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French Beginner Course Week 01

Bienvenue en classe de franais ! (Welcome to the French Class!)

1. Greetings:
Bonjour bonsoir (at or after sunset or at the end of the work day)
Bonjour Monsieur Bonjour Madame Bonjour Mademoiselle
Bonne nuit (before going to sleep)
Salut (informal, similar to hi or hello)
Comment allez-vous ? (how are you doing?) = Comment a va ?
Rponses possibles (possible answers):
a va, et vous ?(I am doing fine, and you?)
a va (trs) bien. (I am doing (very) well.) a va (trs) mal.
(I am doing (very) poorly.)
2. Farewells:
Au revoir (good bye) - A la prochaine ! (see you next time!)
A bientt ! (see you later!) Salut ! (informal, bye!) Ciao ! (informal, bye!)
Adieu (final good bye)
3. Self-Introduction in French:
Je suis _____________________. (I am ____________________________.)
Mon nom est ________________. (My name is ______________________.)
Je mappelle ________________. (My name is ______________________.)
4. Activity 1: One at a time, each Student (Sdt) introduces her/himself in French to the
whole class. Then in pairs, the Students (Ss) greet and introduce each other.
5. Roman Alphabet Letters Pronunciation:
a, A
b, B
c, C

English Sound

d, D
e, E
, ,
f, F

bte noire

French Examples
un accord (a agreement)
un bb
([ce], [ci] = [se], [si])
un caf
([ca], [co], [cu] = [ka], [ko],
un dentiste, un dtective
une fiance
une bte noire (black beast)

h, H
i, I
j, J
k, K
l, L
m, M
n, N
o, O
p, P
q, Q
r, R
s, S
t, T
u, U
v, V
w, W
x, X
y, Y
z, Z

un gag (a joke)
([ga], [go], [gu])
une gographie
([ge], [gi] = [je], [ji])
un mirage
une hache (an ax)
une image
jean, dj vu
un jean, dj vu (already seen)
un lac (a lake)
Nol (Christmas)
paper, period
un papier (a paper), une priode
pique, requiem
une pique, un requiem
rouge (red)
un th (tea)
u (does not exist in English) tu (singular you, informal)
valide, un vlo (a bike, a bicycle)
un wagon
un exemple
un yoga
un zbre

6. Activity 2: One by one, each student spells their last name to the whole class. Then
in pairs, the students spell their first name, their last name, and the word Stuttgart
to each other.
7. Activity 3: After learning and practicing the alphabet in a round-robin formation
(circle or U-shape), the students in turn say one of the 26 letters first in alphabetical
order, then in reverse alphabetical order. Teacher can participate in this activity
(Optional it depends on the number of present students).
8. Numbers from 0 to 12: Teacher says each number twice slowly, and students repeat
after him/her. Teacher also shows with his/her hands the number from 0 to 12.
Students are encouraged to imitate the hand gestures (cultural aspect).
0 zro 1 un 2 deux [duh] 3 trois [trwah] 4 quatre [katr] 5 cinq 6 six [sis]
7 sept [set] 8 huit [woot] 9 neuf 10 dix [dis] 11 onze 12 douze [duz]
9. Activity 4 Number Transcription: Teacher reads each number only once, one at a
time, while pausing for 2-3 seconds depending on the abilities of the students. The
students have to write down in their notebook/notepad/sheet of paper each number
numerically as they understand them. It is a listening comprehension exercise.
4 0 7 5 2 8 1 10 6 12 9 11 (in a slower pace than normal)

Prepared by the French Teaching Team (LTD Stuttgart)

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0 10 3 11 5 6 2 12 7 9 4 8 (a slightly faster pace, but not too

fast The students are only beginners.J)
10. Activity 5 Number in Context: Teacher reads each sentence separately while
pausing for 2-3 seconds depending on the abilities of the students. The students
have to identify and write the number as they understand it.
A. Marc a 5 euros.
B. Marine a 7 ans.
C. Les 4 enfants de Serge sont ici.
D. Il est 11 heures.
E. La Tour Eiffel a 3 tages.
F. Les prsidents Bush et Obama ont 2 filles.
G. Elle a une voiture.
H. Il reste 10 secondes.
11. Reading time from a clock: knowing the numbers up to 12 will help the students
to read time from a clock.
Il est une heure ou Il est 1 heure.
Il est 2 heures.
Il est 3 heures.
Il est 11 heures.
Il est midi. (noon) Il est minuit. (midnight)
Il est 8 heures 5. (8h05)
Il est 8 heures 10. (8h10)
Il est 8 heures et quart. (8h15)
Il est 8 heures 20. (8h20)
Il est 8 heures 25. (8h25)
Il est 8 heures et demie. (8h30)
Il est 8 heures 35. (8h35)
Ou Il est 9 heures moins 25. (8h35)
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Il est 8 heures 40. (8h40)

Ou Il est 9 heures moins 20. (8h40)
Il est 9 heures moins le quart. (8h45)
Il est 8 heures 50. (8h50)
Ou Il est 9 heures moins 10. (8h50)
Il est 8 heures 55. (8h55)
Ou Il est 9 heures moins 5. (8h55)
Students Notes:
10 : dix 20 : vingt 30 : trente 40 : quarante 50 : cinquante 60 : soixante
12. Activity 6: a practice exercise: Students will read the time from these pictures
Photo 1

Photo 2

Prepared by the French Teaching Team (LTD Stuttgart)

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Photo 3

Photo 4

Prepared by the French Teaching Team (LTD Stuttgart)

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