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Banshee (10R)

Add Banshee to Zombie Deployment List, purchase once

GMC, pg. 13

Biohazard (Sp)

Play after All Out Defense, must run Disposal Mission

GMC, pg. 14

Escalation (100R)

The Outbreak Level has Increased, adjust E% accordingly

GMC, pg. 15

Endless Horde (25R)

+2d6 Zombies per Encounter, -1d6 to Encounter Length

GMC, pg. 15

Ghoul (10R)

Add Ghoul to Zombie Deployment List, purchase once

GMC, pg. 15

Glutton (10R)

Add Glutton to Zombie Deployment List, purchase once

GMC, pg. 15

Hunting Cat (10R)

Add Hellcat to Zombie Deployment List, purchase once

GMC, pg. 15

Nightmare (10R)

Add Nightmare to Zombie Deployment List, purchase once

GMC, pg. 16

Ursa (20R)

Add Ursa to Zombie Deployment List, cost per Ursa available

GMC, pg. 17

Vampire (15R)

Add Vampire to Zombie Deployment List, purchase once

GMC, pg. 17

Vermin (25R)

Add Vermin to Zombie Deployment List, purchase once

GMC, pg. 17

Vigilantes (50R)

Add Vigilates to E% Table or increase range on Table

GMC, pg. 17

Lord of the Flies (20R)

Lord of the Flies O.B.M. on E% DoS of 5+

FCF2, pg. 36




Balancing Act (4R)

Play on E% of 4 DoS or more, Evade requires check.

GMC, pg. 13

Barricades (1R)

Must breach barricades for access, will likely cause Noise

GMC, pg. 13

Carelessness (Sp)

Grant additional E% in same Time for foolish actions

GMC, pg. 14

Chain Link Fence (2R)

Must climb a fence or use Bolt Cutters to Flee Encounter

GMC, pg. 14

Charnel House (5R)

Any Interior, was used to house corpses before abandon

GMC, pg. 14

Interruption (3R)

Grant an additional E% check on Nothing result

GMC, pg. 15

Killing Fields (5R)

The area is filled with carnage and gore

GMC, pg. 16

More Difficult than it Looks (Sp)

Increase Difficulty of any Check

GMC, pg. 16

More Than You Can Chew (Sp)

Encounter draws more Zombies than expected

GMC, pg. 16

Pestilence (Sp)

Highly Viral Zombies are encountered

GMC, pg. 16

Rain Check (3R)

Foul weather (not just rain) plagues the Mission

GMC, pg. 16

Raptors (5R)

A flock of Raptors begin to follow the characters

GMC, pg. 16

Storm Brewing (10R)

A large storm hits and causes issues

GMC, pg. 16

Trailing Zombies (Sp)

Play on Return to Stronghold or failed Survival checks

GMC, pg. 17

Tensions Flare (5R)

Strife in the Stronghold Population may hurt Morale

GMC, pg. 17

Trapped (1R)

Escape is more difficult from the Encounter

GMC, pg. 17

Unstoppable Force (Sp)

Some danger that cannot be stopped is set

GMC, pg. 17

Vermin (Sp)

Vermin have overrun the Stronghold

GMC, pg. 17

Wall of Mourning (4R)

Pass a memorial wall with many Missing posters

GMC, pg. 17

Trapping (5R)

Play on E% of 5 DoS or more, special Encounter

FCF2, pg. 36

Capture Alive (10R)

Play of Fleeing Vigilante Encounter

FCF2, pg. 36

Slaughter (Sp)

A Captured character will be killed in a certain Time

FCF2, pg. 36

Crash Site (5R)

Place a crash at the next Encounter and additional Zombies

FCF3, pg. 32

Carbon Monoxide Pocket (20R)

Can knock characters out if not careful

FCF3, pg. 32

Septic (5R)

Failing a challenge check causes Unsanitary Conditions

FCF3, pg. 34

Stench (2R)

The horrible smell requires a Willpower check

FCF3, pg. 34

Tight Squeeze (2R)

The area to navigate is narrow and hard to pass

FCF3, pg. 34


These Hazards will alter the E%
system in some way, adding new
Zombie options or adjusting the
E% table through different
These are meant to be played at
any time, best before E%.


These Hazards will add special
checks to Encounters in some
They are used to add extra
dynamics to Encounters.
These are meant to be played
directly after an E% is made or
Location is entered.




Armed (2R)

Play when E% allows Templates, adds Advanced Weaponry

GMC, pg. 13

Armored (2R)

Play when E% allows Templates, +3 Defense for Armor

GMC, pg. 13

Banshee (9R)

Requires Banshee Encounter Hazard to use

GMC, pg. 13

Creeping Death (1R)

Deploy a Crawler or replace killed Zombie with Crawler

GMC, pg.14

Drowned (Sp)

Use in Water based Areas

GMC, pg. 15

Familiar Face (5R)

Choose random character to see someone they know

GMC, pg. 15

Frozen (Sp)

Use in Cold Biomes

GMC, pg. 15

Ghoul (9R)

Requires Ghoul Encounter Hazard to use

GMC, pg. 15

Glutton (9R)

Requires Glutton Encounter Hazard to use

GMC, pg. 15

Grotesque (Sp)

Play when E% allows Templates

GMC, pg. 15

Husk (Sp)

Use in Arid Biomes

GMC, pg. 15

Hellcat (9R)

Requires Hunting Cat Encounter Hazard to use

GMC, pg. 15

Nightmare (9R)

Requires Nightmare Encounter Hazard to use

GMC, pg. 16

One Big Monster (Sp)

Add O.B.M. Template to a Zombie or Unique Zombie

GMC, pg. 16

Sociopath (10R)

A particularly deranged group of Vigilantes

GMC, pg. 16

Vampire (Sp)

Requires Vampire Encounter Hazard to use

GMC, pg. 17

Vermin (9R)

Requires Vermin Encounter Hazard to use

GMC, pg. 17

Rancid (3R)

All Zombies have Rancid Horror Trait

FCF2, pg. 35

Alert (Sp)

Zombies will start as Active on Encounter if characters Hide

FCF3, pg. 31

Investigate (Sp)

Zombies not Alerted but one moves Passive in random direction

FCF3, pg. 32

Noisy Terrain (Sp)

Hard to remain Hidden against Passive opponents

FCF3, pg. 33

Patrol (Sp)

One opponent is patrolling back and forth Passive

FCF3, pg. 33




Catatonia (25R)

Unable to perform actions for a period of Time

FCF3, pg. 32

Delusion (5R)

Prohibit Diplomacy checks for a period of Time

FCF3, pg. 32

Frantic Getaway (3R)

Up to 1 CU of Gear was dropped while Fleeing

FCF3, pg. 32

Indulgence (5R)

A character must indulge an Addiction or Vice

FCF3, pg. 32

Mania (Sp)

Characters become fixated on a specific goal for a Ti e

FCF3, pg. 33

Misplaced Rage (Sp)

Two characters get locked in a Grapple for a Time

FCF3, pg. 33

Paranoia (25R)

Loss of Morale and Empathy penalties

FCF3, pg. 34

Psychosis (25R)

Develop a new Handicap

FCF3, pg. 34

Turned Around (5R)

Navigation check after Fleeing from Panic is +1 Diff

FCF3, pg. 34




Roadblock (5R)

Difficult to maneuver large Vehicles

GMC, pg. 16

Blockade (Sp)

Abandoned Vehicles or debris blocks the road

FCF3, pg. 31

Dead Marsh (8R)

Waist to chest deep water fills the area, require Wetlands

FCF3, pg. 32

Flood (5R)

The area has become flooded and will reduce Movement

FCF3, pg. 32

Low Water Line (4R)

Easier to get collision in watercraft

FCF3, pg. 33

Raider Ambush (Sp)

Travel by Roads results in Vigilante ambush

FCF3, pg. 34

Roadkill (2R)

Travel by Road has an animal or Zombie stumble out

FCF3, pg. 34

Rough Road (Sp)

Slow travel over Roads due to rough conditions

FCF3, pg. 34


These Hazards directly alter the
Zombies in the Encounter by
applying Templates and Horror
These are meant to be played
during the Deployment Phase.


These Hazards add additional
effects to characters who are
These are meant to be played
once a character has become


These Hazards will alter the
ability to Travel in an
These are meant to be played
when characters enter an area or

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