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by:chandler titus

Chandler Titus
110 Christopher St.
Columbia, SC 29209

table of
Event Ad
Photo Design
Photo Design Flier
Web Design

Description: Designing this flier for the Graduate Leadership Conference was challenging but very educational. I started with the title
and then just worked from there. I had different fonts but during my
critique my evaluators said that the font looked childish. I choose the
picture because in my opinion it was the most joyful and intriguing to
the audience.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I have never used Indesign before so
everything was brand new to me. I used the text box to create all the
paragraphs and I used the guidelines to make sure that everything was
aligned perfectly. I learned how to make borders and scale the photos
so that the photo could be as big or small as I wanted. I learned a lot
through this assignment but I still have so much more to learn.
Message: The message for this flier is a message talking about how to
get involved in the Leadership Conference for fresh graduates of college. This leadership conference can be very helpful to recently graduated college students to approve their leadership skills.
Audience: The audience for this flier project is for graduating seniors
to learn leadership for their major or future career or occupations. The
space for this program is limited so these seniors need to sign up and
get information on the conference soon.
Top Thing Learned: The top things I learned is that if you type W
during your process with Indesign to show a preview of your document and what it will look like. That was so helpful to step outside of
the complicated process and see what the teacher or other people will
Title Font Name & Category: Copperplate Gothic Bold
Copy Font Name & Category:Lao Sangam MN
Sans Serif

Event ad
1. Description: I scanned in a picture of my friends and I rafting
through the Outdoor Resource Center. I used a complementary
color scheme of orange and blue to go with the water and the raft.
I really liked the font I used because it has serifs and stands out really well in the design.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I used the text tool a lot and I
used the option button to replicate a square design.
Message: My message for this event ad is to come to the Outdoor
Resource Center and get outdoor supplies to have a great nature
Audience: The audience is directly towards BYU-Idaho students
who want to have a great, cheap time outdoors.
Color scheme and color names: My color scheme is complementary. I used orange and blue to combine the water of Snake River
and the orange raft.
Top Thing Learned: The top thing I learned in using Microsoft
Word is clicking the option button to copy and replicate a square
design I was using.
Title Font Name & Category: American Typewriter & Serif
Copy Font Name & Category:Telugu Sangam MN & Sans Serif
Scanned images used, sources, original sizes, location of scanner used: This photo was originally scanned from a picture I had
pinned to my wall. This picture was originally a 46 and I scanned
it on 250 resolution.

I loved this photo design project, this is what I want to
do with my career eventually so I am so happy to be
able participate in this assignment. For the first image
I metered the horizon of the sky and tree line so that
the lighting could be focused on the tree line. Then I
took a picture of the lamps in my apartment at Mountain Lofts. I had the camera on Scene and made the
exposure a little brighter and more vibrant. For the
Focus pictures I decided to take pictures of my boyfriend holding a flower by the Spori. I took one with
a spot meter focusing on the flower and then I took
the second picture focusing on his face so the flower
is out of focus. This was the most difficult picture to
take because I had to get used to the cameras focus. I
had to keep retaking the picture over and over again
but I finally got used to it and enjoyed learning how
to work the camera. I took the Rule of Thirds picture
of the Rexburg Water Tower. I tilted the camera and
put the water tower to the left and tried to make it in
the Rule of Thirds. The Lead Room picture is of my
roommate Ashley. I just tried to have her turn her focus more to the left of the picture and I used the trees
in the back to frame the picture. I really enjoyed this
assignment and learning more about photoshop and

Photo design

Description: This is a photo I took at sunset in Rexburg which I

edited and cut some lamp posts out. I wanted this design to reflect
my personality and style a little bit and I am very pleased with how
it turned out.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):I used the paint dropper to get the
exact color from the clouds as the background of the design. I did
that same thing to get the other color red for the rest of the triangle
design. I also used the Lasso tool to cut out 4-5 lamp posts in the
Message: This is a message for people who are seeking adventure or
wanting to stray away from the regular routine.
Audience: I would set the audience as teenagers or college aged students.
Top Thing Learned: The vibrance and exposure tool were used a lot
but I would have to say that the Lasso Tool was my saving grace. I
was not even going to use that photo because there was too many
lamp posts in the way but I just cut them out using the Lasso tool.
Color scheme and color names: The color scheme was Monochromatic and the colors were shades of red.
Copy Font Name & Category: Desdemona and Sans Serif


Description: This is a spiritual montage of woman with a quote

from Gordon B. Hinckley about how inspirational women are.
1. I opened all 4 of my images in Photoshop.
2. I then used the lasso tool and feathered each image eventually
dragging them onto the flower image.
3. I had to open a mask layer on each of the 3 images of the women.
4. With the mask on I started to paint with my paintbrush black
with low opacity so that I could blend the pictures in more naturally.
5. Then I used the dropper tool to get the color blue for the quote
from President Hinckley.
6. I choose a script quote for the siting of the quoter, President
Hinckley and then used a Sans Serif font for the body.
7. Programs/Tools: Adobe Photoshop
Message: My message is that women are so important to the world
and provide so much for everyone.
Audience: My audience could be any adult who needs to realize the
importance of women in our society. I think the message will be
useless on children but otherwise this message is widespread.
Colorized/Filter applied and where: I increased the vibrance on
each image including the flower background.
Color Scheme: Monochromatic. Color names: Dark violet and
lighter violet.
Top thing I learned: The mask layer tool was so helpful to my design process. It was kind of complicated to learn at the beginning
but so helpful in the end.
Font 1# Name and Category: Avenir Next Bold and Sans Serif


Description: My parents own a cleaning company called Sunflower Cleaning

Group. I decided to change up their dated logo with some new, fresh designs.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I used the ellipse tool to make one of the
flowers on the bottom logo bigger then it previously was. I used the same tool
for the top logo to make a circle design behind the words. I brought in my
own free fonts to use in the designs. I changed the color of the middle flower
to be a little lighter and more agreeable with the font and color scheme.
Message: My message for these logos is to have a fresh, friendly look for the
cleaning company. I want the logo to show that the company is a reliable
Audience: My audience would be focused towards older people or established
people who need a house cleaner to clean their home.
Top Thing Learned: The top thing I learned was the Command, Shift, G to
make a logo and picture as one design so you can move it around freely. This
was really helpful because I had to put 3 logos on one page.
Three Color Scheme and Color Names: The first one is simply a monochromatic color scheme. The second one is an analogous color scheme. The last
one is simply a monochromatic color scheme with different shades of gold for
the sunflower
Three sets of Title / Body Font Names & Categories:
-The first one: Title and Body Font were Clicker Script which is an outside
font I brought in.
-The second one: Title- DJB Dear St. Nick and Body Font: Breamcatcher-Regular
-The last one: Title and Body Cody were Breamcatcher-Regular
Votes on favorite logo: I like the second logo best in my opinion but I asked
all my roommates and my 3 evaluators and the results go as follows.
Top Logo = 4; Middle Logo = 7; Bottom Logo = 5;
My favorite logo is The Middle One.


Description: A letterhead and business card matching with my personal logo designed by myself.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): For the business cards front and
back I went to a free fonts website and added a few new fonts to
Illustrator. The font for the Title was very spread out so I used the
letter spacing tool on the right hand side to push the letters closer
together so it could all fit on the card.
I made the triangle design with the shape tool. I selected the pentagon shape and then choose 3 shapes instead of 5. I then used the
duplication tool to recreate the same shape over and over again.
I used the eyedropper tool to match the gold on the front of the
card to the back. I did some research and found a watercolor filter
to put on the triangles so I could make it not look so starch and
more natural.
With this new tool I had the idea for the letterhead to make that
water color stroke by my name. It brings in the watercolor from the
business card to the letterhead.
The water mark is a close up of the business card triangle design
with watercolor marks within the triangles.
Programs/Tools Used: Illustrator/Indesign
Message: The company I designed this business card and letterhead
for is a photography business I started. This company provides any
kind of photography you need.

web page design

Description: This web design was very hard to complete but in the end I am happy with how it
turned out.I created this webpage to showcase my photography logo. I wanted to explain and share
what went into creating this logo. Below I talk about color choices, the target audience, design
skills, and tools/tricks that I used while creating this logo.The text are from a website and added
them to Illustrator to add to the design. I make sure the Title was a sans serif so that it was easily
understandable with the body copy in a script font so there is a good balance between the body
copy and title. The font was very spread out with the kerning and spacing so I edited that in Illustrator. It made the font look more professional and work better with the script font as well. I made
the triangle design with the shape tool. I selected the pentagon shape and then choose 3 shapes
instead of 5. I then used the duplication tool to recreate the same shape over and over again. I used
the eyedropper tool to match the gold on the front of the card to the back. I did some research
and found a watercolor filter to put on the triangles so I could make it not look so starch and more
natural. With this new tool I had the idea for the letterhead to make that water color stroke by
my name. It brings in the watercolor from the business card to the letterhead. The water mark is a
close up of the business card triangle design with watercolor marks within the triangles.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):I then used the duplication tool to recreate the same shape over
and over again. I used the eyedropper tool to match the gold on the front of the card to the back.
I did some research and found a watercolor filter to put on the triangles so I could make it not
look so starch and more natural. With this new tool I had the idea for the letterhead to make that
water color stroke by my name. It brings in the watercolor from the business card to the letterhead.
The water mark is a close up of the business card triangle design with watercolor marks within the
Message: My message has to do with my photography business I am advertising. I have my logo at
the top but the rest is the description The message hopefully is stylish and shows that I am youthful and ready to take up to date pictures.
Audience: The audience is centered towards youthful people maybe around high school or college
age people. The business is for people who need senior photos, engagements, wedding photos and
family pictures.
Top Thing Learned: I have never even come close to using HTML or CSS so everything I learned
was new and helpful to my web design. At first everything was really confusing and although I am
no where close to being a pro I still learned a lot. One thing I learned from the tutor in the lab is
how to add a background image from the internet. It was so helpful and complicated to learn.
Color scheme and color hex(s):#6ba9e2, #6d4136, #000000 and #FFFFFF.
The Color Scheme is contemporary with green colors and red colors with oranges and pinks.
Title Font Families & Category: Basic Title and Sans Serif
Copy Font Families & Category: Courier New and Serif
Changes made to the CSS: I made the margins wider with padding so that everything fit
nicely. I changed the font color and alignment so that all the paragraphs are aligned well.

A two sided (duplex) tri-folding brochure.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):
I set up a tri-fold on Adobe InDesign. My layout was in three sections with a front section,
back section and 3 sections on the inside.
I used my logo from my stationary and my web design which is conveying my photography
business. I wanted to use the logo from both of these to make a series and create every part
that someone with an actual photography business would have to do.
For the background of the front and back I choose the same design I had for the web page
design. I found the image on google images. I continued to use this shape throughout the
brochure. I made the logo design in Illustrator a few weeks ago. Then when I was making
this brochure I just placed the logo into this brochure layout on InDesign.
When I made a logo design I made some triangle shapes in a gold/yellow color. I wanted
some repetition in my brochure design. I used the shape tool to create a pentagon and then I
clicked on the shape and choose 3 sides instead of 5 to make a triangle. I used the watercolor
tool for the shapes on the front page under the logo and the shadow tool for the triangles
throughout the rest of the brochure.
Programs/Tools Used: Adobe InDesign/Adobe Illustrator/Adobe Photoshop
Message: Inform my audience about my photography business and let them know what kind
of work I do.
Audience: Couples, Families and People who need photos taken.
Top Thing Learned: I learned how to use a shape tool better and how to layout a brochure. It
was kind of difficult at first to make sure I printed it correctly but I got the hang of it.
Color scheme and color names: Tetradic, Gold, Green, Pink
Title Font Name & Category: Basic Title & Sans Serif
Copy Font Name & Category: Bebas Kai & Sans Serif
Along with Housegrind & Script

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