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Group 14 : Corporate Responsibility

Content : 6/9

They began with how CSR started. They followed the historic flow of moving from profit making
thinking to maintaining a balance and starting of CSR post 1930's and justified that it was mostly
done to regain lost faith in corporations after reality of exploitation by corporations was exposed in
effort to gain more profits.

They touched upon the contemporary issue of corporations not paying taxes/avoiding taxes via
loopholes for exemption followed by a series of examples from Swiss banks (Asymmetry of
information), France (where no option to trace the social and environmental factors to be annually
reported by companies), Mining Industry (untraceability and lack of transparency of audit and
certification), and Cosmetic industry (high gross margins etc)

Discussion on impact on climate regarding what developed countries want us to perceive and reality.
Trading in carbon emmission certificates, double counting etc and the developed countries wanting
developing countries to control emissions rather than themselves on basis of net rather than per
capita. New tech are patented by developed countries

Conclusion hypothesis was that there is a continuous transfer of faith of people (example of church
and govt and corporates); power is derived from the balance of their belief.

The content was lacking substance. There were a number of examples but all were substantiating
the same thing. They did not build up their premise. Concluding hypothesis was interesting and
thought out but there was no supporting build up to it, only and out of the way explanation at the
No use of metaphor, no explicit mention of form vs content.

Delivery : 6/9

Standard powerpoint presentation approach along with a lot of text on slides which mostly results in
reading out the text rather than speaking to the audience. Flow of thought was not clear and the
direction of presentation and reasoning was not smooth.

Speech was hesistant, not fluent and had a lot of pauses to think what to say next. There were very
minimal aids, a brief video and few images. They exceeded time limit

Final : 6/9

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