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Dynasty politics is a series of human political strategy that air
in order to gain power, that power remains in the company by way of passing power already
owned to others who have a family relationship with the previous power holders. There is also a
positive and negative sense of Political Dynasty. Negative and positive depends on the process
and results (outcomes) of the positions of power held by the Political Dynasty network
concerned. If the fair and democratic election process and the exercise of the good leadership in
the development and welfare of the community can mean positive Political Dynasty. However, it
can be negative if the opposite happens. Moreover, the positive and negative sense Dynasty
Politics is also determined by the reality of social conditions, the legal system and law
enforcement, and political institutionalization concerned. Political Dynasty found in
communities with a low level of political education, the legal system and weak law enforcement
and political institutionalization has not been established, it can mean a negative political
dynasty, dynasty political tradition within political parties until today increasingly menggurita.
Most political parties, including the major political parties did not forbid the entry into force of
political dynasties. In the internal management of political parties, also describe the political
climate of the dynasty, was because the ruling political party is to condition like that. So no
wonder when political parties and prospective candidates spawned regional head has kinship
with power in political parties.

Indonesian Rules No. 7 of 1945 has set the term of office of the executive that is valid for
five years, and can only elect one period after the period has elapsed. This law made to prevent
continuous absolute power. Some groups that have long been in power, many will look for a way
to escape from this law and maintained its hold on the upper strata of the political elite.
According to one of the TEMPO mass media, political dynasty that has been built since the
election of the Governor of Banten Hj. Ratu Atut Chosiyah, S.E. And subsequent attached Eight
relatives of the Governor of Banten Hj. Ratu Atut Chosiyah, SE namely Tb Khaerul Age (sister
Atut) as Deputy Mayor Attack, Ratu Tatu Chasanah (sister Atut) previously served as Vice
Chairman of the Parliament of Banten and then elected as Vice Regent of Serang, Heryani
(stepmother Atut) as Vice Regent Pandeglang, and Airin Rachmi Diany (sister-in-law Atut) was
elected as mayor of South Tangerang, Aden Abdul Khalik (sister-in-law Atut) Member of
parliament I Banten, Adde Khairunissa (son Atut) Deputy parliament Serang, Andika Hazrumy
(eldest son Atut) DPD members Banten period 2009-2014, Himat Tomet (husband Atut)
Members of Parliament 2009-2014. Who can stop this only public awareness to not choose a

Based on the background of the above author will discuss thoroughly Issues Political Dynasty
happened in Banten and the case is a scourge that is interesting, especially when we see it in the
eyes of social democracy. The author will discuss this issue further in chapter II.


The problems in this paper formulated into several questions:
1. How Fighting Political Dynasty happened in Banten?
2. What factors led to a political dynasty?
3. How does the Law Enforcement System due to the political dynasty?
4. Benefits and loss has been caused by political dynasty?
1. Purpose
a) To determine the effort to Overcome Political Dynasty happened in Banten Province.
b) To determine what factors led to a political dynasty.
c) To Know the Law Enforcement System as a result of the occurrence of a political
d) To Know the Benefits and loss has been caused by political dynasty.
2. Benefits of Writing
a. Applicative writing of this paper is expected to be useful to students of Legal Studies
University of Lancang Kuning as study materials and reference for further research
b. Practically writing of this paper is expected to expand the horizons of knowledge and
thinking of the writer, especially readers in general.
This paper was prepared on the basis of available data and information relevant to the
issues to be discussed, to obtain data and information about a problem in carrying out this
activity, the authors use to collect data and analyze it with keperpustakaan study method.
Practice political dynasty allegedly author as an attempt to retain power. Government
positions will be removed within a certain time limit; this led to some groups want the status quo
so that his party can remain in the top position. The higher the position, the greater is also the
possibility to do a political dynasty.
Do political dynasty in Banten Governor Hj. Queen ATUT Chosiyah, SE possibility is a
political game in Banten Province Government agencies themselves. For when one of the
relatives of the family line of Banten Governor Hj. Queen ATUT Chosiyah, SE served a strategic

position, it would be possible that the old administration staff will have the ease of office. This
can lead to a partnership in the implementation of a political dynasty, not only in the executive,
but also in his own government bodies.
1. Chapter I is an introduction, containing background, the formulation of the problem
and the scope, goals and problems, methods of analysis, hypothesis, and systematic
2. Chapter II contains the contents of this paper, which discusses the political dynasty that
took place in South Sulawesi is done by the family Hj. Queen ATUT Chosiyah, S.E.
3. Chapter III is the conclusion of this paper is accompanied by suggestions and

Are natural for the post of a head of government passed by the wife, children, or their
close relatives? In our country is going the practice of forwarding power to the people nearby.
Political dynasties are political phenomenon emergence of candidates from the family head of
government is in power. Political dynasty in simple language can be interpreted as a regime of
political power or political actors who run hereditary or done by one family or close relatives.
Political regime is formed due to a very high concern among family members towards politics
and political dynasties usually orientation is power.
Indonesia's political dynasty is actually a thing that is rarely discussed or into a
conversation, though in practice a political dynasty consciously or unconsciously has become the
seed in politics in Indonesia since the days of independence. Political dynasty is actually a
pattern in modern Western society and the communities that mimic western style. This can be
seen in politics in America and also in the Philippines. Political dynasty is not only growing in
liberal-democratic societies. But in essence a political dynasty also grown in autocratic societies
and communities in the monarchy, in which the monarch an obvious power will inevitably fall to
the crown prince in the kingdom.
Political dynasty in Indonesia is already appearing in the family first president of
Indonesia, Sukarno Preseiden. This is evident from the birth of children who continue the work
of his father Sukarno as a politician. As Megawati Sukarnoputri (who lately also increasingly
showing symptoms of Indonesian political dynasty in his self Maharani -Puan), thunder
Soekarno Putra, etc. In order contemporary, political dynasties are also now seen appear in a
family of former Indonesian President Alm KH Abdurrahman Wahid, with the advent of
biological siblings siblings and their offspring into the world of Indonesian politics. The
tendency of a political dynasty was also demonstrated in the current family of Indonesian
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who is shown with his son Eddie Baskoro gait who
managed to become members of the House of Representatives the period 2009/2014.
Ethics is something pertaining to morals, values about something good and the bad. There
are values that are developed in the community, the value of something that deserves to be done
and do not deserve to be. When analyzed in terms of ethics, political dynasty is not good if done
by the political elite.
If someone's political elite developed by relying on the exclusion of a political dynasty
and social ethics, the level of public trust in government will continue to decline. People will
judge this nation turns in the reform era was built with the system of nepotism. Political
formation dynasty will create an unhealthy political order. Although according to the law it is not
forbidden, but it is considered incompatible with ethics.
According Zulkieflimansyah [1], if a political dynasty passed, will appear a lot of
negative impact. First, make the party as a political machine which in turn clog ideal function so
that no party other than the target power. In this position, the party recruitment is based on
popularity and wealth of candidates to victory. Here then arises instant celebrity candidate,
businessman, "green blood" or a political dynasty that is not through the regeneration process.
Second, as a logical consequence of the first symptoms, closing an opportunity society is
a reliable and qualified cadres. Circulation power only rotates in the elite and businessmen alone
so it is potential for the negotiation and preparation of conspiracy interest in carrying out state

Third, the difficulty of realizing the ideals of democracy because it is not the creation of
good governance and clean (clean and good governance). Weaken the power control function
and has not been effective so that the possibility of deviation of power such as corruption,
collusion and nepotism are very large. The negative effects of a political dynasty that most often
we hear is nepotism which make family relationships incompetent people have power. But the
opposite can also occur, where a competent person be not used for reasons still family. In
addition, the ideal state be realized as a leader or state authorities do not have the capability to
carry out the task. As an example, let us read the news footage of the following:
Hj. Queen ATUT Chosiyah, SE, Previous Banten Governor Ratu Atut elected as vice
governor paired with Djoko Munandar on January 11, 2002. When Djoko Munandar removed
from office because of corruption-related cases, he was appointed as Acting Governor of Banten.
He is the first woman to serve as governor of a province in Indonesia. In Banten, Banten
Governor Hj. Queen ATUT Chosiyah, SE has built a dynasty which controls many positions in
local government and the post of Head of the Region. Not to mention some of the allegations of
corruption involving political dynasty.
According to one of the TEMPO mass media, political dynasty that has been built since
the election of the Governor of Banten Hj. Queen ATUT Chosiyah, S.E. And subsequent
attached Eight relatives of the Governor of Banten Hj. Queen ATUT Chosiyah, SE namely Tb
Khaerul Age (sister ATUT) as Deputy Mayor Attack, Queen Tatu Chasanah (sister ATUT)
previously served as Vice Chairman of the Parliament of Banten and then elected as Vice Regent
of Serang, Heryani (stepmother ATUT) as Vice Regent Pandeglang, and Airin Rachmi Diany
(sister-in-law ATUT) was elected as mayor of South Tangerang, Aden Abdul Khalik (sister-inlaw ATUT) Member of parliament I Banten, Adde Khairunissa (son ATUT) Deputy parliament
Serang, Andika Hazrumy (eldest son ATUT) DPD members Banten period 2009-2014, Himat
Tomet (husband ATUT) Members of Parliament 2009-2014. Who can stop this only public
awareness to not choose a political dynasty.
Banten Governor Hj. Queen ATUT Chosiyah, SE should provide exemplary politics to
not justify any means to pass the family or to monopolize the political arena. If it is able to run,
Banten Governor Hj. Queen ATUT Chosiyah, SE can stem the political stigma of the dynastic
clan queen ATUT. Hj. Queen ATUT Chosiyah, SE should not be soluble support-support her
family with many advanced in the election. It should be avoided to maintain the authority of
government that does not tend to a political dynasty. In networks dominate politics in Banten, Hj
Dynasty. Queen ATUT Chosiyah, SE develop a network of political families in the placement of
strategic positions in the political and bureaucratic structures in both the regional and national
The following related data networking Hj family political dynasty. Queen ATUT
Chosiyah, S.E:
The position of the Queen family ATUT:
1. Hj. Queen ATUT Chosiyah, S.E: Governor of Banten
2. Tomato Wisdom (husband ATUT): House of Representatives 2009-2014
3. Andika Hazrumy (firstborn ATUT): DPD Banten 2009-2014
4. Adde Khairunissa (son ATUT): Vice City Council Serang
5. TB. Khaerul Age (sister ATUT): Vice Mayor Attack
6. Queen Tatu Chasanah (sister ATUT): Vice Regent Attack
7. Aden Abdul Khaliq (sister-in-law ATUT): Members of the Parliament Commission I

8. Airin Rachmi Diany (sister-in-law ATUT): South Tangerang Mayor

9. Heryani (stepmother ATUT): Vice Regent Pandeglang
Although often associated deny political dynasty built but what happens on the field
becoming Queen ATUT evidence that families are trying to be the holder of power of the
political elite of the largest in the province of Banten. Keturutsertaan family in held important
positions in the government in Banten province despite having parties supporting different
nonetheless reflect a political dynasty.
Although there is a presumption that a political dynasty was not a problem if indeed
members of the rose and the seat position is a person who is competent and able to deliver
improvements in the government but still a political dynasty that is basically built on family
relationships will lead to an imbalance when the family factor personal nature mingled with
community factors of a general nature and menyeluruh.Tidak is inevitable that it will always be
the case where the interests of the family or group will be a major priority over the public interest
in a political dynasty.
In eight years in power and shaping the political dynasty, ATUT government did not
escape the suspicion of corruption. Evidently, to ATUT named as a suspect case of alleged
corruption in the procurement of medical equipment (medical supplies) in Banten. In fact, later
on ATUT also alleged extortion related to the procurement of Medical Devices. Related to the
procurement of Medical Devices, the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) at least find three
indications of irregularities in the procurement of medical equipment in Banten which reached
USD 30 billion. The third deviation is incomplete medical equipment amounting to Rp 5.7
billion; medical devices do not fit the specifications of Rp 6.3 billion and medical devices did not
exist when the physical examination of Rp 18.1 billion. [N-8 / L-8].
From what we observed, in fact there are many other legislative candidates who have
better competence of the family of Queen ATUT but misfortunes due to the public interest that
are already seeing the Queen ATUT family as those used to great effect as well as a fierce
political battle make those the person is knocked out of politics. Call it Wahidin, candidate for
governor last period which also makes Irna as a candidate for vice governor, he has a good
competence in holding the seat of power, but he lost the battle.
However the shape of a dynasty rule is the right system to be implemented in a system of
government that is not a monarchy. Our country is not a country with a system of monarchical
rule which requires the successor government should come from the lineage of the previous
leader. Our country has a system of elections to choose those who may occupy a position in the
government as representatives of the people who elected directly by the people.
Political dynasty has been known since the days of empire. At that time, power passed
down through generations from father to son. The tradition of passing this rule continues to apply
to deny the potential that exists, so that power remains in the family circle.
As a former Dutch colony that is also derived from the kingdom of the archipelago, the
symptoms to return to pre-condition the Dutch East Indies appear significantly. Some areas in
Indonesia, one by one to build a dynasty rule.
Political dynasty was not against the rules, as to which rights of Indonesian citizens to
elect and be elected is the guarantee given 1945 for anyone who advanced in local elections
(elections). Though it hurt democracy and seen as less worthy and some of the less agree with
the political dynasty, but the opportunity to eliminate the public or potential cadres to appear as a
leader remains open.

Implementation of the election began bustling colored faces child, wife or closest
relatives of the incumbent. In fact, the Anti-Corruption Act, Collusion and Nepotism, implying
that political dynasty as a taboo because it is contrary to the spirit of anti-corruption and provides
the opportunity to create a corrupt leader who then inhibit the eradication of corruption in
Law enforcement in Indonesia, often stuttered when bumped or political interests of cases
handled in direct contact with the ruling political force. Although in certain circumstances quite
firmly confront law enforcement authorities, but generally not the case and even impressed
allergy ruler. Does that make it a political dynasty as the ruling political trends?
Rulers everywhere, tend to want to have more power longer and preserve power.
However, because of the rules which state that a person may occupy the position of regional
head only two periods, the Defender is finally chose to advance relative to proceed power. It
could also be due to the reason, when the ruling kerabatknya the evil it does for the ruling will be
Relationship with the incumbent political party supporters during this creates a symbiosis
mutualisma. Political bargaining cover the losses suffered as a result of the practice of political
parties increasingly fertile political dynasty in Indonesia. If this continues, Indonesia and
democratic new advanced farther away from expectations.

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