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A = 1st season

B = 2nd Season
C = 3rd Season
B 1. Journey to Babel - The perfect episode.
B 2. The Trouble With Tribbles - Comedy classic.
A 3. City on the Edge of Forever - Kirk has to choose.
B 4. Mirror, Mirror - Full duration in the Agony Booth.
B 5. Amok Time - Spock in heat.
A 6. Space Seed - Khan with a mult racial crew, unlike the later film.
B 7. The Doomsday Machine - A machine that eats planets.
A 8. Balance of Terror - Submarine warfare.
A 9. What Are Little Girls Made Of? - What is life?
B 10. A Piece of the Action - Fizzbin.
A 11. Devil in the Dark - An interesting beast.
A 12. The Enemy Within - "I said, "'Give me the Brandy!'"
C 13. The Tholian Web - Shatner's 3rd season ham is cut to 10 minutes.
A 14. The Galileo Seven - Spock's first command
B 15. Friday's Child - A flawed, but complete episode
B 16. The Immunity Syndrome - Who says single-cell organisms must be microscopic
A 17. The Man Trap - The Salt Vampire
C 18. Ellan of Troyius - Will Kirk spank her?
C 19. The Enterprise Incident - Shatner's hammy 3rd season acting actually helps
A 20. Dagger of the Mind - Beware psychiatry
B 21. I, Mudd - Mudd has taste.
A 22. The Naked Time - Not as naughty as it sounds.
A 23. The Menagerie - Is illusion better than reality?
A 24. Errand of Mercy - The Mind Ripper.
B 25. The Gamesters of Triskelion - Whip marks galore.
A 26. Operation-Annihilate - Cells the size of pancakes.

A 27. Shore Leave - Just like it sounds.

A 28. Arena - That boulder had to hurt.
A 29. The Conscience of the King - A drum, a drum, Shatner doth come.
A 30. Charlie X - Hormone God.
B 31. Bread and Circuses - Roman world.
B 32. Assignment: Earth - There's got to be more to that cat.
B 33. By Any Other Name - How come the galactic barrier didn't turn anyone into
gods this time?
B 34. Obsession - Blood cloud.
B 35. Wolf in the Fold - Scotty gets blood on his hands.
A 36. Miri - As usual, the female guest star falls for our brave captain, though
even for Kirk, she's too young.
B 37. The Ultimate Computer - A black computer genius... genius!
B 38. Metamorphosis - A very selfish cloud.
A 39. Court Martial - Just like it sounds.
C 40. Day of the Dove - Swashbuckling fun.
C 41. Wink of an Eye - H.G. Well's New Accelerator on the Enterprise.
B 42. Patterns of Force - Nazi World (much gnashing of teeth)
A 43. This Side of Paradise - Flower power.
A 44. Mudd's Women - Not as fun as I Mudd.
A 45. Where No Man Has Gone Before - Really primitive fun.
B 46. The Deadly Years - Don't get old.
C 47. Whom Gods Destroy - Whom the writer destroys.
B 48. A Private Little War - Spock begs Nurse Chapel to beat him.
A 49. Tomorrow Is Yesterday - Fighter pilot meets little green man.
B 50. Return to Tomorrow - Have no fear, Sargon is here.
C 51. Plato's Stepchildren - Inter-racial kiss. Horse riding, too.
C 52. Is There in Truth No Beauty? - Kirk fails to seduce!
B 53. Who Mourns For Adonais? - Who mourns for the viewer?
A 54. A Taste of Armageddon - Kirk threatens to destroy the planet, unless he ge
ts his way.

A 55. The Squire of Gothos - "Are you challenging me to a duel?"

C 56. That Which Survives - Cat Woman must touch Kirk.
A 57. Return of the Archons - Bill Gates runs a planet.
A 58. The Alternative Factor - No comment.
A 59. The Corbomite Maneuver - Opey's little brother's acting peak.
B 60. The Changeling - Kirk is mistaken for God, again.
B 61. Catspaw - Halloween fun.
C 62. Spector of the Gun - Our guys shouldn't be doing a Western.
C 63. For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky - McCoy gets a good par
t, at least.
B 64. The Apple - Watch out for the Yeoman's high kick!
C 65. The Way to Eden - Groovy.
C 66. Let This Be Your Last Battlefield - Would have been just as good in black
and white.
C 67. All Our Yesterdays - Spock falls for coffee selling vixen.
C 68. Turnabout Intruder - Kirk files his nails on the bridge.
C 69. The Mark of Gideon - Moral Majority planet.
C 70. The Lights of Zetar - Creepiness saves this from oblivion.
C 71. The Cloud Minders - Nice scenes with Spock and teen gal, otherwise...
C 72. The Paradise Syndrome - Kirk, Indian medicine man (grrr....)
C 73. Spock's Brain - Camp, and bad camp, too.
C 74. The Savage Curtain - Good title wasted on sub comic fare.
C 75. The Empath - Should a whole society be judged by one individual. Yes, acco
rding to this ep.
C 76. The Omega Glory - "Oh, say can you see..." Not from here, no.
C 77. Requiem For Methuselah - Kirk risks ship for android lady. Yes, it's that
C 78. And the Children Shall Lead - No comment.

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