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5 Days a Week Dynamic Warm up Routine: Attached Below
Flexibility It is important that you work on Static Stretching and Dynamic Stretches every day. It is
especially important to get more flexibility in your hips. Make sure you are doing your
Inchworm, Spiderman, Knee Pulls, Ankle Pulls, Knee Drops, Walking RDL, and Walking
Frankenstein. Static Stretching is to be done as part of your Cool down not Warmup.

You should get 60 - 90 minutes/week of Running in during each week.

2-3 days x 25-30 minute run or continuous cardio workout (HR above 140)
You can replace 1 day with a cross training activity such as: Jump Rope, biking,
swimming, INSANITY, etc.

Running 2 day/week
A) 5 x 600 or 6 x 400 or 7 x 300 or 8 x 200 or 150s
B) 10 12 Acceleration/Deceleration x 40m focusing on Good Sprint Form
Hurdling If you can get in some place and hurdle, do it. Work on Lead leg drills, and quickness of getting
back into a good running position. So when lead foot touches down trail leg is already through
and ready to go into next step.
Supps 3 days/week do at least A) 100 Pushups, B) 50 Dips, C) sets of Pull-ups if you can find a place. These
are to be done on the days you do not lift
Lifting See Weight lifting forms. If you cant lift then do more supps! But you will then need to add lunges,
wall squats, squat thrusts, mountain climbers, planks & Standing RDLs.
Plyos/bounding 1 day/week double foot jumps, hopping, bounding x 20 yards x 2-3 per each exercise.
Core Start with 125 reps of whatever combo you want to use and whatever exercises. Then add 25 per week.
If you can do hanging knee ups and knee ups and extend do so.
I will email you all to see how things are going. Have a GREAT Vacation, but remember you must work out
and you must report on Log A Run!

Its all in your prepare yourself when its freezing cold,
raining, or sweltering hot. It's not the easiest thing to do, but, in the
long run it the best way. You'll know you've earned your success.

Carnegie Mellon University
Dynamic Warm-Up Routine
(Hurdlers, Jumpers, Sprinters, Vaulters)
1. Warm Up Run
2. Toe Walks/Heal Walks
3. Inchworm/Spiderman
4. Knee Ups/Foot Ups
5. Walking RDL
6. Walking Frankenstein
7. Low level Skipping
8. Knee Drops (Single/Double)
9. Eagles
10. Reverse Eagles
11. Rockers into Hurdles
12. Jane Fondas
13. Swedish Leg Swings
a) Abductor/Adductor
b) Extension/Flexion
14. High Knees
15. Butt Kicks
16. Pop Offs
17. A skips
18. B Skips
19. Coordination Drill
20. Ankling
21. Rods
22. Bounding Rods
23. Slides
24. Carioca
25. Fast Leg L
26. Fast leg R
27. Fast Leg Alternate
28. Accelerators x 4
29. Baylor Drill

800m Mile
15m Each
15m Each
30m Each
30m Each
30m Each
8 each Leg/Each Exercise
8 each Leg
8 each Leg
8 each Leg
8 each Leg
8 each Leg
8 each Leg

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