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Breeding a ChocoboTo breed chocobo, you need to head to the Chocobo Ranch.

You can get there from

the school. When you arrive, speak to the breader and he will start you off with
10 female chocobo, and 10 male chocobo. If you speak with him further, you will
be allowed to breed chocobo. He will ask which two chocobo (one male and one
female) you would like to breed, and if you would like to provide some extra
food for them. Providing greens for your chocobo are optional, but will improve
breeding results. After you finish, wait 6 in-game hours and you'll have some
new baby chickobos! (Haha, sorry)
-Improving the OutcomeThere are 16 different types of chocobo you can breed, and some of them require
extra pampering to breed properly. To do this you can provide 'Greens' to the
breeder. You can save and then, after checking your offspring, reload to get a
different result if you don't quite like yours.
Here is a chart of the greens, and what their special abilities are:
|------Green------|-What it does--------------------------------|
| Gysahl Greens | Increases the chance of breeding a different|
| type of chocobo
| Karakka Greens | Further increases the chance of breeding a |
| different type of chocobo
| Tantal Greens | Increases the chance of the chocobos'
| quality being influenced by the father
| Basana Greens | Increases the chance of the chocobos'
| quality being influenced by the mother
| Kurieh Greens | Increases the number of chocobo born
| Mimett Greens | Increases the chance to breed a higher
| quality chocobo
| Reigen Greens | Further increases the chance to breed a high|
| quality chocobo
| Sylkis Greens | Gives the best chance of breeding a high
| quality chocobo
| Gyzahl Greens | Further increases the number of chocobo born|
-Chocobo Chart|=======================================================================|
|Chocobo Type|--------Traits--------|-------Obtain-------|Optional Green|
| Chocobo
| Base
| Togores Region
| None
| Chocobo + Chocobo |
| Military | +Defense
| Chocobo + Chocobo | Gysahl
| Attack
| +Attack
| Military + Chocobo | Gysahl
| Military + Military| Gysahl
| Assault
| ++Attack
| Attack + Attack
| Gysahl

| Kamikaze | +++Attack
| Attack + Attack
| Mimett
| Dash
| +Speed -Defense
| Yuhanra Region
| None
| Turbo
| ++Speed -Defense
| Chocobo + Dash
| Basana
| Dash + Dash
| None
| Sonic
| +Speed +Defense
| Turbo + Turbo
| Gysahl
| Supersonic | ++Speed +Defense
| Sonic + Sonic
| Mimett
| Avoiding | -Attack +Avoid
| Berito Desert
| None
|Supersonc+Supersonc | Mimett
| Sonic + Kamikaze | Mimett
| Mikawashi | -Attack ++Avoid
| Insuma Coast
| None
| Hidden
| +Avoid +Defense
|Mikawashi+Mikawashi | Mimett
| Mikawashi + Attack | Mimett
| Stealth
| +Attack +Avoid
|Mikawashi+Mikawashi | Reigen
| +Defense
| Hidden + Hidden
| Mimett
| Knight
| +Attack +Defense
|Supersonic+Kamikaze | Reigen
|Kamikaze + Kamikaze | Mimett
| Ninja
| +Speed +Attack +Avoid| Stealth + Stealth | Reigen
| Stealth + Kamikaze |
| Master
| +Everything
| Ninja + Ninja
| Sylkis
| Knight + Ninja
| Sylkis
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Version History [7.00.00]
Started working on the FAQ
Finished chocobo section
Finished Chapter 1
Finished abilities and stats for each character
Added a bunch of emails and FAQs
Did some work, and uploading to GameFAQs
------------------------------------------------------------------------------End Statement [8.00.00]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------First, I need to credit gerodelrieux (methynya), CarlosJAM (ing.carlosjam),
Heartless141, furygods, nirvash530 (redd530), lelouchzx (Tsuna-Decimo), 5orans
(crystalsekai), Tavania (wereswan), TheHikoriOne, Dunan, gfoster2
(Ultimasamune), davirost (KaibaFr77), shujinkgo, randomemail000, maxdarksol,
toynanaka, DullahanEX, casker_, Acom007, nateriver02, Knightofthewind,
DragonMaster105, MagiusNecros, kkusagami, Boomer642, kouli, calamityflare,

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