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This fairly vague but visually thought-provoking poem is primarily based on

crows, well one crow in particular who happens to be an evil law-breaker with
malicious characteristics. The poem itself is set in short manageable verses
making them more assessable and snappy almost as if the poet was taking
In verse one; the poet introduces the crow as irritating, which was shown by
onomatopoeia of the crows voice,
Crow, Crow, Crow.
The crow didnt evolve; instead it was on earth since the beginning of time,
Waiting for the crust to cool.
Since then it hasnt changed at all but, instead, it became fatter when famines
arose which gave it an opportunity to thrive on others misfortunes,
Gets fatter as the world gets leaner
This comment is very shrewd because the author manages to wittily sum up
everything thing into one line. The crow basically gets anything he could get his
beak on, whether it is dead bodies, just as the author describes it,
A sort of airborne vacuum-cleaner.
This is a flip-out humorous comment which was adequately exaggerated,
making it seem as if the crow got all the food like a flying hover.
The next verse begins with onomatopoeia,
to give a more visual image on how the crow ate its food. we learn that his
Beak is the hardest substance known, except, this was simply overstated as it
was obviously not factual, just a poets licence to make things up. The only
possible reason he could have used this line was to set a contrast to the next,
Dead crow for a pick axe
This is a ridiculous yet funny comment where since the beak is meant to be the
strongest substance thought it would be a good idea to use it as a powerful

We come to learn that the crow is cruel and selfish, by playing truant when
God taught the animals different traits particularly kindness,
Played truant when they gave out pity
This was anthropomorphises as the crow was compared to a human bunking
off school. An example of his cruelness was when he ripped out sheep s eyes,
when in labour! This showed true cruelness but also wittiness as he was smart
enough to know that when the sheep was in labour, she would be at her
weakest so itll be easier. This is why the author made a well-suited comment
that he will do well in the city,
This is because he is even dressed for the part, wearing a formal suit,
represented as dark feathers. He is also cruel, ruthless and self-centred sharing
the same traits as an ordinary business man in the financial world.

He seems to be competent most of the time and can never be trapped,

Roars with laughter at a snare,
Instead of becoming scared he roars with laughter at peoples attempt to trap
him being apathetic.
From this poem, the impression I get is that the crow is dangerous, cunning
and ruthless. He can pretty much eat anything he can find. He feels apathetic
to the people who attempt to trap him, and having him killed was a big
achievement for anybody meaning that it was practically impossible to kill it.
But even though, at first glance the poet seems to hate the crow, the
persistent indirect compliments actually showed that he sneakily admired it. It
impractically called it witty,
Can tell a shot gun from a walking stick
And only says positive things about it in a mean way.
This poem builds a crow up almost like from the beginning, as a tough smart
animal until he is slaughtered and killed by a man who keeps one of the crows

feather as a heirloom as it is such a big achievement for him to kill a crow. The
poem is structured in colloquial style and has simple English so that it
concentrates more on the description of the crow.

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