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42 Dilogos

1. Meet Betty and Jim

2. A casual chat
3. Cheer up
4. Telling the time
5. Its lunch time
6. Comparisons
7. What are all those people doing?
8. Nicknames
9. Monday morning
10. Bad luck tide
11. Invitation to a party
12. Planning future parties
13. A deeply concerned student
14. Talking about the future
15. Looking for a job
16. Applying for a job
17. Why people dont get jobs
18. Good news
19. The interview
20. Getting the job
21. First day at the new job
22. Relieving the stress
23. Misunderstanding concerning and intromission
24. Responsabilities
25. Janes new job
26. Job routines
27. A perfect Saturday morning
28. Wondering and wandering
29. A dream becomes true
30. Travelling plans
31. Adjusting a dream to a budget
32. Deciding who will be in charge of what
33. Packing things up
34. At the airport
35. Flying High
36. Landing on a dream
37. Under the parisian sky
38. Arrivederci Rome
39. Endurance and renewal
40. ye merry ole town
41. Farewell
42. Theres no place like home

1. Meet Betty and Jim

This is Jim. He is a student.
That is Betty. She is a student too.
Here is Jim. Jim is here.
There is Betty. Betty is there.
Jim and Betty are students.
They are students.
Good morning, Betty!
Betty: Good morning, Jim!
How are you?
Betty: I'm fine, thank you. How are you?
Fine, thanks.

2. A casual chat
Betty: Hello, Jim.
Jim: Hi, Betty.
Betty: What's that in your breast-pocket?
Jim: This? Oh, it's my new pen.
Betty: A pen?
Jim: Yes, it's a ball-point pen.
Betty: It's a beautiful pen.
Jim: Thank you.
Betty: Look, what's that?
Jim: That? Oh, it's a jet.
Betty: A jet?
Jim: Yes, an airplane.
Betty: Hey, Jim, who's that boy?
Jim: What boy?
Betty: That one, with the red shirt!
Jim: Oh that boy. His name is Jack.
Betty: Is he your friend?
Jim: Yes, he's an old friend of mine. And who's that girl?
Betty: Oh, that's Miss Perkins. She's the new English teacher.
Jim: Is she the new teacher? She looks so young...and she's so pretty!
Betty: Watch your step, young man!
An old friend of mine = um velho amigo meu
Ball-point pen = caneta esferogrfica
Breast pocket = bolso dianteiro
Jet = jato
She looks so Young = ela parece to jovem
That one = aquele um, aquele ali
Watch your step = tome cuidado, olhe onde pisa

3. Cheer up
Jim: Hi, Betty.
Betty: Hi Jim.
Jim: Say, where's everybody?
Betty: Where's who?
Jim: Well, everybody! Our classmates!
Betty: Oh, I think they're all in the gym.
Jim: What's going on there?
Betty: There's a basketball game going on there.
Jim: Really? Do you know where the gym is?
Betty: Yes, I do.
Jim: And don't you want to go there?
Betty: No, I don' t like basketball
Jim: Is there a place where you want to go instead?
Betty: In fact, there's not. I'm not feeling very well today.
Jim: Oh, what a pity! Let me try to cheer you up. What about an ice-cream cone?
Betty: Hmm! That sounds good! But, where can we have it?
Jim: I know where! There's a new ice-cream parlour just two blocks down the street! What do you
Betty: Okay, let's give it a try.
Cheer you up = animar voc
Classmates = amigos de classe
Feeling = sentindo
Gym = academia
ice-cream parlour = sorveteria
In fact = na verdade
Instead = ao invs

let's give it a try = vamos experimentar

That sounds good! = Isso parece legal!
two blocks down the street = dois quarteires descendo a
what a pity! = que pena!
What about = que tal
Whats going on? = O que est acontecendo?

4. Telling the time

Betty: I think my watch is slow. Jim, please, can you tell me what time is it?
Jim: It's a quarter to ten.
Betty: My God! Is your watch right? Isn't it a little fast?
Jim: Of course it is right! It's a brand new wrist watch!
Betty: Let's hurry, then! We're late!
Jim: Are we? What for?
Betty: Our English class! It begins at ten o'clock sharp!
Jim: Oh, my! Let's hurry up!
brand new = novssimo
Fast = adiantado, rpido
Let's hurry = vamos nos apressar (vamos correr)
Let's hurry up! = Vamos correr!
Of course = claro
Right = certo
Sharp = em ponto
Slow = lento, atrasado
What for? = pra que?
what time is it? = que horas so?
wrist watch = relgio de pulso

5. Its lunch time

Jim: Betty, please, what time is it?
Betty: It's five to noon, Jim.
Jim: That's why I'm so hungry. It's almost lunch time.
Betty: Yes. I'm hungry too.
Jim: Do you know what's good at the canteen today?
Betty: I think that there's the "cook's special" today.
Jim: The "cook's special"? What's in it?
Betty: There are two hamburgers, a lot of French fries, mixed salad and some toast on a plate.
Jim: Hmm ... That sounds good! I want one of these ... and a big glass of orange juice!
Betty: You're thirsty too! So am I! Let's go there! It's noon. It's lunch time!
almost lunch time = quase hora do almoo
canteen = cantina
French fries = batatas fritas
Let's go there! = vamos l!
Noon = meio-dia
plate = prato
So am I! = eu tambm estou!
That's why = Por causa disso
Thirsty = com sede
toast = torrada

6. Comparisons
Jim: Hey Betty, how do you like my new boots?
Betty: They're beautiful. They make you look taller.
Jim: Do you think I'm short? I'm taller than you!
Betty: I know it, I know it... But you' re shorter than my brother.
Jim: Is your brother much older than I am?
Betty: Not very much. He's just about your age. But he's the tallest in my family.
Jim: Is he the oldest too?
Betty: No, I have a sister that's older than him.
Jim: I have a sister too, but she's much younger than me.
Betty: And is your sister taller than you too?
Jim: Hmpf! No you wise girl! She's just a little child.
He's just about your age = ele tem aproximadamente sua idade
how do you like = o que voc acha
much older = muito mais velho
short = baixo
taller = mais alto
the tallest = o mais alto
wise girl! = garota esperta!

7. What are all those people doing?

Jim: Betty, look! What are all those people doing?
Betty: They're waiting in line for the next movie session.
Jim: What are they showing at the movie theater?
Betty: Oh, it's just one of those blockbuster action pictures.
Jim: Don't you like action movies, Betty?
Betty: No I don't. I'd rather watch to a good romantic story; with a happy ending, of course.
Jim: Oh, I see...
Betty: What about you? Do you like this kind of movie?
Jim: Not that much, in fact. I'd rather watch to suspense movies.
Betty: Oh, I like those too. They're frightening!
Jim: Indeed! I like to go to the movies just for the thrills!
Betty: Yes, but what I like the best is the relief at the end of the movie!
blockbuster action pictures = filmes de ao de grande sucesso
frightening = assustador
I'd rather = eu preferiria
Indeed = com certeza
kind of = tipo de
movie teather = cinema
Relief = alvio
showing = passando (filme)
thrills = sustos, vibrao
waiting in line = esperando na fila
Watch = assistir
What about you? = E voc?
what I like the best = o que eu gosto mais

8. Nicknames
Betty: Hello Jim, How do you do?
Jim: Hi, Betty, Im fine, thank you, and you?
Betty: Fine, thanks! Say, Jim: Whats your real name?
Jim: My real name is James Parker. And whats yours?
Betty: My real name is Elizabeth Warren. Betty is my nickname
Jim: Jim is mine. Parker is my family name
Betty: Do you have a middle name?
Jim: Yes, I do. Robert is my middle name. My full name is James Robert Parker. What about you?
Betty: I have a middle name, too. My middle name is Ann
Jim: So, your full name is Elizabeth Ann Warren, right?
Betty: Thats right. What are your parents names?
Jim: My fathers name is William, and my mothers is Judith. But we call them by their nicknames: Bill
and Judy.
Betty: My parents names are Francis and Susan. Their nicknames are Frank and Susie
Jim: What about your brother and sister? Do they have nicknames too?
Betty: Oh, yes! My brothers name is Charles and my sisters name is Margareth, but we call them
Charlie and Maggie at home. Whats your little sister name?
Jim: Her name is Sophie. But we just call her Baby
Call = chamar
full name = nome completo
middle name = segundo nome

Nickname = apelido
Thats right = Isso mesmo

9. Monday morning
Jim: Hi, Betty. Good morning!
Betty: Good morning, Jim!
Jim: Say, Betty: Where were you last Saturday? I went to your house then, but nobody was there
Betty: Oh, me and my family went to the beach for the weekend.
Jim: So, this explains your beautiful tan...
Betty: Gee!, thanks!
Jim: Did you have fun there?
Betty: Hmmm... yes and no. The beach wasnt too crowded, the sun was shining, the sea was calm and
there was a fresh breeze at late afternoon...
Jim: This sounds like the perfect weekend to me. What went wrong?
Betty: Well, my parents rented a beautiful beach house for us, just two blocks from the town mall, where
there were an ice-cream parlour, a movie theater and a dance hall, and where everybody in town
went to.
Jim: Wonderful! So what?
Betty: Saturday evening I was strolling by there, sun-tanned, in my best summer clothes, looking at
the shop windows, having an ice-cream and so on
Jim: It seems you had a good time. I wish I was there too. But I still dont understand why youre so
Betty: Yeah, everything was alright. The only trouble was that my parents were by my side all the

and so on = e assim por diante

by my side = ao meu lado
Crowded = cheio de gente, lotado
dance hall = salo de dana
everything was alright = tudo estava certo
Explains = explica
fresh breeze = brisa fresca
Gee! = Puxa!
had a good time = divertiu-se, teve bons momentos
have fun = divertir-se
I wish I was there = eu desejaria ter estado l
It seems = parece que
Mall = shopping center
Rented = alugaram
Sea = mar
Shining = brilhando

shop windows = vitrines

So what? = E ento? / E da?
sounds like = parece como
Still = ainda
strolling by there = passeando por l
summer clothes = roupas de vero
sun-tanned = bronzeado(a) de sol
Tan = bronzeado
The only trouble = o nico problema
there was = havia
Upset = chateado(a)
What went wrong? = o que saiu errado?

10. Bad luck tide

Betty: Jim! What happened? You look terrible!
Jim: Gee, good morning, Betty. We arent late for the Math test, are we?
Betty: No, calm down! We still have a few minutes before it
Jim: Thank heavens! Ive been studying and preparing myself to do it for the last two weeks!
Betty: How did you hurt your head?
Jim: Well, I was studying until late last night. I was needing some rest, but I was too anxious to sleep. So,
I turned the TV on
Betty: Hmm, go on
Jim: They were showing a complicated epic movie, and I fell asleep in the living rooms couch.
Betty: So what?
Jim: I awoke in the middle of the night, thirsty, with my back aching and the TV set still turned on, but
out of the air. So I turned off the TV and went to the kitchen, to drink some water. Then, I slipped
on a rug in the hallway and hit my head against the wall.
Betty: Oh, poor boy! But watching TV late at night is not a good way of relaxing, dont you know it?
Jim: Yeah, youre right. But I think I was just crossing a bad luck tide
Betty: Maybe... Lets hope we both have a better luck through the Math test!
aching = doendo
against = contra
awoke = acordei (passado de awake)
bad luck tide = mar de m sorte
calm down! = acalme-se!
couch = sof
crossing = atravessando
fell asleep = adormeci (passado de Fall asleep)
hallway = corredor
Hope = esperar (ter esperana)
Hurt = machucar
rug = tapete pequeno, capacho
slipped = escorreguei
Still = ainda
Thank heavens! = Graas a Deus! (graas aos cus)
thirsty = com sede
through the Math test = durante o teste de matemtica
turned off = desliguei
turned the TV on = liguei a TV
TV set = aparelho de TV
youre right = voc est certo(a)

11. Invitation to a party

Jim: Hi, Betty! Are you going to Jacks party next Saturday?
Betty: What party?
Jim: Well, on June 19th, the next Saturday, its going to be Jacks birthday. Hes going to be sixteen, and
hell give a ball.
Betty: Really? I wasnt invited to anyones party. And nobody invited me to any ball...
Jim: Betty, come on! Jacks an old friend of mine and he wont mind if I take someone with me.
Betty: Lets make things clear, OK? Are you inviting me to your friends birthday party?
Jim: Yes! If you want to put things that way...
Betty: Thats different. Now I considered myself formally invited.
Jim: So, what do you say? Are you going there?
Betty: With you? Hmm... Let me think ... Yes! Ill love it!
Jim: Great! Ill pick you up at seven oclock, right?
Betty: Wait! Ill have to bring him a gift! What do you think Jack is going to like the best?
Jim: Hmm... Im not sure... But I know hes very fond of reading!
Betty: Wonderful! Ill buy him a good book!
Jim: I thinks hes going to love it!
Ball = baile
Bring = trazer
come on! = deixe disso!
hes very fond of reading = ele adora leitura
Im not sure = no tenho certeza
Invited = convidado
Lets make things clear = vamos esclarecer as coisas
Mind = importar-se
Nobody = ningum
pick you up = pegar voc
Put = colocar
Someone = algum
Wonderful! = maravilhoso!

12. Planning future parties

Betty: Wow! Jacks party last Saturday was great, wasnt it, Jim?
Jim: Indeed! And I never realized that you were such a good dancer!
Betty: Thank you! Youre a good dancer too. I can hardly wait for the next party!
Jim: Ill be giving a party next month. On July 7th its going to be my birthday.
Betty: Really? Will you be giving a ball too?
Jim: Hmm... I dont know Im thinking of something different. A costume party, maybe.
Betty: A costume party? What a wonderful idea! Will you be inviting me?
Jim: Of course I will! I wont be missing the chance of seeing all my friends in costumes! What will you
be dressing?
Betty: I thinkYoull have to wait and see. Its going to be a surprise. By the way, its not too long before
my own birthday. Ill be giving a party too. Will you be coming?
Jim: Certainly. If youll be inviting me...
Betty: Im already doing it, you fool! But I still dont know if there will be a ball... Had you really liked
dancing with me, Jim?
Jim: Why, yes! As I said, I think youre a great dancer
Betty: In this case, I think my birthday party will be a dancing party
Jim: Ill be counting the hours for it!
As I said = como eu disse
By the way = a propsito
Certainly = certamente
costume party = festa a fantasia
Dressing = vestindo
Great = timo, excelente
I can hardly wait = Eu mal posso esperar
Im already doing it = eu j estou fazendo isso
Indeed! = com certeza!
its not too long = no tempo demais
missing the chance = perdendo a chance
Of course = claro
Own = prprio
Realized = percebi
Something = alguma coisa
such a good dancer = um danarino to bom
there will be = haver
Wow! = Uau!
you fool! = seu bobo!

13. A deeply concerned student

Betty: Say, Jim, are you going to study tonight?
Jim: No, not tonight
Betty: You are aware that well have a History test next Monday, arent you?
Jim: Yes, I am. But tonight Im attending to a concert
Betty: Really? Whos playing where?
Jim: Oh, Its just my favorite rocknroll group playing at the town stadium. I wont miss it for
Betty: It seems like youre really determined to go there
Jim: I am, indeed! Besides, I won my ticket to the concert at a radio contest. I knew all the answers to
their questions about the group!
Betty: Very good! I hope you are doing as well in the History test
Jim: Betty, say, dont you have all the records and know everything about that group too?
Betty: Yes, but Im also a responsible girl, deeply concerned with my student duties!
Jim: I see... Thats why I was wondering if I shall be offering you the second ticket to the concert that I
won at the contest...
Betty: So, you have two tickets? Why didnt you tell me that before? Can we go to the concert together?
Jim: Of course we can, but arent you studying History tonight?
Betty: Well, therell always be a tomorrow night!
Answers = respostas
attending to a concert = assistir a um concerto
Aware = ciente
Besides = alm disso
Contest = concurso
deeply concerned = profundamente preocupado(a)
Duties = deveres
I wont miss it for nothing! = Eu no vou perder isso por nada!
It seems like = parece que
Knew = sabia (passado de know)
Playing = tocando
Shall = devo
Thats why = porisso que
Ticket = ingresso
Tonight = esta noite
town stadium = estdio da cidade
Won = ganhei (passado de win)
Wondering = me perguntando

14. Talking about the future

Jim: Betty, Ive been thinking of our future...
Betty: Oh, yeah? How come?
Jim: You know... this one is our last year in high school. Well be going to a University next year
Betty: Yes, I hope so! I can hardly wait for it
Jim: Have you already chosen your future career?
Betty: Yes, Ill be studying journalism. I want to be a newspaper reporter. What about you?
Jim: I havent made up my mind yet. But I think of choosing one among the humanities courses too
Betty: Well, youve always been good with words
Jim: Yes, and Im very fond of literature. I think its one of the most beautiful ways of expressing all the
human feelings and emotions
Betty: See what I mean? Youre already expressing yourself poetically
Jim: Oh, Betty, come on... All these things makes me sad because well go on separate ways
Betty: It makes me feel sad too. But despite it all, we can always be in touch and remain best friends.
Between two real friends, therell never arise an obstacle big enough to separate them
Jim: Thank you Betty! Its nice to hear that from you. But I thought I was the poet here
Betty: Maybe someday these things will be the subject of one of your poems
Jim: It will deserve so!
arise = surgir
be in touch = estar em contato
Deserve = merecer
despite it all = apesar disso tudo
enough = o bastante, o suficiente
Feel = sentir
Feelings = sentimentos
Have you already chosen = voc j escolheu (Present Perfect)
high school = colgio
How come? = como assim?
I havent made up my mind yet = Eu no me decidi ainda
I hope so = eu espero que sim
Ive been thinking = eu tenho estado pensando
Maybe = talvez
Mean = querer dizer
Newspaper = jornal
one among = um dentre
remain = permanecer
Sad = triste
Subject = assunto
thought = achei
What about you? = E voc?

15. Looking for a job

Jane: Hey, Roger! Are you still reading today's newspaper?
Roger: Yes, I am. I'm reading the classified ads section.
Jane: Really? What are you looking for?
Roger: I'm looking for a job.
Jane: You're not thinking of giving up college, are you?
Roger: No, I'm not. I can keep on studying normally, if l can get the right job.
Jane: What kind of job are you looking for?
Roger: Hmm... There's an ad here... It says they're hiring computer typists at a publishing company.
Jane: Hey, you're good with computers! And you're a fast typist too, aren't you?
Roger: Yes, I can type about one hundred-twenty words a minute!
Jane: Amazing! I think you should send them an application letter.
Roger: That's what I'm going to do. But I don't know... Shall I mention how much I would like to earn?
Jane: I think you should do it. It's a good way of making things clear from the beginning.
Roger: I guess you're right. But... Could you help me writing the letter?
Jane: Of course! What are friends for?
about = aproximadamente
Amazing! = espantoso!
application letter = carta de solicitao de emprego
classified ads = anncios classificados
college = faculdade
Could = poderia
Earn = ganhar (salrio)
from the beginning = desde o comeo
Guess = acho
hiring = contratando
how much = quanto
if l can get = se eu puder conseguir
job = emprego
keep on = continuar
looking for = procurando
publishing company = empresa editora
send = enviar
should = deveria
thinking of giving up = pensando em desistir
Typists = digitadores
What are friends for? = Para que so os amigos?
What kind of = que tipo de

16. Applying for a job


Alright, Jane. Let's write that letter. How could we start?

Well, I think you should tell them how you've been aware of the job they're offering.
Right. Then what?
Oh, tell them why you think you're the right man for the job.
You mean 1 should tell them about my abilities and my experience?
Yeah, but do it formally and briefly. You should detail it in your Curriculum Vitae.
Curriculum Vitae? What's it?
It's a sheet in which you specify all your previous employers, jobs and functions, so your future

employer can figure out your experience. You should send your Curriculum Vitae along with
your application letter.
Roger: I think I got it. I've been writing a draft while you were talking. Do you want me to read it?
Jane: Yes, please. Read it aloud.
Roger: O.K., here I go:
Dear sirs;
Having learned through a newspaper ad that your company is offering a job for a computer typist, I beg
to apply for the appointment. To give you detailed information about my experience and training to hold
the job, I am enclosing my Curriculum Vitae, which outlines the necessary facts. I can type about 120
words a minute and have a good knowledge of office work in general. Regarding salary, I should be
ready to start with US$ 400 a month. Hoping for the favor of an interview I remain,
Yours faithfully,
What do you think about it?
I think it's perfect!
Roger: So, I'll write my Curriculum Vitae and send it along with this letter.
Jane: If I was the company's owner, the job would already be yours!
along with = junto com
Aloud = em voz alta
Alright = tudo bem
apply for = inscrever-se a
appointment = cargo, posto
Beg = suplicar, solicitar
Briefly = brevemente, resumidamente
Dear sirs = prezados senhores
Detail = detalhar
Draft = rascunho
Employers = empregadores
enclosing = anexando
figure out = ficar sabendo
Having learned = tendo ficado sabendo
hold the job = ocupar o emprego
I think I got it = Eu acho que entendi
Interview = entrevista
knowledge = conhecimento
Let's = vamos
outlines = esboa, resume
Owner = dono, proprietrio
Previous = prvios

Regarding = com relao a

Sheet = folha
Signature = assinatura
Start = comear
While = enquanto

Yours faithfully = atenciosamente

17. Why people dont get jobs


Hi, Roger, what about a cup of tea?

Wonderful! That's just what I need.
It seems that you're a bit nervous. You've sent that application letter, haven't you?
Yes, I did. I've put it in the mail the day before yesterday. But I still haven't got an answer.
Calm down! Don't be too anxious. I 'm absolutely sure that your qualifications will impress that
company's people.
I hope so. It's difficult to get a job nowadays.
Oh, come on, Roger! I think that there'll always be a place for a good and responsible worker
like you.
I'm very responsible, indeed. I 'm never late and I always present myself neatly for my
See? These are some of the most important features employers are eager to find in their
Do you really think so? And what else you think employers expect from the people they're
about to hire?
Well, I think they wouldn't hire a man that's very talkative and full of himself.
Yeah, such man shouldn't be easily taught of something new, and probably would have
problems in concentrating over the work to be done. But I think the same could be said of
Yes, of course 1 agree with your point. I don't want to discriminate men and women. But there's
one more thing I think employers wouldn't like in a possible employee.
Yeah? What's it?
Insecurity. Nobody feels confident over somebody who seems to be very nervous without any
apparent cause! I think that's why a lot of people don't get jobs.
Alright. I got your message. And I think you're right, as always!

about to = prestes a
agree with = concordar com
appointments = compromissos
as always = como sempre
confident = confiante
eager = vidos
employees = empregados
expect from = esperam de
features = caractersticas
find = encontrar
full of himself = cheio de si mesmo, arrogante
I got your message = eu entendi seu recado
I still haven't got an answer = Eu ainda no obtive uma
impress = impressionar
It seems that = parece que

just = justamente
Mail = correio
neatly = asseado, limpo
nowadays = hoje em dia
one more thing = mais uma coisa
place = lugar
such = tal
talkative = falador
taught = passado de teach (ensinar)
the day before yesterday = anteontem
the same = o mesmo
there'll always be = sempre haver
to be done = a ser feito
too anxious = ansioso demais
what about = que tal
what else = o que mais
without = sem

18. Good news


Hey, Jane! I have good news! I've just got a letter from that publishing company!
Wonderful! What it says?
They're calling me up for an interview, next Monday at three P.M.
Don't forget to wear a tie!
Oh, I have a beautiful one that goes perfectly with my new suit!
This will surely help to improve your presentation, but try not to be so nervous when talking to
people there.
I won't be nervous, I promise. Besides, they've already called me; it means they think my
qualifications are good enough for them. Now, all I have to do is show myself up there and get
the job.
Hey! Don't be so self confident! There might be some kind of test for you to perform, and you
should take a closer look at your future working place, to see if you'll fit in it.
Yeah, but I want that job so much I think nothing could stop me now.
Employers use to like enthusiastic and motivated people.
I'm really enthusiastic about it. I think publishing is a fascinating kind of business. And I'm
very fond of books and of everything related to them. I would be the right man in the right
place, if they give me the chance.
You just have to prove it to them. Anyway, I wish you good luck.
Thank you, Jane. You're a true good friend.

Anyway = de qualquer forma

business = negcio
calling me up = me chamando
fascinating = fascinante
fit = encaixar-se
goes perfectly = combina perfeitamente
improve = melhorar
it means = isso significa
kind of = tipo de
News = notcias
perform = realizar
presentation = apresentao
promise = prometer
prove = provar
related = relacionado
self confident = auto-confiante
show myself up = apresentar-me
suit = terno
surely = certamente
take a closer look = dar uma olhada de perto
There might be = pode haver
True = verdadeiro(a)
try not to be = tente no ficar
use to = costumam
wear a tie = usar (vestir) uma gravata
Wish = desejar

19. The interview

Miss Davis:
Miss Davis:
Miss Davis:

Hm-hrmpf... Good afternoon.

Good afternoon. May I help you?
Yes. My name is Roger Williams and I'm here for an interview with Miss Davis.
I am Miss Davis. How are you, Mr. Williams?
I'm fine, thank you. I'm glad to know you. How are you?
Fine, thanks. I'm glad to know you too. It's three o'clock now; I can see you're really
Thank you again, but I think punctuality is not a virtue; just an obligation.
Miss Davis: That's interesting. Hmm... Let me see... I have your application letter and your Curriculum
Vitae right here. It says here that you have a lot of experience with computers... and you
seem to be a very fast typist.
Yes. I've learned so much about computers because I worked until last year assembling and
fixing them at my uncle's computer shop.
Miss Davis: Hm-hmm. And how did you develop such skill in typing that fast?
Well, I've been studying literature in college for the last two years and have to be writing a
lot of school work. Time is always short, so I've got to learn to be fast.
Miss Davis: I see. But... Mr. Williams, don't you think that working here could get in the way of your
college course?
Oh, no! I think I can manage my time pretty well. In fact, I believe that working here could
help me in many ways. Learning how books are made is a way of become even more
familiar with them.
Miss Davis: I think I can understand your point. Say, Mr. Williams, would you mind to perform a test
Absolutely, Miss Davis. I'll be glad to show you what I can do.
Miss Davis: Very good. Shall you come with me?
Of course.
assembling = montando
become = tornar-se
college = faculdade
develop = desenvolver
even more = ainda mais
fixing = consertando
get in the way = entrar no caminho, atrapalhar
In fact = na verdade
in many ways = de muitas formas
learned = aprendi
manage = administrar
mind = importar-se
obligation = obrigao
perform = realizar
point = caso, questo
pretty well = perfeitamente
punctual. = pontual
shop = loja
skill = habilidade
such = tal
that = to
typist = datilgrafo
until = at
virtue = virtude

20. Getting the job

Miss Davis: Very good, indeed, Mr. Williams! You did very well at your test. I'm really impressed
with your ability.
Thank you. Miss Davis.
Miss Davis: This enables you to work with us, if you really want it.
Oh, yes, I do.
Miss Davis: Well, let me tell you more about the way things go around here. We work here from
Monday to Friday, from nine to five. We don't work overtime, neither the company pays
for it but some extra work might be requested in special cases. The company can't pay
you the US$ 400 you've asked for; but it can offer you US$ 350 a month to start with, and
it'll give you a raise after the first two months, if you really prove to be a good worker. Ah!
And for your first year the company will pay you one week for vacation time, and two
weeks after your second year. What do you say?
Roger: Hmm... I think it's alright. I'd be so happy to work here that I would certainly become a better
Miss Davis: I appreciate that, Mr. Williams. I'm going to send you for a medical check-up. If
everything's alright, you can start working tomorrow at nine A.M., O.K..?
I'm sure I'll be here tomorrow morning, Miss Davis. Thank you!
Miss Davis: I'll be seeing you, Mr. Williams. Good-bye.
Ability = habilidade
appreciate = ficar grato, apreciar
certainly = certamente
Enables = habilitar, capacitar
Getting the job = conseguindo o emprego
Impressed = impressionado(a)
Indeed = com certeza
it's alright = est tudo bem
might = pode (probabilidade)
neither = sequer, tampouco
offer = oferecer
overtime = horas extras
prove = provar
raise = aumento
requested = solicitado
send = enviar
the way things go around here = o jeito que as coisas funcionam aqui
vacation = frias

21. First day at the new job

Roger: Good morning, Miss Davis.
MISS Davis: Why, good morning Mr. Williams. Punctual as always, uh? I'm glad that everything was
alright with your medical check-up.
Thank you.
MISS Davis: Are you ready to start? Good. From now on you can just call me Sandra, O.K.?
O.K..; just call me Roger.
Miss Davis: Alright, Roger. Do you have any questions before you start?
Yes. I was curious... What kind of books do you publish here?
Miss Davis: Oh, in fact, we publish books of almost all kinds. Dictionaries, technical handbooks,
literary anthologies, some school textbooks... But most of all, we publish novels.
Wonderful! I think I'll love to work here: I'm very fond of reading, and helping make books
is like giving a step further into the things I like the best.
Miss Davis: Good. Come along with me, Roger. I'll introduce you to the folks in the office.
It'll be my pleasure.
Miss Davis: That man over there, wearing a blue shirt, is Mr. O'Brien. He's our editor-in-chief. All the
work you'll get will be coming from his hands. He'll give you any specific instructions
whenever necessary. These boys and girls are your fellow typists: Mary, Sylvia, Barbara,
Walter and Leonard. Just look at the way they work, if you need some inspiration. I'm the
department general supervisor; if there's anything you need, please, let me know, O.K.?
I think everything is fine, Sandra.
Miss Davis: I hope you get well along your first day here, Roger. Be welcome to our company.
Thank you very much. Let's go to work!
Almost = quase
as always = como sempre
Curious = curioso
Fellow = companheiro
From now on = a partir de agora
Further = mais adiante
General = geral
get well along = dar-se muito bem
Handbooks = manuais
I like the best = eu gosto mais
I'm very fond of = eu gosto muito de
Just = simplesmente
Kind = tipo
let me know = informe-me
most of all = mais do que qualquer coisa
novels = romances
Questions = perguntas
ready = pronto
Step = passo
Wearing = vestindo
Whenever = sempre que
Why = Ora!

22. Relieving the stress

Hi, Roger! How are you doing in your new job?
Roger: Oh, I'm doing pretty well. Thanks for asking.
I don't want to be intrusive, but... you're looking so weary.
Roger: That's because I went to bed very late last night.
Looks like you've been very busy lately. I hadn't seen you for days.
Roger: In fact, I am. I've been studying very hard because I'll have two tests at the college next week,
and I've been working really hard on two books at the same time at my job. I love my new job
and I love studying too, you know, but sometimes I feel overcharged with so many
Jane: Take care, my friend! Stressing yourself this way can be hazardous to your heart. Everybody
needs a little rest sometimes.
Roger: Yeah, but I think I still can rely on my heart. If I begin to concern so much about my health, it
would only turns out into another preoccupation to be added to the ones I already have.
Jane: Alright, nobody knows you better than yourself. But I think you should arrange some time to
relax between your working and studying activities, as soon as possible. It looks like you're
badly needing it. Why don't you try playing some soccer, or just taking a little walk
downtown, once in a while?
Roger: I think I'll have plenty of time to relax after all these tests and jobs are finished. I can only
relieve my stress when I'm sure that all my duties are done.
That's why you look so tense!
added = acrescentada
already = j
as soon as possible = o mais rpido possvel
at the same time = ao mesmo tempo
badly needing it = precisando disso desesperadamente
concern = preocupar-se
Done = feito
downtown = centro da cidade
Duties = deveres
Hazardous = arriscado
health = sade
How are you doing = como est indo
Intrusive = intrometido
once in a while = de vez em quando
overcharged = sobrecarregado
plenty of = bastante
Relieving = aliviando
rely on = contar com
Rest = descanso
sometimes = s vezes
Take care = cuide-se
to the ones = a aquelas
turns out into = transformar-se em
Weary = esgotado
When I'm sure = quando eu tiver certeza

23. Misunderstanding concerning and intromission

Good morning, Roger.
Roger: Huh? Oh, good morning, Jane. I didn't see you coming...
Are you alright, Roger?
Roger: Yeah... I guess so...
Jane: Look, Roger, I'm your friend, so that's why I'm insisting on this point. If you don't take some
rest, you're going to be sick!
Roger: I know that, but I have so many things to do, and time seems to run so fast...
Jane: O.K., but you have to take care of yourself. Everybody needs to stop and take a breath,
Roger: It's easy for you to say that. You don't have a job like mine and...
Jane: Hold on, Mr. Williams! I am not a lazy bum, as you might' ve been thinking! I also have a lot of
responsibilities to deal with, and just in case you're interested besides studying as hard
as you've been, I've been looking for a job too. All I was trying to do is showing some
consideration and concerning about a friend's health, state of mind and humour, which as it
seems you simply don't have!
Roger: Alright, Jane. I'm really sorry about it all. I've been so tired and confused these days that I
couldn't even notice that I've been acting like a selfish fool. I didn't really mean what I said to
you. Can you forgive me, please?
Hmm... Maybe... What if we talk this over while having a big ice-cream soda?
Roger: This is the best offer I've received in days! Let's go for it right now!
as hard as = to duro quanto
besides = alm de
Bum = vagabundo
couldn't = no consegui
even = sequer
fool = tolo
Forgive = perdoar
Hold on = espera a
humour = humor
I didnt really mean = eu realmente no quis dizer
I guess so = eu acho que sim
just in case youre interested = apenas caso voc esteja interessado
Lazy = preguioso
Maybe = talvez
notice = notar
right now = j, imediatamente
run = correr, passar
selfish = egosta
sick = doente
simply = simplesmente
state of mind = estado mental
take a breath = tomar um flego
talk this over = discutir sobre isso
that's why = porisso que
to deal with = com as quais lidar
What if = e se

24. Responsibilities
Roger: Look, Jane, I would really like to apologize about what I've said...
Oh, don't be a fool. Just forget about it, O.K.? I already did.
Roger: Thank you, you're very kind. But you've mentioned that you were looking for a job...
Jane: Yes, indeed I am. But I'm afraid that it won't be exactly a job as steady as the one you have. All

the working offerings I've came across were for part-time jobs.
So what? There are some really good career opportunities even in part-time jobs.
Yeah, but I'm not that ambitious at least for now. All that 1' m looking for is a little money to
help me get through my college course. My parents use to send me a monthly allowance, but I
feel like if I can earn some money for myself I won't be such a heavy burden for them.
And I bet they would be very happy when they know that their little girl is becoming more
I've not been their little girl for quite a long time already,.
I was just kidding. In fact, maybe I' ve been just talking about myself and the way I feel. Just as
you're doing, I'm entering adulthood now, and sometimes I don't know how to deal with the
responsibilities of it.
Yes, I can understand your point pretty well. We're trying hard to be independent adult persons,
but sometimes we still act and feel like little children.
Just like we did a few moments ago, huh?
Yeah, just like that! Quarreling for some foolish reason!
Anyway, I think it's good to know that you still have your mom and dad on your side, just in
case you need some comfort, or even some money, sometimes.
You' ve said it all, chum: sometimes! Only sometimes! No man is an island, but we have to
learn to live our own lives, by ourselves, remember?
How could I forget that talking to somebody like you?

a few moments ago = alguns momentos atrs

adulthood = idade adulta
allowance = mesada, auxlio
Ambitious = ambicioso(a)
Anyway = de qualquer modo
Apologize = pedir desculpas
at least = pelo menos
bet = apostar
came across = deparei-me
Career = carreira
Chum = companheiro(a)
deal with = lidar com
earn = ganhar (dinheiro)
even = at mesmo
Foolish = bobo(a)
get through = levar ao fim, terminar
heavy burden = fardo pesado
I'm afraid that = eu receio que

Just like = assim como

kidding = brincando
Kind = gentil
monthly = mensal
Offerings = ofertas
on your side = do seu lado
our own lives = nossas prprias vidas
part-time = meio-perodo
Quarreling = brigando, discutindo
quite a long time = um bocado de tempo
Reason = razo
So what? = e da?
Steady = fixo, estvel
talking = conversa
trying hard = esforando-se, tentando arduamente
use = costumam
You' ve said it all = voc disse tudo

25. Janes new job

Roger, dear! I've something wonderful to tell you! Guess what?
Roger: Dear Jane, among my future plans there's one that is to be writing a novel, which will make a
story-teller out of me, not a fortune-teller. How do you expect I can guess something that
happened to somebody with a life so active as yours?
Jane: If I wasn't so enthusiastic about it, I would remark your irony. But 1 just got a job!
Roger: Wonderful! I want to know everything about it!
Jane: Well, it's just a part-time job, not even nearly as glamourous as yours, but I'm really glad to be a
member of the working class anyway. Tomorrow morning I'll be the baby-sitter for the Baker
family's two children!
Roger: Great! But aren't you talking about the Baker family that owns that huge fashion clothes shop at
the town mall, are you?
Jane: Precisely, my friend. I'm talking about that very family Baker, who owns the Baker's Fashion
Roger: Wow! Do you remember when I told you that there were good career opportunities even in parttime jobs?
Jane: Of course I do. And I expect that you also remember I told you that I wasn't that much ambitious.
Roger: But tell me how do you manage to get such a good job?
Jane: Well, I was strolling around the town mall, when I went into the Baker's Shop to have a closer
look at a blouse exposed there. Mrs. Baker herself was there, talking to a friend of hers about the
trouble she was having since her children's baby-sitter gave up her job to work as a secretary at
an office downtown.
Roger: Now, let me guess: you approached the lady and offered yourself to the job, right?
Jane: Almost that. It wasn't that easy. I have told her that I helped my mother to brought up my two
younger brothers when I was a teenager, and that I always have to look out for my nephews
when I go to my older sister's house.
Roger: Such qualifications should've sound impressive to Mrs. Baker, I suppose.
Jane: Yes, she'd told me that she cames from a big family herself, so it was easy for her to understand
my point and to give me the job!
Roger: What else can I say? I think that you're already a better story-teller than I could ever expect to be.
Almost = quase
Also = tambm
Among = entre (mais de duas coisas)
approached = aproximou-se, abordou
baby-sitter = bab
blouse = blusa
brought up = criar, educar
Congratulations = parabns
Dear = querido(a)
enthusiastic = entusiasmado(a)
fashion clothes shop = loja de roupas de moda
fortune-teller = adivinho
gave up = desistiu, abandonou
Guess what = adivinhe o que
happened = aconteceu
huge = imenso(a)
impressive = impressionante
look out for = olhar, cuidar de
mall = shopping center

Manage = conseguir
nearly = de perto
nephews = sobrinhos
not even = nem mesmo
owns = possui
Precisely = exatamente, precisamente
remark = notar, reparar
should've sound = deveriam ter soado
since = desde
strolling around = passeando por
Such = tais
such a good job = um emprego to bom
teenager = adolescente
trouble = problema, dificuldade
Very = mesmo(a)
What else = o que mais
will make a story-teller out of me = vai fazer de mim um
contador de histrias
working class = classe trabalhadora

26. Job routines




Hi, Jane! How are you doing with your job?

Pretty fine, thank you. I'm loving it.
Isn't it very tiresome to deal with children's demands and all such things? I mean, children
use to be very active, doing lots of things at the same time and so on...
Well, yes, sometimes. But I think the kind of job you're doing is much more tiresome than mine.
Intellectual work can be really exhaustive. Children can physically tire you up, but when they
like you, they know how to naturally reward your work with their love.
Hey! That's something about you that I still didn't know: you like children!
Oh, I just love them! Especially those two Baker's boys. They're so peaceful and easy to please
that I wouldn't hesitate in calling them angels.
Really? How old are they?
Richard is the older; he's seven and a half, now; and George is four years old. They're
incredibly responsible for kids of their age. They're deeply concerned of their duties and
behave as if they were much older kids.
That's funny. I always thought that rich kids were all spoiled children. Anyway, this might
make your work a lot easier.
Oh, those boys can be anything but spoiled. Richard and George are two well-bred boys
because they have a wonderful example of kindness and responsibility in their parents.
Besides being easy, it's really a pleasure to work for the Bakers. And what about you? Tell me
how things are going at your job.
Gee, Jane! Seems like I never end one single working day without having learned something
new. The publishing business is even more dynamic than I thought. Every day you're getting
involved with something totally different than you were the day before. That keeps your
brain working at full-speed everytime.
So, there's no place for monotony, huh? That's pretty good. In a way, working with children is
more or less the same: those little boys are surprisingly intelligent and keep asking pretty
tricky questions all the time.
That's why I firmly believe that no difference should be made between physical and intellectual
work. Both can be equally tiresome, but also certainly stimulant!

all such things = todas aquelas coisas

and so on = e assim por diante
as if = como se
behave = comportar-se
Besides = alm de
Both = ambos
brain = crebro
but = exceto
deeply = profundamente
Demands = reclamaes, exigncias
End = terminar
Equally = igualmente
firmly = firmemente
full-speed = velocidade mxima
funny = divertido
getting involved = envolvendo-se
hesitate = hesitar
incredibly = incrivelmente
keep asking = ficam perguntando

keeps = mantm
kindness = bondade
more or less = mais ou menos
peaceful = pacfico
please = contentar, agradar
reward = recompensar
Single = nico
spoiled = mimado(a)
Stimulant = estimulante
surprisingly = surpreendentemente
there's no place = no h nenhum lugar
thought = achei
tire you up = esgotar voc
Tiresome = cansativo
tricky = esperto(a)
use to be = costumam ser
well-bred = bem educados
Without = sem

27. A perfect Saturday morning

Say, Roger, what are you doing next Saturday?
Roger: You mean what I expect to be doing or what I'll really be doing?
What about a combination of both possibilities?
Roger: All I can say is, if that could really happen, I would be living in the best of the worlds.
Oh, my! Now I'm curious; can you explain this to me?
Roger: Well, it's quite simple. I have already planned it all. As you might know, I wouldn't have to go
to work on Saturday,
right? So, I could wake up as late as I wish. Besides, I would certainly had had a wonderful night of
sleep if I could do as well as I expect at my tests, Friday night at the college. Thus, if
everything runs well, I ought to wake up in the best of the worlds, late Saturday morning.
Roger, my friend, you're really a born story-teller. But, listen: there'll be a living jazz concert
at the park next Saturday. The weather report said it would be a bright sunny day. Can you
imagine of anything better than listening to a good jazz concert, laying in the grass under the
warmth of a Saturday morning sun?
Hmm... I think this is one of the very few things that could take me out of bed early in a
Saturday morning. If you're trying to invite me to do so, you can consider your attempt
Now you're sounding like the old Roger I once knew! If it's O.K. for you, I'll be at that bus
stop in the Main Street and 2nd Avenue crossing at eight-thirty.
Roger: Trust me, Jane: I' 11 be there, waiting for you.
attempt = tentativa
born = nato
bright = brilhante
bus stop = ponto de onibus
Could = pudesse
crossing = cruzamento
Explain = explicar
grass = grama
had had = teria tido
laying = deitado
living jazz concert = concerto de jazz ao vivo
Oh, my! = minha nossa!
once = uma vez
ought = deveria
quite simple = bastante simples
runs well = correr bem, der certo
successful = bem-sucedido(a)
Thus = desta forma
Trust = confiar
wake up = acordar
warmth = calor
weather report = relatrio do tempo (clima)
What about = que tal
wish = desejar

28. Wondering and wandering



That was a wonderful show, don't you think so, Jane?

Yeah, that band can really play good jazz music! But, do you know what? That sunny day at the
park, the jazz music and all those people... It all reminded me of some kind of "The Great
Gatsby" atmosphere.
Jane, dear, you've never fooled me. Behind this mask of seriousness and responsibility hides a
hopelessly romantic girl.
Ha, ha, ha! Very funny, but I can't see no reason for anybody to be serious and sensitive at the
same time.
Hey, I'm sorry! If I'd knew that jazz music could've moved you so deeply, I would be more
That's alright. I just have the habit of associating good moments of my life with similar
situations I've seen in movies or read in books. Doing so I can keep these moments like
photographs in my mind.
And had you granted me the honor of figuring in your mental "photo album"?
Even knowing that what I'm about to say will certainly make you full of yourself, I have to
admit: you're one of the most remarkable guys I've already met.
Oops! Excuse me! I've just hit my head against the moon! But I can say the same about you...
Gee, thanks! Are you talking seriously?
Of course I am. Who else could' ve taken me out of bed that early in a Saturday morning?
Alright; I know you well enough to take it as an eulogy.
Believe me, Jane. I wish I had known you when I was much younger. You seem to know
exactly when to say the right word I need to hear in the right time. You're always encouraging
me when I'm most needing, and so on. If I'd met you before, I would have grown up much
faster and easier in many ways.
Wow, Roger! I could never guess that! If I only knew that I was so important in your life I might
have better watched my words.
Oh, no! Promise me that you'd never do that, please! It's precisely because of your spontaneity
that I like you so much.
And I like you because you have the power of completely turning my points of view, making
me changing my mind, sometimes.
Pondering about all this, why don't you mentally "photograph" ourselves as "The Dynamic

about to = prestes a
against = contra
Behind = atrs
Duo = par, dupla
Encouraging = encorajando
Enough = o bastante
Eulogy = elogio
fooled me = me enganou
full of yourself = cheio de si mesmo
Granted = concedeu
grown up = crescido
guy = cara
have better watched = ter observado melhor
Hides = esconde-se
hit = bater
Honor = honra
Hopelessly = desesperadamente
Known = conhecido
met = conheci (passado de meet)
Mind = mente

most needing = precisando mais

Moved = comovido, emocionado
Pondering = ponderando
Promise = prometer
remarkable = extraordinrio
reminded me of = lembrou-me de
Sensitive = sensvel
seriously = seriamente
Seriousness = seriedade
Spontaneity = espontaneidade
Tactful = delicado, discreto
Taken = tirado
turning my points of view = mudar meus pontos de vista
Wandering = perambulando
Who else = quem mais

Wondering = questionando-se

29. A dream becomes true


Hello, dear! How was your day?

Oh, it was wonderful! For the first time this year I've had the chance of waking up past ten in
the morning. I'd almost forgotten how good it was to be on vacation. Even when I'm not
supposed to leave home...
Are you trying to tell me you don't expect to leave home?
Well, you know... I would only do it if we both could do it together. But you've said things are
pretty tough at your job, aren't they?
Hmm... Yes and no. I've got news for you, baby.
What do you mean?
I'd just finally managed to close that huge deal we've been trying to do with that real estate
company since last year. So, I've made my boss so glad that he'd given me a month's paid
vacations, starting today!
I can't believe it! Are you serious. Jack?
You can bet I am! And there's more: he'd also gave me a two-thousand dollars prize; in sound
money, tax-free.
It seems just too good to be true. Pinch me! I must be dreaming!
Here! Have this book; I've bought it for us.
What's this? A tourist's guide to Europe? Jack! You're not meaning that we...?
Yes! You' ve guessed it right! Listen, Annie, we can add the prize I won to the money we' ve
been saving all these years and go joy-riding through Europe for three whole weeks! What
do you say?
Oh, Jack! You know this is an old dream of mine!
As well as it's mine! I've been dreaming of doing so for quite a long time. So, dear, I think the
time has come for our dream to become true.

becomes true = torna-se realidade

Bought = comprei
Deal = acordo
forgotten = esquecido
Guide = guia
I'm not supposed to leave home = eu no devo sair de casa
in sound money = em dinheiro
joy-riding = passear divertindo-se
Meaning = querendo dizer
past ten = aps as dez horas
Pinch = beliscar
prize = prmio
real estate company = empresa imobiliria
Saving = economizando
tax-free = livre de impostos
the time has come = chegou a hora
through = atravs
Together = juntos
Tough = duro(a), difcil
whole = inteiro(a)
Won = ganhei

30. Travelling plans




So, Annie, where do you think we should start our trip?

Hmm... I don't know how to explain, but every time I think of Europe, I can't help thinking of
Vraiment? By the way, how's your French?
Not as good as yours, as far as I know. But, in my mind, I see Paris as the gate to Europe.
What do you think of us starting our tour by Paris?
It couldn't be better. Definitely, Paris is the perfect place to make you feel you're in Europe.
Maybe it's because of it's geographic position, but all of Europe seems to converge there.
How do you know that?
Well, I've read a lot about it. Besides, I've been talking to Pete, my office mate lately. He went
there last year, and told me so many wonderful things about so many fabulous places that I' ve
grown curious to know if it's really true. He said he had never imagined that some places
could exist!
Isn't Pete a bachelor? I wonder what kind of "fabulous" places he came to know in Paris...
Oh, c'mon Annie! The man was in a leisure trip. Anyway, he'd given me some hot tips.
Alright. Since I'm going to be watching you closely all the time, I think that Pete's tips won't do
us no harm. And, after Paris, where are we going to? What about Berlin?
According to Pete's tips, it would be better if we head ourselves to Rome, instead. Although,
starting from Paris, Berlin is nearer than Rome, traveling from Rome to anywhere else is
usually cheaper than if we do so from Paris, so we can save money with plane tickets.
That's a hot tip, indeed. In fact, I was thinking of including Rome in our route, too. I'd just
love to see all those historical places... You know that I love History, don't you? That's why I
mentioned Berlin. I think that there is a place where you can see and feel History being made.
So many important things happened there, not long ago...
O.K., O.K. Starting from Rome, next stop will be Berlin. And what do you think of London for
the next stop yet?
Wonderful! But by this time we must be already on our way back home...
That's exactly why I thought of London. I think it would be like a fore-room for us to get back
home, after so many days of speaking in so many different languages...
Unfortunatelly, I don't think our English will have time enough to be damaged.

According to = de acordo com

Although = embora
anywhere else = qualquer outro lugar
as far as I know = at onde eu sei
Bachelor = solteiro
By the way = a propsito
by this time = nesta hora
Converge = convergir para
Damaged = danificado
Definitely = definitivamente
fore-room = sala da frente
gate = porto
head = dirigir-se para
hot tips = dicas quentes
I can't help thinking = no consigo deixar de pensar
I' ve grown curious = eu fiquei curioso

I Wonder = eu me pergunto
if we do so = se ns fizermos isso
instead = ao invs
It couldn't be better = no poderia ser melhor
lately = ultimamente
leisure trip = viagem de lazer
Nearer = mais perto
no harm = nenhum mal
not long ago = no tanto tempo atrs
office mate = colega de escritrio
plane tickets = passagens de avio
route = roteiro
save = economizar
Unfortunatelly = infelizmente
watching you closely = observando voc de perto
way back home = caminho de volta pra casa

31. Adjusting a dream to a budget


Jack, dear... I've been talking to some traveling bureaus, and... Wow, it looks like we're
going to spend almost all the money we have
Whats the price of a dream, Annie? I don't think it's time to worry about money. Now
we're having a unique opportunity to do something we always wanted to. What's money
for, anyway?
I guess you're right. But I never realized that plane tickets and hotel fares could be so
Never mind the cost! I think our dream is worth any price. Besides, I've already arranged
things over with a tounsm agent I know.
Yeah? What have he said?
Well, he asked me how much money we had to spend, about which cities we were intending
to visit, and when. He'd drawn out a plan for me. I just got it with me. Here, have a look.
Hmm... The prices are far much more reasonable than the ones I've got from those travelling
bureaus, but... How can I be sure about all these hotel rankings and their location in
places I don't know?
I've checked it all with Pete. He'd assured me it was a bargain! But I've accidentally came
across the truth, its fall.
What do you mean Jack?
I was reading one of those travelling magazines the other day, and I found out that the
Europe tourism big seasons are during the summer or the winter. Since it's fall now,
hotel prices - no matter their rank - and airfares are considerably lower.
And what' d Peter said about all these hotels?
Oh he personally guaranteed two of them, because himself had already been there as a
guest. Some others hed known by hearing the best remarks about. Even though tourists
may be scarce at this season.he advised me to make reservations for us anyway.
Yeah. No one knows what may come. There are maps of the cities streets in the tourists
guide you bought. Lets lookf for the exact locations of those hotels
I'm glad to see that you've changed your mind.
As you've said, it's a dream; no matter the price! But I'm glad to know that we can afford
the price of this one.

Budget = oramento
traveling bureaus = agncias de viagens
spend = gastar
price = preo
worry about = preocupar-se com
unique = nico(a)
realized = percebi
hotel fares = preos de hotel
Never mind = no ligue
Cost = custo
is worth = vale a pena
intending = pretendendo
drawn out = desenhado, planejado
have a look = d uma olhada
reasonable = razovel
be sure = ter certeza
location = localizao
I've checked it all = eu verifiquei tudo
Assured = assegurou
Bargain = pechincha

Fall = outono
came across = deparar-se com
found out = descobri
seasons = temporadas
during = durante
summer = vero
winter = inverno
Since = uma vez que
no matter = no importa
airfares = taxas areas
lower = mais baixo
guaranteed = garantiu
guest = hspede
by hearing = de ouvir
remarks = comentrios
Even though = mesmo que
Scarce = escasso
Advised = aconselhou
can afford = poder pagar

32. Deciding who will be in charge of what



Annie, dear, I'm going to talk to that tourism agent whom I told you. I'm thinking of
charging everything on him.
What do you mean "everything"?
Oh, you know: buying plane tickets, making hotel reservations, and so on.
Do you really think we can trust on him?
I'm absolutely sure we can! He's the man you must talk to, if you're going to Europe. Pete,
who is his friend too, has told me so. He said that the man could arrange us the best
accommodations for the best prices.
I don't know... What if we tell him to make reservations for us in a hotel in Paris and, from
there on, we would travel on our own?
Hmm... Thinking twice about it, I guess you're right. Doing so, we would be free to make the
changes we want, any time, anywhere. But I'm thinking of letting him buy the plane
tickets anyway. He said he could arrange a good discount, if he could buy all the tickets
we'll use at once.
It seems O.K. to me. I wouldn't like to worry about this during our trip.
Yeah, we must make good use of every single minute of our vacation time. So, I' m going to
tell the man just to buy our plane tickets and to make some reservations in a nice and cozy
Parisian hotel.
Yeah, tell him to find a real nice and cozy hotel. I don't think it's going to be a difficult task,
because Paris is a very romantic city. Just tell him to send us there; we can take care of all
the rest, by ourselves.
Having a traveling companion like you, I can hardly wait for "all the rest"!

all the rest = todo o resto

and so on = e assim por diante
at once = de uma vez
changes = mudanas
charging = deixar aos cuidados
companion = companheiro(a)
cozy = aconchegante
from there on = a partir de l
I can hardly wait = eu mal posso esperar
in charge of = encarregado de
on our own = por nossa prpria conta
single = nico
take care = cuidar de
task = tarefa
thinking of letting = pensando em deixar
twice = duas vezes
whom I told you = de quem eu te falei

33. Packing things up




Here, Annie! I've just got our tickets to Paris! Have you packed your things already?
I'm almost finishing! But what about our hotel reservations?
Everything is arranged; all that's left for us to do is to go to the airport tomorrow night. Our
flight departs at ten thirty p.m.; we should arrive in Paris early in the morning, the day
after tomorrow.
Make sure you have your passport. I've got mine right here, but I don't know where is
Oh, I know where it is. It's in that old briefcase of mine, in which I use to stock my
documents and other important papers. But, every time I'm packing for a travel I have the
sensation of forgetting something...
Me too. No matter how stuffed my case could be, I always feel like that there's something
Ah! Don't forget to pick up the camera! I'm sure that there will be plenty of beautiful sights
to photograph in Europe.
Yeah, and I'll look for my neck pillow. I never travel without it.
How can you worry about sleeping with such a trip ahead of you?
Well, I'm only human; so I have to sleep now and then. You never know when you'll have
time for a nap, neither where. Falling asleep on a bus or train seat can be very
uncomfortable if you don't have one of these. That's why I never leave home without my
neck pillow, especially in long trips.
"Never leave home without it", uh? That reminds me of checking the credit cards in my
wallet; I think we should carry all of them with us, don't you?
Sure, but would they accept our currency for little expenses in Paris? You know, we'll have
to take a cab from the airport to the hotel, and things like that...
Don't worry. I've US$ 200 exchanged in sound French francs, this afternoon. As far as I
know, this is more than enough for little expenses in Paris. The banks would surely be
closed when we arrive there, but I have US$ 2.000 in traveller's cheques, anyway. We can
exchange more money when we get there, if necessary.
I'm sure it will be necessary. Look at my case; it's half empty, see? That's because I want to
fill it with the wonderful things we'll buy there.
Sure, honey. But remember: it's always better to travel lightly.

ahead of you = diante de voc

all that's left = tudo que restou
As far as I know = at onde eu sei
briefcase = pasta
Carry = carregar
case = mala
Currency = moeda corrente
departs = parte
every time = toda vez
exchanged = trocado
Expenses = despesas
Falling asleep = adormecer, pegar no sono
fill = encher
flight = vo
half empty = metade vazia
I've just got = eu acabei de pegar
lightly = levemente
Make sure = certifique-se

Missing = faltando
nap = cochilo
neck = pescoo
neither = nem tampouco
No matter how stuffed = no importa o quanto abarratada
now and then = de vez em quando
Packing things up = embalando as coisas
pick up = pegar
pillow = travesseiro
plenty of = um monte de
right here = bem aqui
Seat = poltrona
sights = vistas
stock = estocar, guardar
Surely = com certeza
take a cab = pegar um txi
the day after tomorrow.= depois de amanh
things like that = coisas assim
Wallet = carteira

34. At the airport


At last, we're here!

Yeah, for a moment I thought we wouldn't make it in time. The traffic seemed impossible today.
And how! But we're here, anyway. And I still can hardly believe it!
So, believe me, dear: we are! And there are still things to be done. Our luggage needs to be
dispatched and our check-in needs to be confirmed. Where's our airline counter?
Annie: I think that all international airlines' counters are upstairs. Let's take the escalator.
Jack: Yes, you're right. Let's get there. We'll have to make sure they put us in the non-smoking section.
Wow, I can't help being thrilled every time I get into an airport. They have such a... transient
Jack: Well, airports are not the kind of place where people are supposed to stay for a long time. All this
hustle and bustle may sound unusual for people like us, but it's just routine for the people who
work in a place like this.
Annie: I know that. But this transience definitively makes me daydream about all these people stories.
Where are they all going to? Where are they all coming from?
Jack: We certainly have different ways of seeing this. In airports I use to feel much more like if I'm over
a spring-board; tense, before diving into something I deeply want. I can't think of nobody but
me and of who's with me, of course.
Annie: Thanks for considering me. But I think you're just a bit affraid of flying.
I hate to admit that, but I can't help being a little nervous every time I catch a plane.
Don't be! Do you know that traveling by plane is safer than traveling by car? There are lots of
statistics about it...
Alright, alright; I believe it, but let's not talk about statistics, O.K.? It makes me think of my job,
at that office I'm just about to leave behind me for three glorious and well-deserved weeks of
I'm sorry, dear. I didn't want to do it... Hey, what about a cup of coffee, while we're waiting for
our departure?
Great! I think I'm needing it.
Airline = linha area
are supposed to stay = devem supostamente ficar
At last = enfim
but = exceto, a no ser
catch = pegar
Counter = balco
daydream = devanear
departure = partida
Dispatched = despachada
diving = mergulhar
Escalator = escada rolante
hate = odiar
hustle and bustle = corre-corre
I can't help = eu no consigo deixar de
I use to feel = eu costumo sentir

leave behind = deixar para trs

like if = como se
like this = como esse
Luggage = bagagem
non-smoking section = seo de no-fumantes
safer than = mais seguro do que
spring-board = trampolim
Thrilled = agitado
Traffic = trfego
transience = transitoriedade
Transient = transitrio
unusual = incomum
Upstairs = andar de cima
well-deserved = bem merecidas

35. Flying High

Annie: That's it, dear. We'd already taken off! We're flying high!
Yeah, I felt that...
Annie: Are you alright, honey? What's the matter with you?
Oh, nothing serious... But I wish I was a true believer! I would like to say a prayer, now.
Annie: I'm sure that God will hear you, no matter what kind of believer you are. But, calm down, dear!
Jack: Don't bother, I'm fine. It's relieving for me to talk over my fear. Look, there comes the
stewardess. I think I'll get her to give me some whiskey, just to relax.
Annie: I don't think it's a good idea to have a drink now. Dinner will be served in a few minutes; you'd
better wait for it. Don't you know that having a drink in the air can affect you as much as if you
were having three drinks on land?
Jack: Aren't you taking too seriously the things you read in those practical advice magazines, dear?
Annie: I'm serious, Jack. I think you shouldn't have a drink now. If only you hadn't been so nervous...
I guess you're right. It could make things even worse.
Annie: Now you're talking sense! Save your thirst for the wonderful French wines you'll be tasting in a
few more hours!
Yes! And think of the wonderful French cuisine. Those wonderful dishes will make this plane
dinner looks like junk-food. Anyway, I think I'll have some orange juice with it.
Annie: That's a good idea; I think I'll have the same. But, that dinner doesn't look that bad for me. In
fact, hungry as I am now, it looks simply delicious!
Jack: That's my girl. No matter what comes, she never loses her appetite!
Annie: Yeah, but I'm careful enough to never lose my shape, too!
Jack: Let's see what three weeks of the European best cooking can do for it!
as much as = tanto quanto
believer = crente
Careful = cuidadoso(a)
Cuisine = cozinha (culinria)
Dishes = pratos
Don't bother = no se incomode
even worse = ainda piores
Felt = senti (passado de feel)
junk-food = comida barata
No matter what comes = no importa o que acontecer
on land = em terra
practical advice magazines = revistas de conselhos prticos
Relieving = aliviador
Save your thirst = guarde sua sede
say a prayer = fazer uma orao
Shape = forma
Stewardess = aeromoa
Tasting = saboreando
We'd already taken off = Ns j decolamos!
What's the matter = qual o problema
you'd better = seria melhor voc...

36. Landing on a dream

Annie: Here we are! We've just landed on our dream, dear!
Jack: Yeah, honey! We finally did it.
Annie: What's the matter. Jack? You look terrible! Aren't you happy to be stepping on European ground
for the first time?
Jack: Of course I am. I'm just tired of the flight. I was so nervous that I couldn't even wink through the
whole way.
C'mon, dear. Cheer up! There's no reason to be nervous, now. We're totally safe on land.
That's right. I'm beginning to feel better, already. Let's keep going! We got to have our luggage
checked by the customs.
Annie: Yeah, but where's the custom house counter?
I think it's right ahead. There's only one way out of here.
Annie: I hope they don't delay too much in their duty.
Don't worry. We're not carrying anything dangerous, are we?
Annie: As far as I know, the most dangerous thing I'm carrying is my make-up kit.
It can make you look dangerous, alright! Dangerously beautiful, I mean.
Annie: Thanks, sweetheart; but a make-up kit is just supposed to enhance a woman's natural charms.
That's why I said it could be dangerous in your hands. But I hope the customs' officers don't
delay, too. I can hardly wait for a warm bath and a good rest, at that nice and cozy hotel room
that's waiting for us.
Annie: Me too! But, are you sure that it's really nice and cozy?
Absolutely! That hotel is well known for its most comfortable accommodations.
Annie: It makes me wish I was already there. If only I had wings...
Jack: Hold it, dear! I think I've had enough of flying for today. I promise that we'll get there on the first
cab we find, O.K.?
As far as I know = at onde eu sei
cab = taxi
carrying = carregando
C'mon = Ora, vamos
cozy = aconchegante
Customs = alfndega
dangerous = perigoso
delay = atrasar
duty = dever, trabalho
enhance = aperfeioar
make-up = maquiagem
rest = descanso
right ahead = logo em frente
Safe = seguro
Stepping = pisando
warm bath = banho quente
We've just landed = Ns acabamos de aterrissar
whole way = caminho inteiro
wings = asas
Wink = piscar

37. Under the parisian sky


Oh, Paris is really a beautiful town! Under a such bright sky it looks like the whole city has
been drawn especially to match its lights.
Indeed! But Paris has its own lights. It was designed to be the most beautiful city of the whole
Europe. A city as bright as a star; just as the drawing of its main avenues shows.
In fact, it seems that every single thing in this town was made to be admired, the same way
you admire a star: the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum...
Yeah, but the way the Frenchmen look at us... It's much like the way that the portrait of Mona
Lisa, in the Louvre, does: it's an enigmatic and scornful glance.
Do you really think so? I completely disagree. I don't see nothing scornful in the way the
French people look at us.
Oh, don't you? I do!
Maybe you're just misunderstanding their natural behavior. Remember that France was ruled
by noblemen for many centuries.
Yeah, and the French people thrown the monarchy out of the window because they thought
they were better than their lords. This may explain why they look so snobbish.
And you are being foolishly rude, now. I think that the French people is warm and hospitable.
I don't know, but I can't feel easy with them. They seem to be always affecting their manners to
look more polite than they really are.
It seems to me that they are really very polite. I think that they are always looking for a way of
making things more beautiful and life more pleasant.
So do I! I'm very fond of French artistic and cultural production...
See? You're just contradicting yourself! We're on our dream vacation. Jack! Why don't you try
to be a little more light-hearted?
You're right. I'm terribly sorry. I promise to try seeing things in a lighter way. Besides, tomorrow
we're leaving to Rome!
But we still have one night in Paris. Come! Let's do our best to make it unforgettable!

bright sky = cu brilhante

drawn = desenhado(a)
match its lights = combinar com suas luzes
main avenues = avenidas principais
every single thing = cada pequena coisa
the same way = da mesma forma
Frenchmen = franceses
Portrait = retrato
Scornful = desdenhoso
Glance = relance (olhar rpido de olhos)
Disagree = discordo
Misunderstanding = entendendo mal
Behavior = comportamento
Ruled = governado(a)
Noblemen = nobres
Centuries = sculos
Thrown = pass. Part. De throw (arremessar)
Thought = passado de Think (pensar, achar)
Lords = senhores
Explain = explicar
Snobbish = esnobe

38. Arrivederci Rome!


They say that once you've been in Rome, you'll always come back. What do you think of this,
I couldn't agree more! You have to come back because Rome's charms seem to have no end.
It's a pity, but we have to go away tonight. I felt History passing by me through all these days,
and all I can say is that it was fascinating.
Me too! Especially in the Colosseum! I could swear I heard the crowds in the audience, when
we were there.
You know, dear, I think I found out what they mean when they say you always come back to
Rome. Being here is like being back to our own origins. This place is the very cradle of whole
western civilization!
I guess you're right. I think that's why every western citizen always find something vaguely
familiar in Rome.
Yeah, and the famous Italian hospitality and delicious cooking make this sensation even more
Not only vivid, I would say; heavy, too! The food was so good that I couldn't resist, and now
I'm visibly putting on weight!
I noticed that, but I think those few extra pounds fit you very well.
Jack, I don't want to hear this again! Don't think I didn't notice you getting a little fat, too.
I heard somebody say to me to be light-hearted during my vacation time, not too long ago...
Yes, but why can't one be light-hearted and light-weighed at the same time?
Oh, I think it would be a shame to miss the chance of having some more of the superb Italian
pasta and wine before we took off for Berlin...
Alright. Just once more, before we say arrivederci, Rome!

agree = concordar
come back = voltar
cooking = cozinha, arte culinria
crowds = multido
felt = senti (passado de feel)
fit = encaixar
found out = descobri (passado de find out)
go away = ir embora
heard = ouvi (passado de hear)
heavy = pesado(a)
It's a pity = uma pena
Just once more = apenas mais uma vez
light-hearted = de corao leve (expresso)
light-weighed = de peso leve
miss the chance = perder a chance
noticed = reparei, notei
Once = uma vez que
pasta = massa
pounds = libras (peso)
putting on weight = engordando
shame = vergonha
superb = soberba(o)
swear = jurar
that's why = porisso
through = atravs
vaguely = vagamente
very cradle = verdadeiro bero
western = ocidental

39. Endurance and renewal



I could've never imagined what a peculiar city Berlin is!

Indeed! I think Berlin is the living proof of a culture's power of endurance and renewal.
Beautiful words. Jack. I'm wondering how did you draw such conclusion. I mean, we saw the
theaters, the music and the fervent life of Berlin's cafes; but it all seems to happen as well as in
any other European major city.
Yes, but no other European city had been forced to renew itself as Berlin was.
What do you mean, Jack?
Remember that Germany had been divided in two different and separate countries, and half of
Berlin was surrounded by a 165-kilometer-long wall of isolation, from 1961 to 1989!
How terrible it must have been!
It really was. But that's precisely where the power of a rich and ancient culture takes its place.
Even split apart and ruled by two opposite political systems, the German people could wait for
the day to become one again, because they know that their cultural background would always
keep them as one.
So, against all odds and despite everything, the people could manage to remain as one, stuck
together by their historical and cultural ties.
That's it. And the several proofs under that ties had to pass forced its constant review and
renewal; and assured its endurance.
It's no wonder that today Berlin is regarded in many ways as the European culture's
capital city.
The German culture gave birth to many philosophers, artists and scientists along the centuries.
Berlin was and, of course, still is the point from where all their production departed to
reach the rest of the world.
And, from here, we must reach London, tomorrow morning!

against all odds = contra todas as possibilicades

along = ao longo
ancient = antigo(a)
assured = assegurou
background = conhecimento
departed = partiu
despite = apesar de
draw such conclusion = tirou tal concluso
Endurance = resistncia, persistncia
gave birth = deu origem
It's no wonder that = no de se admirar que
keep = manter
living proof = prova viva
major = importante
manage = conseguir
must have been = deve ter sido

reach = atingir, alcanar

Regarded = considerado(a)
remain = permanecer
renew = renovar
Renewal = renovao
review = reviso
ruled by = governado por
several = diversos(as)
split apart = dividido, separado
stuck together = preso junto
surrounded by = cercado(a) por
takes its place = acontece
the point from where = o ponto a partir do qual
ties = laos
wall = muro, parede

40. ye merry ole town


Annie, dear, do you remember when I told you that London would be like a fore-room for us to
get back home?
Yes, so what?
I thought that speaking the same language we would feel closer to our homely manners. I
couldn't be more wrong. Being here, I never felt farther from home.
You didn't like being in London, Jack?
Oh, no, absolutely! I just loved ye merry ole town. But it's so completely different than I
imagined it would be...
What do you mean? I loved having tea and cake for breakfast, for a change.
You mean cake, and tea after lunch and dinner, and tea in the middle of the afternoon, and no
trace of coffee no matter how much you look for it.
Don't exaggerate. Jack. We had had a wonderful fresh-brewed cup of coffee less than two
hours ago, at the restaurant.
You're right. But I had already forgotten it. Coming here atop of that funny two-story bus,
driven in the wrong flow of traffic, made me forget of almost anything else and concentrate
myself on my anxiety.
Oh, I loved riding that bus, feeling the breeze on my hair and the sun on my face! And it
wasn't in the wrong flow of traffic from the British point of view.
Of course it wasn't. I'm almost getting acquainted to an average Englishman sense of logic.
Once you can accept to have queens, princes and noblemen to do everything but to rule the
country, you can easily understand why the traffic flows in the wrong way.
Don't be a pester, Jack! If you're not wanting to see different things, why do you left home?
Hey, I didn't mean that! I was just practicing my wit, which seems to be England's national
Really? Sounding so funny you almost convinced me.
Look who's being witty now!

anxiety = ansiedade
atop = do alto
average = mediano, mdio
breeze = brisa
but to rule = exceto governar
Cake = bolo
Closer = mais perto
Completely = completamente
driven = dirigido
easily = facilmente
Farther = mais longe
flow of traffic = sentido do trnsito
for a change = pra variar
fresh-brewed = recm preparado, fresco
funny = engraado
getting acquainted to = ficando familiarizado com
Homely = caseiro
Manners = costumes
noblemen = nobres
pester = aborrecido, praga
point of view = ponto de vista, perspectiva
two-story = de dois andares
wit = espirituosidade
witty = espirituoso

41. Farewell


Alright. We bought souvenirs to all our relatives and friends, and our things are packed. It's
time to say farewell to these wonderful days.
Yeah. I think that all that's left for us to do is to pay the hotel bill, take a cab and be at the
airport on the scheduled time.
Scheduled, as the British would say.
Oh, I'm sure to miss this accent. In fact, I was already getting used to listen to different
languages spoken every day.
Me too. I've gotten used to express myself in other languages at least at a basic level.
This is certainly the best way to learn a new language: listening to it and trying to express
yourself better through it, day after day.
That's funny; I used to study a little French in high school, and never did it any more since
then. But once I listened to French spoken again, I started remembering a lot of words I thought
I had long forgotten.
Memory can perform amazing tricks. I remember speaking some words in Italian with my
grandfather, when I was a kid. When I listened to spoken Italian again, I was astonished how
familiar it was to me. Those few days we spent in Italy were enough for me to become used to
the language.
Indeed! The way you were talking there... If I didn't know you, I could swear you were a
native speaker.
Thank you! But I think we both should practice speaking foreign languages at home. Thus we'll
be pretty keen to our next trip abroad.
We didn't get back home yet, and you're already thinking of traveling again?
Well, I shall say that I've loved our dream-vacation so much that I would do it all again, if I
only could.
Oh, dear, I've loved it as well as you, but I'm beginning to miss our home...
So am I, honey. But I'll always keep these wonderful days in my memory.
Abroad = no exterior
accent = sotaque
amazing = espantoso(a)
astonished = assombrado(a)
at least = pelo menos
Bill = conta
Cab = taxi
certainly = certamente
Farewell = adeus
Foreign = estrangeiro(a)
getting used = ficando acostumado(a)
high school = colgio
Indeed = com certeza
Keen = aguado, afiado
Keep = manter


Left = restou, sobrou

Miss = sentir saudades
Packed = empacotadas, embaladas
perform = realizar
Relatives = parentes
scheduled time = hora agendada, marcada
Shall = devo
So am I = eu tambm (estou)
spoken = falado(a)
Swear = jurar
Thus = desta forma
tricks = truques
used = costumava
Yet = ainda

42. Theres no place like home


Here we are! Home, sweet home, at last!

You've said my words! Traveling is very nice, but arriving home is even better.
Yeah, but I need some time to rest before unpacking our things.
Sure, honey. We both must take a deep breath, before going under our old routine again.
Oh, my! Look at that heap of mail...
And we have to pay a lot of bills... Did you say something about home being sweet?
Yes, and I hope I don't need to explain you why I think so, right?
No, no, dear! Don't bother you. They say a man's home is his castle, so I'm supposed to
defend it, no matter how much I have to pay for it.
Don't be depressed, darling. I'll make us a hot cup of coffee and we could sit and relax,
remembering the good time we had in Europe.
Yeah, it's never too early to review our achievements and to soothe our precious memories.
And the best place to do it is in our own home's living room couch.
Indeed, dear. There's no place like home.
Achievements = realizaes
at last = enfim
couch = sof
Depressed = deprimido
Don't bother you = no se incomode
even better = ainda melhor
going under = submeter-se a
heap = pilha
I'm supposed to defend = Eu devo supostamente defender
living room = sala de estar
place = lugar
Soothe = suavizar
Sweet = doce
take a deep breath = respirar fundo
unpacking = desempacotar, desfazer as malas

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