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| Which of the fotlowing ean both rabbits and plants do? eat grow breathe in and out move from place to place 2. What part of the plant helps it to wke in mineral salts? the _ __ AL root B. stem Cleat D. bud ram below shows a flower e Iulfase it fo answer question 3 3. What partis labelled © ‘petal 8. sepat ©. stigma ».— stamen gnergy and 5, Whieh statement is ue about the man in the chain? He _ A. makes his own food B. depends on pisnts for food C.— docs not eat cther animals D. does not get energy Irom the sun What is the correct order of the movement af energy in the chain? . A. sun man-roit-Fplant BL man-trabbit-»piant~tsun C.sun-9man-p\ani-drabbit B. sunr>plam-Fabbit man For plants te make starch, which of is of things is necdeil? A. heat, iron, mineral B. air, heat, irom C. air, light, wate D. light, minecal, water Which of these takes air into the ' body? 4. eve | B beat | C. stumach | D. — windpipe | 8. To which of the following can the hinge joint be compared? a zipper being closed a spinning wheel a flog being raised 2 door being opened and closed pos> saver faur children, ‘Chavt xbowing some characteristics of cis can 290 tonge calnofroll (augue / urinal, brown black ANN MARY JANE SHARON 8. Which of these descriptions fits Ann? A. black eyes, can roll tongue brown eyes, car: roll tongue black eyes, cannot roll tongue brown eyes, cannot roll tongue tiny 40, Foom the geaph, whicis is true about girls and boys, as they graw older They _ AL need more food B. become healthier C. increase in body mass D. have the sate body mass Which of the following BEST shows thot a boy is growing inte aa adolescent? A. He stoy 8 growing, B. He becomes more astive. C. He begins to produce eggs. D. His voice becomes deeper Which of the following is the nutrient in a mango? AL fats protein C. wate: 1 sugar is diagram to answer cucstion 13, boxes opening Plaoes X and ¥ are grown under conditions except for the boxes which cover them. opening 15 13. Why is plant X different from plant v? It got less _ = A. light BD. water C. space D. minerals [Foot | trunk branches | 15 ‘The table below shows the nureber of animals found ws different parts of 8 tree, Which pit of the t animal paputation’ A. branches B. leaves Cc wenk D. rots Which of these is an example of an igneous reek? A. shale B. merble CC. granite D. sandstone To. What type of soil is por C most likely to contain? AL clay B. sand C.mad D. loam Whiich of the following is an example of a push? A. stretching a rubber band 3. forcing a stone up a hill ©. pulling a toy car by a string D. using your hand to pick a mango 1k. Which of these is most likely to cause a vase to fall to the floor? . pravity B. sound mass light t sustaldy fie Mr Jones to use (0 yet on io his row? Fi. acres C. an iron wedye D, an inclined plane Use the divgran to an Liz. and Suc used their fin Piece of steel (6 stratels diferent ( rocks. The results are showa belo. [ganic | | ‘halle sandstone 20. Which rocks in the table wore the hardest 10 be scratched? A. granite and fiat B.chalic and gx C. sandstone ans chalk D. flint and sanxlstone 21. Why are motor bikes, washing and sewing machines called complex machines? ‘They are made up of A. only large paris Bo afevr pans S,tWo oF more machines D. only one nexehine Which of the followin machines is ost suitable for lifting mixied eonerete 10 the top of a building? A D. —_ iam below to answer question Wto answer question “hich simple machine is us aise the flag in the diapram’ A. serew i pulley ©. inclined plone 8. wheel and axle ‘Joe andl Jim were pushing: « bos trom fither end, as shown in the atiagrane, Phe box did not move. 24. What caused the exe 1 remain fixed? As Joe was pushing with a greater force Jim was pushing with » Weaker fore ©. Joe nad Jin we with equal force D. Joe and Jim were proshing in the same direction, © Pushing 25. Which word best dk iron bel is by ribes ted and guts bigger AL contiacis Bo expands, CG rettects De retiacts 26, What is the erm used to desezibe a degree a hotness and coldness nF the bods? AL heat B. cold © temporsnes B. thermometer tos. Iran sees steane 1 £ boiling water. What does the s Ach 2 A. liquid to gas B. gas to liquid ©. solid to liquid D. liquid to solid 28. Which of these groups contains ONLY. goud conductors of heat? A. tin, zine, iron 8, wood, stone, lead C. water, plastic, wood D. concrete, woud, plastic: Use tus diagram to unewer question 29, Datloon = — botite J hot waier There is no water in the bottle, but there 's Hot water in the container. What is most likely to happen te the balloon? Movi | 4. becomes smaller BK. increase in size ©. fall into the bottle D. be filled with water 6 The diagenra vopeesenty s water eecte Use it to ansiver sprestinn 40, eRe ol rain 30. Which o7 these price 15 plat ax? AL absorption B. conduction ©. comibustio» D.craparation Three candies were lit. “fw were covered 's of differeat sizes and the other was left uncovered, ‘The flame of candle Lt wont out frst, Bo Which of th happened? Foltownay telly why this AL The jar putt on, B. The jar was too thiek ©. The jar had less oxyyen D. All die air was used up whut : hy 35, What sappens aval reach the nerves in the caw! As St pmeses to the dace spall Bt passes te the onan CH gous to the other car D. This transferred to the e: Which of the Savetied sections 36. What is the purpose of avast of the represent gas? nateriats whicl ate asd in constructing » tecording studio A. ottle and bubble B. water and boitie They C.airond water D. bubble and air A, make th: reom moe appeslir B. make your voice more melodious By which of the following ate ©. absorty sourds so that there sounds produced? are no echines int the room, D. keep out prying eyes AL reflection B, vibration C.expansion D. contraction Which of these instruments ae shaken to produce sound? A, B. G D. belt, tambourine pian, dram violin, pisses guitar, horn 37. Which part vibrator as soun enters the ene? bo coat Boo Which of the following is a vind Use tite diagram below to ansever instrument? questions 4 anil 42, guitar ae cymbal DDD ee recorder oa tra aes tn gene tambourine so . 41. Which o the following do the Four marbles, the same sixes, were dropped from the same height on to ditterent surfaces, 30, Which surface would MOST. LIKELY produce the softest sound? * The "2, AL tiled B. tuber C.— conerete D. wooden Phe diagram shows four botttes with 43 different amounts of water. 4). Which of the bottes woutd produce 44 ‘he highest pitely when some slows 108s its opening? a b, anrows yy 16] AL howthe brnia works B. size of the pinna Ce appearanc: of te ears D. paths of sound wave ‘What do the citcles repesent? AL parts of Cie car Bo the brain Cc ewwas D. sound Trehoes are hewrei in al teom, Why does ths imply pen? AL absorbs B. refleel c refractit 1. iransmiite What is the coiled gart in the ear called? aidan widiters ve Which of these tell; vibrates when a hix! is produced? how an object 49, pitched sound AL slowly B. rapidly C. smoothly D. —imvegularly In which scetion of the ear is the 50, anvil found? A. outer ear B. inner ear C. middle ear D. outer and middle ear Which of the following tells the function of the auditory nerve? 51, A, interprets the signals for us to understand what we hear B. carries nerve signals to a special part of the brain C. helps to gather sound from all directions 1D. causes the eardrum to vibrate Earth's main source of light comes from the oe 52 A. planets B. moon Co stars D. sen Which of these takes a the eye to the besins? ssages from optic nerve B. retina pupil D. lens From which of the following: docs the moon reflect Hight? The AL sea Byun C. cloud D. mountain Which word best describes an object which ailows light to pass through it, so (hat things can be clearly visible ‘opaque transluvent PD. Gansparent Why does a pair of scissors appear shiny? [cis mae from material which A, isshary B absorb: lily c rofleets Hight b went Why isa person abie to see an he eyes have Ligh The object has light. Light comes from the eyes to the abject. dD. Light wavels to the object then to the eyes. “| Which statement about light is true? A. Light cannot be blocked from an object B. Ali types of light are natural Light travels in a straight fine, D. Light is blocked by transparent objects. low isa diavram of the eye. ei ta answer question iris ens retina optic nerve Burin shundersionn vou. sve Bghining first, then you heay tivrudey, A. Light and sound tavel at the same rate Ho Light teyvels faster than souncl. C. Sound is eased by tight BD. Light is sensed by sound. $7. questi sight bulb pivee 2¢ woul Which of the following hest slesoribes what is: happening in the diagram? A. ‘The wood 's too thick for the Light rays: B. The light ray the wooul, ‘The woud 's allowing light rays to pass through it. DL The bight rays ate too weak 40 puss through dee wood are blocked by | 5 59. Which of the following diagrams BEST represents man’s field of Vision? AL eye Tend transparent opaque translucent absorbent Jane is ina brightly lit roam. What will happen to the pupils of her eyes if the light is tuned off? They will remain the sane get smatler disappear get bigge=

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