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Steps Based on one novel, describe a good quality that you admire in a character in

the novel. 1. Read question & underline the first keyword. 2. PLAN on rough paper 3. Write the
Introduction 4. Arrange & write the Body 5. Write the Conclusion

7. You must have 3 sections: Introduction state the novel name state your answer
(copy from the question) Body give your reasons elaborate/examples Conclusion
repeat your answer & close Plan Your Answer

8. Write only 1 answer Write 2 or 3 reasons why with a lot of

elaboration/examples Show that you are able to think maturely give reasons for your
answer How To Score

9. YOU MUST: Answer the question Plan your answer! Be specific in your
elaboration/examples Use Past Tense in examples Use I think... because...
Memorise the names, reasons & examples which can be used in most answers Use
connectors Use pronouns

10. Firstly, Next, Moreover, Finally, In conclusion, Connectors

11. Phileas Fogg Passepartout Aouda Mr Fix Key Characters

12. Phileas Fogg was from London, England. Passepartout was his new butler. A
gentleman robbed 55,000 from the bank of England. Phileas Fogg wagered 20,000 or
half his fortune with Andrew Stuart. Mr Fix saw them in Egypt. Mr Fix believed that Phileas
Fogg was the robber. Mr Fix followed them. In Bombay, Passepartout entered a temple with
his shoes on. The Indians kicked him out & took his shoes. The railroad from Bombay to
Calcutta was not finished. Phileas Fogg paid 2000 for an elephant, Kiouni. They hired a
guide, Ali. Ali took them through the forest. They met bandits who kidnapped Aouda. They
saved Aouda by digging a hole in the wall of her mud hut. They went to Allahabad where
the railroad continues to Calcutta. Phileas Fogg gave Kiouni to Ali. Key Events

13. Passepartout was arrested for wearing shoes into the temple in Bombay.
Phileas Fogg paid the 2000 bail for Passepartouts freedom. Aouda joined their journey.
They went to Hong Kong on a ship. In Hong Kong, Mr Fix told Passepartout the truth.
Passepartout was loyal and did not believe Mr Fix. Mr Fix knocked out Passepartout. The
next day, Mr Fix told Phileas Fogg and Aouda they missed the Carnatic to Yokohama. Phileas
Fogg found another boat to take them to Shanghai. They could catch the Carnatic there. Mr
Fix joined the journey. They successfully caught the Carnatic. Phileas Fogg and Aouda met
Passepartout in a circus in Yokohama. They took the General Grant to San Francisco. Mr Fix
apologised to Passerpartout on the ship. They continued the journey together. Key Events

14. In San Francisco, they took a train to New York. During the train ride, Phileas
Fogg told the engineer to speed over an old bridge. They succeeded in crossing safely.
Outlaws attacked their train. They saved the train but the outlaws kidnapped Passepartout.
Phileas Fogg and a company of soldiers rescued Passepartout. In New York, they missed
the ship to Liverpool. Phileas Fogg hired a boat to take them to Liverpool. During the
journey, the boat ran out of fuel. Phileas Fogg gave the Captain enough money to buy two
boats. They burned the boats wood as fuel. In Liverpool, Mr Fix arrested Phileas Fogg. He

went to jail. Soon, Mr Fix released him because the police had already caught the real
robber. Key Events

15. Phileas Fogg, Passepartout and Aouda rushed to the train station. They took a
train to London but arrived 5 minutes too late. They went home. Phileas Fogg was a poor
man. Aouda loved him & suggested they get married. He agreed. Passepartout found out
they were 1 day early. They quickly rushed to the Reform Club and won the wager. Phileas
Fogg was rich again. Aouda asked him if he still wanted to marry her. He said yes. Key

16. Q: Describe a character you learned moral values from. A: I choose Around the
world in 80 Days by Jules Verne. I think a character I learned moral values from is Phileas
Fogg. Firstly, I learned to be generous like him. He paid for Mr Fix and Aoudas travel
expenses when they joined him. He also paid for Passepartouts 2000 bail in India. He also
gave his 2000 elephant to his guide in India. Model Answer #1: Character

17. Then, I learned to be brave like him. He risked his life to save Aouda from the
bandits in India. There were many bandits and they had weapons. He was brave to go into
their camp without any weapons. He also fought outlaws to save Passepartout in America.
Finally, I learned to be determined like him. He never gave up even though many bad things
happened to him on his journey. When his boat to Liverpool ran out of fuel, he gave the
captain enough money for two boats. Then, he cut the wood on the ship for fuel.

18. In conclusion, the examples above show that a character I learned moral values
from is Phileas Fogg. Phileas Fogg is my role model. When I grow up, I want to be just like

19. Q: Describe a lesson you have learned from a good character. A: I choose Around
the world in 80 Days by Jules Verne. I think a lesson I have learned from a good character is
be determined for success. (Lesson/Value/Quality = be determined for success. Theme =
determination for success) Phileas Fogg is an excellent example of this. Firstly, Phileas Fogg
was determined for success. He was willing to sacrifice his money. He paid 2000 for an
elephant to Calcutta in India. He also paid for Passepartouts 2000 bail in India. When his
boat to Liverpool ran out of fuel, he gave the captain enough money for two boats. Then, he
cut the wood on the ship for fuel. Model Ans #2: Lesson/Value/Theme

20. Then, Phileas Fogg always adapted to unexpected things. He was determined for
success so he always looked for ways to continue his journey. When he missed his ship to
Yokohama, he hired another boat to catch it in Shanghai. When he missed his boat to
Liverpool, he hired a boat too. Finally, Phileas Fogg never give up even though many bad
things happened to him on his journey. Even at the last minute when Mr Fix arrested him and
put him in jail, he never gave up. When Mr Fix apologised and released him, he did not waste
time. He was determined for success and quickly continued his journey.

21. In conclusion, the examples above show that a lesson I have learned from a good
character is be determined for success. Phileas Fogg is my role model. When I grow up, I want
to be just like him.

22. Q: Describe an event that taught you important lessons. A: I choose Around the
world in 80 Days by Jules Verne. I think an event that taught me important lessons is in the
end when Phileas Fogg lost his wager. Firstly, I learned to be generous like him. He was kind
to his friends during the journey. He paid for Mr Fix and Aoudas travel expenses when they
joined him. He also paid for Passepartouts 2000 bail in India. In the end when he lost his
money, his friends stayed with him and was generous to him. Mr Fix allowed Phileas Fogg to
punch him. Passepartout continued to serve him even though he did not have money to pay
his wages. Aouda even wanted to marry him when he was poor. Model Ans #3:

23. Then, I learned to be brave like him. He risked his life to save his friends. He saved
Aouda from the bandits in India. He also fought outlaws to save Passepartout in America. In
the end, they were around to support him when he was weak. Aouda agreed to marry him and
start over together. Passepartout agreed to help them get married. Finally, I learned to be
determined like him. When he found out that there was still time, he rushed to the Reform
Club. He got there in the nick of time and won his wager. He got his fortune back, a wonderful
woman to marry and a faithful friend as a butler. A perfect ending.

24. In conclusion, the examples above show that an event that taught me important
lessons is in the end when Phileas Fogg lost his wager. Phileas Fogg is my role model. When I
grow up, I want to be just like him.

25. HOW TO PREPARE FOR: Novel? Memorise Model Answers. Study smart.
Find model answers which can be used to answer multiple questions. Use your brain.
Change the model to answer the question. Conclusion & Questions

26. The End

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