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1 atom

Atom je najmanja cestica nekog kemijskog elementa. Rijec atom dolazi iz grcke gdje znaci
neraskidiva tvar. Struktira ljuske atoma se sastoji od 7 orbita po kojima elektroni kruze na
nacin kako planeti kruze oko sunca. Svaka od tih orbita ima ime K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, a svaka od
njih je istovremeno i energijski pojas.
2 stanja atoma
Stabilno stanje elektrona je kada su nuklearni i orbitalni el. naboj u ravnotezi. Najniza razina
energije se dobiva s osam elektrona u najudaljenijoj orbiti.
3 materijali
Materijali u elektrotehnici mogu biti razni. Postoje vodici, poluvodici i izolatori a oni se razlikuju
po svojstvima vodljivosti. Vodici imaju visok stupanj vodljivosti sto su svi metali a najbolji su
bakar i aluminij. Poluvodici su materijali poput silicija i germanija a njihov stupanj vodljivosti je
manji od vodica a i podrzavaju nize temperature nego vodici. Izolatori su materijali koji ne
provode elektricnu struju a to su materijali poput stakla, gume, keramike.
4 magnetski materijali i elektromagnetizam
Postoje dvije vrste magnetskih materijala a to su trajno i ne trajno magnetizirani materijali.
Trajno magnetizirani materijali su oni koji nakon sto stavimo u magnetsko polje mozemo
kosristiti kao izvor magnetskog polja, dok ne trajno magnetizirani materijali us oni koji kada
djelujemo magnetskim poljem na njih oni staju magnetizirani neko kratko vrjeme
Oersted's experiment
Magnetski krug i magnetna iigla
Ampere's eyperiment
Magnetski krug. karton i strugotine metala
5 energija, ems i snaga
Energija se definira kao kolicina koja obavlja neki rad. Ona je neuinistiva vec prelazi iz oblika u
oblik. Postoje dvije vrste energije a to su potencijalna energija ili energija mirovanja i kineticka
energija ili energija kretanja. Postoji vise izvora kao i vrsta energija, a neki od njih su gorivo
sto daje toplinsku energiju, zarulja sto daje solarnu energiju etc.
Elektromotorna sila je sila koju dobivamo razlikom potencijala pri toku struje i mjeri se u
Primjeri izvora elektromotorne sile su generator koji radi na nacin elektromagnetske indukcije;
fotocelije koja radi tako da prikuplja solarnu energiju i daje nam elektromotornu silu.
Snaga je energija utrosena u nekom vremenu pri obavljanju nekog rada
7 lenzov zakon
Lenzovo pravilo glasi: inducirana elektromotorna sila u krugu uvijek tezi da se suprotstavi
bilokojoj promjeni u kolicini struje u tom krugu, sto znaci kada struja tece kroz krug ona stvara
promjenjivo magnetsko polje koje stvara induciranu elektromotornu silu koja se suprotstavlja
toku struje.
Induktivitet je pojava izmedu dva susjedna elektricna kruga gdje napon s jednog kruga prelazi
na drugi.
8 ohmov zakon

Znacenje predznala minus objasnjava lenzovo pravilo, koje j eposljedica zakona ocuvanja
energije a kaze da je smjer inducirane elektromotorne sile uvijek takav da od tog napona

stvorena struja ima takav smjer da proizvodi magnetski tok koji se suprotstavlja promjeni toka
zbog kojeg je nastala

The atom is the smallest unit of chemical elemnt. The word atom comes from the Greek word
where it means uncutable thing. Shell structure of an atom contain 7 orbits in which electrons
circle in way planets move around the Sun. Each of this orbits are named by lether
K,L,M,N,O,P,Q and they are at the same time energy band
Stable state of an atom is when nuclear and orbital el. charges are in equilibrium. The lowest
level of energy is acquired with eight electrons in the outermost orbit.
Materials in electrotechnics are different. There are conductors, semiconductors and insulating
materials and they differ in ability of conducting electricity. Conductors have high level of
electricity conducting and they are all metals. Semiconductors are materials like silicon or
germanium and their level of conductivity is lower then metals and they cant work on high
temperature. Insulating materials are materials which dont conduct electricity a these
materials are like glass, gum, ceramics.
There are two types of magnetic materials which are permanently and nonpermanently
magnetized materials. Permanent magnet materials are those that once you put in a
magnetic field, we can use them as the source of the magnetic field, while not permanently
magnetized materials are those when we put them in magnetic field they are magnetized for
short time.
Energy is defined as the amount that performs some work. Energy is indestructible and she
only moves from form to form. There are two types of energy and that is the potential energy
or energy of resting and kinetic energy or energy of motion. There are several types of energy
sources, some of them are the fuel that provides heat, light bulb which provides solar energy
Electromotive force is a force that we get with potential difference of the current flow and is
measured in volts.
Examples of sources of electromotive force are the generator that works in the way of
electromagnetic induction, photocells, which works to collect solar energy and gives us an
Power is the energy consumed in a time when performing an operation
Lenz's rule state: induced electromotive force in the circuit is always tend to oppose changes
in the amount of current in the circuit, which means when the current flows through the circuit
it creates a changing magnetic field created by the induced emf that opposes the flow of
Inductance is a phenomenon between two neighboring electric circuit where the voltage from
one circuit goes to another.
Meaning of minus explains Lenz's rule, which is consequence of energy conservation law and
its says that the direction of the induced electromotive force is always that the voltage
generated current has a direction that produces magnetic flow that opposes the change flow
due to which the resulting
An electric current that is induced by a changing magnetic field will in turn induce its own
magnetic field. According to Lenz's law, the induced electric current must be in such a

direction that the magnetic field induced by the current opposes the original cause of the
induced current.
If the magnetic field associated with the current in a conductor were in the same direction as
the change in the magnetic field that created it, these two magnetic fields would combine to
give a net magnetic field which would in turn induce a current with twice the magnitude. This
process would continue creating infinite current from just moving a magnet: this would be a
violation of the law of conservation of energy.
Lenz's Law extends the principles of energy conservation to situations that involve nonconservative forces in electromagnetism.
The law of conservation of energy is an empirical law of physics. It states that the total
amount of energy in a closed system remains constant over time (are said to be conserved
over time). A consequence of this law is that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. The
only thing that can happen to energy in a closed system is that it can change form

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