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Legal-/ lil/-if something is legal, you are allowed to do it or have to do it

by law-, ; , ;legal
person- , legal adviser/exxpert- ; legal
profesion- ; legal department- ;
legal action- , ; legal costs ; legal decesion- , legal
proceedengs against smb-
to take legal advice- /
2. concerned with or relating to the law-, ,
legal government-/ ; legal
owner/ n /- ; The driver was more than three
times over the legal limit (= the amount of alcohol you are allowed to have
in your body when you are driving).
2. Regular-/rejl/-1,happening every hour, every week, every month etc,
usually with the same amount of time in between-,
, The company holds regular meetings
with employees. . 2.happening or doing something very often- ,
a regular occurrence/ krns /-/
; regular customer-
3. Correct-/ krekt/- having no mistakes- If my calculations are correct,
we're about 10 miles from Exeter. correct calculation
/; he first ten correct answers will win a prize.
4. employed -/ mpld/-with a job-/
5. polite-/ plat/- having or showing good manners and respect for the
feelings of others-, She's always very polite; It's
not polite to talk with your mouth full; a clear but polite request,
6. patient-/ pent/- able to wait for a long time or accept annoying behaviour
or difficulties without becoming angry-, ,
7. legible-/ ledbl/- written or printed clearly enough for you to read, , ( , ,
.) legible handwriting; The signature was still legible.
8. Honest-/ nst/- 1,someone who is honest always tells the truth and does
not cheat or steal- an honest man/woman 2, showing an honest
mind or attitude-, an honest face- ; Do
you want my honest opinion?; Let's be honest: the only reason she married
him was for his money
9. Responsible-/ rspnsbl/- if someone is responsible for an accident,
mistake, crime etc, it is their fault or they can be blamed-,
Who's responsible for this mess?; Even where parents no longer live
together, they each continue to be responsible for their children;
10.Visible- / vzbl /-something that is visible can be seen-, ,
Most stars are not visible to the naked eye.-

11.Pack-/ pk/- to put things into cases, bags etc ready for a trip somewhere . I haven't packed my suitcase yet.
12.Appear-/ p/-1. to start to be seen- A bus appeared around the
corner; A man suddenly appeared from behind a tree.2. to take part in a
film, play, concert, television programme etc- (
, . ), ) He has
appeared in over 60 movies.; Next month he will be appearing as Obama in
a new play on Broadway.
13.Charge-/ td/- to ask someone for a particular amount of money for
something you are selling- The restaurant charged us 40
for the wine.
14.Overdo -/ vdu/- 1 overdo something- , /
She really overdid the sympathy (= and so did not seem
sincere). - /
; don't overdo it- ! ! 2. to
work too hard or be too active so that you become tired-/
/ ( )
15.misunderstand-/ msndstnd/- to fail to understand someone or
something correctly- Don't misunderstand me-
I am grateful for all you've done.; if I have not misunderstood
16.misread-/ msrid/- to read something incorrectly- I
misread the 1 as a 7; 2. to make a wrong judgment about a person or
situation- . , I think
she misread the situation-
break- a period of time when you stop working in order to rest, eat etc;
a short holiday- , coffee/tea break- /
lets have/take a break-, ;
Let's take a ten-minute break. we had e weekend break in new-york- -
18.possible-/ psbl/- if something is possible, it can be done or achieved [, Is it possible to
get tickets for the game? It is possible to get there by bus. 2 a possible
event or thing might happen or exist-, ,
a possible future president; the possible side effects of the drug 3. a possible answer, cause
etc might be true-. , There are several possible
explanations- ; that's one possible
solution to the problem- -
; there are four possible canditates for the job-
19.relate-/rlet/-if you relate two different things, you show how they are
connected- I found it difficult to relate the two ideas in my

20.Concern-/ knsn/-f a story, book, report etc concerns someone or

something, it is about them-, this doesn't concern you
at all- , Don't interfere in what doesn't
concern you.
21.Interfere-/ ntf/- to deliberately get involved in a situation where you are
not wanted or needed [= meddle]-, , ,
, . , I wish my
mother would stop interfering and let me make my own decisions; She has
no right to interfere in her son's marriage; The US was accused of
interfering in China's internal affairs.
22.Annoy-/ n/- to make someone feel slightly angry and unhappy about
something [= irritate]-, ,
It really annoys me when I see people dropping litter; She
annoyed him with her stupid questions.

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