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Iran trade with Latinamerica remained stable at 4bn dollars in 2012, says Latinvex MercoPress

Thanks to a strong increase in trade with Mexico, that country now ranks as the third-largest Iranian trade
partner in Latin America. It also ranks Iran's top market in Latin America. Mexico's Iran trade reached 133.8
million last year compared to only 9.97 million in 2011. That represents a 123.9 million increase. The change was
due to a jump in Iran's exports to Mexico, which went from 2.5 million in 2011 to 127.6 million last year.
Iran's official trade with Venezuela, its closest political ally in Latin America, still remains low. It reached 10.4
million last year, a 6.2% increase from 2011, according to theLatinvexanalysis.

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