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Twin Drama

It was September, the leaves were colouring up in the most exquisite ways. The weather
was nice and Veronique had just finished classes. She was currently in her second year of
university, studying to be an editor. It was fairly warm out and the sky was clear, allowing the
sun rays to warm her face. She decided that she was in no rush to get home so she chose to walk
to Starbucks, which was on the way to her house, to get coffee and then continue walking home.
Little did she know that life as she knew it was about to take a wild turn.
A dangerous predator was making her way through a crowd of innocent people who had
no idea their life could become endangered at any moment. As Veronique was about to turn a
corner which would lead her to a cross-walk someone bumped into her and caused her to fall
down. She wondered who was to blame for not paying attention to where they were walking. As
she looked up, she froze.
This could not be happening to her. Was this some sick joke that she wasnt in on? She
was looking straight into a pair of familiar eyes. Her own eyes. This was impossible! She didnt
have a sister...So how could anyone explain the undeniable resemblance? She noticed the hand
that was about to help her up stop half-way, hanging mid-air between them.
So The word froze on the other brunettes lips, disbelief and shock clearly displayed
on her perfect face.
There was one thing she lacked in comparison to this beautiful strange girl: her
flawlessness. The other cleared her throat several times and picked up where she left off.
Sorry! she said, apologetic but puzzled. My name is Lydia. Here. She said,
extending her hand to help her up. As Veronique grabbed Lydias hand, she couldnt help noting
the coldness of it. It felt as if Lydia had spent an hour playing in the snow. The odd thing was

that it was summer and the air around them was humid and stifling. She refused to pursue that
thought, realizing she may not want to know the answer to the mystery.
Thanks, she responded politely. Im Veronique.
Lydia expression changed to one of mild curiosity. Veronique. Sorry if I sound like Im
prying, but Im wondering where you are heading off to. Its just that the resemblance between
us is uncanny and Id like to figure out why that is. I doubt that its mere coincidence. Could we
chat for a bit? she asked.
Actually, I was just heading to Starbucks which is right across the street to get coffee.
Care to join me? I wouldnt mind the company. She didnt understand why she felt so at ease
around a complete stranger, but the resemblance probably played a large part in it.
Sure! Id like that.
They crossed the street, entered the coffee shop and ordered two mochas, both grande.
Once they were seated, Veronique noticed that Lydias skin tone was a lot lighter than hers; she
looked almost as pale as a ghost. As Veronique looked back up to her eyes, she noticed they
became black. How could that be? She was absolutely positive that just a few minutes ago they
were identical to her green ones. She let it go thinking the colour change must be attributed to
the weak lighting in the room. She realized she was wasting time that could be used to find out
more about her potential relative. She started firing questions at Lydia, ranging from information
about her past to her interests. After finding out as much as she could, she felt like Lydia was
hiding something. She noticed the way some questions were answered with only a vague
response. She knew for sure she was missing some kind of detail; she wasnt sure what but
promised herself that she would find out soon enough. She was giving more information about
herself than she was getting in return. She pretty much told Lydia her whole past. What was
troubling her was the fact that she felt so at ease. This was so unlike her; Veronique had always

been known as a shy and detached individual. She never really let herself get close to anyone.
She had this odd theory that if she let herself get attached to someone, she would get hurt. The
only person she let her walls down for was her mother.
She was brought back to the present as Lydia called her name. Veronique? Are you
listening to me? Lydia asked.
She blinked and fidgeted, feeling guilty for zoning out. Im sorry. What were you
I said, do you want to meet up later so we can finish our conversation? the girl across
from her repeated.
Unfortunately, I cant meet up again today. I have to make a run to school to hand in an
assignment thats due this afternoon. I cant afford to miss the deadline. She was already
stressing out as it was getting late and she had to leave in just under 45 minutes.
Look...How about you give me your phone number? This way, I can check my planner
and call you to let you know when we can meet up. This was a safe way to keep in touch. How
dangerous could Lydia be, anyway? Its not like she was a psycho serial killer looking for
innocent people to prey on. She looked harmless.
Umm...yeah. I guess thats fine. She took out a pen and a post-it and wrote down her
number for her. Here. Call me when you get a chance and we can meet up.

Lydias Point of View:

This morning was interesting. The highlight of it was running into my long lost twin.
Literally. We agreed that I would give me a call when Im free to see if shes available and, in
the case where she isnt, she would let me know her schedule so I could work around it.

A mouth-watering scent hit my senses and drew me out of my reverie. I was struck with
the realization that I was extremely hungry. I almost lost control earlier and I couldnt afford that
with witnesses present. That would have definitely caused a scene. I didnt much care about the
loss of lives. In my long existence, I have had my share of run-ins with death, some of them
which I had been responsible for...Right now, I needed to hunt if I wanted to retain my feeble
grasp on self-control.
Back to what I was saying earlier. Luke, an old friend of mine, learned about my twin a
few centuries ago. He told me that if I happened to come across her, I needed to inform him. He
was a freak. His favourite hobby was the study of human behaviour. He needed some new labanimals, as he called them, to experiment on. I really wasnt interested in whom he wanted to
torture next. What angered me was that he was putting my existence in danger by adding to the
list of Missing humans. As if the lives I took werent enough! I couldnt afford to die. I was
finally living a happy life. I had everything I wanted: independence, money, and immortality.
Friends were not part of that because when you lived forever, youd never really keep in touch
with anyone. I loved being alone so it suited me. Money was the one thing I treasured. The more
money I could spend, the more beautiful I would look. I was vain, but so what? I needed to look
the part if I was to attract my prey. The majority of my victims were males. Back when I was
human, I dated this player who ruined my life. Since then, Ive been holding a grudge against the
male species.
As I walked around the city, I came across this pool bar that most guys choose as a
getaway from their real life. They would play, fight, get drunk, etc. That was the way they lived
their lives. Pathetic, isnt it? As I entered, I noticed all guys giving me a once over, seeming
satisfied with my looks. I was dressed in a mini skirt and a black t-shirt with the word Sexy

across my bust, in pink letters, revealing a large amount of cleavage. I noticed a guy heading
towards me with a smug look on his face.
Hey, baby! Where have you been all my life? His failed attempt at a pick-up line
amused me. I was tempted to answer him with an Avoiding you! but my hunger was more
important than my ego at the moment. I tried to hide my distaste, because he was the perfect guy
for tonight; I knew that no one would miss him.
Hello to you, too, handsome! That was a complete lie, but judging by his smile, I could
tell he completely bought it. Might as well get this over with before I lose my appetite. You
want to go somewhere more private? How about we take a walk? I winked, took his hand and
dragged him outside. I brought him to an alley which he didnt find at all unusual. This must not
be his first time on the marry-go-round; I shouldnt have even been surprised.
So, are we going to have some fun or what? He smirked, and I replied with one of my
own, showing off my extended fangs in the dim moonlight.
Sweetheart, I assure you, there wont be any fun in it for you! But I will try my best to
enjoy every minute of it! I said. My monster side must have taken over completely because in
less than a few seconds, he became as pale as a sheet.
W-WH-WHAT ARE YOU? His heart rate picked up and he oozed fear from all pores.
Poor lad... This only made it that much harder for me to restrain myself, and since it took too
much energy trying to keep cool, I decided to let go and unleashed the monster within.
Say goodbye to your life, baby The last word came out as growl as I attacked. I bit
down on his jugular but made sure to cover his mouth first, so he wouldnt be able to call for
help. His scream would wake up the neighbourhood, and we dont want to attract any unwanted
attention now, do we? I knew he was too weak to overpower my body which had him pinned

against the cement wall; he didnt stand a chance. To anyone looking into the alley, we mustve
looked like a couple having some fun, so no one would look twice.
By the time I was done with him, my appetite was sated. His body was so mangled; it
was almost impossible to distinguish much of anything. I discarded his corpse like the piece of
trash it was and took off without a backward glance.
Two days later
Today, I got a call from Veronique and told her to meet me at the intersection of Dufferin
and Bloor Street West. The plan would be that I would lead her to Lukes warehouse and he
could take over from there. I really didnt care what he was going to do with her. She was just a
human anyway. There are billions of them on Earth, whats one less? I bet that if there werent as
many a few hundred years ago, climate change might never have happened. Thats what I call
looking on the bright side of things!
It was already 5 pm. To pass the time, I just watched the news to make sure no one found
out about my latest victim. Nobody had reported anything. Turns out I was right; he was a
lowlife with no friends and nobody to care for him. Maybe if he had a different attitude and some
good pick-up lines, he might have been likeable. There was one thing I focused on while hunting
and that was picking out the weeds. If there were weeds, why choose the flowers? I took the last
half hour to get ready and make myself look presentable because after I finished up with
Veronique and Luke, I was going hunting again. I wasnt gonna make the same mistake as last
time and wait so long. I already felt the burn at the back of my throat and it was best to quench it.
I walked a few blocks to the meeting spot and noticed Veronique was already there.
Hey! Did I keep you waiting for long? I put on the mask that prevented everyone from
seeing the real me, because I assure you, if they did, they would not like what they were seeing.

Hi! No, you didnt. I got here a couple of minutes ago. She answered but I had the
impression she knew something wasnt right. Damn that feminine intuition, it ruins everything.
Well then, we should get going. I smiled and lead the way east. Lukes warehouse was
not far from Bloor Street. It was about 10 minutes away.
Where exactly are we going? she asked confused. You never did mention it.
We arent going anywhere. My friend wanted to meet you, so Im taking you to his
place. The hunger was getting the best of me. I never could be patient with people who asked
many questions and since I was hungry, it was even worse.
Im not meeting anyone right now, especially not a guy. Im not even dressed for it.
Plus, I dont really get along with the opposite gender. Well, at least we had one thing in
common. We both disliked males. However, I still needed her to come with me because Luke
made it crystal clear he wanted her. He said he would reward me and there was no way I was
about to miss out on whatever he wanted to give me.
Oh yes you are! Your clothes dont matter under the circumstances. Understand? I
hissed, anger threatening to overflow. My eyes were probably coal-black. I hated when humans
didnt follow my orders. One more question, and I will make her regret talking back to me.
Y-yeah. I saw the colour drain from her face. Thats right human, fear me! I wondered
if she finally realized I wasnt an ordinary human being. For one, my eyes change colour and that
is not normal, and second, no human can hiss like a vampire. They may try sounding fierce, but
they only end up sounding like an angry kitten that can be kicked away with the lightest of
touches. She was compelled to follow me. We were nearing the cemetery that was the only
passage to the courthouse. I noticed dark clouds floating above. It seemed there was going to be

a storm tonight. Disappointment overtook me as I thought about my expensive outfit getting wet.
We were walking on a narrow path and a black cat caught my eye. It was walking across a grave.
I recognized the grave as the one dedicated to my memory. I was flooded with all these
memories from my past life that I worked so hard to bury and felt all the control I had slipping
away. The fury that overtook me was too strong and I attacked the nearest thing to me.
Unfortunately, that was Veronique. I drained her and when I was finished I began realizing what
I had done. Oh cruel fate, why couldnt I have been spared all this. Now I had to hide her body
for fear of someone finding her. I dug a hole with my sharp nails and dumped her body in it, then
covered it up again. I ran as far away as possible and found myself at Lukes. After explaining
what happened, we took off without a trace. Another mistake, another place. Life must go on.
Veroniques Point of View:
I woke up and realized I was lying on a bed in a strange room. I had a killer headache and no
recollection of anything that happened. The last thing I remember is running into someone and
being knocked to the ground. There was a mysterious and unknown hunger bothering me. I got
up to look at the calendar and noticed that I had been unconscious for a week with no knowledge
of the passing of time. The only clue I discovered was a York University poster on the door. I
must have come here to drop off my latest assignment and passed out. I guess everything else
will remain an unsolved mystery.

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