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Whittier Alliance Board of Directors

October 28th, 2010, 6-8:30, Whittier Elementary

Present: Daphna Stromberg, Laura Jean, Erica Christ, Jesse Oyervides, Lisa Vecoli, Robert Nogler, Felino
de la Pena, David Bagley, Christina Le, Maurice Battle, Rob Davis, Erin Sjoquist Absent: Anthony Carchedi,
Tom Bissen, Michael Tupper Staff: Jessica Rosenberg
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:11pm. The standard of conduct and conflict of interest were
noted. The agenda was presented and a Motion to approve was made and Carried.
Comments from the Chair: We have some interest in open board seats, some from community and some
from BA (Vanessa from Blacklist and Rachel from Washburn). Can talk about whether it is useful to add board
members a few months before elections. For BA, 1 year seat, might make sense to take them for a few months.
Secretarys Report: September minutes were presented and approved. Absences were presented
8-0, 6-1, 0-2, 0-3, 1-Reinstatements 2 Resignation. Next months meeting is a week early: Thurs Nov 18th.
Executive Committee: Jessica and Becky are leaving the Whittier Alliance in the next few weeks. When Josie
left, we had an inconclusive conversation about what the CO position. We have that opportunity now, to talk
about what we want, what we can afford, if changing job descriptions would help organization be more effective.
CO position does outreach and events, which are different things. Admin Assistant does some very basic office
work, and more sophisticated research, tasks. LJ suggests we find someone with grant writing experience, because
that will be needed moving forward. Another suggestion was including research in one of the positions, to have
more background to present to staff and board. At this point, we dont have much time, and based on where we
are on strategic planning, we have to hire someone and tell them, your job might change, give a 6 month window.
Strategic Planning Update: MB, Erica, LJ met with potential strategic planning consultant, Erin Bowley. All
liked her, thought she communicated well. She gave a range, you could spend $6374 to 3400, at $70/hour.,
could work this much, or you could do this much. We said we wanted to spend about $10,000. Do we have
this, can it be justified? We can, bulk of it will come out of NRP. Some budget items (professional services,
training, admin) we havent used all of. LJ says it will be worth our investment, to use this money to plan for
not having any money. Time period? 6 months, give or take how involved and how much consensus we have.
Or, we could do it in 2 months, if were all on the same page and start to speak in the same language. Christine
says we get the most out of it if we really work hard at it for 6 months. Erica says, yes, if the board does work.
Whatever we dont do, the staff does, and we pay for that. Christina talks about needing board involvement. Has
the strategic planning committee seen work examples from Bowley? MB has reviewed. Erica liked talking to
her about how much do we assume we represent of the nhood, Bowley didnt go on and on about consensus.
David would like to see work examples, b/c consultants can spend many hours and not get anything done.
LJ said Bowley talked about timeline, goal meeting. Erin S. talking to coworker about grad dissertation on
neighborhoods, who would be interested in studying Whittier and making something useful. Could she do some
work that we dont want to pay consultant for? Yes, Erin S. will put her in touch with Marian when vacations
over. Erica wants to move forward, says what we need is 10 years of money, until city gives up on NCEC, and we
need this strategic planning process to keep us through. MB talked to Bowleys references, and we got her name
from Corcoran nhood, who just worked with her and liked her. She seemed to understand what we were after as
a nhood, not a biz. People weve talked to in the past, in our previous false starts, have presented this is what we
do, this is it, this is the (strategic planning) process. Erica says, maybe we imagine it a little, but we are different,
and Bowleys been the most flexible person Ericas interviewed over last 5 years. LJ suggests she come to next
months board meeting. Erica says committee and whoever else need to look hard look at her budget presentation,
figure out what we need to do. Daphna says it would be good for us to see outline, and for board to do some
homework, to think about what were going to be doing. Board has to think about how many hours a month we
can do, and if what we can give is low, than well have to pay her.
Comments to NCR were submitted. If we can use their money first, and if we are allowed to transfer Whittier
CDC into Implementation, then we are set up for 10 years. But those are Ifs.
We applied for a CEE Energy Grant; they invited us to apply. It is a step in the direction of becoming and Energy
District. LJ says Green Fair was well done, but not a lot for historic preservation, we should pursue that next year.

Motions from Standing Committees: Community Issues Committee

CI Motion 1: Community Issues moves to deny the application for a conditional use permit for 18 additional
units at 2848 Pleasant Ave S. Motion Carried at Board 9-0-3.
Reading over CI minutes, Davids surprised that Dean said he wasnt here for last years CUP, who was here?
Could have been Speeter or Nelson. Basim Sabri has stepped up aggressive tactics. Whittier Alliance has gotten
harassing letters, mostly directed at Marian. Hes been requesting names, addresses, salaries of staff; names,
addresses, property owned by board members. Sabri sent letter to owners at Park Square before Annual Meeting
about Jesse. Jesse filed police report, talked to lawyer, Park Square lawyer is working on it. Channel 9 might be
doing story on it next week. Jesse and Tom have a restraining order on Basim Sabri, this letter to Park Square is
a violation of the restraining order. Realistically, the thing to worry about is that hes going to sue us, and well
have to spend a lot of time and money on staff time to get papers together even to get to point of getting case
thrown out. Greenway, City Council people, City all getting things like this. Erica announced that the board move
into Executive Session and requested that staff and guests leave the room. They staff and guest were invited back
into the room and the regular board meeting resumed. Public hearing is next week, Mon. Nov 1st, 4:30, City Hall.
Finance Committee We are waiting for reimbursement from NRP. Bottom number of our own money we can
spend however we want is creeping up. To review: main checking is our accounts payable. High yield checking
gets a little bit of interest. We keep most our money there, but no penalties for moving. In process of depreciating
everything out. $43,000 in accounts receivable. We get NRP reimbursements once a quarter, btw $30-50,000.
Liabilities: weve taken advances from NRP, which carry over month to month. Profit/losses were reviewed:
we are chronically under budget. Havent spent NRP money on schedule we thought. Weve asked for less
reimbursement, so it looks like income is down, but were just not asking for reimbursement for $ we didnt
spend. 17,000 under budget, YTD. Payroll is down, will continue to be down during staff transition.
Motion FC 1: The Whittier Alliance Board of Directors accepts the October 2010 financial report for the
Whittier Alliance Carried
Review letter about Whittier CDC. From CDC CPED, then hopefully to our implementation strategy. Erin
says they are signing over. Not sure how much they are going to dissolve, but Toms job wont exist.
Micro-grants: Becky sent out check-in. Old Arizona and Jabbok are prepared to submit a review for December.
Jabboks fiscal year ended Sept, so MB reviewed, sent to NRP. Will have reports next month.
Historic Preservation. Calendar: We are going through pictures for historic preservation calendar.Guide: we
sent it back, and said we werent happy with it. It was not what we were expecting for the money we paid. Looked
college level: pictures not from nhood, and not best examples of nhood, not tied to community. Layout was very
basic. Didnt someone retire? Yes, original person retired, new team. We got a grant extension for printing, so we
can take our times. Weve pushed them towards what wed like.
Resource Development: Wine tasting Wed. Oct 20, Il Gatto. We sold 17 tickets: $440. Nice event, good
turnout, good location. Lots of people wanted beer. We should do a beer and brat event Next fall! Oktoberfest
is a hot party theme: offices, birthdays. People are over Cinqo de Mayo and St. Patricks Day. Given that we are
the International Nhood, we could do a different nationality and cuisine with each month, holiday. We could do
deconstructed food In May: Tacos from everyone. In October, brat from everyone? October-May. What space
could we have it? Someone would have to get an off-site extension for liquor license. GiveMN: Give to the Max
day is Nov. 16. No match, but promotion to get people to give. No fee for credit card, pays cc fees.
Were talking about reducing number of fundraising letters down to 500, people who are active, have given, we
have reason to believe will give. Letter will go out after GiveMN day, so we dont have to send letters to people
who have donated online. Were also looking at putting return envelopes in fold of calendar, see what we can get.
Staff Reports: Reviewed Becky attended Alcohol Task Force? Yes, Franklin/Nicollet focus. Some discussion of
cameras on corner. Have gotten more response from beat officers. Goes up and down, year to year. Issue for Eat
Street Flats commercial space. CVS has camera, but it doesnt deter that sort of crime (public drunkenness).
Old New Business:
Green Fair: Saturday October 9th, was great, lots of info, well set up. Well attended? Hard to tell. Is labor
intensive for Becky, could work more with other nhoods. A lot was last minute, should be a stronger committee,
starting earlier, be promoting months in advance, not weeks. Vendors got extension, so even a few weeks out we

didnt know who was presenting. Daphna likes the Green Fair, likes changes every year. Next year, should partner
with Stevens Square, Lyndale, Phillips. Thats what weve talked about with CO position, getting someone
stronger at events. Daphna: for future planning, look at what we do annually, set schedule and yearly calendar and
committees. Get calendar out in December, start planning May Day now. In future: events committee. For Green
Fair, we could take fair/festival idea further, more fun and games. Give out an award: Green Award. Contrived,
but works, people show up. Should we change location, partner with school? Could we do it with World of
Whittier? Or do it on Earth Day? Do it in good weather, with indoor/outdoor options. Do with Waldorf Plant
Sale? We do a lot of events for the staff and volunteers we have, combine events, have more attendance.
26th & Nicollet: Announced at BA, Vertical Endeavors is very close to going into all of Icehouse and front
building. Will bring many people to neighborhood. Azia is reported to maybe come back, in March or April
Building needs a lot of work. They are rehabbing apartments, roofing, HVAC. Said they were close to deal, but
couldnt announce Taco Morales space yet. A lot going on, going to be such good energy. Marian was the one
who suggested Vertical Endeavors, like a bulldog went after it. She did a great job on this, pursuing it. They are
working on corner building first, Sinbads and Jasmine last.
HCMC Opening: Saturday October 30th, 2-5. Balloons and Twins players and food, youth performance. Building
is open (but not during opening event.).
Tasty Eat Street: Bringing it back for November, coordinating with MCAD Art Sale and MIA 3rd Thursday. And
this year, artists can restock work. Thurs & Fri 6-9pm, for $. Tasty Eat Street is Thursday starting at 8, Friday
starting at 5. Every art sale attendee will get postcard, signage, tote bag. Will coach cashiers towards Eat Street.
ESE is after next months board meeting. We should go out after.
Anthony and Carrie had a baby!
Meeting Adjourn at 7:55pm
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by: Jessica Rosenberg, Administrative Assistant
Approved Nov 18, 2010

Erica Christ, Board Chair
Laura Jean, Board Secretary

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