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Arwen Busilac

January 27, 2015


Sir Emata


A leading ASEAN university forming leaders of character by 2033.

Character of Strategic Vision

Xavier has been shaping its students to keep the fire of magis and cura personalis alive, that
they may be living testimonies of being men and women for others. Xavier underscores
the virtues development of the Jesuit brand of education among the youth to promote
competence, conscience, commitment and compassion.
In a line, building character is holistic formation.

Revised Mission Statement

Xavier University (Ateneo de Cagayan) is a Filipino, Catholic and Jesuit educational
community dedicated to the integral development of the person for the needs of Mindanao,
the Philippines and Asia-Pacific.
As a University, Xavier engages in the authentic search for the truth through teaching,
formation, research and social outreach; it is dedicated to the renewal, discovery,
safeguarding and communication of knowledge and human values; and it trains men and
women to think rigorously, so as to act rightly and serve humanity
As a Filipino University, Xavier is devoted to the appreciation, preservation and enrichment
of the Filipino culture and heritage; to the sustainable development of the nation; and to the
pursuit of the common good.
As a Catholic University, Xavier is committed to the proclamation of the joy of the Gospel; its
commitment is rooted in a deep personal friendship with Jesus Christ manifested by loyalty

to the Church characterized by a preferential option for the poor; it shares in the privileged
task of fostering the interdisciplinary and integrated encounter between faith, reason and
the sciences.
As a Jesuit University, Xavier participates in the Jesuit mission of reconciliation with God,
with others and with creation; it seeks to serve the faith, promote justice, dialogue with
culture and religions, and protect the environment; it upholds the Ignatian values of magis,
cura personalis and finding-God-in-all-things.
In sum, Xavier University forms men and women of competence, conscience and
commitment in service of the Church, the global community and the Filipino people.

Elements of Mission Statement

The gist of the mission statement is easily recalled, with its one noun, university, and
three adjectives: Filipino, Catholic, and Jesuit.
As an educational community. The community is composed not only of students, faculty,
staff, alumni, and the administration but also of parents who are actively involved in
improving the school.
As a Filipino University. We care about what happens to the Philippines. We want to
promote sustainable development of the region and the country
And also being a Catholic university, maintains its preferential option for the poor.

Goals of XU's Undergraduate Colleges

The integration challenges the entire Xavier community to construct and nurture an ASEAN
perspective, ready for a globalized exchange of knowledge, culture and cooperation towards
synergy in development.
Xavier also aims to be a major player in education in Southeast Asia, the institution hails
with her the Filipino culture and heritage. In return, we also need to appreciate and
understand other cultures to foster respect and open-mindedness in our regional
neighborhood. Not only do we become more aware, we, too, develop pride for the diversity
of our own culturean integral fiber to personal and national growth.

As a student, what do you think is your role in XU's Mission & Vision, and what
are the challenges?

I think, the real way that, students can help attain the mission and vision of the school is
to fully take advantage of the opportunity. That means studying hard, doing your best in
your studies, achieving the utmost of your academic potential, [and] getting involved in
the formation activities of the school and in the different organizations and clubs. The
nature of the mission and vision are like the starswe dont reach them but well always
be guided by them.

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