12 Kids

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1 - Amala Rangarajan Jones (Girl A), 10 years old.

The main playable character.
A charismatic individual with a short though strong physique
for her age similar to that of young Link. She has black wavy
hair, sharp black eyes and a very light brown complexion being
of indian origin.
Adventurous, smart, perceptive and never afraid to speak her
mind, she has a strong willed personality even if she can be
nave and lazy at times.
When chaos seizes their island, she takes it upon herself to
do whatever she can to save everyone and keep the ultimate
disaster from happening.
It is through her leadership and courage that a small group of
people are doing their best to find a solution to the
Good natured and carefree, she will always lend a hand to
people in need.
A troubled kid with a troubled family life, she tries to spend
as much time as she can away from her house, though she has to
go back there from time to time.

Lives with:
-Her mom
-Her dad
-Her little sister

-Only left handed kid in her group.
-Best friends with Andra (Girl B).
-In love with Jason (Boy A).
-Owns a set of real sword and shield.
-Has had bad marks her whole schooling.
-Both parents are Ph.D holders.

2 - Andra Krajinik (Girl B), 9 years old and 1/2.

Amala's best friend.
A child prodigy of Serbian origin. A tall, pretty blonde with
serious blue eyes, her appearance doesn't let anyone suspect
her remarkable intelligence.
Though she's shy and doesn't possess the assertiveness of her
friend, Andra is still a very noticeable member of her group,
always keen on offering a piece of wisdom.
Coming from a poor family, she always emphasizes hard work and
discipline, believing them to be necessary for any success.
Her general knowledge and keen observational skills become
extremely helpful once the chaos starts and she proves to be
one of the group's most important assets.
She has a close relationship with her mother, her only family
member left since the Kosovo war.

Lives with:
-Her mom.

-Has a measured IQ of 160.
-Is ranked 10th at Starcraft though nobody is supposed to
-Has achieved 100% completion on all her video games.
-Could have easily skipped grades but decided not to.
-Is in love with Jason (Boy A).
-Has issues regarding her height.
-Her mom is a journalist, working for the local newspaper.
-Is surprisingly sporty but not as much as Amala or Bill.

3 - William "Bill" Peterson, 10 years old an 1/2.

An energetic and compassionate boy with a round and sturdy
build, he wants to become a professional boxer, a dream his
father couldn't achieve.
He tries to act as the group's chief but always clashes with
the main character, Amala, the other hotheaded member of the
The two share a friendly rivalry, being the most sporty of the
gang, and sometimes challenge each other over intense plays
that the others can't follow.
He is the training partner of Amala both in hand to hand
combat and sword fighting.
Because of his dad's work, he knows a lot about the different
construction sites on the island and is handy with tools.
He is the one who constructed the secret base along with the

Lives with:

three little brothers

-His dad is a construction worker.
-His mom is the school's teacher.
-He is Zoe's brother.
-Likes to draw.
-Is surprisingly good at chess.

4 - Margaret "Malon" Barclay, 10 years old.

A tall, pretty redhead, Margaret is a quiet and shy girl who
acts as the nurturing figure of the group. She got her
nickname because of her striking resemblance with Malon from
Ocarina of Time.
Even though she doesn't like to play with the group because
she's afraid of getting hurt, she still hangs around to enjoy
the company of the more lively members and will always bring
delicious baked goods and candies that she makes herself.
She is easy to scare and the other kids love to prank her but
otherwise, she serves as a motherly presence who always has a
kind word.
Whenever she can, she spends her time in the public library,
reading and studying.

Lives with:
-Her mom
-Her dad

-Actually doesn't like milk.
-Her parents are in charge of the public library.
-Secretly wishes she had a brother or sister.
-Wants to be a writer.
-She wears contact lenses.
-Is actually Scottish.

5 - Jason Rockwell (Boy A), 10 years old.

The handsome but mischievous son of a local policeman. His
calm and soft spoken demeanor hides in fact a very tricksy
personality who has a big problem with authority.
He comes from a religious family bound by overly strict rules
and does his best to free himself from it, something he shares
with the main character.
Even though he usually plays with the other members, you can
occasionally find him wandering the island in various,
sometimes unexpected places.
He shares a special bond with the twins and some say he might
even do some sort of business with them as they own the
curiosity shop...
As the result of a lost bet, he had to play Zelda during one
of their role-plays.

Lives with:
-His mom
-His dad
-His two little sisters

-Enjoys playing cards.
-Knows a few magic tricks.
-Claims he knows some cool things about the island.
-Claims he's seen a UFO.
-Is sometimes seen wandering during the night.
-Is not really interested in video games.
-Likes Andra.

6 - James "Jim" Dawn, 9 years old.

The gloomiest kid of the bunch. Orphaned since a baby, he
lives in a cottage near the church, along with the church's
staff, most notably the local Reverend.
He craves for the group's company and enjoys playing with the
other kids as often as he can. Otherwise, he spends his time
mopping and ruminating near the church with nothing else to
Depressed, he can sometimes be found in the local cemetery,
wondering about Death and other dark subjects.
While he mostly keeps to himself and stays quiet, he's a good
kid and people usually appreciate his company though they feel
bad for him.
He doesn't like to study or read but he knows a lot about
monsters and mythical creatures. He is also well informed
about what's going on inside the church.

Lives with:
-The reverend
-The church's staff

-Has been depressed for years.
-Would like to become a physician or some other useful job but
lacks the energy to study.
-Envies the other kids.
-Is sometimes heard playing the pipe organ.
-Wishes he was a superhero.
-Secretly likes Amala.

7 - Pierre "The Wise One" Montgomery, 14 years old.

The bespectacled son of the mayor, Pierre happens to be the
eldest of the group.
An avid reader, he spends most of his time in the public
library and has already read more than a thousand books.
He occasionally joins the other kids for some storytelling
time, usually around a fire. His vivid imagination lets him
create stories that captivate the other kids, making for some
great nights.
While he practically never plays outside during the day, he is
still considered a member of the gang and is oftentimes
consulted regarding any inquiry or personal matter.
He has made the library's roof into his personal base and an
open air observatory. There, he has monitored the skies almost
everyday and has recently noticed some suspicious changes...

Lives with:
-His dad
-His mom
-His older sister

-Is planning to read all the books in the library.
-Has a close friendship with Margaret.
-Is passionate about the sky.

8 - Zoe "Scrub" Peterson, 6 years old.

Bill's younger sister. A little blonde girl who feels put
aside at home, as the only girl among her siblings. She
decided months before the start of the story to leave her
dolls behind and be a part of something more exciting, hence
the reason she tends to follow her brother around.
She wants to break away from her girly image and make an
impression on the other members of the group, something she
knows will take time and some effort.
As the youngest member, she looks up to pretty much everyone
and tries not to show her childish side too often but despite
that, she still is occasionally mocked. She takes it as a form
of initiation.
Eventually, she would like to explore the island on her own
but she doesn't like to get too far from the main town.
Maybe this will change?

Lives with:
-Her mom
-Her dad
-Her four brothers

-Is surprisingly good at fishing.
-Is learning how to cook with Margaret.
-Is scared of Amala.
-Actually named her Bowser doll "Amala".
-Has a room full of dolls, plushes and other cool stuffs (many
potential cameos here ;) ).

9 - Sonia Rangarajan Jones, 7 years old.

Amala's younger sister.
She, too, wants to escape the clutches of her family's
venomous atmosphere. But while she admires her older sister,
she doesn't have her will to stand up to her parents and, as
such, enjoys less liberty compared to her indomitable sibling.
She may still be a regular member of the gang but she also has
her own group of friends and has started to play less and less
often with the older kids.
She is more studious than her sister, too, and follows
Andra's mindset of discipline and hard work which she
believes will lead her out of her nightmare. The two girls
have a close friendship and Andra aims to be a better
influence on her than Amala.
She doesn't complain much and tries her best to appease
tensions when they arise but she still occasionally takes the
backlash of her sister's rebellious attitude.

Lives with:
-Her mom
-Her dad
-Her older sister

-Enjoys studying sessions with Andra and sometimes Margaret.
-Plays the piano.
-Her group has their own secret base.
-Is scared of her mom.
-Sometimes sleeps over at Andra's.
-Is afraid of the dark.

10 & 11 - Edward "Ed" and Alphonse "Al" Goldsmith, 9 years

A mischievous pair of twins with dirty blonde hair. Their foxy
and mysterious attitude has earned them the nickname "The
Ed usually hangs around the dam, assisting his father or
working on some project in his workshop while Al helps his mom
attend the curiosity shop.
One can often find some remarkable items of dubious origin in
this shop but the oblivious mother never seems too concerned
when questioned while the involved twin usually stays unfazed
and smiling.
It is believed both twins have a business partnership with
Jason, the policeman's son, though it is not known how the
latter is involved.
All in all, they are a happy pair, keen on telling jokes and
puns or giving puzzles.

Live with:
-Their mom
-Their dad

-Are both convinced that the island holds a treasure.
-It is said they themselves have a treasure somewhere.
-They both helped Bill build the secret base.
-If you solve all of their puzzles, they will give you
something really cool.
-Both are skillful woodcarvers and have a room full of their

12 - The Skull Kid.

The dark, demented kid from nowhere.

Very short in stature but extremely intimidating nonetheless,
no one knows exactly where this kid comes from, what he looks
like or what his problem is.
Wearing a very well made mask of Majora, he terrorizes the
whole island shortly after his first appearance, seeming to
randomly target the inhabitants with his "pranks".
But during the course of the story, it gradually becomes
evident that the kid is more intelligent than presumed and
that his actions, while random on the surface, seem to be more
meaningful than simple pranks...

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