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-God is not dead This movie different stories are unlinked, the leading so to speak is the

college boy named Josh. Who in their first day of class philosophy know your "atheist"
teacher who makes a piece of paper write that GOD IS DEAD, the only student in the
class who refuse to sign. Professor mockery so he had discussed the issue with him, in
front of the whole class, because the class juries serious debate. That's going to church
and talk to the pastor which gives very good advice and asks him to read a biblical quote.
When this boy's girlfriend learns that the phrase did not want to write and challenge the
teacher, I was very upset, so much you put into the relationship compared six years they
have been together since. In the first two debates have arguments against all points of the
student and the girlfriend of Josh ends that you learned that the foot was still in the
decision to refute the idea of the teacher. Already in the third and final discussion between
teacher and Josh, which again both make compelling points. He then stops online student
discussion to pose a question to the teacher: "Why, God hates?" After he repeated the
question a few more times, he professor of rage, confirms that hates God by the death of
his mother left him despite his prayers. Josh asks him: "How can you hate God if there?".
An exchange student who attends the same class as Josh repeatedly called his father to
tell what happened in class but his father had encouraged him not to convert to
Christianity. That day, day of the third and final discussion gets up and says. "God is not
dead" Almost the whole class follows the example of Asian, causing the teacher leaves the
room defeated. Part of the story is like a chain because it also has to do with the Professor
and his girlfriend named Mina which was also Christian (This guy apparently likes to get
into discussion) it was she who often belittles before their atheists colleagues, and seeing
that she does not value, ends her relationship with him. She has a brother named Mark,
successful entrepreneur and atheist (will also be a masochist), His brother refuses to visit
her mother, who suffers from Alzheimers. Mark's girlfriend, Amy, addicted to technology
that some took time to help is also Leftist blogger who writes articles critical of the Duck
Dynasty. When you are diagnosed with cancer, leaves her boyfriend (man of little faith). An
Islamic student named Ayisha secretly converted to Christianity over a year and is
disowned by her father, who misses her home when she learns. After the final debate,
Josh invited to attend the Asian Newsboys concert is in town. Meanwhile the teacher reads
a letter from his late mother, then in the newspaper announcing the concert, and
immediately moved to reconcile with Mina. Amy the girl with cancer faces the Newsboys in
his dressing room, only to admit that she wants to get to know God. The teacher on his
way to find Mina in concert, is hit by a car resulted in a broken rib which he pre-forum on
the lung gave her a slow death. Pastor David and Pastor Jude find him and guide him to
become a Christian while he dies. Mark in recent visits to his mother, only to mock her; she
replies that all his financial success was given by Satan, whose purpose is that he was
never close to God. WONDERFUL MOVIE -Once, I remember both that day on they
took the church holy Ecce Homo and played us in and make a small rosary, because there
was a time when I kneel me against him and when just started my prayer the choir church
began to sing "as I waited for this moment, as I expected you to be so, as I expected you
to tell me, as I expected you to come to me," tears came to my eyes and I felt the
presence of Him there by my side ... First time someone who knows this.

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