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Exercices sur le prsent progressif/continu

Formes : construisez des phrases affirmatives (+) ou ngatives (-) avec les lments donns :
The lesson/ now/ start/ + : the lesson is starting now.
Joan/ work/ today/ - :Joan isnt working today.
You/ talk/ too fast/+
The cat/ eat/ a bird/ +
Bill/ cook dinner/ now/+
I/ enjoy/ this party/I/ read/ a good book/+
It/ rain/ now/You/ listen to me/ I/ feel/ very happy today/+
Peter/ go to school/ this week/We/ learn/ a bit of English/ +
You are talking too fast. 2. The cat is eating a bird. 3. Bill is cooking dinner now. 4. I am not
enjoying this party. 5. I am reading a good book. 6. It is not raining now. 7. You are not
listening to me. 8. I am feeling very happy today. 9. Peter is not going to school this week.
10. We are learning a bit of English.

1. Choisissez le verbe qui convient afin que chaque phrase ait du sens : eat/ have/ lie/
play/ sit/ wait :
1. She is eating an apple.
2. He ... for a bus.
3. They ... football.
4. He ... on the floor.
5. They ... breakfast.
6. She ... on the table.
2. Compltez les phrases en utilisant les verbes suivants : build/ cook/ go/ have/ stand/
stay/ swim/ work

Please be quiet. I am working.

Wheres John? Hes in the kitchen. He ....
You ... on my foot! Oh, Im sorry.
Look! Somebody ... in the river.
Were here on holiday. We ... at the Central Hotel.
Wheres Ann? She ... a shower.
They ... a new theatre in the city centre at the moment.
I ... now. Goodbye.

3. Utilisez les verbes suivants la forme affirmative (+) ou la forme ngative (-), afin de
dcrire ce que Jane est en train de faire :
Have dinner - : Jane isnt having dinner.
Watch television + : She is watching television
Sit on the floor + :
Read a book - :
Play the piano - :
Laugh + :
Wear a hat + :
Write a letter - :

1. Que font ces gens?
2. He is waiting for a bus. 3. They are playing football. 4. He is lying on the floor.5. They are having
breakfast. 6. She is sitting on the table.
2. Compltez les phrases...
2. Hes in the kitchen. He is cooking. 3. You are standing on my foot ! 4. Look ! Somebody is
swimming in the river. 5. We are staying at the Central Hotel. 6. She is having a shower.
7. They are building a new theatre in the city centre at the moment. 8. Im going now.
Goodbye !
3. Rdigez des phrases concernant Jane.
3. She is sitting on the floor. 4. She isnt reading a book. 5. She isnt playing the piano.
6. She is laughing. 7. She is wearing a hat. 8. She isnt writing a letter.

4. Rdigez des questions en utilisant les lments donns :


you /watch/ television ? No,Im not ; you can turn it off Are you watching television?
you/ go home/ now? Yes, I am. See you tomorrow!
it/ rain/ ? No, not at the moment.
you/enjoy/the film? Yes, its very funny.
that clock/ work/? No, its broken.
you/ write a letter? Yes, to my sister.

5. En vous aidant des rponses, compltez les questions avec les verbes suivants : cry/ eat/ go/
laugh/ look at/ read

What / you/ ? The daily Telegraph : What are you reading ?

Where/ she/? Probably to the restroom.
What/ you/? A piece of cheesecake.
Why/ you/? I cant find my mobile phone.
What/ they/? An unidentified flying object.
Why/ he/? He has just heard a good joke.

6. Rdigez des questions partir des mots suivants. Utilisez is ou are et mettez les mots
dans le bon ordre :

working Paul today : is Paul working today ?

what doing the children : what are the children doing?
you listening to me :
where going your friends
your parents television watching
what cooking Ann
why you looking at me
coming the bus

4. Rdigez les questions :
2. Are you going now ? 3. Is it raining ? 4. Are you enjoying the film? 5. Is that clock working ?
6. Are you writing a letter ?
5.Compltez les questions...
2. Where is she going ? 3. What are you eating ? 4. Why are you crying ?5. What are they
looking at ? 6. Why is he laughing ?

6.. Rdigez des questions partir des mots suivants

3. Are you listening to me ? 4. Where are your friends going ? 5. Are your parents watching
television ? 6. What is Ann cooking ? 7. Why are you looking at me ? 8. Is the bus coming ?

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