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Joseph Greef
(303) 507-5277

I am a CS undergrad with electrical and mechanical engineering experience interested in
prototyping and low level programming.
Pursuing B.S. in Computer Science, Class of 2015
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA

GPA - 3.2

Work Experience
Teaching Assistant: EE/CS 51/52 Microprocessor Systems Sequence
Held recitations for students.
Sep 2013 - Present
Fixed broken lab boards.
Instructor: Glen George
Hosted office hours which involved answering theoretical questions and assisting students with debugging.
Concept PrototypingInternship: Synaptics, Inc.
San Jose, CA
Created tech demos for trade shows and other events. June 2014 - September 2014
Built quadcopter with hover sensing touchscreen mounted on the bottom that floats
above a finger and follows it around.
Haptic and audio response for a force pad demo.
Internship: Moblab, Inc
Pasadena, CA
Wrote an automated regression tester for RESTful server.
Jun 2012 - Sep 2013
Worked with the Dojo JS libraries to design and implement part of the user interface.
Designed and built an interface to display data to the user with Dojox charts.
Performed system administrator duties.
Research Experiences for Undergraduates: University of Colorado at Boulder
Mentor: Professor Dirk Grundwald
Boulder, CO
Used Python to load a MySQL database of FCC radio tower data
Jun - Sep 2011
and NASA terrain data.
Developed an interface between this database and the program SPLAT! to get a list
of free spectrum given a location.
Relevant Experience
Linux - Extensive development and personal use and hobbyist tinkering.
Programming - Used Javascript, C and Python extensively for personal, school and
professional work. Also familiar with object-oriented languages.
Embedded System Design - Experience designing circuits and using timing diagrams to make components work together.
Digital Design - Used VHDL and a pre-assembled board to complete class projects.
Fabrication - Experience in a machine shop including use of mills, lathes, MIG
welding and soldering.
SEA Formula Electric Vehicle - Currently participating in a leadership role in the
design phase of the competition.
Relevant Coursework
EE 119a: Advanced Digital Design
CS 121a: Introduction to Relational Databases
CS 156a/b: Learning Systems
Fall/Spring 2013-2014
CS 38: Introduction to Algorithms
Spring 2014
CS 124: Operating Systems
Winter 2014
ME 71/72a/b: Engineering Design Laboratory
Sprint/Fall/Winter 2013-2014
EE 125: Digital Electronics and Design with FPGAs and VHDL
Spring 2013
EE/CS 51/52: Microprocessor Systems Laboratory
Fall/Winter 2012-2013
CS 24: Introduction to Computing Systems Methods
Spring 2012

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