head of a lioness to protect the king in battle.

Amun One of the most powerful gods in ancient Egypt, at the height of Egyptian
civilisation he was named the king of the gods, when Amun was combined with the
sun god Ra he was even more powerful and he was named Amun-Ra.

Ra is the sun god, he is the most important god of the ancient Egyptians.
It was believed that he travelled through the underworld at night.

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