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Other/ another

1.Other vs another
Digri, baqa biri mnasn dayrlar.
Other-dn sonra isim cmd (Other books, other cars,)
Another-dn sonra isim tkd glir (another book, another car)

Qeyd: another dn sonra miqdar say v ya few gldikd isim cmd ildilir.
another ten books, another few days
miqdar saylar(three,six)

2. The other vs the others

Myyn sayda obyekt arasnda seim edrkn ildilirlr.
The other-dn sonra isim sasn tkd glir. nki saylan obyektlrdn sonra yerd cmi 1 obyekt qalr. Ms:

There are two boys here, one is my brother, and the other boy is my cousin. Burada 2 olan var,
biri qardamdr v digri miuadr.
The others-dn sonra is isim ildil bilmz. nki saylan obyektlrdn sonra yerd 1-dn ox obyekt
qalr. Ms:

There are 3 boys here, one is my brother, and the others are my cousin. Burada 3 olan var, biri
qardamdr v digrlri miuaqlardr.

3. Other vs others.
Yuxarda da qeyd etdiyimiz kimi Other-dn sonra cm isim glir. Amma others-dn sonra isim ildil
bilmz. Ms:
Others may like Mercedes, but I like BMW. digrlri mersedesi xoluya bilr, amma mn BMW

4. Each other vs one another.

Each other bir-birin mnas dayr. Iki nfr arasnda ildilir. Ms:

Tom and Bob always help each other Tom v Bob hmi bir birin kmk edir.

One another bir-birlrin demkdir. ox adam arasnda ildilir. Ms:

In our class everybody helps one another Bizim sinifd ham bir birin kmk edir.

Qeyd: Bu vzliklr yiylik halda da ildil bilir. Ms:

each others bir-birinin
one anothers bir-birilrinin
Bu vzliklr other v another il qardrlmamaldr. nki tam frqli mnaya malikdirlr.

1. Choose the correct variant.
It isnt interesting. Give me book.
A) other
B) another
C) others
2. Choose the correct variant.
You have answered right. You can pass question.
A) other
B) others
C) another
3. Choose the correct variant.
I have three skirts. Both of them are black, skirt is white.
A) the other
B) another
C) others
4. Choose the correct variant.
What questions are difficult for you?
A) other
B) another
C) the other
5. Choose the correct variant.
What countries do you want to see?
A) the other
B) another
C) other
6. Choose the correct variant.
We missed the bus. We must wait for bus.
A) another
B) other
C) the others
7. Choose the correct variant.
There are two boys in our class. One is Rasim, boy is Anar.
A) another
B) other
C) the other
8. Choose the correct variant.
I met six foreigners in Paris last year. Robert is from England, are from Russia.
A) the other
B) the others
C) others
9. Choose the correct variant.
I have two dolls. I cant give you this one but you can take .
A) another
B) the others
C) the other

1. some hm sayla biln, hm d sayla bilmyn isimlrl iln bilir. sasn tsdiq cmllrd
ildilir. Sayla biln cm isimlrl bzi/bir ne kimi trcm olunur. Saylmayan isimlrl is bir
qdr mnasn dayr.
I have got some friends mnim bir ne dostum var.
Give me some water mn bir qdr su ver.
Some Xahi v tklif bildirn sual cmllrind d iln bilr. Bu cmllr adtn Can...? Could...?
Would...? Do you want...? szlri il balayr.
Can you give me some water, please?
Would you like some tea?
2. Any hm sayla biln, hm d sayla bilmyn isimlrl ildil bilr. Any sualda hr
hans/hanssa kimi, inkar szlri il is he/he bir kimi trcm olunur.
I dont have any friends.
Is there any water in the glass?
Any 3 halda tsdiq cmllrd ildil bilr:
1. Cmld gr mnas vern if varsa.
2. Inkar mnal szlrl. (hardly, scarcely, refuse, without, at all, never)
3. Istniln/hans olur olsun mnas verrkn.
If I need any help, Ill let you know. I did it without any help.
Give me any pen. mn hanssa qlm ver.
3. Some v Any-dn yaranan szlrd eyni qaydaya riayt edirlr: I dont know anybody here. He has
something to do today
something-n is

anything-n is

Anyone(anybody)-he kim
anything-he n
anywhere-he yer/he yerd

Bu vzliklrdn sonra fel v to be hmi tkd olur

Somebody is knocking at the door
Anybody knows about it.

Qeyd: Somebody, Someone, Anybody, Anyone vzliklrinin d yiylik hal var.

Ex: It is not anybodys book. Somebodys car is stolen.

1. Choose the correct variant.
Fidan wrote letters yesterday.
A) any
B) some

C) no

2. Choose the correct variant.

He always reads articles about this poet.
A) some
B) any
C) no
3. Choose the correct variant.
Could you give me milk?
A) no
B) some

C) any

4. Choose the correct variant.

They didnt answer questions.
A) any
B) some

C) no

5. Choose the correct variant.

Have you eaten ice-cream?
A) some
B) no

C) any

6. Choose the correct variant.

- Which movie do you want to watch?
- movie. It doesnt matter.
A) some
B) no
C) any
7. Choose the correct variant.
- Can she lend me money?
- No, she has money.
A) any
B) no
C) some
8. Choose the correct variant.
I have bought a lot of sweets . You may take .
A) any
B) no
C) some
9. Choose the correct variant.
The bowl is empty. There is soup in it.
A) some
B) any
C) no
10. Choose the correct variant.
I couldnt see sugar in the milk.
A) any
B) some

C) no

Each/ every
1. Every hr, amma each hr bir demkdir. Ms:
Each book (hr bir kitab), every book (hr kitab) v s.

2.Bu vzliklrdn sonra artikl gl bilmz. Ms:

every a boy
each a girl

every the boy

each the girl

3. Every vzliyindn sonra mtlq isim glmlidir. Amma each vzliyindn sonra isim glmy d
bilr. Ms:
I had a lot of exercises to do at home and I did each ( I did every) Evd etmy ox taprm var
idi v mn hr birini etdim.

4. Every-dn sonra of szns gl bilmz, amma each-dn sonra gl bilr. Ms:

every of the boys ifadsi shvdir.
Each of the boys dzdr. (olanlarn hr biri)

Qeyd: every-dn drhal sonra of gl bilms d, every + one + of mmkndr. Ms:

Every one of the books is mine. Kitablarn hr biri mnimdir.

5. Bu vzliklrdn sonra yalnz tk isim gl bilr, cm isim gl bilmz. Ms:

Every boy, each girl

Qeyd: amma every one of v each of-dan sonra gln isimlr mtlq cm olmaldr. Ms:
every one of the pens
Every one of the pen

every of the pens

6. Every vzliyinin trmlri olan everybody, everyone, everything v s.-dn sonra isim gl bilmz
v xbr tkd olur. Ms:
everybody boy
everything book
Everybody is at home Ham evddir.

1. Choose the correct variant.
person in the room was listening him.
A) Every of
B) All
C) Every
2. Choose the correct variant.
of the girls study abroad.
A) Every
B) Each

C) All

3. Choose the correct variant.

of us are ready to answer this question.
A) Each
B) Every
C) All
4. Choose the correct variant.
We go to the library Sunday.
A) every
B) each

C) each of

5. Choose the correct variant.

student must fulfill the school rules.
A) All
B) Every
C) Each
6. Choose the correct variant.
We do a lot of tests day.
A) every
B) each of

C) each

7. Choose the correct variant.

They translated interesting articles lesson.
A) every of
B) each
C) the whole
8. Choose the correct variant.
the letters were written yesterday.
A) Each of
B) All
C) The whole
9. Choose the correct variant.
Jane has two girls. of them is clever.
A) Each
B) All
C) Every
10. Choose the correct variant.
is here. We can start the lesson.
A) Every
B) Everybody

C) All

both / either / neither

1.both/either/neither vzliklri ikilik lamti bildirir, iki obyektdn shbt gedrkn ildilir.
Both - hr ikisi, either istniln biri, neither he biri kimi trcm olunur. Bu vzliklrdn yalnz
iki ya, iki xs, iki obyektdn biri v ya hr ikisi haqqnda danarkn istifad edilir.

2. both vzliyindn sonra cm isim glir v xbr d cmd olur. Ms:

Both books are on the table Hr iki kitab stolun stnddir.

Qeyd: both il isim arasnda the, of v ya yiylik vzliyi gl d bilr. Ms:

both books - both the books - both of the my books are

3. Amma either v neither-dn sonra tk isim glir v xbr d tkd olur. Ms:
Either girl is in the park Qzlarn hr biri parkdadr.
Neither boy is at home Olanlarn he biri evd deyil.

Qeyd: either v neither-dn sonra of + isim glrs, onda isim cm getmlidir, amma xbr yen tk
gedir. Ms:
Either of these books is interesting Bu kitablardan hr biri maraqldr.
Neither of those pens is mine O qlmlrdn he biri mnim deyil.

4. Both / either / neither vzliklrindn sonra mtlq deyil ki isim glsin, glmy d bilr.
I dont know which one to take. I liked both Mn bilmirm hansn gtrm. Hr ikisi xouma
Do you like chicken or meat?- Neither. I like fish Sn toyuq yoxsa t xolayrsan? Hebirini. Mn
balq xolayram.
Which of these two books is mine? You may take either Bu iki kitabdan hans mnimdir? Sn
istdiyini gtr bilrsn.

5. either / neither / both - dan frqli olaraq any / none / no / all vzliklrini ikidn ox ya, xs
v ya obyekt haqqnda danarkn istifad edirik.
We have two beautiful parks, you can go either of them Bizim iki gzl parkmz var, sn onlardan
istdiyin ged bilrsn.
We have many beautiful parks, you can go any of them Bizim oxlu gzl parklarmz var, sn
onlardan istdiyin ged bilrsn.
I saw two people in the street, neither of them helped me, both of them ran away Mn kd iki
adam grdm, onlardan he biri mn kmk elmdi, hr ikisi qad.
I saw many people in the street, none of them helped me. All of them ran away Mn kd oxlu
adam grdm, onlarn he biri mn kmk elmdi, hams qad.

1. Choose the correct variant.
Marina has two children. of them are boys.
A) Either
B) Neither
C) Both
2. Choose the correct variant.
She drew a flower and a tree picture. We liked them. picture was fine.
A) Both
B) Neither
C) Either
3. Choose the correct variant.
Hamid gave me two books. of them are interesting.
A) Neither
B) Both
C) Either
4. Choose the correct variant.
There are many people here. of them are foreigners.
A) Most
B) Either
C) Neither
5. Choose the correct variant.
Do you know English or French?
- . I know only Spanish.
A) Neither
B) Both

C) Either

6. Choose the correct variant.

- There are two watches in the shop. Which watch do you want to buy?
- I like them. I want to buy .
A) neither
B) both
C) either of
7. Choose the correct variant.
- Have you ever been to Istanbul or Ankara?
- Yes, I have been to cities.
A) neither
B) either
C) both
8. Choose the correct variant.
people dont like get up early.
A) Both
B) Most

C) Either

9. Choose the correct variant.

There are ten tourists here. of them are Russian.
A) Both
B) Neither
C) Most
10. Choose the correct variant.
We met two girls. girls was pretty.
A) Either
B) Both
C) Neither of the

else / more
1.else - daha, baqa, savay kimi trcm olunur
else vzliyi - how v wh-l balayan sual szlri v some/any/no vzliklrindn yaranan szlrl
(something, anybody, no one...) ildilir (something else, what else, who else, anybody else).
What else did you see in the park?
Could you give me something else to read?
2. more - daha kimi trcm olunur
more vzliyi - miqdar say v some/any/no vzliklri il ildilir (two more, no more,some more).
They bought four more desks for their office.
We need a lot of pens. Can you bring some more?

+ more

some one (body)


+ else

one / ones birisi, birilri kimi trcm olunur
one/ones isimlri vz ed bilr. Tkd olan sayla biln isimlri tkrar etmmk n hmin ismin
vzin one vzliyini istifad edirik. Ms:
Do you have a pen? I need one.
2. Cm isimlri tkrar etmmk n is ones vzliyindn istifad edirik. Ms:
This man is stronger than that one.
My father has already read these newspapers, give him other ones.
Choose the correct variant.
1. Where are you going to visit in London?
A) more
B) other
C) else
2. What did you see in the park?
A) more
B) other
C) else
3. We need a lot of pens. Can you bring some?
A) else
B) one
C) more
4. We hope that some people will come to our meeting
A) others
B) more
C) else

5. He said that when he was there he saw something

A) else
B) another
C) more
6. They bought four desks for their office
A) another
B) else
C) more
7. We met some representatives yesterday. of them is Polish, are Italian.
A) One, another
B) One, the others
C) One, others
8. The room has two windows. the windows are closed. of them has a curtain but one doesnt
A) Both, One, the other
B) All, One, another
C) Ones, One, another
9. My TV has broken. I must buy a new .
A) one
B) ones
C) another
10. I have a blue shirt and two green .
A) one
B) ones
C) another

xs / Yiylik / Qayd vzliklri (Personal / possessive / reflexive pronouns)



Yours- sninki,

Obyekt hal
Me-mni, mn


You-sn; siz

Your-snin, sizin




Ours- bizimki

Us-bizi, biz



Theirs- onlarnk

He-o (kii cinsi)

She-o (qadn
It-o, bu


His onunku
Hers onunku

Him-onu, ona
Her-onu, ona

zn; Yourselvesznz, znz,
Ourselveszmz, zmz
Themselveszlrini, zlri
Himself-z, zn
Herself-z, zn


Its -onunku

It -onu, ona

Itself -z, zn

1. Yiylik 1-dn sonra isim mtlq glmlidir. ( It is my book).

Amma Yiylik 2-dn sonra isim iln bilmz (It is mine). It is mine book

Qeyd: Obyekt v xs vzliklrindn sonra da isim ilnmir.

2. Obyekt vzliklri adtn xbrdn sonra ildilir. Ms:

Tell us your address. biz z nvann de.
V bzn d xbrdn sonra gln sznlril. Ms:
Come with me Mniml gl.

3. Yiylik vzliklrindn sonra artikl (a/an v the) gl bilmz. Ms:

My a car, my the car, my an ox

4. a friend of + yiylik 2 v ya yiylik halda olan isimlr. Ms:

He is a friend of mine O mnim dostlarmdandr.
He is a friend of Toms O Tomun dostlarndandr.
5. siml ildiln yiylik vzliklri all vzliyindn sonra, whole vzliyindn vvl ildilir. Ms:

all his life

his whole life

his all life

whole his life

1. That is not my umbrella; ... is yellow.
A) my
B) mine
C) me
2. John is a friend of ...
A) my
B) mine

C) me

3. Where are the keys? I cant find ...

A) they
B) theirs
C) them
4. Kamran is wearing a cap that isnt ...
A) he
B) hes
C) his
5. Do you know this man? Yes, I work with ...
A) him
B) his
C) hes
6. Janes friends are very kind people; ... will help her.
A) they
B) theirs
C) them
7. I dont know this woman. Do you know ...?
A) she
B) her
C) hers

lav Qaydalar
1.All + saylan isim olarsa, isim v xbr mtlq cmd getmlidir. Ms:
All cars are here btn manlar burdadr.
gr all + saylmayan isim olarsa v ya all vzliyindn sonra isim glmzs, o zaman xbr tkd
gedir. Ms:
All is here ham burdadr. All food is at home btn rzaqlar evddir.

2. no + other ola bilr yalnz. No + another ola bilmz. Ms:

No other reason baqa he bir sbb.

No another reason

3. no + of ola bilmz. None + of olmaldr. Ms:

None of you is ready He biriniz hazr deyilsiniz.

No of you is ready

4. III xs tkd fellr indiki zamanda s qbul edir. Have feli has olur. Ms:
Each of you has a car. hr birinizin man var.
Every one of them comes home early. onlarn hr biri ev tez glir.
Each of them is ready onlarn hr biri hazrdr.

5. its, its
Its yiylik hal bildirir, yiylik 1 olduu zaman ardnca mtlq isim glmlidir. Ms:
Its legs are so big onun ayaqlar ox bykdr.
Amma its = it is. Bundan sonra demk olar ki hr zaman artikl glmlidir. Ms:
Its a car. bu mandr.

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