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Whats this?
This is a list of 50 questions to ponder - deep thinking questions
for group discussions.
These questions are for lateral thinking or critical thinking classes
or workshops. They are also good for icebreaking or for high
school students to discuss or debate.
These questions are available online at:
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1. Apart from humans, which animals can talk and how?

2. Ants live in highly advanced social systems. How do they do
this with their tiny brains?
3. What is the likelihood of intelligent life on other planets?
4. In the future, a computer might be President. Would this be a
good or a bad thing?
5. Do you think people are basically good or basically bad?
6. Why is it that some people like to dance and some dont?
7. If you brought someone from 1000 years in the past to this
age, would they like it?
8. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
9. Why dont women have facial hair?
10.What would happen to the world if everybody could live forever?
11.If somebody is different, is that good or bad?
12.Politicians are all idiots Is this true and why do people
stand for it?
13.What will people born this year be like when they grow up?
14.Why do some people have charisma?
15.How exactly does the Internet work?
16.Do ghosts exist? If not, why do people claim to see them?
17.Name a culture, apart from your own, that you find interesting. Explain why you find it interesting.
18.Is it possible to think without language?
19.How would the world be different if there were no mavericks?
20.Why is it normal for women to wear skirts and dresses, but
not men?
21.Are cats or dogs more intelligent?
22.How and why do men and women communicate differently?
23.Why do we need grammar?
24.Would it be possible to have a world without money?
25.Why do you think people gamble?

1. If you could address the whole world, what would you say?
2. Does crime pay?
3. Will there ever be a nuclear war?
4. Are we unique?
5. What are some things that children can do better than adults?
6. Why do rich people still want to have more money?
7. The population of the world is growing. What will happen
when it gets too large? When will this be?
8. How would the world be different if all politicians, leaders and
bosses were women?
9. Are zebras white with black stripes or black with white
10.It seems that the unhealthiest food tastes the best! Why is
11.How do people act differently when in a crowd and why?
12.If you are nice to everyone, no matter what, will this help or
hinder you overall?
13.Is it good to be skeptical? Why or why not?
14.Ignorance is bliss. Is this true?
15.Why do people who love each other fight?
16.Can money buy happiness?
17.Would you go back in time and assassinate Hitler?
18.How will future historians describe this day and age?
19.Is life fair? Explain your answer.
20.Do you prefer introverts or extroverts?
21.How important is privacy to you and why?
22.How and why do people change as they get older?
23.Why are people fascinated by murders?
24.Will science ever explain everything?
25.Some people say there is no such thing as free will. What do
you think?

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