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Gravity Backwards

Copyright 2015
The basic premise of the way we currently think of Gravity is that it is a
force or interaction that has to do with mass. This is not just a push or a pull
difference, rather new quantum gravity. Clearly it acts or interacts with
everything that has mass, and so it's assumed that the force is a product of the
observable object we see. Still it actually has something more to do with how
we conscious observers are able to be here to view it too. The observer in
Relativity didn't really have a capability to be alive in the sense that you and I
are. It was a mere photon detector in the Michelson-Morely experiment. The
speed of light is assumed to be the speed of gravity, but this hasn't been
entirely completely measured to 100% precision. The last time that happened
was when a quasar aligned with Jupiter, more than 10 years ago. Although it
recently occurred again, a measurement wasn't done this time. A recent
suggestion to do a Bell's test on a quasar might shed some light on the aspect
of free will that I hope this new thinking will be able to help us preserve.
We are more than mere receivers of incoming photons, as
we also send a signal via our coherently focused attention, and intentions in a
direction or on a particular concept. When we do this, we are transmitting
information like a carrier wave does. Gravitational waves have not yet been
detected coming toward the LIGO detectors or other like them, from stars,
black holes, out in space. Relativity theory suggests this will be found to be
the case. In the meanwhile, we have found a signal from us, and it tells us
that if there isn't a two-way Street that Newton, Einstein, and all have missed,
than this is something we need to think about the other way around. Besides
the signals from observers and the fact that they seem to scale up, the weak,
strong versions of the anthropic principle tell us that logically it could be that
we are far more important than modern science is, or physicists are currently
Further, there is considerable astronomical proof that this is

true also. We can do tests during eclipses on the Allais effect and on neutrinos
and dark matter, to confirm more. There is a clear pattern in these telling us
the way the force, intention interaction works. Lots of experimental evidence
has already piled up.
The Allais effect wasnt known when or shown in
Relativity. It doesnt last long enough to make much noticeable difference,
which is why it probably wasnt (only?) detected or reported, until the era
after relativity, in 1956. We usually only see pendulums going back and forth
in a regular periodic motion. But during an eclipse, not before or after, there
is a wobble in the motion, a momentary, very subtle and brief, gravitational
anomaly. If we know how that we only see the object in the foreground, and
the other, whichever way around, lunar or solar eclipse this coherent focus on
both is interrupted, one observable is occluded. The observable is supposed
to create the gravity, but thats not what is causing what is seen, this effect.
Rather, it seems that when our coherent focus on both observables is lost, and
then gravity or the mass on a string, which is basically the thing we call a
pendulum, wobbles. I believe we are sending the signal that is lost when we
dont, arent able to focus on the observable, think about the one we see, not
one we dont. Alignments allow us to see the force we cant, and its not the
observable object or its own gravity that is creating gravity. The two-way
St. is momentarily disrupted as the observer cant focus coherently on one
occluded observable, and a wobble occurs, the mass on a string or
paraconical type pendulum is free to roam. It is not an effect created by the
observable objects only, or their creating a short term shielding effect. They
arent consciously alive unless Gaia theories are far more enforced, or
forceful somehow I dont yet see.
The fact that a flux in other experiments shows up more
on the longer days on a seasonal variation, annual modulation, verifies when
and how it is probably created. This is how at that critical point, like an
inflexion point in a phase transition in thermodynamics, is more like a
potential particle being turned from zero or off to on. Thus, to account for
this, I propose a new (quasi?) particle called an infonon. The Neutrino
experiments by D.E. Alburger at BNL, and others at PTB in Germany, along
with the dark matter tests find an important pattern. The DAMA/Libra,

CRESST, CoGent, AMS, Pamela, XMM-Newton all basically show the same
seasonal variation, annual modulation pattern. It shows up in detectors as a
mass that is greater on the longer days and less on the shorter ones. There
is none, no difference, as one would expect on the equal ones, equinoxes.
Rather it is a peak and valley where one would expect if they simply
considered things the other way around.
Sadly, most physicists are not aware of the fact that signals from
the observer exist. Coherent intentions in a direction have been found for a
very long time now. Just as you are paying attention to this, your attention is
not focused elsewhere. This communication process seems to be nonlocal,
FTL. Its not visible any more than radio or microwaves are, so it doesnt
have to be limited to light speed. The fact that a critical mass of information
sent at the right time could accumulate at the point where it has more time to
do so. This quantum of information in a location then is why I say we should
call this quasiparticle or pre-particle an infonon. Its not a baryon like a
hyperon and so like a signal sent at the right time in a direction it can explain
why there is this sort of modulation when we have more or less chance to
transmit, and help create it. Dark matter theorists are wondering how to
annihilate particles, but first, they have to come from somewhere or perhaps
someone(s). Gravity acts on things with mass, but where mass comes from
hasnt entirely been resolved, as Id expected, by the Higgs particle. These
are not like any visible particles detected, dark matter is nonbaryonic. Since it
only interacts gravitationally, and we send the signal instead of the idea that
we just receive, perceive, this may be the key to preserving our free will.
Gravity is a universal force, truth that exists in every galaxy we see.
The fact that we transmit a signal was proven some time ago, by
lots of researchers including Dr. Dean Radin, and was documented in his
books. He did a particularly important test in 01 as Id (also?) recommended
on a popular radio show. It showed that effects in these tests scale up. I did a
test myself in 05 like many Dr. Roger Nelson and others at the Global
Consciousness Project. See, and for more on
consciousness experiments. See an especially important one I just noticed
that was done in 13 at the burning man festival. The ambient entropy chip
idea developed by an engineer from Pixar is very interesting. An entropic
gravity theory, by Eric Verlinde, posited gravity didnt exist. He, like his

brother Herman, is a string theorist. While Joe Polchinski and many others
have worked on aspects of string theory, and ADS/CFT and the partition
function are important to physics, math, statistical entropy. Still, I dont think
strings are the things creating G. Someone has to pull the strings, but there
are no people or biology currently the theory. See Smolins Trouble with
A unified field theory should unify everything and everyone in the
universe or multiverses. The fate relates not just to warm dark matter or Cold
DM, but also whether someone(s) could live or die in the far future or fate of
the universe(s). In quantum mechanics, wave-particle duality, superpositions
allow things to be both one and another simultaneously to a degree. We are
either dead or 49% alive, sort of like Schrodingers cats. A conscious strong
anthropic could reverse entropy and prevent it from being merely a miserable
fate or flat. The geometry can be open, closed or flat, simple as that except
the last could be an average of both of the others. It is what we observe when
we look in the telescope, or it was until 98 when I got back into physics. The
expanding universe was shown by the supernova light curve data, but the
telescope is only looking towards the supposed singular beginning, bang. It is
not a crystal ball, but there is a way to tell what is transpiring in the far
future, after all. As I said the curvatures appeared to be accelerating as there
was a difference in the light curves from the type 1A supernovas. There is an
equation called the (Jordan, Brans-Dicke, see 49 Nature paper by Jordan
with intro by M. Born) Brans-Dicke theory. Clifford M. Will has used it to
show how relativity and Hulse-Taylor Binary pulsar theory demonstrate how
space and time scale. Note how the Brans-Dicke works in solar systems and
also can be extended to larger scales and connect the strength of gravity to
Instead of the universe being a pointless system that just blew up and
produced us for no particular reason, life is more essential, and integral part
of the integrals. You can write or draw a Riemannian sum, like the geometry
that was done in older theory. Instead of using rectangles with areas under
your curves, try the circles in diagrams here. They represent something like a
bounce curvature wherein at the end more and strong enough, large enough
life can reverse, turn entropy around, by focusing very coherently. Perhaps it
is even on something like the initial idea or thought that primordially blew or
got things slow or explosively rolling. Im not trying to blow your mind, but

you get the idea? This could work, at least until the last largest being dies.
Then their info gets recycled and around it grows? In the end, the beginning
starts again, just as astronomers already understand that we are magically
produced from the exploded matter in stars. In this new scenario we are far
more important, and mind, thinking consciousness matters, makes a physical
difference. Dr. Russell Targ has talked about, wrote The Physics of ESP. Note
p.20-21, the experiments done and discussed there and in interviews.
This is similar to the Geller effect book, which has Geiger counter tests that
seem more potentially possible than spoon-bending which most cant
achieve. C. Backster also did similar experiments with plants in the 60s and
digital ones later, too. You can buy devices at and elsewhere, to
show how we are able to do these signal sending things, and can prove it to
yourself. Including anthropic principles into a unified field theory could help
restore life to where it should have been before Michelson-Morely and other
tests with mere mechanical detectors as the observer did before.
Life grows on, inflation is a growth rate sort of power law not just a
balloon like system that inflates, expands like a bubble. Like an economy
crashes, it could burst in the end but a wonderful fate could allow
information to get re-cycled even if the memory is not stored by someone
anymore. Nothing is lost from the system, but new information could
potentially be created and would not necessarily be destroyed. The system
could grow progressively larger just as evolution up to man proceeded.
Unfortunately that theory doesnt go on beyond you and me, and doesnt
follow evolution into the far future or see its larger logical conclusion. I
dont think life elsewhere, or any when in the far future is going to want to
die any more than you or yours truly. So the closed curvature is created
where larger life endures, we know this is happening somewhere in a far
future now by the force we are feeling here in our now. The big bang up until
our now doesnt demonstrate how the fate is related as most currently dont
see how the Brans-Dicke and other calculations can be used that way. If the
universe were only ripping apart at the rate that some astronomers say has
sealed our future as a miserable fate, the strength of G holding me to the floor
here would be that force value. Gravity is true and you are involved in it too.
If the time at which the last largest living observer cant preserve its life,
when that occurs maybe its intelligent or knowledgeable enough to

understand how it operates. It could then create a new universe or do so with

help from a mate? You had parents, and a living universe could have been
born or programed so that we operate as robots with free will agency?
Clearly gravity is not a force created by me alone, nor just
you or the two of us. Yet someone or ones, far later are probably more
involved in this force. It is a consequence of consciousness, not a result of
more dense planets or black holes out in space. It is a fact that observers have
lifespans, lifetimes, and a memory of the place(s) they exist(s). In a
multiverse, Space-time is a combination of both good and bad outcomes in
more various spaces and times. My lifetime is quantized. My fate or destiny
is more or less sealed by my various capabilities. Those who come later may
have far more skills, knowledge, tools, and many more possibilities. The
arrogance of mankind, to think it is the pinnacle of potential space-time, is
outrageous. We are hardly alone in our multiverse, and so very probably will
not be the last life forms. The Kepler telescope has already shown this to be a
far stronger probability, and that we are but small parts of the larger picture
and probably life to come. You can draw your own curvature or prefer
whichever fate. As before, a superposition of states has all possible ones
occurring simultaneously. Wave particle duality is well established in QM
already. Each living observer is thus more like a variable with their own
possible, probable, place(s). The average me, likely did a much better job of
conveying all this much earlier or before you read these words? I spent years
trying to explain it to relativists getting paid to try to prove that theory to be
correct and this one untrue. Both are technically possible, but only some
outcomes are good for life.
Relativity has been nailed down to 99% precision, but no signal has
been found the way it predicts. I believe it works more the other way around
that observers are more important than observables. Your intentions make a
difference, and you order randomness when you focus on something
coherently. Coherence is the key to the way the lasers in the LIGO project
work, and how gravity works. Quantum consciousness allows for
participatory biological observers. The observers before werent considered
more than consensus ones or a proverbial Alice or Bob. Their decisions didnt
help them go in a direction they selected, or have preferred frames of

reference. They just got accelerated hither and yon, sometimes without regard
for the fact that if at the rate they were, G Forces could have obliterated or
nearly crushed a real living observer.
While our thoughts are still somewhat private, and I cant hear
the words in your head, I think its time to draw the line in the sand, show
how we are more important than physics did before. Boltzmann brains or a
big brain based bounce could turn the universe around and from a lifeless,
older and colder only, heat death. It doesnt have to be a little or big rip off
for you me or later life that will very probably still be. The Higgs hasnt
answered dark matter questions and wasnt developed with other later ones in
mind. Ive tried to explain where and how those particles came from, could
start to form. Holding observables in their orbits is one thing, explaining what
the mass they are made of is connected but not yet fully understood. Saying
that matter tells space-time how to curve doesnt tell you how much what you
are doing or not matters. The decays in Higgs and new particles lead to new
physics and seasonal decay rates in neutrino experiments back up what Ive
been saying. Theres a pattern, and radioactivity theory was assumed
constant, didnt include any biology. Phonons and so on are well known, but
no gravitons or gravitational wave signals from us have been shown. The
weak, strong, EM and G havent been unified in a theory that works or
includes anybody. Particle physics has no life involved, no observer effect or
self-observing system, yet. Not only did it take a biological observer or
robotic programmed algorithm made by one to generate the words written for
you to read, we need to adopt a view that life is more important than was
considered in random accidental big bang theories of the universe.
According to theory we are supposedly going to detect signals of
gravitational waves coming towards us, but it could be coming from you, me,
and many more much larger beings in the farthest futures we cant see. We
only see what is in the past in telescopes of rear view mirrors. Neutrons stars
and their counterparts, black holes, can be very dense or supermassive and
are supposedly our best hope for the theory. When these are work together,
collide in a binary in-spiral, they are supposed to produce the signal we seek.
Quark stars, strange stars with strangelets or maybe even dark matter at the

cores are speculated, and debated. A quark star may have been found by the
NuStar mission in Cas A., in a phase between neutron star and black hole.
These arent the potential dark stars, but there are theories for those and
others with axions, wimps, simps, macros, hyperons, and so on. With all the
various and several models, the age of the universe is only thought up until
our now, not really considered more cyclic somehow. Except by authors like
Penrose, Steinhardt/Turok, some multiverse pundits, a few QG people.
Yet, nobody is thinking of the shear size of the hard
drives or minds, amount of memory that a far future being or beings could
potentially contain. If their mind/brains grow very large in size and force
generating power, they too could be considered as possible sources for
generating sufficient signals. The equation of state or their ability to
concentrate or focus enough information at the right frequency or event rate
is perhaps somewhat predictable. Predictive cosmology is something we
could use as much as longer weather predictions. Without delving into MHD
or Navier-Stokes equations here, the ide is simple enough to be clear. Its
basically the same in reverse. Entropy is reversed just as signals against
pseudorandom noise are evidence that randomness is being is ordered by
focused intentions. Animals are being monitored by accelerometers and
GPS, and there is already a sort of seizure control or kill switch for
consciousness. A brain decoder can also read out the thoughts in your head
without you verbalizing them and telling us. Is the hive mind soon upon us or
will we be living in it? Privacy will be more expensive if we lose our free
will? What will it literally cost you to pay attention to what you want if some
comparable qubit type currency is required for you to use that ability or
E=MC^2 but nobody really knows what Mass is, where it stems
from, so are we really sure the massive observables are the place well find
gravitational waves within their predicted range or at another frequency?
What if they are 99% proven but cause and effect need to be logically
reconsidered? It took a sort of work, or mental effort, concentration on
certain information to write this and for you to read it, but nowhere in our
considerations of gravity are those contemplated. In economics there is
universal Gravity with labor and capital and trade balance equations. But, as
in other economic and physics theories of inflation someone has to print the

money, or particles must be created somehow not just annihilated. If not,

interest rates are manipulated to control growth of collapse of economies.
Many stars are considered to be collapsars, which collapse under their own
gravity. They dont seem to own gravity, though. They cant stop in their
tracks and turn around if they want to. I hope we still can, and I hope your
opinion is still up to you. Right now you still get to vote, you decide. Do you
want to continue to think for yourself, or let the roulette wheel of life ride,
and then maybe you will or maybe you wont? Whatever small degree we get
to be free to think for ourselves is what is shown when you focus on one idea
or the other. Its a wonderful life and its not just a three dimensional
hologram. There is order, logic and purpose. Even Einstein said, the most
incomprehensible thing is that its comprehensible. His Biggest blunder was
not that his lambda was just a fudge factor it was that his observers really had
no mind of their own. The most they could be were different people with
different memories, as consensus observers are said to be. We select where to
go and what to experience to some degree. Send your intentions in the right
direction while you still can. The intention herein is to make youre your
mind matters, and show how its involved in creating information, possibly a
critical mass of it for pre-dark matter. Therein theres a universal truth that
you and your free will should still be preserved, as its obviously conserved, a
law of nature.

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