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my name is Victoria and I am 10 years old. I love playing different sports

like soccer, running, Oz Tag, swimming and others. My favourite types of
foods are pizza, fish and chips, chocolate and all different types of fruits. My
favourite subjects at school are spelling, reading and sports. My favourite
things to do are to hang out with my friends, watch movies and go to the
beach. In my family I have two sisters and a mum and dad. I have a dog
named Yara and my sister has a fish named Nemo. My favourite animals are
a cheetah, a zebra, an elephant, a dog and a tiger. My favourite colour is
pink. I have a lot of favourite singers and bands. They are Katy Perry,
Taylor Swift, 5 Seconds of Summer, The Vamps and lots of others. They are
all very good. Every 2nd Christmas we go to New Zealand to visit my dads
side of the family.

Hi, my name is Teagan. My Favourite things are my friends and family, soccer,
running, the beach and TAYLOR SWIFT! She is the best ever. I love her so
I was born on the 4th of December 2003 and I started school when I was 5, I
moved schools when I was 10.
In my family I have my Mum, my Dad, Cooper ( my older brother,) the pets in
my family are Bojo ( my dog) and Ziggy (my bird.)
I run every Monday with my friends EJ, Victoria, Sienna, Georgia and Jayme.
We all love it so much.
Every Christmas we used to go to Tathra and I met two girls and we still keep
in touch with them now. Their names are Isabella and Teagan. Its really
weird because my birthday is the 4th of Dec, Bellas is the 5th and Teagans is
the 6th so were all like sisters together and we all look almost identical.

Hi my name is Tayla and I am 11 years old. If I had to choose a favourite
sport it would be running even though I love every sport. My favourite
types of food to have for dinner are spaghetti, pizza and nachos. My
schedule for the week is on Mondays I play Oz tag, on Tuesday I have
swimming and running, on Thursdays I have running and sometimes
swimming , on Saturday I have Little Athletics and on Sunday I have
running in the morning . The thing that I enjoy most with my friends is
going to the beach. When Im at home I watch TV , go on my iPad, do chores
so I get money and at night I like to read before I go to bed. I am currently
reading The Hobbit. When I am with my family I enjoy going shopping, to
the beach and going on holidays with them.

Hi, my name is Taryn and I am ten. I love to play sport, I like to play netball,
soccer, touch footy and I do gymnastics. I have one brother whose name is
Taan and he is 9. My mums name is Allison and my dads name is Matthew.
They are both police officers. My favourite colours are aqua and lime green.
My favourite foods are kiwi fruit and mango. When I grow up I want to be
an actor or a teacher. I love animals especially puppies, turtles and reptiles.
Im going to Cronulla High. I hate spiders. We go camping every year. Were
going to get a puppy soon. My favourite singers are Katy Perry and Taylor
Swift. Im going to Taylor Swifts concert in November with my mum. I saw
Katy Perry last year in Las Vegas, America. Last year we went to America
for 10 weeks. I was born on the 10 of March 2004.

HI MY name is Sophie, I am in year 6 class 6B. On the

weekends I play with my friends and go to the shops with
them and go in the pool when it is not freezing. I have 4
pets a rabbit a turtle, and lots of fish and my favourite sport
is netball. I have one brother, 4 aunties and 4 uncles and 2
second cousins and I have 8 cousins my other family
members are my mum and dad, nan and pop, and my nan
and par.

Hi, my name is Sienna and I go to Bundeena Public School. I am the oldest

of three kids in my family and am currently 10 years old, turning 11 in
April. I love playing soccer on Saturdays and going to training. I have also
started running training with Emma-Jane, Teagan, Jayme, Victoria, Georgia
and Grace down at Bundeena Oval. My quirky talent is that I can touch my
nose with my tongue which I got from my Nanna on my dads side of the
family. I live right near the water. Every year my family and I go up to South
West Rocks to visit my Nanna and Grandad who also have an apartment in
Sydney. My family pet is named Bear, who is a golden retriever and is two
years old.

Hi, my name is Shannon and I am turning twelve this year. I love to be a

defender in soccer. Last year my team made it into the Grand Final. I love to
go on really long mountain bike races with my dad. I love hanging out with
my friends Charlie, Luca, Thomas, Lucas and Mitchell. Every year I go
camping with my friend Thomas to Pretty Beach for two weeks. My
favourite foods are chocolate, ice cream and pizza. My dad, my sister and
me all love going snorkelling. Last year my family went to an island in the
Great Barrier Reef called Lady Elliot Island for two weeks. We did loads of
snorkelling there. Every year we go to England to see my grandparents. My
grandad has 7 acres of land. When we go to England we sometimes go to
other countries in Europe. My favourite colour is green. I support Sydney
FC and the Socceroos. I am glad that the Socceroos won the Asian Cup.

Hi, my name is Scarlett and I am 11 years old. At home I have a

dog, a cat, one sister called Ella and a brother called Charlie. My
favourite sport to play is soccer and last year my team got to the
Grand Final but we lost 1-0. My favourite food to eat at dinner is
Mexican. My favourite colours are aqua and light green. On the
weekends I like to hang out with my friends and go for swims off
the wharf when it is high tide. I also like to go outside and play
games with my brother and sister in the garden. My favourite
singer is Katy Perry and I went to her concert when she came to
Australia. She was amazing.

My name is Mitchell and I like to swim, surfing, football, running,
nippers, wakeboarding, paddling, bike riding and snorkelling. Ive
had 3 dogs and one of them was Kiza. The second dogs name was
Bronson and the third dogs name was Tiny.

My family is awesome to me especially my brother. We like to
rock climbing.

Hi, my name is Max. My favourite thing to do when Im

at home is to play my Play Station. Also I like to jump
on my trampoline, ride on my electric scooter and ride
my bike. My favourite sports to play are Rugby League,
soccer and cricket. I also like running, high jump and
long jump. One other thing that I have is two brothers,
one sister, a mum and a dad and a dog. My brother
Tom is 14. This year my other brother Harrison is 16.
My sister Claudia is 18 this year. My dad is 49 this
year and my mum is 46 this year. For me, I turn 11 this
year. My favourite food to eat is fish and my favourite
colour is purple. Also my favourite fizzy drink is

Hi, my name is Luke. I am 11 years old. Im talented at soccer and

surfing. Over the past years I have had a lot of fun at Bundeena
Public School learning.
I have one brother that is 13 years old and his name is Kye. I have
a younger sister called Jade who is 7 and a dog called Minus.
My favourite soccer players are Neymar and he plays for Brazil
and Barcelona. His number on the back of his soccer jersey is 11.
My second favourite player is Wayne Rooney and he plays for
Manchester United. He is my favourite player because of his
wonderful shots. When Im older I either want to make a sports
shop called World of Sports with my Best friend or play soccer for
a well-known club called Barcelona FC.


Hi, my name is Lucas and I am now in Year Six of class
6B. I have one sister, two dogs, Nellie and Fletch, three
guinea pigs and four canaries. I play water polo for
Bundeena; I do Nippers for Garie S.L.S.C and squad
training at Sutherland Pool. I also play the acoustic
and electric guitar, which I have now been playing for
four years. A couple of my hobbies include boogie
boarding and skateboarding. One of my greatest
achievements was beating a fourteen year old in an
ocean swim with a six foot swell. Another was also
when I guessed an eighties song at a massive trivia
night. I earned my team 9 bonus points because I was
the only one in the room to put my hand up.

Hi, my name is Luca and I like to play sport and run around. I have three
step- sisters, Whitney, Daniel, and Abigail. I also have two step-brothers,
Alex and Winston. All of my step-sisters are Aboriginal and Winston is also
aboriginal. I have a pet Siamese fighting fish whose name is fish. My
favourite sport is soccer and I usually play left-mid or goalie. Last year my
team made it into the Grand Final but sadly we lost 1-0. When I am at home
I usually practice my soccer, jump on the trampoline, play on my iPod or
PS3, or call friends. I have two mums, Michelle and Jude. Michelle is my
step-mum. I turned eleven on the twenty-sixth of January 2015. I enjoy
reading Artemis Fowl which is about a boy who discovers an underground
race of fairies and tries to steal from them. I enjoy a lot of things and I have
a lot of good friends.

My name is Lily and when I grow up I want to beLOTS of things. I just
cant decide which one to do. I want to be a doctor, veterinarian, an
astronomer and an actor. Thats just some of the jobs I want to have when I
grow up.
I have 4 pets 2 cats and 2 dogs. My cats names are Ruby Tuesday, but we
call him Ruben for short, and the other is called Monkey Biscuit. My dogs
names are Zarah and Zoe. Both my parents are from New Zealand and have
Maori heritage. I am going to University in New Zealand because I want to
get a Maori passport and learn the Maori Language. My hobbies are playing
netball, playing with my dogs, and OF COURSE hanging out with my
friends. By the way my all time FAVOURITE colour is


Hi my name is Kirby. I love to do all different kinds of sports like soccer and netball. This year
Im playing netball instead of soccer because I think I have a better chance and touch the ball a
bit more.
When I grow up I want to be a police officer because I think it would be an exciting job and I
might even meet some new friends.
My favourite fruit is pineapple. I also love to have a tropical smoothie with mango and
pineapple, passionfruit and its really yum.
My favourite book that Im reading is the Candy Maker and its very good so far.
In my family there are five humans theres Mum, Dad, Espirit, Jette and me and I have one dog
named Jaffa and three guineapigs.
My favourite things to do are surfing and riding my skateboard.
My favourite colours is aqua yellow.
My favourite dinner is the Thai green curry that my mum makes. There chicken beans and the
curry part of it on top of rice.
That is bit about me and, theres lots more to me!!!

Hi, my name is Jedd. I am 11 years old. I go to Bundeena Public School. I have two sisters
Gabby and Michal. Gabby is 13 and Michal is 21 years old.
I like going to school because its fun to see my friends and Im very lucky that I have a
teacher to teach me different things.
My favourite things to do are play soccer and other sports. I also like to play with my
friends and spend time with my family. I also love going to theme parks, water parks
and trampoline parks.
My favourite soccer players are Messi and Neymar and my favourite soccer team is
When I am older I either want to play soccer or make Xbox and PlayStation games, make
skateboards or work at a trampoline park.
Also when I am older my bestfriend Luke and I want to make a sports shop called World
of Sports.

Hi, my name is Jayme. I am 10 years old, I am also the youngest in my year

because my birthday is in July and I was born in 2004. My favourite food is called
Stand n Stuff which are tacos but its like a cup and you put chicken, lettuce
and tomatoes with salt. I live with my brother, Lex, my mum, Dayle and my dad,
Anthony. I also have some pets. They are a dog called Sunny, a cat called Buddy
and three fish called Mango, Fish and Orange. We have some other animals but
theyre not actually ours for instance an animal like deer come on to our property
even though we dont own them. They do that because they dont know any
better. Before we had gates around our house we had deer coming to our house
all the time and sometimes the deer would drop theyre antlers. We have got
about five antlers in our house at the moment. My house is in Maianbar, I live just
in front of the beach except my beach doesnt have waves. I still enjoy going there
and having the feeling of freeness in me.
My favourite sport is soccer. I play with my friends in school and out of school. I
like playing new sports because I always meet new friends and end up enjoying
their company more than my own.

Hi my name is Grace and I have one and half sisters. My favourite fruit is
mango. My hobbies are dance and art because it lets me express myself.
My favourite time of year is Christmas because there is so much joy. My
family go camping almost every year which is pretty cool and I have
awesome pets, Poppy and Sandy. My sister Jasmin can be so annoying
but other times she is so nice. My favourite colour is blue. I have a
double-jointed thumb. The most fun thing to do is DANCE! I enjoy my
friends company. My favourite movie is Foot Loose because it really gets
me in the mood. The things I like to do in the afternoons are to hangout
with my friends and bike ride. My friends think that I have really long
and pretty hair. My funniest joke goes like this knock knock, whos
there? fish, who fish? eye ball fish, eye ball who? fish eye ball fin.

Hi, my name is Georgia. Some people may recognise my name from the One
Direction song Best Song Ever. Some people think Liam Payne is my cousin
from 1D.
My birthday is on the 14 of October and the year I was born in was 2003.
My favourite foods are Tacos, Spaghetti Bolognaise, Ribs and Golden Gay
Time ice-cream.
I have two sisters called Stephanie and Alexandria and my parents names
are Joanne and George.
My favourite albums at the moment are 1989 by Taylor Swift and Four by
One Direction.

Hi, my name is Emma-Jane. I come from Ireland. I came to

Australia 5 years ago. I am the middle of 3 brothers and 1 sister. I
am 12 in November. I love playing soccer, netball for PSSA at
school, running training with all my friends Teagan, Sienna,
Georgia, Grace and Victoria. We go down to the Bundeena Oval
every Monday. I live in the apartments above the IGA and my
neighbours are Siennas Nan and Pa. My mum is one of lots of
children so I have a lot of aunties, uncles and cousins.

Hi my name is ELLA.
I love to play guitar and cook all types of food.
Soccer is my favourite sport but I all so like swimming.
My favourite food is chocolate, lolly mint leaves, black liquorice
and white marshmallows.
My favourite music is Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and Jessica
My best friends are Xanthia, Jayme, Chloe, Alice, Alkira and
My favourite things too cook are macrons, cakes, brownies and
I love the colour purple, green and yellow.
The places Ive been in the world are Paris, Italy, Tasmania,
Queensland, Sir Lanka, and Jersey.

Hi, my name is Dex. I have over 40 relatives.

I have six pets. Their names are Pip, Tom, Jerry, Mojo, Harley and Lulu.
I have three sisters and a step sister. Neveah is my youngest sister. She is so
loud and every one ignores her. I think thats why she is so loud. Kodi and
Avrie are pretty much the same so I have to deal with both of them. Ashlee
is my oldest sister, she is my step sister and shes twenty two.
My favourite sport is soccer last year we made it to the Grand Final. My
favourite water sports are swimming and surfing. I know that everyone has
a favourite colour but I dont have one.
I was born in Canada in Vancouver Hospital on the 29th of April 2003. My
best friend is Mitchell.

Hi, my name is Chloe and I love dogs.

I am what you would call a dog lover. I have two dogs, a Pug and a German shepherd. My
Favourite food is marshmallow, chocolate & pizza. I love to play soccer, baseball &
basketball. I have been to America five times and it was really fun. I went to Disney Land
two times, Los Angeles, Los Vegas & New York. My Best friends are Ella, Jayme, Alkira,
Alice & Lily.
My favourite singers are 5SOS, Taylor Swift, Demi Lavato, IGGY, Justice Crew, Katy Perry
& Sheppard.
My birthday is the 10th June 2003.
What I want to be when I grow up is a Photographer or a Lawyer.
I have a three story house. My room is on the top floor so is my nans room & my Mum &
Dads room is on the bottom floor.
I also love school because its really fun and I get to learn new things every day.

My name is Bianca and my favourite thing to do is playing with my friends. I have a brother and
a sister and they are twins. Their names are Leila and Trent. My family and I like to go to a place
called Sussex Inlet every year and we also like to go to Lake Conjola. At Sussex Inlet we like to go
boating, fishing, riding our bikes and rolling down sand hills. In the afternoons I like to play with
my friends, play netball, choir and dancing. I also like to play with my pets. I have a rabbit called
Peter, a dog called Halo, a cockatoo called George and lots of fish. My ones are called Buddy,
Tom, and Drip-Drop. But George has a special talent- he can talk he can say halo George and he
can wave. My favourite colours are purple and aqua. I have loved those colours ever since I was
a little girl. Sometimes I like to bake cakes and cookies. My favourite cake is sponge cake and
chocolate mud cake. Also my favourite cookies are Melting Moments. My birthday is on the 17th
of January. I like when my birthday is because it is in summer and it is a good time to go to the
beach. My special ability is dancing. I can do splits and put my leg above my head with my leg
straight. I do gymnastics, hip-hop, stretch and ballet. My favourite singers are Katy Perry, One
Direction, and 5 seconds of Summer. My favourite movie is Grown-ups 1 and 2. I like it because
it is so funny. My favourite foods are Spaghetti Bolognese, tacos and Golden Gay Times. Mmm.

Hey, my name is Ashley.

I live with my Mum, my Dad and my brother Kane. In summer I love to go to the
beach with my family and we snorkel around the rocks. The craziest thing I have
ever done was indoor skydiving. My favourite foods are tacos and sushi. I hate
tomatoes. I have three fish and their names are Rocket, Nemo and Captain. On
Saturdays I go to JWDA (a dance place) and I do dancing with Bianca, Jasmine E
and Jasmin S. My favourite animal is a dog and sometime this year my family is
getting one! J . The most fun place I have ever been to was Jamberoo and my
favourite ride was the Funnel Web. My hobbies are swimming, baking and art. My
favourite subject in school is art, sport and science. My favourite colour is pastel
aqua. I love going to the movies with my friends. My favourite TV show is Sponge
bob. My favourite holiday is Christmas. I live in Bundeena and I love Bundeena.

Hi my name is Annabella.
My favourite sport is dance and gymnastics but I go for morning runs on a Sunday to get
out of the house.
I can do a few weird things with my body I can lift my leg up to my head with my legs
straight and I have a bendy back and can do heaps of cool tricks that are a little weird.
When I grow up I want to be an actor, a teacher or study marine biology.
My favourite food is pasta.
I am mostly Australian with a little bit of English in me and a lot of Dutch.
I have one pet. She is a dog and her name is Nala.
My favourite singers are Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift and Katy Perry.
My family means a lot to me especially my Mum. She would be the closest thing to me.
My dads job is working at Huntsman Chemicals where they make the main chemicals in
a factory and the shops add their flowers and essences to it and my mum works at
Century 21 where they sell houses.

Hi, my name is Angus and I am 11 years old. My favourite sports

are swimming and soccer. I go to swimming training every
Wednesday and my dad has coached my soccer team for the last 4
I have a 14 year old sister who goes to Cronulla High School and I
will probably be going there as well. My Mums and Dads names
are Margaret whose 46 and Geoffrey whose 48.
I am the last McCall so if I dont have a boy my family name will
My favourite colour is green. My favourite foods are chocolate,
fruit mango and drink tropical juice. I am the only one out of my
friends who doesnt like fizzy drink.
The places I have travelled to are Bali, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.

Hi my name is Alkira. I love to play with all my friends and I also like to
listen to One Direction music. My favourite sport is soccer. Every year in
the Christmas holidays I go camping at One Mile Beach and we stay at a
camping ground called Middle Rock Holiday Resort. It is so fun it has a few
pools, a jumping pillow and a park. A jumping pillow is basically a massive
rubber pillow that is very bouncy. My favourite colours are green, aqua and
light purple. My favourite food is spaghetti bolognaise. My favourite albums
are Four and Take me Home by One Direction. My favourite songs are Over
Again and Change your Mind by One Direction. I cant wait to see them live
in 4 DAYS on the 7th of February 2015.

Hi, my name is Alice and I was NOT named after the book Alice in
Wonderland. Both my parents are from Ireland but I was born in
Kogarah. When I grow up there are several things I would like to
be: a scientist, a fashion designer, an artist, an astronomer and a
writer as well as loads of other things I havent decided on yet.
I have three siblings; two sisters, Pearl and Rebecca, and one
brother who I adore, Rory. Some random facts about me: I hate
avocado, I wish I had a horse, my favourite colours are purple and
blue, one of my best friends is a boy named Joshua, I used to have
an Irish Red Setter whose nickname was stupid red dog in Gaelic
(which is omadon madra rua), Im a total fashionista, I like baby
pandas and my buddy; Hanna.

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