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News from Gail Ludvigson, soon to serve the Lord in the Dominican Republic
Feliz Navidad y un prspero
ao nuevo!

Deaconess Diary
A Tale of Two Firsts
I visited two LCMS
congregations with the same
name. Outwardly, they look
alike. They have similar
architecture and history
(both were founded in the
19th century). Both have a
school, and faithful pastors,
teachers and members.

First Lutheran, Glencoe, MN

Yet, their true similarity lies in how

they confess the Gospel of Jesus
Christ. Confessional Lutherans
conform their teaching to the truths
of God's Word, the Holy Bible, as
they are correctly explained and
taught in the Book of Concord.

Tree at Trinity Lutheran in

Sallisaw, OK

First Lutheran, Fort Smith, AR

Such doctrinal unity is important

because [Christs] name includes all
the teachings of Scripture, whether
you and I deem them vital or not. . . .
All other alleged foundations are
subjective, i.e. imaginary (R.C.H.
Lenski on 1 Cor. 3).

As we celebrate the birth of the Babe of

Bethlehem, let us also celebrate the pure
doctrine of our Church, the precious
jewels that our forefathers have built on
the foundation of Jesus Christ.
Luther rose ornament on a
friends tree
Welcome to earth, Thou noble Guest, Through Whom een wicked
men are blest! (From Heaven Above by Martin Luther)

Coffee House Spanish

During my November visit to
Minnesota South, I stayed at
Concordia St. Paul and enjoyed
five days of lessons with Luis
Rojas, my tutor. Beside the
quality of the coffee, the best

Give thanks to God for

(1) the new friendships and
supporters God has sent
me during 2014.
(2) the imminent arrival of
the Ruesch family in
Puerto Rico to begin their
(3) the safe return to the U.S.
of Pastor Martin Teigen
after his November visit
to Peru.

Ask God to
(1) bless the outreach efforts
of Castillo Fuerte in Peru.
(2) encourage and strengthen
all missionaries who are
still working to raise
(3) bless the Kolb family as
they shift assignments
from Sri Lanka to Hong
(4) remind His children who
are struggling with
cancer that He is with
them and will not desert
them in their need.

Could 2015 be your mission

year? Explore current, shortterm and GEO opportunities
Click on Service
Opportunities. (You can
also download an

La Bon Vie coffee house

thing about the week was practice

with a native speaker (although we
did confuse folks a bit by not
speaking English).

Luis in his winter gear

Reflections on 2014
As New Years Eve approaches, do you ever reflect on the year thats
passing away? There used to be a service with Holy Communion on the
last night of the old year. What a wonderful practiceit offered the
chance to remember Gods grace and forgiveness for a multitude of
transgressions during the year. When I reflect back on 2014, I realize
that it was another year of blessing and struggle, fellowship and
loneliness, comfort and sadness. Still, God has continued to move me
forward according to His timetable, and I trust that He will bring me on
to the field at just the right time. Oh, Lord, help me to see Your
steadfastness and increase my faith as I enter the last few laps of the
race Im running toward Your goal.
Gods blessings to my family of supporters at Christmas and Epiphany.

January Appointments Needed

Do you know of any church or group or even individual who would like
to get involved in supporting a mission? Please share their names and
contact information with me. Im hoping that the month will fill up with
opportunities very soon.
So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to
everyone, and especially to those who are of the
household of faith. (Gal 6:10 ESV)
To support my work financially, you may send a tax-deductible gift to:
The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod
P.O. Box 790089
St. Louis, MO 63179-0089.
Make checks payable to The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod. Mark
checks Support of Gail Ludvigson. Gifts can also be given securely
online through the LCMS website, on my online giving page at

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