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North Carolina State Council, Inc.

58th Episcopal District of PAW, Inc.

Church Report Form

Region # ____________
Pastor's Name: _______________________________________________Date: _______________
Church Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Street Address: ___________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip Code:__________

Please complete each item and total the amount

1. Pastoral Financial Support
$ _ ___________________
2. Missions: ____ International - Amount $_________
____Home or Local - Amount $________
$ _ ___________________
3. Membership Dues ($1.25 per Church Member)
$ _ ___________________
4. Church Love Offering
($100.00 per Council)
$ _ ___________________
5. Bishop's Love Offering
$ _ ___________________
6. PAW Assessment (Use Amount per Treasurer's Office)
$ _ ___________________
7. Aenon
$ _ ___________________
8. Other
$ _ ___________________

Total Amount Reported


Total Number of Membership Census (number can only be updated in the July Council) ______________
Since the Last Council:
Number Baptized
Number Received the Holy Ghost
Number of New Members
Number of Members Lost


Announcement of Special Events:

Pastor's Name: ___________________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________City:___________________State:_____ Zip Code: ________
Fax Number: ________________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________________
Phone: Church (

) __________________Home (

) ________________ Cell (

) _________________
Revised November 2014

New Church Report Form

(Instructions for completing each line item and explanation of calculated amounts)

1. Pastoral Financial Support - Each pastor is required to pay 10% of his/her tithes paid
to their churches, to the NCSC each Council session. Ten percent of the pastor's tithes
will represent the pastoral financial support line item.
2. Missions - as defined by the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World is to mean, those
funds collected and designated for International Missions. However, for the purpose of
supporting virgin fields here at home, which means support of churches started in new
areas where there is no existing PAW church. Therefore, an option is provided for you to
check the box for which your funds should be designated.
3. Membership Dues - Each member of the church is required to pay $1.25 for
membership dues. This money is required to be paid by the church regardless of
whether collected from the individual member or not. Example: If you have 100
members, it is required that this line item reflect a dollar amount of 100 x $1.25 =
$125.00 each Council and per this report.
4. Church Love Offering - Each church is required to give the minimum amount
suggested of $100.00 by no means limits the church to $100.00. This is simply a
"love offering."
5. Bishop's Love Offering - No limited or minimum amount is suggested on this line
item. This is purely a "love offering." Each Council and per this report, this request is
made. Thank you for your love and support.
6. PAW Assessment - (Use amount due per Treasurer's Office). This amount can be
paid monthly or per council, three (3) times per year.
7. Aenon Bible College - The Organization's Bible College is supported by private
donations and generous giving of its affiliates.
8. Other -any special projects or other non-recurring donations.

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