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Philly Statement on the Recent Incident at Temple University

August 22, 2014

On August 20th, an unfortunate incident occurred on Temple University's campus
that involved a physical altercation between two students. Some of the details are
disputed, but what is known is this:

A Jewish student employed by the pro-Israel media watchdog CAMERA approached
a table staffed by members of Temple's Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)
chapter during a campus activities fair. A heated exchange about Palestine/Israel
ensued between the student, Daniel Vessal, and SJP members. The largely female
leadership of SJP allege that Vessal revisited the table several times to engage in
anti-Palestinian harassment, while Vessal claims he was attempting a civil debate.

Rhetoric escalated and tempers flared until which point an unnamed male student
who SJP members say is formally unaffiliated with the group slapped Vessal in the
face. Vessal then reported to a far-right news blog associated with the Islamophobic
David Horowitz Freedom Center that SJP members had deployed anti-Semitic slurs
in the aftermath of the fight. SJP has denied this allegation and issued a statement
condemning the attack and underscoring its continued opposition to anti-Semitism.

In the wake of this incident, Hillel of Greater Philadelphia issued a statement that
reproduced Vessal's version of events as reported in the Horowitz-affiliated media
and called on Temple's administration to "initiate disciplinary procedures against
Students for Justice In Palestine."

We at Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) Philadelphia condemn the use of violence against
Vessal by the unnamed student, while expressing deep concern that the incident is
being manipulated by pro-Israel groups in an attempt to smear the reputation of
Temple SJP and suppress their campus activities. A fuller investigation into the issue
is warranted and statements issued to/by bloggers known to push a virulently anti-
Palestinian agenda should not be accepted at face value.

JVP Philly members have worked closely with the leadership of Temple SJP over the
years. In that time, SJP members have displayed a clear understanding of the
distinction between Jewishness and Israel/Zionism. They have been consistent in
their condemnations of anti-Jewish racism and we find the accusations of anti-
Semitism leveled against the group to be far-fetched, to say the least.

The media and political spin surrounding this incident are exemplary of a
nationwide campaign, spearheaded by pro-Israel groups, to shut down pro-
Palestinian and pro-equality activism on college campuses. The recent upsurge of
this type of activity--involving both political and legal pressures--is a symptom of
the desperation of right-wing groups at a moment when the immorality of Israel's
occupation and military assaults on Palestinian society is more evident than ever.

We stand with SJP and condemn cynical efforts to leverage this latest unfortunate
incident for political purposes.

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