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Aardvark: South African Anteater with long ears an snout
Abalone: edible sea creature with a shell lined with mother of pearl
Abandon: lack of inhibition
Abate: to make or become less strong
Abattoir: place where animals are killed for meat
Abbey: church with building attached to it in which monks & nuns live
or lived
Accost: stop and speak to someone
Acoustic: relating to sound and hearing
Acumen: to make a good judgement
Additive: something added specially to food stuff to avoid spoiling
Affront: to offend the pride or dignity
Amalgamate: combine a unit or two organizations
Ambiguous: more than one possible meaning
Ancillary: supporting the main work
Anorak: light waterproof hooded jacket
Apartheid: former official government of policy of keeping people of
different races apart
Apse: arched or domed recess especially in a church
Ascribe: to attribute or put (something) down
Asphalt: black hard tar like substance used for round surface
Babble: to talk foolishly
Baccalaureate: internationally recognized course of study made of several
different subjects
Bailiff: law officer who make sure that the decision of the court are
Banter: teasing or joking conversation
Bashful: shy or modest
Bayonet: sharp blade that can be fixed to the end of a rifle
Bedraggled: untidy wet or dirty
Betrothed: engaged to be married
Bilge: lowest part of the ship
Bivouac: temporary camp in the open air
Blanch: to become pale or while
Blare: to make a loud harsh noise
Blister: a small bubble on the skin filled with water liquid

Boomerang: curved wooden missile that can be made to return to the

Brazen: shameless or bold
Bream: freshwater fish with silvery scales
Brink: edge of a steep place
Buoyant: able to float
Bygone: past or former
Bystander: person present but net involved
Cashmere: a type of wool that is very fine and soft
Catastrophe: a sudden disaster that causes great suffering or damage
Catalytic converter: A device used in motor vehicles to reduce the
damage caused to the environment by haisonous gases
Catamarah: A fast sailing boat with two hulls
Catapult: A Y-shaped stick with a piece of elastic tied to each side that is
used by children fro shooting.
Catch your death: to get very cold
Catarrh: A condition in which a lot of thick sticky liquid (mucus) is
produced in the nose and throat, especially due to some infection
Catalyse: to make a chemical reaction happen faster
Catalyst: A person or a thing that causes change
Catch the sun: to shine brightly in the seen light.
Catch on: to become popular or fashionable.
Catharsis: The process of expressing strong feeling, for example through
plays or other artistic activities, as a way of getting rid of anger, reducing
Carbon dating: A method of calculating in the age of very old objects by
measuring the amount of different form of carbon in them
Carburetor: The piece of equipment in cars engine that mixes petrol or
Carcass: The dead body of an animal
Carcinogen: A substance that can cause cancer
Carrion: The decaying flash of an animal that has been dead for
Carotid artery: either of the two large tubes sin your neck (arteries) that
carry blood to your head.
Catkin: A graph of very small soft flowers that can grow on the branches
of some trees.
Cramp: A sudden pain that you get in your muscle, that makes it
difficult to move.

Diphthong: Two vowel sounds that are pronounced together to make one
Dine: To eat meal especially in the evening
Daffodil: A tall yellow flower that grows in the spring
Damp: A little wet
Decimate: To kill large numbers of animals, plants or people in a
particular area
Defoliate: To destroy the leaves of trees or plants, especially with
Delinquent: behaving badly and often breaking the law
Demarcation: A border or line that separates two things.
Dementia: A serious mental problem caused by brain disease or injury,
that affects the ability to think
Democrat: A person who believes in and supports democracy
Dent: To damage a flat surface by hitting it but not breaking.
Dentistry: The medical study of the teeth and mouth
Deodar: The Himalayan Cedar; a large evergreen coniferous tree
commonly found in the Himalayas.
Depose: to remove a ruler or leader from power
Deplorable: morally bad and deserving disapproval
Derisory: too small or of too little
Derelict: no longer used and in bad con dition
Dermatology: The scientific study of skin diseases
Despicable: very unpleasant or evil
Earwig: A small brown insect with a long body and two curved pointed
pains (Pincers) that stick out at the back of its body.
Easel: A wooden frame that holds a picture while it is being to painted.
Eastbound: Traveling or leading towards the east the east bound
carringanray of the highway a booked.
clair: A type of long thin cake usually filled with cream and covered
with chocolate.
Ecology: The relationship between living things and their surrounding
the study of this subject of ecological disaster.
Echo: A soun d that is repeated as it is send back off a surface such as
the wall of a tunnel I could hear the echo of footsteps somewhere in the

Edgy: Nervous, worried or quick to become upset or angry.

Eerie: Strange and frightening on eerie noise.
Edict: An official order or statement issued by it in a position of proper.
Edifice: A large impressive building.
Egalitarian: (used about a person, system, etc) following the principal
that everyone should have equal rights.
Efficacy: (Formal) the ability of the like a drug or a medical treatment to
bring about the result that are wanted.
Ela borate: Very complicated done or made very carefully an elaborate
pattern. elaborate plans.
Emancipate: (Formal) to give of the same legal, social and political rights
as other people
Em barrassing: Making your feel uncomfortable or shy and embarrassing
me in front of my friends again.
Em blem: An object or system of that represents the dove is the emblem
of peace.
Emit: To send out it for example a small, a sound, smoke, heat or light
the animal emits a powerful smell when scared sulphuric dioxide
emission from power stations.
Emu: A large Australian bird with long legs that can run fast but cannot
Encroach: encroach to use more of than you should I do hope that I am
not encroaching two much upon your free time
Fabulous: very good excellent. It was a fabulous contest very grant
fabulous wealth / riches / beauty
Faceless: without individual characters or identify faceless civil servant
Fad: A fashion, interest et that will proba bly not last long
Fag: a piece of work that you do not want to do
Fail: To not be successful in the she failed her driving test
Fade: To become or made it become lighter in colour or lags strong or
fresh look how to sunlight have faded these curtains.
Faction: a small group of people within a large one whose members have
some different aims and beliefs to those of the large group rival factions
within the orgnisations factional rivalries / disputers
Factory: a building or group of building where goods are made in large
quantities by machines
Faint: To lose consciousness
Falcon: A bird with long pointed wings that kills and eats other animals

Gadolinium: a soft silvery metallic element of the lanthanide series
Garb: the way a person is dressed
Gawd: god
Gesso: gypsum as used in painting or sculpture
Ghetto: a slum area
Gigot: a leg of mutton or lamb
Glare: look fiercely or fixedly
Glen: a narrow valley
Gnash: grind
Gobble: hurriedly and noisily
Golly: expressing surprise
Goofy: a foolish or stupid person
Grallatorial: relating to long legged wading birds
Green: eyed jealous
Grot: rubbish, junk
Gruyere: a firm pale cheese made from cows milk
Gull: fool
Gung: ho quick to take action
Gyp: pain or severe discomfort
Gyrate: go in a circle or spiral
Habiliment: Clothes suited to a particular purpose
Hachette: a female journalist
Hag: an ugly old woman
Hearsay: rumour
Heck: careful attention
Heft: to judge its weight
Herculean: having or requiring great strength or effort
Hic: expressing the sound of a hiccup
Hinge: a movable joint on which a door, lid, etc
Hoax: a humorous or malicious deception
Hoick: lift or pull
Holster: a leather case for a pistol or revolver
Homicide: a person who kills a human being
Hue: a variety or shad of colours
Humoresque: a short lively piece of music
Hunch: bend or arch into a hump
Hurl: throw with great force

Hypoxia: a deficiency of oxygen reaching the tissue

Hyssop: any small bushy aromatic herb of the genus
Iontophoresis: Therapy that uses a local electric current to intro the ions
of a medicine into tissues Ex: Ionic Medication
Iodopsin: violent photo pigment in the retinal cones of the eyes of most
Iodine: treat with iodine
Iberis: Old world herbs & subs herbs
Ice-clogged: Obstructed by ice - frozen
Idempotent: Unchanged in value following Multiplication by itself Unchanged
Ideational: Being of the nature of a concept abstract
Ideologue: Someone who theorizes (in science or art)
Ignescent: Can emit sparks or burst into flame
Image: an idealized image of someone formed in childhood
Inadmissible: Not deserving to be admitted
Inability: lack of ability
Ipomoea: Moen glory
Ipecac: a medicinal drug used to evoke vomiting
Iracund: choleric (quickly used to anger)
Isarithm: A line drawn on a map connecting paints having the same
numerical value of some variable
Iterant: Repeating
Ixl: Being nine more than eight
Iyar: Eighth month of the civil year (in April & May)
Izzard: 26th letter of the Roman Alphabet.
Jab: strike or punch suddenly
Jeer: laugh at with contempt and decision
Jeez: used to express surprise
Jnd: just noticeable difference between two stimuli
Jocose: characterized by jokes & good humor
Jocote: common tropical American shrub or small tree with purplish fruit
Jocund: Showing high spirited merriment = Jolly
Jparticle: A neutral meson with large man
Jubilance: Feeling of extreme joy

Jv: A college or university team that competes at a level below the varsity
team = junior varsity
Jyaistha: 3rd month of the Hindu calendar
Jalopy: a car that is old and unreliable
Jalousie: a shutter made of angled slats
Jemmy effort to move (get smoothing open)
Jeopardize: put at risk
Jostle: make ones way by pushing or shoring
Jot: A brief note
Jowl: a fullness & Looseness of the flesh of the lower check & Jaw
Jorum: A large drinking bowl
Jeu: A witty comment unfashionable

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