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Collaborative Alternative to Democratic Governance of


Skills, Values and Competencies Questionnaire

Interests, Dreams and Destiny Questionnaire
Personal Needs, Wants and Issues Questionnaire
Community Needs, Wants and Issues Questionnaire
Environmental Needs, Wants and Issues Questionnaire
Create a Dynamic Data Matrix from the Answers
Digital and Physical Collaborative Network
Advanced Learning Systems and Virtual/Augmented Reality Mentoring
Advanced Wellness, Illness or Injury Recovery and Advanced Self
10.Replace Grid Energy with Clean, Renewable Local Energy Systems
11.Localized Permaculture and Aquaculture Food Production
12.Advanced Semi-Automatic Transport and Secure Home Delivery Network
13.Advanced Recycling Network Resource Reappropriation
14.Cultural Awareness and Development
15.Minimum Community Service Contribution
16.Department of Listening and Assistance
17.Global Real-Time Open Access Mesh Communications Network
18.Advanced Global Resilience and Coherence Network
19.End Insurance, Banking, Stock Trading, Taxation, Superannuation, Military,
Secret Service
20.Facilitate Transition from Ownership to Open Access Time Sharing
1. Skills, Values and Competencies Questionnaire
Starting with a basic personal profile of the new collaborator with name, location
and contacts, this part of the questionnaire will then ask questions that link the
roles, skills, values and our perceived competency at these things we have
created throughout our past, in the present and will create into our future. When
the questions are asked in a specific order we can use the answers to facilitate
extremely in depth, unique and many previously unseen insights into all kinds of
learning pathways across barriers such as time, distance, language and culture.
2. Interests, Dreams and Destiny Questionnaire
The purpose of this section is to help to connect like-minded people to empower
faster distribution of knowledge to the ideal target audiences facilitating greater
inspiration and positive action. If we share our dreams then the system can
match us up with potential collaborators who we can choose to enjoy the things
and experiences we are interested in, as well as reach our dreams faster and in a
more fulfilled journey towards our destiny.
3. Personal Needs, Wants and Issues Questionnaire
Here we empower all collaborators to make it known to the group what they
believe are individual human rights/needs to have open access to. Then there are

Lets ALL Co-Create Our Infinite Future Together

Collaborative Alternative to Democratic Governance of

the things that individuals want access to and chance to identify any personal
issues past, present or future they wish for assistance with.
4. Community Needs, Wants and Issues Questionnaire
Here we empower all collaborators to make it known to the group what they
believe are community human rights/needs to have open access to. Then there
are the things that communities want access to and a chance to identify
community issues past, present or future they wish to address.
5. Environmental Needs, Wants and Issues Questionnaire
Here we empower all collaborators to make it known to the group what they
believe are significant environmental rights/needs to address. Then there are
environmentally responsible guidelines and a chance to identify environmental
issues past, present or future to be dealt with or learned from.
6. Create a Dynamic Data Matrix from the Answers
Using the Keywords identified from answers in the aforementioned 5
questionnaire sections we can create a dynamic data matrix that can be used for
people to request to connect with others who have common interests,
experience, locality, etc. A collaborator who has completed a full profile will be
able to suggest new projects, create new learning pathways, engage advanced
learning pathways, connect with mentors and mentees, help others reach their
goals, request assistance on their own goals, and be engaged in whatever level
of community engagement they feel comfortable with.
7. Digital and Physical Collaborative Network
This network will be an evolving multi-platform system based upon all known
technology and new technology to facilitate an ongoing positive feedback loop.
Interactive virtual and hybrid events to distribute the most advanced sciences
and the most efficient/effective systems of thought to anyone who requests
access. Connected to social media through the Social27 hybrid event systems we
will harvest people away from the Facebook and other out dated media platforms
into the positive purpose driven collaborative network.
8. Advanced Learning Systems and Virtual/Augmented Reality Mentoring
Focus on group learning to co-create new digital learning systems with each
generation of student graduates of every topic. Then the best of the courses are
chosen through the community network and the digital content is then located in
the cloud for real-time distribution anywhere in the world. Intellectual Property
and Copyright will become Creative Commons Open Access with Recognitions
given to contributors.
9. Advanced Wellness, Illness or Injury Recovery and Advanced Self

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Collaborative Alternative to Democratic Governance of

Facilitate Direct Community Intervention in bad health practices to lower the risk
of negative health impacts. This will take into consideration advanced quantum
physics and the nature of physical reality to utilize light, vibration, electricity and
dynamic magnetic fields, ancient herbal remedies, modern health systems,
physical exercise, mental exercise, spiritual exercise, as well as food and liquid
intake to empower each individual to become aware of alternative choices which
fit within their ideal lifestyle at all ages.
10.Replace Grid Energy with Clean, Renewable Local Energy Systems
The Grid Power System is inherently flawed and fragile. A much better and more
efficient system is localized clean and renewable energy such as solar, wave,
dynamic magnetic fields and also plasma dilution reactors as they move from the
science lab into mass production. If everything runs off its own power system
then there is no fear of control, collapse, sabotage or mass maintenance.
11.Localized Permaculture and Aquaculture Food Production
Local Community Teams to facilitate every appropriately consenting occupier to
transform their dwelling, their yard and appropriate community spaces into fully
producing Permaculture and Aquaculture Food and Carbon Capture Systems. This
system will be integrated into the food requests and requirements of the local
community as identified in the wellness section.
12.Advanced Semi-Automatic Transport and Secure Home Delivery Network
Google already has its driverless car registered for road use in at least 2 US
States, while magnetic levitation and vacuum systems have been in use around
the world for many years, and the Keshe plasma dilution reactor can create
dynamic magnetic fields which cause an object inside the field to float or fly
without standard propulsion technology. Put it together and right now on Earth
we have the capability of creating an ultra-fast, semi-automatic transport and
logistical door to door network that is much cleaner, healthier, faster, safer and
more efficient than anything in existence.
13.Advanced Recycling Network Resource Reappropriation
Advances in chemical process understanding at the nano scale as a result of
atomic and sub-atomic research and development now puts humanity in a place
where we can engineer or reverse engineer almost anything we want to occur.
Already there are advanced plastic and metal recycling systems around the
world which can be adapted to new conditions. Another unique idea being
investigated in Singapore is using the salt water brine created by desalination
water treatment plant as a source to harvest heavy metals and other chemicals
which have been previously dissolved into the water.
14.Cultural Awareness and Development
The Initial Questionnaire Sections will empower us to gain incredible insights and
create powerful data visualizations to better understand the various cultures of

Lets ALL Co-Create Our Infinite Future Together

Collaborative Alternative to Democratic Governance of

Earth. Then building upon our existing knowledge and experiences with these
new insights, augmented reality, virtual reality, far superior learning systems,
new scientific understanding and an ultra-fast transport network, we will
collaboratively develop a peaceful path for cultural development at various
15.Minimum Community Service Contribution
At all ages there should be a minimum community service contribution to ensure
the balanced physical and emotional development of all members within the
community. This connectedness will positively enhance every aspect of the
community and individuals in too many ways to comprehend.
16.Department of Listening and Assistance
Everyone needs someone to listen to them and most people require assistance
adapting to change at some point in their lives so it is imperative that there is a
specific department to tend to this. By also facilitating advanced listening and
empathy courses fear of change will dissipate and the global transition will be
smooth, peaceful and collaborative.
17.Global Real-Time Open Access Mesh Communications Network
Communication Technology has been outpacing community uptake for many
years now and the result is that mobile phones and computers that are now
common place are extremely out dated and not compatible with each other. If
humanity was to co-create a globally integrated, real-time, open access
communications network using the best of the best, we would not need
computers as we know them and could interact with the real world and the
digital world simultaneously wherever we go, without body implants, in much the
same way as we act normally. Also every human being on Earth could choose if
they want access and how visible they want to be on the network in addition to
trillions of networked smart devices.
18.Advanced Global Resilience and Coherence Network
There is currently a great deal of advanced research and development in seeking
to understand the environment at every level of the reality we see from, and
experience upon Earth. What is already resulting is a complex data set which can
be visualized and analysed to identify patterns that signify causes and effects,
early warning and even advanced prediction and prevention of significant
events. If we continue in this direction but put more time and resources into it,
we can quickly facilitate a much more effective recovery of environmental
19.End Insurance, Banking, Stock Trading, Taxation, Superannuation, Military,
Secret Service
To complete all of these advanced projects we require a massive workforce
transition away from the most limiting industries, the main component is Money

Lets ALL Co-Create Our Infinite Future Together

Collaborative Alternative to Democratic Governance of

and Debt Related and followed closely by the military and secret service. Most
people working within these industries have amazing minds which are capable of
much more than dreaming up non-relevant laws and numbers to manipulate
others. Please encourage them to define new roles in support of facilitating
responsible abundance.
20.Facilitate Transition from Ownership to Open Access Time Sharing
It is imperative that as a species we begin to focus on efficiency, effectiveness
and appropriateness in our design and manufacturing processes. We can no
longer sustain our throw-away consumer mentality and so we should choose to
make better quality things that we share with each other. This requires an open
access time sharing system that spans every industry, all tools, all services, all
time, all spaces and most things. Such a system will quickly facilitate global
responsible abundance.
NEXT STEPS: Share this information

Enrol with Our Infinite Future as a Collaborator by speaking with Luke.

Remove yourself from the Commonwealth with a Notice to Government
Stop Paying Tax, Rates, Fines and Debts, as well as Cancel Insurance and
Bank Accounts
Co-ordinate Mass Actions to Stop Using the Monetary System and Ignore
- Share introductory videos and DVDs with everyone
- Invite International Tourists for Group $0 Holidays
- Travel Nationally and Promote Local Days of Strategic $0 Action
- Travel Internationally to Strategic Trading Partners to Promote Local
Days of $0 Action
- Repudiation of Debt Obligations at all levels
- Cancellation of Ongoing Monetary Transactions
- Flash Events to Promote $0 Action

Lets ALL Co-Create Our Infinite Future Together

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