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Types of ESP

What is ESP?
ESP simply means the teaching and learning of English for a very specific goal
rather than for a very general or broad purpose.
It is an approach rather than a product.
It is designed to meet specific needs of the learner.
The meaning and signification of the ESP has, however, undergone changes over
the past 20 years and is continuing to undergo further modifications.
ESP is broken down into 3 branches:
- EST (English for Science and Technology)
- EBE (English for Business and Economics)
- ESS (English for Social Sciences)
These 3 subject areas are divided into 2 branches. (EOP and EAP)
EOP (English for Occupational Purposes)
EAP (English for Academic purposes)
Confused of the types- my research (1. English as a restricted language
(language used by air traffic controllers, or by waiters, by MacKay and mount
ford, Restricted language would not allow the speaker to communicate effectively
in novel situation or in contexts outside the vocational environment.
2. By carter- (1983) English for academic and occupational purposes.
Hutchinson and Waters (1987) do note that there is not a clear-cut distinction
between EAP and EOP, Carter is implying thst the end purpose of both EAP and
EOP are one in the same: EMPLOYMENT. However, despite the end purpose
being identical, the means taken to achieve the end is very different indeed. EAP
and EOP are different in terms of focus. (cummins(1979) notions of cognitive
academic proficiency versus basic interpersonal skills.
3. By carter English with specific topics- carter notes that it is only here
where emphasis shifts from purpose to topic. This type of ESP is uniquely
concerned with anticipated future English needs of, for example: scientists
requiring English for postgraduate reading studies, attending conferences or
working in foreign institutions. However, I argue that this is not a separat type of
ESP rather it is an integral component of ESP courses or programs which focus
on situational language. This situational language has been dtermined bAsed on
the interpretation of results from needs analysis of authentic language used in
target workplace settings.
English of Academic Purposes
ESP courses are generally offered at the tertiary level. In a study setting, what is
offered is EAP (English for Academic Purposes) for students who need English to
meet the requirements in their other academic courses. Where English is a

school subject that is part of their curriculum or the medium of instruction in their
courses, they need English to succeed in their studies. In addition to learning
how to use English for performing a specific task.they need to use English in
order to understand a specific task. Thus, both for participating in classroom
discussions and for advancing their knowledge of course content, they need to
operate in English.
EAP courses often have a study skills component.
English for Occupational Purposes
EOP course learners learn English needed to carry out their intended profession, or
occupation or perform job-related tasks.
For instance, a medical student or a doctor needs English to write a medical report, a
business student or a businessperson needs English to make a financial report, and a
physics student or a physicist needs English to make an experiment report.
The EOP course for a medical student/doctor will vary from the EOP courses designed
for a business student/business executive and for a physics students or a physicist
because the reports each of these professionals or future professionals would write
involve different formats, different organization of contents, different language styles,
Thus EOP course is designed on the basis of the specific needs of the professionals or
future professionals.
Specific examples of EOP:
English for nurses
English for Pilots
English for Engineers
EOP is also known as EVP (English for vocational purposes)
And VESL (Vocational English as a second language)
Example of EOP For the EST English for technicians
Example of EAP For the EST English for Medical studies
Example of EOP For the EBE English for SECRETARIES
Example of EOP For the ESS English for TEACHING

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