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10 teoras asombrantes del

universo y de la realidad
Michael Allison, 15 de abril del 2013
La realidad no es tan simple y sencilla como nos gustara pensar.
Muchas cosas que damos por hechas son en realidad falsas.
Cientficos y filsofos han intentado por todos los medios refutar las
teoras dictadas por el sentido comn, tal como vemos en los
siguientes 10 ejemplos.

10. Big Freeze (gran congelacin)

El Big Freeze es una teora cientfica sobre el fin del universo.
Aunque no lleve a riadas de helado ahogando a todo el mundo, sera
un desastre para todos. El universo contiene una cantidad fija de
energa, y a medida que se gasta, segn la teora, el universo se
ralentiza. En otras palabras, hay una perdida lenta de calor porque el
calor se produce por el movimiento de partculas de energa. Tambin
hay una ralentizacin de movimiento, as que supuestamente, todo
eventualmente llegara a detenerse. Lo que nos hace pensar en la
frase de T. S. Eliot: As es como termina el mundo, no con
una explosin, sino con un lamento.

9. Solipsismo
El solipsismo es una teora filosfica que afirma que nada puede es
demostrable excepto la existencia de la propia conciencia. Esto
parece una tontera al principio pero quin, despus de todo, se
atrevera a negar que el mundo que les rodea existe? El nico
problema es que eso es imposible de verificar solo con tocarlo,
verdad? Errneo. La gente que ha tomado LSD, por ejemplo, a veces
confiesan haber visto (y tocado) las alucinaciones ms reales an no
asumimos que sus/esas ilusiones son reales.
Qu podemos demostrar, entonces? Bueno, ni siquiera el muslo de
pollo que tuvimos para cenar, ni los teclados en nuestros dedos, slo
nuestros pensamientos pueden demostrar su existencia por cada uno
de nosotros. Que os divirtis durmiendo esta noche!

8. Idealismo
Por idealismo entendemos que todos los casos existen como ideas en
nuestra mente, como ideas en la mente de alguien. George Berkeley,
un famoso filosofo e idealista, vio como algunos de sus coetneos
tachaban sus ideas de idioteces. Se dice que uno de sus adversarios
cerr los ojos, le dio un puntapi a una piedra y afirm: Lo rebato
La cuestin es que si en realidad la piedra slo exista en su mente,
no debera haber podido golpearla con los ojos cerrados. La respuesta
de Berkeley a este episodio resulta algo problemtica, sobre todo
desde la perspectiva actual. Afirm que exista un dios todopoderoso
y omnipresente que perciba todo y a todos al mismo tiempo.
Plausible o no? T decides!

7. Platn y el Logos
Todo el mundo ha odo hablar de Platn. Es el filsofo ms famoso de
la historia; y como todo filsofo, sin duda tena algo que decir sobre la
realidad. Platn afirmaba que, adems del mundo con el que estamos
familiarizados, existe otro de formas perfectas. Todas las cosas a
nuestro alrededor son slo sombras, imitaciones de objetos reales.
Estudiando filosofa, podemos ver un atisbo de los originales.
Por si esto fuera poco, Platn que era monista, nos dice que todo est
hecho de una nica sustancia. Esto significa, segn su teora, que los
diamantes, el oro y la caca de perro estn compuestos de distinta
forma. Y segn la ciencia de hoy en da, esta teora podra no estar
muy lejos de la verdad.

6. Presentismo
El tiempo es algo que damos por sentado. Si reflexionamos un
momento, veremos que solemos dividirlo en pasado, presente y

futuro. Los filsofos presentistas defienden, no obstante, que no

existe ni un pasado ni un futuro, tan slo el presente.
O sea, tu ltimo cumpleaos no existe y cada palabra de este artculo
cesa de existir una vez lo has mirado; hasta que vuelves a mirarlo.
Segn san Agustn el futuro no existe, por tal y como el tiempo no
puede. O en palabras de un gran erudito budista, Fyodor
Shcherbatskoy: Todo pasado es irreal, todo futuro es irreal; todo
aquello que se imagine [...] es irreal. Solamente es real el momento
presente, fsico y efectivo, es decir, la causalidad.

5. Eternalismo
El eternalismo presenta un contraste acusado con el presentismo.
Esta teora filosfica postula/propone que, en realidad, el tiempo tiene
varias capas y se podra comparar con un bizcocho (a diferencia del
tiempo, los bizcochos no crean divisin entre los filsofos). Todas las
capas existen simultneamente pero ver cada una de ellas depende
dnde est situada la persona que la observa.
Por lo tanto, la Segunda Guerra Mundial y Lady Gaga existen al mismo
tiempo pero slo es posible verlas desde un punto en concreto. Segn
esta perspectiva, el futuro es totalmente determinstico y podra
parecer una ilusin.

4. Cerebro en una cubeta

El experimento imaginario/mental Cerebro en una cubeta es un
problema con el que se han topado/ tropezado filsofos y cientficos
que proponen/afirman, como la mayora de las personas, que el
mundo externo se puede verificar de forma individual.
Entonces, dnde est el problema? Bueno, imaginemos por un
momento que realmente somos cerebros en cubetas y que nuestras
percepciones estn manipuladas por aliengenas o cientficos
malignos, cmo nos podramos dar cuenta de ello?/ cmo lo
sabramos? Y cmo refutaramos que realmente no es nuestro caso,
en este instante?
Cerebro en la cubeta es el giro/la resolucin en el problema del genio
maligno de Descartes que demuestra lo mismo, que no podemos

demostrar la existencia de nada a travs de la conciencia, pero

emplea experimentos mentales ligeramente diferentes. Y si esto
suena como Matrix es porque la pelcula se bas en este mismo
argumento. Desafortunadamente, no tenemos ninguna pastilla roja.

3. Teora del multiverso

Cualquiera que no haya vivido en una cueva/caverna en los ltimos
diez aos, habr odo hablar de la teora del multiverso o universo
paralelo. Los mundos paralelos, como muchos de nosotros sabemos,
son muy parecidos al nuestro pero con pequeas (o grandes en otros
casos) diferencias. De acuerdo con la teora, existen infinidades de
estos universos.
As que cul es nuestra implicacin en todo esto? Bueno, en un
universo paralelo los dinosaurios ya te habrn matado y ahora yaces
bajo casi 2.500 metros bajo tierra (porque as hacen las cosas all); en
otro eres un dictador poderoso con el valor moral de un Saddam
Hussein norcoreano; y en otro ni siquiera habrs nacido. Lo puedes
captar en la imagen.

2. Realismo ficticio
Cul sera la consecuencia ms emocionante de la teora del
Multiverso? La de que Superman es real. Okay/Est bien/ De acuerdo,/
Seguro que a muchos de vosotros se os habr ocurrido ideas ms
fascinantes pero quedmonos/ vamos a centrarnos en la de
Superman. Lgicamente, si hubiera un nmero infinito de universos
tendra que existir unos cuantos que contuvieran versiones reales de
nuestros personajes favoritos de ficcin.

1. Fenomenalismo
Algunas veces te has preguntado qu pasa con las cosas cuando te
das la vuelta? Los filsofos han estudiado intensamente este
problema y algunos han llegado a la simple conclusin de que se
desvanecen. Otros filsofos conocidos como fenomenalistas creen

que existen slo en la medida de lo percibido. Dicho de otra forma, tu

sndwich de queso existe slo durante el periodo de tiempo en el que
eres consciente de su existencia; as que, respecto a los rboles que
caen en los bosques y no hay nadie a su alrededor para orlo, no
existen. Sin percepcin no hay existencia, es un fenomenalismo, en

10 Mind-Blowing Theories About

The Universe and Reality

APRIL 15, 2013

Reality isnt as plain and simple as we often like to think. Several things we take for granted as
true are, in reality, patently false. Scientists and philosophers have done their best to overthrow
the theories of common senseas youll see by the ten examples below:

10 Big Freeze
The Big Freeze is a scientific theory of the end of the universe. Though it doesnt entail
gigantic tubs of ice cream drowning everyone, it does spell disaster for everyone. The universe
has a fixed amount of energy in it, and as this energy runs outso the theory goesthe
universe slows down. In other words, there is a slow loss of heat, because heat is produced by
the movement of energy particles. There is also a slowdown in movement, and supposedly,
everything would eventually come to a halt. Which brings to mind the lines by T. S. Eliot: This is
the way the world ends: not with a bang but with a whimper.

9 Solipsism

Solipsism is a philosophical theory which states that nothing can be verified except the
existence of ones own mind. This seems silly at first; and who, after all, would wish to deny that
the world around them exists? The only problem is that its impossible to verify the existence of
anything except your own consciousness.
Dont believe us? Take a moment to remember all the plausible dreams youve ever had in your
life. Couldnt it be possible that what you see around you is nothing but an incredibly elaborate
dream? But we have friends and family whose existence we can verify, simply by touching
them, right? Wrong. People on LSD, for example, sometimes report seeing (and touching) the
most convincing hallucinationsyet we dont assume that their illusions are real.
So what can we verify, then? Well, not even the chicken drumstick we had for dinner, nor the
keyboards at our fingers; only our own thoughts can be proven by each one of us to exist. Have
fun sleeping tonight!

8 Idealism
Idealism is the belief that all things exist as an idea in the mindor more specifically, as an
idea in someones mind. George Berkeley, a famous idealist philosopher, found that his views
were dismissed as idiotic by some of his peers. Its said that one of his opponents closed his
eyes, kicked a stone, and stated: I refute it thus.
The point was that if the stone really existed only in the mans mind, he should not have been
able to kick it with his eyes closed. Berkeleys refutation of this was a bit troublesome, especially
in modern eyes. He stated that there existed an all-powerful and omnipresent God, who
perceived everyone and everything simultaneously. Plausible or not? You decide.

7 Plato and the Logos

Everyone has heard of Plato. He is the most famous philosopher aroundand like all
philosophers, he most definitely had something to say about reality. Plato claimed that in
addition to the world were all familiar with, there exists another world of perfect forms. All the
things we see around us here are merely shadows, imitations of the real thing. By studying
philosophy, we can hope to catch a glimpse of the originals.
To add to this bombshell, Plato, being a monist, tells us that everything is made out of a single
substance. This means that (according to his view), diamonds, gold, and dog poo are composed
of the same basic substance arranged in different waysand according to modern science, this
theory may not be too far from the truth.

6 Presentism
Time is something we take for granted: if we consider it for a moment, we normally divide it
simply into the past, the present, and the future. Presentist philosophers, however, argue that
there is neither a past nor a future; only the present exists.

In other words, your last birthday does not exist and every word in this article ceases to exist
after you look at ituntil you look back at it again. The future does not exist, as time cannot be
both behind and ahead, according to Saint Augustine. Or in the words of the great scholar of
Buddhism, Fyodor Shcherbatskoy: Everything past is unreal, everything future is unreal,
everything imagined, absent, mental . . . is unreal. . . . Ultimately real is only the present
moment of physical efficiency.

5 Eternalism
Eternalism presents a sharp contrast to presentism. This philosophical theory postulates
that time actually has many layers, and could perhaps be compared with a sponge cake (unlike
time, sponge cakes do not divide philosophers). All layers exist simultaneously, but the layer
seen by a particular observer depends on where he is standing.
So dinosaurs, World War Two and Lady Gaga all exist at the same time but can only be viewed
from a certain point. According to this view, the future is hopelessly deterministic and free will
appears to be an illusion.

4 Brain in the Vat

The Brain in the Vat thought-experiment is a problem encountered by philosophers and
scientists who propose (like most people) that the external world is independently verifiable.
So whats the problem? Well, lets imagine for a moment that we are merely brains in vats, with
our perceptions being manipulated by aliens or evil scientists. How could we possibly know?
And how could we disprove the possibility of this situation actually being the case for us right
Brain-in-vat is a modern spin on Descartes Evil Demon problem; it makes the same pointthat
we cant prove the existence of anything but our consciousnessbut employs slightly different
thought-experiments. And if this sounds like the Matrix, thats because the Matrix was based on
this very scenario. Unfortunately, we dont have any red pills.

3 Multiverse Theory
Anyone who hasnt been living under a rock for the past ten years will have at least heard of
the multiverse, or parallel universe, theory. Parallel worldsas many of us already knoware
said to be very much like ours, with only minor (or in some cases, major) differences. According
to the theory, there is an infinite number of these universes.
So whats the implication for us? Well: in one parallel universe, youve already been killed by
dinosaurs and now lie eight feet under (because thats how they do things, there). In another,
youre a powerful dictator with the morals of a North Korean Saddam Hussein. In yet another,
you were never even bornyou get the picture.

2 Fictional Realism
The most exciting implication of the Multiverse Theory? Superman is real. Okay, so some of you
might be able to come up with slightly more exciting ideasbut lets stick with Superman.
Logically, if theres an an infinite number of universes, then there must be quite a few which
contain real-life versions of our favorite fictional characters.

1 Phenomenalism
Ever wondered what happens to things behind your back? Philosophers have studied this
problem intently, and some have reached a simple conclusion: they vanish. Wellnot exactly.
Some philosophers, known as phenomenalists, believe that things only exist insofar as they
are perceived. In other words, your cheese sandwich only exists so long as you are aware of its
existence. So as for trees that fall in forests with no one around to hear them; they dont. No
perception, no existence. Thats phenomenalism in a nut-shell.

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