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Hea l t h a n d Beh a v io r a l Hea l t h

Win t er 20 14

Do not fear, for I am with

you, Do no be afraid, for I
am your God; I will
strengthen you, I will help
you, I will uphold you with
my victorious right hand.
Isaiah 41:10

Special interest section

provided by: Catholic
Charities USA

Th e t r o u bl e w it h t h e h o l id a y s
Glowing lights, elaborate dinners

Many people experience winter

associated with depression usually

overflowing with wine, rooms filled

blues because of stress, fatigue, and

caused by the variation in light that

with chattering friends, family,

the unrealistic expectations of the

occurs in the winter months. SAD

depression, substance abuse, and

holidays. This can be mitigated by

can begin as early as September and

overwhelming loneliness. For

financial struggles, inability to be

last as long as April peaking

people struggling with mental

with loved ones, excessive eating,

between December-February. SAD

disorders, the holidays can quickly

drinking and lack of sleep that

affects women at a higher rate of 3:4

turn from cheerful celebrations to

comes with the chaotic routine

and onsets between ages 18-

stressful seasons. What causes

often create by the holidays.

30. SAD can be treated with

phototherapy and with

people to become upset during the

holidays and how do we care for

As many as half a million

medication. On the next page you

those who have trouble with the

Americans also experience Seasonal

will find healthy habits for surviving


Affective Disorder or SAD. It is

the holidays.

Inside this issue:

2: 10 Habits for surviving the holidays
2 - 3: Alcoholic or moderate drinker? The CDC released a new
study to determine what is excessive drinking
3: CDC Alcohol Consumption Treatment and seeking help
4: Thanking FR. Larry snyder

Hea l t h a n d beh a v io r a l h ea l t h n ew sl et t er

1. Acknowledge your feelings
You cant force yourself to be happy just
because its the holiday season.
2. Reach out

If you feel lonely or isolate seek out a

community that offers support and

3. Be realistic

Traditions and families grow and

change. Choose a few to hold on to but
be open to creating new ones.
4. Set aside differences

Al c o h o l ic o r Mo d er a t e d r in k er ?
New r esea r c h sh o w s mo st
Amer ic a n s f a l l in t h e mid d l e
Excessive alcohol consumption is
responsible for 88,000 deaths

Chances are others are feeling the

effects of holiday stress too

annually in the United States. It is

Dont try to buy happiness.

$223.6 billion in 2006 alone.

5. Stick to a budget

estimated that economically,

alcohol consumption cost the US

6. Plan ahead

Binge drinking is responsible for

7. Learn to say no

half of the reported deaths and

You dont want to take on too

much and end up feeling resentful
and overwhelmed

8. Dont abandon healthy habits

Be sure to get plenty of sleep and

continue to eat healthy.

9. Take a breather

Make time for yourself, it may refresh

you so that you can handle everything
you need to.

10. Seek professional help if you

need it

of the economic cost.

Recently, the CDC released a new
study analyzing data from 138,000
adult participants from the National
Survey on Drug Use and Health

The study found that 70.5% had

engaged in past year drinking, 29.3%
in past month drinking and out of past
month drinking 27.4% had engaged
in binge drinking. Below is a break
down of the demographic results:
*Binge Drinking:

*Alcohol Dependence:

from 2009, 2010 and 2011. The

CDC looked at the participants

drinking patterns.

Native Hawaiians, NonHispanic Whites

Some college education
Income greater that $75,000

American Indians and Alaskan

Less than high school
Income less than $25,000

*These categories show the ethnicity,

education, and financial brackets most
associated with each

Excessive drinking, binge drinking,

This study is important for those

and alcohol dependence were most

working, living, and interacting

associated with 18-24 year olds

with people who drink. With the

who were unemployed.

knowledge that the CDCs study

has produced, it shows that

The study found that 9 out of 10

alcohol dependence is not as

participants who are considered

prevalent overall as once thought,

CDC Alcohol
Consumption Definitions

excessive drinkers do not meet the

but increases with increased

diagnostic criteria for alcohol

frequency of binge drinking.

Binge Drinking:

To read the CDCs study in full,

click the link below:

Women: 4 or more drinking

within a single sitting over the last
30 days

dependence. The link for DSM-4

alcohol dependence can be found at
the bottom of page 3.

Men: 5 or more drink within a

single sitting over the last 30 days
Excessive Drinking:
Women: 8 or more drinks per
week over the last 30 days
Men: 15 or more drinks per
week over the last 30 days

Wh er e Ca n I seek t r ea t men t ?
Ca l l 1-80 0 -622-Hel p (4 357)

Alcohol Dependence (or past

year drinking)
3 or more of 7 dependence
criteria met from the DSM-4

SAMSHA national hotline is a confidential service


open 24/7 available in English and Spanish. This

Consuming at least 1 drink on 6

or more days in the past 12

service is available to friends and family members

facing mental health and substance abuse disorders

Please see link below for DSM-4

alcohol dependence criteria:


Hea l t h a n d beh a v io r a l h ea l t h n ew sl et t er





The goal of this newsletter is to share stories, trends, and practices with
each other.
If you have any ideas for a write up, or would like to contribute to our
next newsletter, contact Fr. Ragan Schriver at:

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