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Story begins with the house, the main character moves into the
house on her own. Everything is normal to begin with; shes
unpacking her things and settling in. She greets neighbours and
a few days passed, shes unpacked her things and settled in.
One night she hears a strange noise coming from outside, she
goes to investigate and nothing appears to be there. Another
day passes but in that night she hears footsteps across her
hallway, she goes to grab an item thats close to her and calls
out into the hallway. The next day shes starting to notice more
noises, things begin to move and disappear. She calls The
Ghostbusters to investigate the irregular behaviour in the
house. They arrive at her house and set up their equipment and
try to establish the problem. They see that the poltergeist is
latched on to her and trying to possess her. They try to get rid
of the poltergeist but the poltergeist remains in her because it
has occupied her whole body now through the pendant which
she is wearing but they are unaware the pendant is the cause
of the sinister activity going on inside her house. They leave
and she continues as normal, later she goes to have a shower
and tries to take the pendant off but she is unable to remove it
and it strangles her and she eventually gets it off but it latches
on to her wrist instead and drags her down to the floor where it
pulls her towards the window. She is able to get it off and
throws it out the window. The possession has now been
The next day after recovering from the destruction caused she
goes out and finds that the pendant is no longer there. Worried,

she calls the Ghost busters again. She tells them what
happened and have now got the knowledge to undertake this
possessed pendant. She asks them to stay at her house as she
doesnt feel safe knowing that its still in her neighbourhood
and may now be possessing another being. They agree.
Later, the spiritualists leave the house in order retrieve
necklace, Lana is hesitant because she doesnt want to stay in
the house by herself but allows them to go anyway. Lana keeps
busy within the house, trying to carry on as normal when she
hears scratching sounds on the window, she goes to check it
out but theres nothing there. After, she hears a knock at the
door, its her mother, they talk, everything is normal then later
she finds the pendant in her mothers bag whilst her mother is
making tea. Her mother walks in to the room and Lana tries to
carry on as normal and she flounces off to go to the toilet. She
tries to message the spiritualists when she hears her mother
calling her from downstairs. Her mother proceeds to walk up
the stairs, Lana locks herself in the room and then the mother
begins to get angry and try and get in.
The spiritualists received the message, came in time before the
mother attacks Lana and they use their special tranquilizer to
put the mother down and later performs and exorcism on her.
The end.

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