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Stamp Act
The New England government has finally passed the horrible stamp act dating
1765. This is a direct act that has been imposed by the British Parliament specifically on
the colonies of British America. This requires that all printed materials in the colonies
shall be printed on stamped paper in London, with a special revenue stamp. This will be
the way that they will gain taxes from the legal documents, magazines, newspapers and
many other types of paper that we use throughout Boston and the colonies. New England
feels that they need us to pay for a portion of the expenses that were for the troops
stationed in the North America after the British victory in the French and Indian war. But
the real question still exists and asked today, should we really have to be taxed on our
paper items to pay for our military? Or have what we been paying already enough?
Tea Act
If the stamp act wasnt already enough, the Tea act has now been passed dated, 1765.
Previously, the price of tea was majorly reduced to help the financially failing British
East India Company to survive and reduce the cost of tea. Though, this was simply a lure
for the people to accept Parliaments right of taxation. Now, the British East Company
has taken a monopoly on all the tea and has been raising taxes on it sky high. Are we
okay with this? Are the actions of this company tolerable? No, there have been protest
groups with merchants and land owners that have strongly disagreed with this act. This is
not just here in the colonies, other places and companies such as British merchants and
manufacturers have also been appalled by what theyve done. These protest groups have
been actively looking for ways to repeal this act. It would be estimated that this act would
be repealed early next year.
Townshend Act
New England has now passed another act, the Townshend act, named after the
British Prime Minister, Charles Townshend. He has imposed on us another tax. This is an
increase on the tax of glass, lead, tea, and paper. It is said that theyve done this to help
pay for governors and judges so that they would be independent of colonial rule. The
worst part about this is that Massachusetts or any other state had no say whatsoever. The
colonists have already become extremely angered by this. When we found at that New
England put this unnecessary act on us without a state representative, it violated the rules
of our say in the laws. Starting just yesterday, many have already started boycotts of
British goods and strikes on produce to stop this meaningless act from continuing
forward. We need the help of you readers to put a stop to this as soon as possible.

(Ad) Jobs in Boston

Jobs in Boston are now at a great pay now matter what kind of background you
have. British East India Company- Currently looking for people with a background of
packaging and transportation of cargo to other countries and states. Medium paying job,
many spaces are available.
Science & Technology
The name of Benjamin Franklin has been quickly spreading around Pennsylvania,
and now Massachusetts, Boston. The rate of discovery and innovation of this man has
just been incredible, looking past his hard childhood as a kid. On our technology update,
the lightning rod, heat-efficient stove, bifocals, and glass armonica has now been
invented by this amazing man. The greatness of the lightning rod has now been able to
safely harness the energy and power of the lightning during storms to protect the
buildings of our loved ones, and connect it to the ground for safe removal. Tired of cold
food day-in and day-out when there is not money for electricity? Fear not, Franklin has
now created the heat efficient stove that is now better insulating and conserving heat
inside the stove. A problem that has troubled mankind for the longest time, short and far
sightedness has now been indirectly cured. Bifocals are now being sold for cheap with
the closing of the Townshend act. Your vision will be restored in no time. The glass
armonica is a new instrument in the market that combines glass and wind instruments
into a new world. The complex sounds and tunes that this instrument makes are just
incredible from local satisfied customers.

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