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Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources
Gandhi, Mohandas K. Gandhi on Non-Violence: Selected Texts from Mohandas K. Gandhi's
Non-Violence in Peace and War. N.p.: New Directions, 1964. Print. This book gave very
detailed quotations by Gandhi. This book was important because it gave me an inside
view of Gandhi's mind and gave good examples of the way he thought. I used this
information in the "Gandhi's Views" tab.
- - -. The Words of Gandhi. N.p.: Newmarket, 1982. Print. This book gave excellent quotes
relating to freedom and Gandhi's personal beliefs. This source was important to me
because it gave me true quotes that helped me understand what is was like live in a
British-ruled India. I used this source in the "British India" tab.
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand. Gandhi an Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with
Truth. Trans. Mahadev Desai. N.p.: Beacon, 1993. Print. This volume gave an extremely
detailed story of Gandhi and was written by him. This was one of my main sources of
information, as it gave inside information and Gandhi's stance on many subjects and his
feelings towards violence. The book is used in the "Mahatma Gandhi" and the "Gandhi's
Views" tabs.

Secondary Sources
"British Raj." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 2 Jan. 2015. Web. 4 Jan. 2015.
<>. This article gave me information on British
India and had pictures and maps. This webpage helped me to build my "British India"
tab. It gave facts and illustrations.

Gandhi. Perf. Ben Kingsley, Sir. Dir. Richard Attenborough, Lord. Screenplay by John Briley.
1982. Columbia Pictures, 1982. DVD. This movie was very realistic and showed all of
the major events in Gandhi's life. This film helped me to understand the effect he had on
India and I used it for videos in my website.
"Gandhi Leads Civil Disobedience." History. A&E Television Networks, 2014. Web. 5 Nov.
2014. <>.
This site gave a good summary of Gandhi's March to the Sea. It was important because it
showed one of his most important acts in India's freedom. Also, it explained the impact
of his walk on India. The information from this source will be used in the "Gandhi's Rise
to Power" tab.
Landow, George P., ed. "The British East India Company the Company That Owned a Nation
(or Two)." The Victorian Web. N.p., 20 Sept. 2013. Web. 4 Jan. 2015.
<>. This webpage gave good
summary of the East India Company. It also had pictures that I found useful. This
webpage contributed to my "British India" tab.
Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi Research Foundation and Gandhian Institutions-Bombay Sarvodaya
Mandal, n.d. Web. 9 Dec. 2014. <>. This site
provided tons of information on Mahatma Gandhi. This source gave pictures, articles,
and audio clips on Gandhi. The articles are used in the biography and other pages. The
pictures and media clips are used throughout my project.

"Mahatma Gandhi." Bio. A&E Television Networks, 2014. Web. 9 Dec. 2014.
<>. The site
gave a summary of Mahatma Gandhi's life and accomplishments. This site helped me
make by biography of him for my website.
"Mahatma Gandhi." History. AETN, 2014. Web. 9 Dec. 2014.
<>. This site provided a lot of
information on Gandhi and I used this source to complete his biography. This site also
provided pictures that were very helpful in enhancing my site.
"Mahatma Gandhi." Library of Congress Country Studies. Lib. of Cong., Sept. 1995. Web. 3
Nov. 2014. <>.
This webpage gave valuable information on Mahatma Gandhi and his role in India's fight
for freedom. The Library of Congress explained the effect of Gandhi's acts and his ties
with the growing political leaders of India. This source has helped me make my
"Gandhi's Rise to Power" and "Effects" tabs.
"Mahatma Gandhi." Wikipedia. Wikipedia, 2014. Web. 9 Dec. 2014.
<>. This site gave very specific details
about Gandhi and provided me with great pictures. This source was mainly used for its
pictures, but also contributed some details to the biography.
"Mahatma Gandhi Album." Kamat's Potpourri. N.p., 2014. Web. 3 Nov. 2014.
<>. This website gave general
information on Gandhi and supplied me with a lot of graphics, clips, and quotes on
Gandhi. The site highlighted some key factors of his life such as the "Dandhi March" and
early life. This source is used in the "Mahatma Gandhi" tab.

Mahatma Gandhi - A Legacy of Peace. Bio. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 11 Dec. 2014.
<>. This video clip provided a general summary of
Mahatma Gandhi's life and is featured in the biography section.
"Mahatma Gandhiji." World Peace Summit. World Peace Council, 2005. Web. 9 Dec. 2014.
<>. This site gave me visuals
and examples of Gandhi's views and how his ideas worked. I used this site for pictures
and information to help me understand Gandhi's mind.
"Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi." Avizora. N.p., 2001. Web. 9 Dec. 2014.
.htm>. This site provided a summary of Gandhi's life. It gave me an understanding of his
life and is used to make his biography. It also provided me with pictures.
"Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi." Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2015.
Web. 4 Jan. 2015. <>. This website gave a very detailed summary of Mahatma Gandhi's
life. It provided many pictures. This site helped me with different pages such as
"Mahatma Gandhi" and "Gandhi's Views."
Shirer, William L. Gandhi: A Memoir. N.p.: Simon, 1980. Print. This book provided much
information Gandhi, specially his effects on Indian history. It gave a clear description of
his life and helped me to understand how Gandhi led India to freedom. This information
is used in the "Gandhi's Rise to Power" section.

The Conscience of All Mankind. Movie Clips. MOVIECLIPS, 2014. Web. 11 Dec. 2014.
<>. This
video clip explains the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi and shows how his death affected
mankind. It is used to explain how Gandhi's legacy on the world.
Wolfpert, Stanley. Gandhi's Passion: The Life and Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi. New York:
Oxford UP, 2001. Print. This book was an good source for basic information on Gandhi
and gave a well-written explanation of his life. This book also described how Gandhi's
death affected India and how he impacted Indian history. This site has helped me with the
effects of Gandhi's life.
Zuiderveen, Josh. "Colonial India, Gandhi, and Eventual Independence." Colonial and
Postcolonial. N.p., May 2001. Web. 5 Nov. 2014.
<>. This site gave basic
information on Gandhi and instead helped to understand how he worked. It showed how
he performed satyagraha protests" and how he accepted jail time without protest.
This helped me with my "Gandhi's Views" tab.

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