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The Sisters



Prudence "Prue" Halliwell was born on October 28, 1970, in San Francisco, California. She is the
firstborn daughter of Patty Halliwell, a witch, and Victor Bennett, a mortal. As a witch, Prue developed the
magical powers. Her telekinesis was originally focused by squinting her eyes; later, she learned to channel
the ability with her hands. Like her sisters, her powers were linked to her emotions. In Prue's case, the
trigger was anger. Prue's telekinetic powers depended on a direct line of sight, or at least an intimate
knowledge of the object's location in order to be manipulated. She could not telekinetically move an object
if she didn't at least have an idea of where it was. In any case, she had to be in the object's immediate
vicinity. As her powers developed, she later acquired the skill of Astral Projection, the ability to project her
soul from her body in a tangible state on the physical plane. In this state, the original Prue becomes
unconscious while her soul projects or enters into a concrete body. This power is triggered when she wants
to be in two different places at once. Prue's astral self is identical with herself except that she doesn't have
the original Prue's telekinetic power. Prue's astral self is normally tangible, she can apparently become
intangible in this state if she wished Prue is the eldest of the four sisters, she was known as the most
powerful and fearless, and occasionally named a "super witch". In high school, Prue was a very popular Alist student, president of the Student Council and a cheerleader. At some point, she also became rebellious,
but it did not stop her from learning how to be responsible adult and protective of her family. Being the
eldest sister, she saw herself as the head of the household; she was conservative, cautious and disliked
surprises. Prue had trouble with the right balance of work and play during her entire life as a Charmed One.
She spent a lot of time and energy becoming a more powerful witch, referred to sometimes as the
"superwitch" and "Wicca Wonder" of the family. She was murdered by the demon "Shax" while trying to
save an innocent. She survived the first time, but when time was reset, Leo did not get to her in time to heal
her and she died. Even after her death, Prue continues to be the "Superwitch" against whom Paige
especially feels that she must compete, and Piper feels she must live up to. She still helps her sisters from
the afterlife. This is shown when she flips the pages of the Book of Shadows to aid her sister in finding
infomation, and temporarily gave her sisters her power astal projection while battling the demon "Zankou".
Overall, Prue is greatly missed by both her sisters and fans.



Piper was born August 7, 1973, secondborn daughter to Patricia Halliwell and Victor Bennett. Growing up,
Piper is the middle sistermeek, shy and very much the arbitrator between her sisters. Piper wore glasses
and braces in high school and was a shy and awkward student often feeling overshadowed by her sisters
and classmates. Piper was trained as an accountant and a chef at college. She worked as a bank teller
after her college graduation, but was persuaded by Grams to resign. Piper worked as a private caterer and
as a chef at a trendy bar/restaurant in downtown San Francisco called "Quake". She seems to be widely
considered one of the best chefs in San Francisco. As a new witch, Piper developed the power of
molecular immobilization, the ability to slow down the molecules of an object or person to the point of
motionless activity, however, if used on a demon of high status the ability only slows down the molecules
but does not completely freeze, so they are in slow motion. Her power was at first triggered by fear. She is
married to Leo Piper was the most reluctant to embrace her destiny as a Charmed One fearing that it might
mean she was evil. Just nearly a week after Prue's death, Piper and Phoebe discover the existence of their
baby half-sister, Paige Matthews. With the addition of the youngest Halliwell - last name or not - Piper finds
herself taking on the mantle as eldest sister and the most powerful of the Charmed Ones in terms of active
power, potion-brewing ability and her ability to strategize. The death of Prue was especially difficult for
Piper, and as a result she had difficulty accepting Paige as a sister and a friend. Slowly, the friendship
forms and sisterly bonds ensue as the season progresses, allowing the Charmed Ones to grow in power
and vanquish the Source of All Evil in three separate incarnations. Upon fulfilling their destiny of
vanquishing the Source, Piper and her sisters are offered the opportunity to give up their magical lives in
exchange for normality - no magic, no warlocks, no demons, and even no Elders. They decline the offer,
and Piper learns that she is pregnant with her first child. During Season Five, Piper deals with the growing
powers of her unborn child, and is diagnosed with toxemia, during her third trimester as a result of the
stress of battling demons and warlocks during her pregnancy. Her baby, Wyatt Matthew Halliwell is
constantly hunted by demons. Wyatt is a prophesied, twice-blessed child with tremendous magical powers,
born on the Wiccan Sabbat. Piper is reluctant to leave her baby to battle demons, but overcomes this fear
when a demonic bounty is placed on Wyatt's life. She and Phoebe conduct a mass-vanquishing of demons
in the Demonic Market, prompting powerful demons to place a law preventing any demon or warlock from
hunting Wyatt. Piper then names her baby after Leo and Paige, both of whom had worked tirelessly to
protect him. Evenually, she meets Chris, and after a long while, she finds out that he is actually her son. He

appears from the future to aid them in their defeat of the ancient Titans. The Titans were trapped by the
Elders in icy catacombs, and when released, destroy nearly all of the Elders, with Leo able to rescue and
protect the surviving ones. Chris persuades Leo to transform Piper, Phoebe and Paige into the Goddesses
of Earth, Love, and War, respectively, with the aim of giving them enough power to destroy the Titans.
While a Goddess, Piper has control over the elements. While Phoebe and Paige struggle to control their
power, Piper remains calm and serene. She is, however, angered by Leo's impending ascension to become
an Elder. She uses her anger to destroy the Titans. While Phoebe and Paige relinquish their Goddess
powers, Piper unleashes her rage onto San Francisco, throwing the city into a huge hurricane. She
confronts Leo in the heavens and accuses him of abandoning their family. Leo attempts to heal her pain,
but rather traps her pain deep inside of her and causes her to become light-hearted and "chipper". Overall,
Piper is shown to be the sister that has made the most change.



Phoebe Halliwell, thirdborn daughter to Patricia "Patty" Halliwell was born in her family manor at 1329
Prescott Street,San Francisco, California on November 2, 1975 meaning she is a Scorpio like her sister
Prue. Her parents were to, mother Patricia Halliwell and mortal Victor Bennett. Phoebe was born with the
power of premonition. Phoebe was a good student, and once earned an award for student of the month.
Unlike her sisters, Piper, Prue and later, Paige, Phoebe is more susceptible to turning evil because she is
the only one of the sisters who was born in the Halliwell manor. Six months after her grandmothers death,
having fallen on hard times, Phoebe returned to San Francisco and moved back in with her sisters. Prue
was not at all welcoming to Phoebe, because she still believed she ruined her engagement. It was then that
Phoebe discovered the Book of Shadows from which she read the incantation that gave them their powers
back. The incantation was worded as:
"Hear now the words of the witches, the secrets we hid in the night, the oldest of gods are invoked here,
the great work of magic is sought, in this night, and in this hour, I call upon the Ancient Power, Bring your
powers to we sisters, three, We want the power, Give us the power."
Phoebe is also noted as the weakest Charmed One by some demons (like the Source) because her
powers are the weakest out of the four. Phoebe has the power of premonition, a passive power. She
triggers this power when she touches or is in presence of something that has to do with what her
premonition is about.This power was initially uncontrollable, but in later seasons if she wanted or pleaded
for a premonition, she usually got it. In her high school years she had a rebellious streak. Compared to her
sisters Piper and Prue, Phoebe wanted to use magic for fun, and was the first to tragically learn that
breaking the rules of personal gain will lead to serious consequences. She was also the one who desired
meeting her mother the most, because she could not remember her. Out of all the sisters, Phoebe is seen
to be the master of spell-writing. Phoebe authored a spell for vanquishing The Source that used the power
of the Halliwell's witch ancestors. She also helped The Seer to put the Hollow back in its crypt. Phoebe
desired an active power, and finally her wish came true when she recieved the power of Levetation, to defy
gravity and float in the air (but not fly). Evenually Phoebe develops the power of empathy. Being an empath
allows her to channel the emotions of those around her Later, the Charmed Ones go on to trial against
Barbas the demon. He admits to meditating a plan to trick them out of their powers, but argued that he still
had a point the Charmed Ones are risky with their magic. He turns the bulk of his accusation against
Phoebe, who had recently been using potions to force premonitions; an action Paige believed might have
led to Inspector Sheridan catching them. The Tribunal reversed their decision to kill their ally Darryl Morris,
but they decided Phoebe must suffer the consequences for using her powers for personal gain. She lost
her powers of premonitions, levitation, and empathy. This was a "temporary" punishment, and she had the
possibility of earning them back if she used her magic correctly. Phoebe earned her power of premonition
back again, but her powers of empathy and levitation were much harder to come by. Phoebe soon moved
out of the manor. She got her own apartment in the city. Phoebe has a long and confusing relationship with
Cole Turner, that took many turns. In the end, thier love wasn't enough to keep them together. She ends up
finally finding her one true love Coop "The Cupid". She goes on to have three little girls. Overall, Phoebe is
the sister that can "see where everyone else is going, but can't find where she is going herself."



Paige Matthews is the fourthborn daughter of Patricia Halliwell, a good witch who lived in San Francisco.
Unlike the first three daughters Patty had with her husband Victor Bennett, Paige was fathered by Patty's
protector, a whitelighter named Sam Wilder. Victor had left Patty and their children and never knew of
Paige. On August 2, 1977 Patty and Sam left the newborn baby to a nun, Sister Agnes, at a local church,

fearing repercussions if the forbidden affair between a witch and a Whitelighter was ever discovered. They
left the baby with a blanket and asked that her name start with a P, like all women of her immediate family.
In her teen years, Paige was rebellious - staying out all night, partying with friends, skipping classes, talking
back to her parents. In this, she shows a strong resemblance to Phoebe, who was also rebellious as a
teenager, though Paige did not go as far as shoplifting. When Paige was around fifteen, she and her
parents were involved in a car crash. Her parents died, but she unconsciously saved herself by orbing out
of the car. Not knowing what happened or how she survived, Paige blamed herself for what had happened
and turned her life around in order to make amends. She stopped drinking and started to do well in school.
Like Prue, Paige has the power of telekinesis. However, it works differently due to her Whitelighter side:
when she calls the name of an object or living being it will orb to her, or she can move it telekinetically. She
is the first person ever known in good magic to have this power, as she was the first whitelighter/witch. Her
power grew stronger over the years, allowing her to move things without verbally calling like for them. It is
also evident that Paige can now orb people and demons to any location by saying the location, for
example, she orbed an innocent back to the manor by saying, "Home!". Another orbing advancement
through the years came in her ability to orb things away and seemingly making them disappear. Her
Whitelighter side allows her to use Whitelighter powers such as orbing, glamouring (changing one's
appearance), sensing her charges and sisters,and healing. Due to her Whitelighter and Witch sides she
has the most powers. Paige was working as a social work secretary at the time of learning of her true
charmed heritage. Paige started her witch training soon after meeting her sisters, as Phoebe and Piper
wanted to make sure she was up to speed, both for their sake and hers. She learned potion basics under
Piper. Paige helped Piper deliver her nephew Wyatt Matthew Halliwell, with his middle name being taken
from Paige after she went to great lengths to save him from a demonic attack. It was thanks to Paige that
the Charmed Ones were resurrected, as she could not ignore the call of her charge, Billie Jenkins. Billie
was Paige's first proper charge and they often butted heads, because Paige was learning to be a
whitelighter as Billie was learning to be a witch. Realizing that there is not much excitement in her life and
that Magic School was about to be closed, Paige decided to dedicate her time to saving it, as well as
teaching the students the values and responsibility of magic. In doing that, the Elders had made her the
headmistress of Magic School. Overall, Paige is the sister that is best known for her free spirited.

The Story
Charmed, shortly explained is the story of the three Halliwell sisters, Prue, Piper and Phoebe, discovering
that they are the world's most powerful good witches, The Charmed Ones; each gifted with innate magical
powers they must collectively use to defend the "innocents" of San Francisco from demons, warlocks and
other evil beings. During their fight against the forces of evil, eldest sister Prue is killed, breaking the
united Power of Three. However, the Charmed triple-destiny is restored with the introduction of a long-lost
fourth sister, Paige Matthews, who is half-witch and half-whitelighter, because her mother had an affair with
her whitelighter. During Seasons One to Four, the sisters' combined destiny was to vanquish the Source of
All Evil, the ruler of the Underworld, and his demonic minions. Upon fulfilling their primary destiny,
the Charmed Ones engaged in the Ultimate Battle; and ushered in the next generation of good witches.
The Charmed Ones were also the guardians of the Nexus and in order to vanquish the demon Zankou they
had to destroy the Nexus where Zankou had taken refuge. On top of their supernatural lives, the four
sisters must also contend with serious issues in the real world (such as relationships, careers, marriage,
childbirth, illness and death), as well as preventing the exposure of magic, the subject of several police
investigations throughout the series.
The story of Charmed begins with the three Halliwell sisters coming together six months after the death of
their grandmother, Penny Halliwell. Prue and Piper have already moved back in the Halliwell Manor in San
Francisco. Unknown to Prue, the youngest sister, Phoebe was returning home from New York. She left to
find their father. When Phoebe arrives, there is a lot tension in the house. Piper and Phoebe spend the
night playing around with their old spirit board. The spirit board begins to work, and spells out ATTIC. Prue
and Piper have not been able to get the attic door to open since they moved back. When the lights
suddenly go out during the storm, Prue and Piper head for the fuse box, but Phoebe, stimulated by the
family spirit board, goes to the attic discovers an ancient book bathed in an ethereal light the Book of
Shadows. Reading an incantation from it to herself out loud in the dim light, she unwittingly sets in motion
events that fulfill an ancient prophecy. Strange and harrowing occurrences begin which eventually lead the
sisters to realize that they are witches.
They discover that they not only possess supernatural powers, but also come from a long line of powerful
witches. The first in the line, Melinda Warren, possessed the power to freeze time, move objects with her

mind and see the future. Melinda was burned at the stake in the Salem Witch Trails. However, before she
died, Melinda prophesied that each coming generation of Warren (later Halliwell) witches would grow
stronger and stronger, culminating in the arrival of three sisters, the strongest good witches the world had
ever seen; the three sisters would form The Power of Three, the most powerful magical force ever.
A central theme throughout the show's run is the sisters' struggle to balance their normal lives with their
supernatural responsibilities. The burden of keeping their destinies a secret from the outside world
repeatedly creates tensions in their friendships, workplaces, and romantic relationships. Only a few know
their secret and help them on a regular basis. The most important is Leo Wyatt, a Whitelighter assigned by
the Elders to guide and protect the sisters. Leo means a great deal to the sisters both professionally and
personally: he heals their wounds, advises them collectively and individually, and mediates between them
and the enigmatic Elders. He also becomes the love of Piper's life, her husband and the father of her
children. Others who keep the Charmed Ones' secret over the years include police inspectors Andy
Trudeau, he was the love of the eldest sister Prue. He was killed trying to protect them from a demon, even
after being told that they could handle it. Darryll Morris was also another police inspector that constantly
covers for the sisters and informs them about cases that supernatural. They are also constantly tormented
by half-demon Cole Turner, he was introduced as a DA officer. Cole was a demon send to gain the trust of
the sisters, and kill them. He discovers that Phoebe may be his quickest way to make them trust him. Along
the journey of trying, he falls deeply in love with Phoebe. He then must decide to go along with killing them
or giving up his demon ways. The mysterious time-traveler Chris Perry, later found out to be Chris Halliwell,
Piper's son from the future. He came back to stop his older brother, Wyatt from turning evil. Also, Christy
and Billie Jenkins are two sisters that find the sisters. Billie is the first to find them, after she was assigned
as Paige's charge. Billie begins to take witchcraft lessons from the sisters and Leo. She becomes very
close to the sisters. She reveals that the main reason that she wants to master her witchcraft, is to find her
sister, Christy. Billie evenually finds her sister. She quickly rebuilds their sisterly bond, to later find out that
Chisty is more than she appears to be. Paige's husband, Henry Mitchell is a Parole Officer that had a
parolee that turns out to be a charge of Paige. Last but not least, the many other creatures in the magical
community. The sisters help them and they return the favor every chance that they get.
To find out more about the sisters, click on the names below.

Prue Halliwell
Piper Halliwell
Phoebe Halliwell
Paige Matthews (Halliwell)
Prue Halliwell (Shannen Doherty]]) (Seasons 13) 67 episodes
Born October 28, 1970, Prue is the eldest sister. Born with telekinesis, she later manifests the astral
projection ability. Prue handled her power of telekinesis so well that she was often referred to as a superwitch. Strong-willed, feisty and intelligent, she would often take charge of situations and has always been
overprotective of her two sisters, Piper and Phoebe. Having spent her childhood taking care of her two
younger sisters after the death of their mother, she became responsible, with a fierce determination at
whatever she did, including fighting demons. This sense of responsibility occasionally leads to clashes with
the more free-willed Phoebe, but the two grow closer as the series progresses. Though at times Halliwell
lets pride dictate her way of handling things, she never lets her personal life interfere with her work life. On
May 17, 2001, three years new to the craft she is killed by Shax, a demonic assassin sent by the Source of
All Evil. While in the episode "Death Takes a Halliwell" the Angel of Death foreshadowed Prue's death, "All
Hell Breaks Loose" remained as a cliffhanger. Prue's death is only established in the premiere episode of
the Fourth Season, "Charmed Again". Doherty never appeared as Prue again, except in the fifth season
episode "Cat House", during the "flashbacks" that the girls visit, though only her back is shown. Even in the
after life Prue still helps her sisters, it has been suggested that she sometimes turns the pages of the Book
of Shadows, and in the season seven finale Prue lends her astral projection power to the sisters.[12] This is
indicated by Piper saying "Thank you, Prue," after the spell's effect is over.Also in the later seasons her
telekinetic 'jingle' can be heard when the front door of the manor closes by itself,like how Prue would close
the door before her demise.
Piper Halliwell (Holly Marie Combs) (Seasons 1-8) 178 episodes
Born on August 7,1973 and is the middle child. Upon Prue's death, she assumes the role as the oldest. Her
powers include the ability to freeze ,blow up objects at will, and projected objects. (Molecular
Acceleration/Deceleration). She is most concerned with having a normal life, and always has reservations
about her life as a Charmed One. When she becomes a Charmed One, she is quiet and reserved, often
having to mediate between Prue and Phoebe. As the show progresses, she gains a stronger persona and
takes more authority after Prue dies. She eventually becomes the mother of two sons and a daughter,
Wyatt, Chris, and Melinda, with her husband Leo Wyatt, and goes to great lengths to protect her children.

In the series finale, the final montage shows her with a granddaughter.[13] Her love of food steers her to a
career in the culinary, which leads her to open her own club, and as revealed in the last episode, her own
Phoebe Halliwell (Alyssa Milano) (Seasons 1-8) 178 episodes
Phoebe, born November 2, 1975 is the baby of the family and is a spontaneous, free-spirited young
woman. She was born as a witch with the power of premonition, which enabled her to see into the past as
well as the future. This later allows her to project herself into the future and the past. She later gains the
powers of levitation, which she often combines with her martial arts skills, and the power of empathy but
later loses the latter two due to misusing them for personal gain. She is a romantic, and later becomes a
successful columnist and author. Early on, she often had a turbulent relationship with her older sister, Prue;
later she mediates between Piper and Paige. Her longest relationships are with Cole Turner for over 2
years and had a son with him but The Seer steals him (to her own demise), and with Coop. In 2006, the
Angel of Destiny marries Halliwell and Coop, as seen in the series finale, and they eventually have three
daughters. She continues to work at the Bay Mirror and writes a book on finding love. When the property
was green lighted to go to series, actress Rom was unavailable. Producer Aaron Spelling called Milano,
fresh off her short-term guest appearance on Melrose Place to fill the role. Major portions of the first
episode were re-shot, some scenes rewritten and new scenes added to create a full one-hour debut
episode titled "Something Wicca This Way Comes". Halliwell has been called by some demons (like the
Source) that she was the weakest Charmed One because of her powers, mostly passive, being the
weakest out of the four.
Paige Matthews (Rose McGowan) (Seasons 48) 112 episodes
Born on August 2, 1977. After a secret love affair with her Whitelighter Samuel Wilder, the Charmed Ones'
mother, Patty Halliwell, gave birth to a fourth daughter. In fear of their daughter's safety, Paige was orbed to
a church and entrusted to the arms of a nun named Sister Agnes, who was told she'd be in grave danger
otherwise. Sister Agnes later in "Charmed Again (Part 2)" described Paige to the troubled Paige further
investigating her origin while being manipulated by the Source of All Evil as having come from angels
because she had witnessed the parents appear in an orb of lights. As a baby, she was adopted by the
Matthews family, and grew up as an only child unaware of her magical roots. While in school, Paige often
got into trouble. Her parents died in a car accident, Paige was in the car but she orbed, saving herself but
not her parents, she found out that she orbed the Season 4 episode "A Paige from the Past"). Her
personality is bold and vibrant, adding a new dynamic to the show from Season 4 onwards. Matthews's
power as a witch and Charmed One is the power of telekinesis, just like her older sister, Prue. However,
Paige's telekinesis works differently to Prue's. Firstly, Matthews cannot simply wave her hand at an object
and expect it to move; she must "call" for the object. Secondly, the object simply does not move alone.
Whenever Paige "calls" for an object to move, it is surrounded by orbs and moves where she wants it.
Matthews can also use this power to orb objects to other locations. She comes into the craft quickly, aiding
in the vanquish of The Source of All Evil. In Season 8, she gains the ability to heal those she loves, starting
with Henry. She is driven to become a "full-time witch", and has a hard time finding a career she is content
with, eventually settling with her destiny as a Whitelighter, like her father. After the death of Gideon,
Matthews begs the Elders to keep the Magic School open. They agree only if Matthews becomes the
headmistress and runs the school to guarantee the students' safety. Eventually, she resigns; handing the
role onto her brother-in-law Leo Wyatt. Matthews marries mortal parole officer Henry Mitchell and they have
twin daughters and a son, Henry Jr.
Leo Wyatt (Brian Krause) (Recurring Season 1, First Half Season 2 and Second Half Season 8 ;
Seasons 18)
Wyatt is the sisters' Whitelighter in the beginning, and soon becomes romantically involved with Piper.
Leo's magical promotions provide the show's portrayal of a supernatural ladder of success and struggle
between career and family. His relationship with Piper is the first of many conflicts between the Halliwells
and the Elders.
Andy Trudeau - (Ted King) (Season 1 cameo in 7)
Trudeau is the sisters' childhood friend and Prue's love interest for years. In the episode "that 70s episode"
a young Piper uses her powers to freeze a young Trudeau. He serves as the sisters' initial connection to
the police force once he learns of the girls' activities, as well as the first conflict between the girls' secret
and normal lives. The demon Rodriguez kills Trudeau while he is trying to protect the girls in the finale of
season one. Two years later, in the finale of season 3, Prue is killed by the demon Shax, and is assumingly
reunited with Andy. The character of Andy Trudeau was originally played by actor Chris Boyd.[14]
Darryl Morris (Dorian Gregory) (Seasons 17)
Morris, who is Trudeau's partner, takes over the role as the Halliwells' police connection after Trudeau's
tragic death. He continues to cover up for the sisters once he learns their secret, even after the events
which lead to him almost being executed through a lethal injection, if reluctantly, until his wife later forces
him to move to the east coast. After almost being executed, he expresses his desired uninvolvement with
the sisters angrily and refuses to talk to them, answer calls or help them get police files. However, he finds

out the Charmed Ones were willing to give up their powers to save him and realizing how much good the
sisters do for the community, Morris forgives them and he still considers them family.
Dan Gordon (Greg Vaughan) (Season 2)
Dan moves into the house next door with his niece, Jenny, and instantly falls in love with Piper. They
temporarily date, but Dan cannot take the place of Piper's first love, Leo. He later moves away, at the end
of season two.
Jenny Gordon (Karis Paige Bryant) (Season 2)
Jenny is Dan's niece. Jenny disappeared at the episode 9, Ms. Hellfire, where Dan said that Jenny returned
to her parents.
Cole Turner (Julian McMahon) (Seasons 35, cameo in 7)
Turner is Phoebe's first husband; he is a half-demon, creating situations over which the sisters clash. He is
originally a powerful villain, later taking other forms and roles throughout his character's history. After his
final vanquish at the hands of the sisters, he continues to watch over Phoebe, silently and unseen.
Chris Perry Halliwell (Drew Fuller) (Season 6, recurring in 5, 7 & 8)
Piper and Leo's unborn son, Chris Halliwell, commonly known as Chris Perry for the year and a half of his
time with the sisters, came from the future to help defeat the Titans and save young Wyatt from turning evil.
His adult form dies at the hands of Gideon just before he is born. He later reappears twice, once in
Someone to Witch Over Me and again in the series finale. Phoebe finds out Chris is actually Leo and
Piper's younger son in The Legend of Sleepy Halliwell.
Billie Jenkins (Kaley Cuoco) (Season 8)
Billie is Paige's charge. While at first over-confident in her abilities, she eventually becomes a student of the
sisters, helping them to maintain their normal lives. After being swayed by her sister Christy to betray the
Halliwells, Billie eventually sides with them in the series finale and is forced to kill her sister in self-defense.
The TV show is about three sisters in their twenties - Prue, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell
(and in later seasons, Paige Mathews) - living in San Francisco. When Phoebe moves
back home from New York, they discover that they are witches. And not ordinary witches
but special witches known as The Charmed Ones. And that their mother Patty Halliwell,
their grandmother Penny - "Grams" - and their ancestors going back over three hundred
years to Melinda Warren in Salem had all been witches! But good witches.
They learned that they now had both the responsibility to protect the innocent and the
powers with which to combat evil. Each sister has different individual powers. Prue has
kinetic power to move things and the power to astral project herself; Piper can freeze
people and objects; and Phoebe can get premonitions of the future - and of the past - and
has the best power for making up new spells. Their powers could be joined and channeled
together, when needed, into an even stronger power, The Power of Three.
Prue is the oldest sister - the most mature, the "planner", the one who had to help take
care of her younger sisters as they grew up after their mother was killed by a demon when
the sisters were very young. Phoebe is the youngest, flighty and irresponsible. But she
had changed with her return home and the new responsibilities that came with her power,
though she was often still quirky. Piper, the middle sister, responsible but often finding
herself caught in that 'middle sibling" position.
The Charmed series was not just about battles between good witches and evil demons and
warlocks. It was, at least as much, about the sisters' personal lives; about their internal
conflicts between their new, un-asked for responsibility to defeat evil and their desire to
be normal, ordinary people again with normal, ordinary lives. It was about their non-soap
opera but realistic feelings and emotions that viewers could and did relate to.
Other series characters are Leo Wyatt, a whitelighter who would appear and disappear
("orb") in a white light and whose job was to guide and protect the sisters - he and Piper
fell in love - and who had the power to heal people; The Elders, who oversaw and often

directed the sisters' (and other good witches') activities and "missions" and to whom Leo
reported; and Inspector Darryl Morris of the San Francisco Police, who knew there was
some secret that the sisters had but didn't know - and didn't want to know - exactly what it
was. (There was also a next door neighbor Dan, and Police Inspector Andy Trudeau who
was killed by a demon, who are briefly referred to in the story.)
There is the Halliwell Manor, the family home that the sisters inherited when Grams, who
had raised them, died.
There is P3, the club that Piper had opened and where the sisters would often get
And the Book of Shadows, which contains spells, potions and directions on how to
combat, and identify, the evil they encountered. Handed down from, and added to by,
each generation from their ancestor Melinda Warren to the present.
Prue, Piper and Phoebe were played by Shannen Doherty, Holly Marie Combs and Alyssa
Milano respectively (and in later seasons, Paige was played by Rose McGowan). Other
actors included Brian Krausse as Leo and Dorian Gregory as Darryl Morris. (Greg
Vaughan played neighbor Dan.)

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