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Disdain: the feeling of not liking someone or something and thinking that they do

not deserve your respect

He regards the political process with disdain
Encroach: to gradually take away someone elses rights , or to take control of
someones time, work
What the government is proposing encroaches on the rights of individuals
Impunity: freedom from punishment or from the unpleasant results of something
that has been done
Criminal gangs are terrorizing the city with apparent impunity
Maneuver: a movement or set of movements needing skill and care (manoeuvre)
This will give room to maneuver in dealing with healthcare
Enactment: to put something into action, especially to change something into law
Allot: to give something , especially a share of st available, for a particular purpose
They allotted everyone a separate desk
Under the aegis of sb/sth: with the protection or support of someone or something,
especially an organization ( di s bo tr)
Disinformation: false information spread in order to deceive people
They claimed there was an official disinformation campaign by the
Repercussion: the effect that an action , event or decision has on something,
especially bad effect
Any decrease in tourism could have serious repercussion for local economy
Stifle: to(cause to) be unable to breathe because you have no air
This permission is not simply the technical broadcast licensing we think of in
Canada, but actually provides the real opportunity for a government to stifle
those who would be critical
Discrepancy : a different between 2 things that should be the same

Supersede: to replace something, especially something older or more old-fashioned

Most of the old road has been superseded by the great interstate highways
Supplant: replace
Printed books will soon be supplanted by ebook
Benign: pleasant and kind
A benign old lady
Purser: a person on a passenger ship or aircraft who is responsible for taking care of

Servitude: the state of being under control of someone else and of having no
In the past, the majority of women were consigned to a lifetime of servitude
and poverty
Capricious : changing mood and behavior suddenly and unexpectedly
A capricious child
Embezzle : to secretly take money that is in your care or that belongs to an
organization or business you work for
She embezzled thousands of dollars from the charity
Revamp: to change or arrange something in order to improve it
We revamped the management system, but the business is doing no better
than it was before
Stern : severe or showing disapproval
A stern look/warning/voice
She is her own sternest critic
In a daze: unable to think clearly ngay nguoi

She was wandering around in a daze this morning

Commotion : hn lon , a sudden short period of noise , confusion, or excited
His arrival caused quite a commotion
Scrunch : to crush material such as paper or cloth into a rough ball in the hand
She scrunched the letter up and threw it in the bin
Meticulous : very careful and with great attention to every detail
Many hours of meticulous with great attention to every detail
Beckon : to move your hand or head in a way that tells someone to come nearer
The customs official beckoned the woman to his counter
She gets to her feet and beckons Olu to follow her as she exits the stage
Nepotism : the act of using your power or influence to get good jobs or unfair
advantages for members your own family
He was guilty of nepotism and corruption
Deplores: to say or think that something is very bad ( ly lm tic)
We deeply deplore the loss of life
Stamp on : to use force to stop or prevent something that you consider to be wrong
or harmful
Any opposition to the new government was immediately stamped on by the
Stamp out: to get rid of something that is wrong and harmful
The new legislation is intended to stamp out child prostitution
Iterate: to repeat a process, especially as part of a computer program
We can walk through each element of a list the same way we iterated over
the characters in a string
Jeer: to laugh or shout at someone to show you have no respect for them

The people at the back of the hall jeered at the speaker

Cosmopolitan: containing or having experience of people and things from many
different parts of the world (khp th gii)
New York is a highly cosmopolitan city
Repent: to be sorry for something bad you have done in the past and wish that you
had not done it , repentance ( n nn)
He repented of his sins just hours before he died
Transgress: to break a law or moral rule
Those are the rules, and anyone who transgresses will be severely punished
Who is supposed to have committed these transgressions
Ineffable: causing so much emotion, especially pleasure, that it cannot be described
( khng th din t thnh li)
Ineffable joy/beauty
Relent: to act in a less severe way towards someone and allow something that you
had refused to allow before
Her parents eventually relented and let her go to the party
Barter: to exchange goods for other things rather than for money
He bartered his stamp collection for her comics
Stifle: to(cause to) be unable to breathe because you have no air
He is said to have stifled his victim with a pillow
Afflict: if a problem or illness afflicts a person or thing they suffer from it
It is an illness that afflicts women more than men
Decipher: to discover the meaning of something written badly or in a difficult or
hidden way
Can you decipher the writing on this envelope?
Feign: to pretend to feel something, usually an emotion

You know how everyone feigns surprise when you tell them how old you are
She responded to his remarks with feigned amusement
Solicitude: s lo u
He made a solicitous enquiry after her health
Scourge: something or someone that causes great suffering or a lot of trouble
( thin tai)
The scourge of war
Siege: bao vy : the surrounding of a place by an armed force in order to defeat
those defending it
The soldiers laid siege to the city
Defile: to spoil something or someone so that they are less beautiful or pure
Its shame that such a beautiful area has been defiled by a rubbish dump
Peril: great danger, or something that is very dangerous
Can everyone here deny that we face a real peril
Sodomy: the sexual act of putting the penis into another persons anus
Young boys and children being sodomized
Aghast : suddenly filled with strong feelings of shock and worry
He looked at her aghast
Fraught with : full of unpleasant things such as problems or dangers
The negotiations has been fraught with difficulties
Stench: a strong, unpleasant smell
The stench of rotting fish/burning rubber/ cigarette smoke
Bigot: a person who has strong, unreasonable beliefs and who thinks that anyone
who does not have the same belief is wrong
He was known to be a loud-mouthed opinionated bigot

Savage(adj): extremely violent, wild, or frightening

A savage dog/beast
A brutal and savage attack
Capitulate: to accept something or agree to do something unwillingly (ng 1 cch
min cng)
The sports minister today capitulated to calls for his resignation
Stick tongue out: th li
Unanimous: in complete agreement or showing complete agreement
The school board was unanimous in its support of the decision
Recoil: to make a sudden movement away from something esp because of fear or
Despise: to feel a strong dislike for someone or something that you think is bad or
He adored his daughter, but despised his son
Abomination: something that you dislike and disapprove of
Cruelty to animals is an abomination
Immutable: not changing or unable to be changed
An immutable law
Some people regard grammar as an immutable set of rules
Tacit: understood without being expressed directly
Indonesias occupation was tacitly if not explicitly supported by the
international community until the 1993 Dili massacre
Ratify: (government or organization) to make an agreement official
Many countries have now ratified the UN convention on the rights of the child
Impediment: something that makes progress movement, or achieving something
difficult or impossible

In a number of developing countries, war has been an additional impediment

to progress
Epitomize: to be a perfect example of a quality or type of thing
With little equipment and unsuitable footwear, she epitomizes the
inexperienced and unprepared mountain walker
Capitalize on: to use a situation to your own advantage
The Liberals no longer able to capitalize on the division on the right, more
difficult than ever before
Prorogue : to stop the activities of a parliament for a period of time without
dissolving it
Decimate: to kill a large number of something, or to reduce something severely
Populations of endangered animals have been decimated
Onerous: difficult to do or needing a lot of effort
The onerous task of finding a peaceful solution
Aviation: the activity of flying aircraft, or of designing, producing, and keeping them
in good condition (hang khng)
Codify: to arrange something, such as laws or rules, into a system
Reef: rn san h ; atoll: o san h
Tuvalu(consisting 4 reef island and 5 atolls)
Pandemic: (of a disease) existing in almost all of an area or in almost all of a group
of people, animals, plants
In some part of the world malaria is still pandemic
Influenza: bnh cm (formal for flu)
Combustion: the process of burning
Every state has the potential to fail for reasons of external intervention,
internal combustion, or both
Wane: to become weaker in strength or influence ( het thoi)

By the late 70s the bands popularity was beginning to wane

Atrocity: ti c
Demise: death, the end of something that was previously considered to be powerful
such as a business, industry or system
The demise of the company was sudden and unexpected
UN opinion on hungary and Czechoslovakia were ignored by the erstwhile
Soviet Union in 1950s
Vicinity: the immediately surrounding area (vng ln cn)
There are several hotels in the immediate vicinity of the station
Aggravate: to make a bad situation worse
The situation has been further aggravated

Crown : the top part of a head, hat or hill

Wear a hat with high crown
Overrun: if unwanted people or things overrun, they will fill a place quickly and in
large numbers
France was one of the overrun countries of Europe that was liberated through
the efforts of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Free French
Concord: agreement and peace between countries and people
Nations living in concord
Latrine: a simple toilet such as a hole in the ground, used in a military area or when
staying in a tent
Suffice: (v) to be enough
Im taking $400, I think that should suffice

Scrawny: unpleasantly thin often with bones showing

He came home after 3 months at college looking terribly scrawny
Fret: to be nervous or worry
Dont fret Im sure hes OK
Carcinogen: cht gy ung th
Defy: to refuse to obey a person, decision, law, situation
It is rare to see children were openly defying their teachers
Ransack: to search a place or container in a violent and careless way
I ransacked the cupboard for my ski boots
Curtail: to stop something before it is finished, or to reduce or limit something
To curtail your holiday/spending
Imbue: to fill something or someone with a particular feeling, quality or idea
A monarch: who may be largely ceremonial with great power, as in United
States or Mexico
Heredity: the process by which characteristics are given from a parent to their child
through the genes
Diet and exercise can influence a persons weight , but heredity is also a
Prerogative: something that certain people are able or allowed to do or have, but is
not possible or allowed for everyone(quyn u tin)
Impeach: to make a formal statement saying that a public official is guilty of a
serious offence in connection with their job, especially in the US
The governor was impeached for wrongful use of state money
Encroachment: the act of gradually taking away someone elses rights or taking
control of someones time, work

Preeminent: more important or powerful than all others

He was the preeminent scientist of his day
Acolyte: anyone who follows or helps another person, or someone who helps a
priest in some religion ceremonies
The nose had been a constant source of torment for the Naigu from his
earliest days as a young acolyte
Lofty: high
When he had reached his present lofty post
Disciple: a person who believes in the ideas and principles of someone famous and
tries to live the way they do or did hc tr
Vigilant: always being careful to notice things, especially possible danger
Following the bomb scare at the airport, the staff have been warned to be
extra vigilant
Decoction: a liquid made by boiling something such a plant in water
He drank a decoction of boiled snake gourd
Rouse: to wake somebody up or to make someone more active or excited
aide: a person whose job is to help someone important, such as a member of a
government or a military officer of high ranking
A senior government aide
Exhort: to strongly encourage or try to persuade someone to do something
The governor exhorted the prisoners not to riot
Tread: to put your foot on something or to press something down with your foot
I kept treading on his toes when we were dancing
Scald: to burn the skin with boiling liquid or steam
I dropped a pan of boiling water and scalded my leg

Exasperate: to make someone very annoyed,, ussualy when they can do nothing to
solve the problem
The naigu puffed out his cheeks in apparent exasperation
Protrude: to stick out from or through something
A rotting branch protruded from the swamp like a ghostly arm
Blotch : m
The red blotches that marked it were probably left from the trampling
Unobtrusive: not noticeable, seeming to fit in well with the things around it or them
Make-up this season is unobtrusive and natural looking
Malaise: tnh trng bt n
Jangle: to make a noise like metal hitting medal (ku chi tai)
He jangled his keys in his pocket
Prosecutor: a legal official who accuses someone of committing a crime, especially
in a law court( cng t vin)
Swamp: if something swamps a person, system or place they receive more of it
than they can easily deal with ( ngp trong cng vic)
Im swamped with work at the moment
Mitigating: making something less harmful, unpleasant or bad
Are there any mitigating circumstances/factors which might help explain her
appalling behaviour?
Annex: to take possession of an area of land or country, usually by force or without
The UK annexed this small island west f Scotland in 1955
Enclave: a part of country that is surrounded by anther country, or a group of
people who are different from the people living in the surrounding area
Campione dItalia is an Italian enclave in Switzerland
Purge: to remove people to get rid of people from an organization because you do
not agree with them (su thanh trung)

Party leaders have undertaken to purge the party of extremist

Pan: to move slowly from one side to another or up and down
The reasons for Chinese support of the CPK was to prevent a pan-Indochina
movement and maintain Chinese military superiority in the region
Siege: the surrounding of a place by an armed force in order to defeat those
defending it
The soldiers laid siege to the city ( started the siege of the city)
Turmoil: a state of confusion, uncertainty or disorder
The whole region is in turmoil
Acrimonious: full of anger, arguments, bad feeling
Their marriage ended eight years ago in an acrimonious divorce
Unabated: without becoming weaker in strength or force
The fighting continued unabated throughout the night
Nauseous: feeling as if you might vomit
Roller coaster make me feel nauseous
Strata: one of the parts or layers into which something is separated
The report shows that drugs have penetrated every stratum of American
Surefire: certain or likely, especially to succeed
Running into road like that is a surefire way to get hurt
Holocaust: a very large amount of destruction, especially by fire or heat, or the
killing of very large numbers of people ( i thiu hy)
A nuclear holocaust(=destruction caused by nuclear weapons) would leave
few survivors
Brink: the point where a new or different situation is about to begin

Extreme stress had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown

Truncate: to make something shorter or quicker, especially by removing the end of it
Television coverage of the match was truncated by a technical fault
Caucus: (a meeting of) a small group of people in a political party or organization
who have a lot of influence, or who have similar interests
Carnage: the violent killing large numbers of people, especially in war
Inimical: harmful or limiting
Excessive managerial control is inimical to create expression
Potency: tie62m nang
In order of potency and growth capability
Hectic: full of activity or busy and fast
I am a hectic late bloomer, didnt really start growing until 17
Secretion: the process by which an animal or plant produces and releases a liquid or
the liquid produced ( tit ra)
Increase growth hormone secretion and/or insulin-like growth factor
Drowsy: being in a state between sleeping and being awake
The room is so warm , its making me feel drowsy
Oncologist: bc s chuyn khoa
Acromega: bnh to cc
Partition: to devide one part of a room from another with a thin wall
Why dont you partition that large room into a lounge and a dining room
Unnerve: to make someone feel less confident and slightly frightened
I think it unnerved me to be interview by so many people
Inanimate: having none of the characteristics of life that an animal or plant has
He looks at me as if Im an inanimate object

Iridescent : showing many bright colors that change with movement

Her latest fashion collection features shimmering iridescent materials
Duly : in the correct way or at the correct time as expected
And duly she threw on the table a roll
Glimmer: to shine with a weak light or a light that is not continuos
Brigand: a thief with a weapon, especially one of a group living in the countryside
and stealing from people travelling through area
Wrath: extreme anger
The people feared the wrath of God
Bungle: to do something wrong, in a careless or stupid way
He is an incompetent bungler
Truncheon (nightstick) : dui cui a thick, heavy stick used as a weapon by police
Perforce(adv): bt c d
He perforce to pick it up again
Tippler: someone who often drinks alcohol
Snuff: tobacco in the form of a powder for breathing into the nose
Very few people take snuff nowsadays
Blanch: to turn pale, for example because you are shocked
While most people would blanch at the prospect of so much work, Daniels
seems to enjoy it
Bade past tense of bid
Blemish: a mark on something that spoils its appearance
Freckles, scars and other minor skin blemishes

Rebuff: to refuse to accept a helpful suggestion or offer from someone, often by

answering in an unfriendly way
She rebuffed all suggestions that she should resign
Meat cleaver: dao cht tht

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