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My most outstanding extra-curriculum activity would be organizing the Information

Session for International University (IU)in 2010. The event was held at Rex Hotel and
attracted about 500 people. I personally sat at the UNSW table and consulted with
almost 20 parents and students about IU transferring program to UNSW.
The goal was to introduce and market IU, a new but promising university, to high
school students and their parents, improve their awareness about the university and
thereby attract more students.
The team I worked in was small with only 15 people. There was no clear line
between the duties, that these people did only this job and other people did a
completely different one. We did almost everything together, from planning,
scheduling all the tasks, arranging seats at Rex Hotal to giving leaflets. Yet, the
most valuable thing I have learnt from this event was selling. We needed to talk to a
lot of parents and students, invite and PERSUADE them to go to the event. This
helped me realize that to be persuasive, I need to see things and talk in the
listeners perspective, and also, a script always helps.

Another interesting extra-curriculum activities would be my part-time jobs in

Australia (2012-2013).
I have worked a variety of positions, namely waiter, kitchen-hand, housekeeper and
a number of other physical jobs. The main motivator was, obviously, money, it
always helps, especially when studying abroad.
And one thing I HAVE BEEN learning (I still am) since then is to have a balanced life.
It was to balance work, study, entertainment and many other aspects of life like
family, friends, girlfriends. The goal was to both earn money and not harm my
grades at university. Study was still the top priority, as clearly no parents would
spend money for their child to go abroad and not study but do physical jobs.
I think I am still struggling with this "subject". Yet, there was one lesson I draw from
this experience, that is, to achieve more success in one aspect of your life, you
should always be prepared to sacrifice one or more of other aspects. My choice
when I started working part-time in Australia was to minimize leisure time. Study
time was cut down as well because my GPA was 85/100 and a degree with
Distinction only required a GPA greater than 75.

With all academic achievements I got in schools and university, I think one definite
thing a can say about myself is that I am hard working. I am always willing to work

extra hours, extra days to get ahead at any jobs I did until there was nothing left to

Another strength of mine is analytical and problem-solving skills. I like to break a job
down to smaller steps, follow the steps to get a result, then I would always go back
and analyze what goes right, what goes not so right and what can be improved to
have better results.
One weakness that I am trying to improve everyday is verbal skills. I think I am
pretty good with presentations because they are mostly prepared. Yet, I often have
a hard time

Around 2009, I've got a chance to attend a training in Affiliate Marketing and
realized that I can make quite a bit of money online by following the method and
doing the steps in the training.
I need a total of 200 dollars to start a website. It was big money to me at that time,
when my weekly allowance was only $5, so $200 was like a year of weekly
allowance in advance.
I asked my parents for the money and several of my friends to help with the
website. My mother gave me the money. Most of my friends did not like the idea,
but that was totally okay because one of them was in for fun, and one is enough.
I started the website and after 2 months, it started to bring in revenue. I had been
able to earn over $2000 in 4 months before the site crashed. We were not skilled
enough to recover it and I also need to concentrate to take the IELTS exam so we
stopped working on the website.

Breaking up with the first girl friend hurts.

It was 2012, I was studying abroad in Australia. The exam was near and I knew that
doing well in school was the top priority but I could not concentrate. So I decided to
seek help, from my older male friends, asking them how they overcame the same
problem before.
I talked to 3 of my friends, they were helpful, gave me useful tips about what to do
and I was able to get myself together in a week after the breakup, still had plenty of
time for reviewing before exam and I did well.

An idea just came to my mind, to sell an eBook about preparing for the IELTS exam
online, and after the initial tasks of building the website and writing the book, there
is no more working required and the site should keep providing income forever.
I had the skills to start a simple website from earlier work. Writing the IELTS book
was more difficult although I got 7.5 at the exam, took me a month to finish the
book. One task that needed more work than I expected was to do the marketing for
the website (designing and create content for email sequences, writing sales
letter, ...). The website started in July 2013 and it has been bringing in 4-5 million
every month since then.

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