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Torture Archive

February 2015

Nadim Center
for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence

Sunday 1 February
Amnesty International:
Security authorities hold 500 people in unofficial prisons. Interrogators threatened

4 young men detained from their homes in Mansoura

Belal Ashraf El Baqlawi, 18 years old, Mohamed

Shoka, 18 years, Ahmed Saad Mahmud, 17 years, all
students and Ahmed El Shahat arrested and subjected
to severe torture to confess to responsibility for
Mansoura bomb.

Death in Rod El Farag police station

Rod El Farag police station warden: The deceased died of diabetic coma inside the station.
Family of the deceased accuse police of killing their relative claiming he has been subjected
to torture for three days accused of belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Torture of an elderly in Kafr El Dawar

Eyewitnesses confirm that security forces in Kafr El Dawar city in Beheira governorate have
arrested Helmi Abdel Fattah, 65 years old among a large number of people accusing them
of torching an electric station in the villages surrounding the city, disrupting performance of
state institutions and toppling the regime. Helmi is a diabetic patient, has several disc
prolapses and had undergone several surgeries for fixation. His wife confirms that he was
subjected to beatings and torture by Kafr El Dawar police station officers and denied

Citizen shot by police before disappearing

Family of citizen Anwar Abdelrahman Elazumi, 43 years, contractor, claimed that he was
detained by Egyptian police and taken to an unknown location. The family added that a
security force broke into his house in the district of Agami, Alexandria, without a search or
arrest warrant, aggressed his wife, tore the veil off her head, electrocuted Asem, his 17
year old son and when the father protested he was shot in the foot and taken away. The
whereabouts and charges of the father remain unknown.

Hunger strike protesting torture

Detainees in Shebin Elkom general prison in Menufeya governorate, Delta, begin hunger
strike today protesting maltreatment and torture by prison administration. Police personnel
accused of torture by detainees include officers Mohamed Hawam and Ahmed Abdelmabud
and informants Mohamed Nagi and Mostafa Elbarbari. Families of detainees Omar Yasin
and Mohamed Mansour hold prison authorities responsible for the safety of their relatives
and appeal to human rights organizations for support.

Mansoura I police station and Talkha police station

Lawyers claim that detainees in police stations are subjected to torture to force them to
confess to crimes they did not commit. The torture according to the lawyers has been going
on for three days and some of the detainees had to be carried to the prosecution.

Basateen police station, Cairo

Defense lawyers say that 4 wives are being tortured in Basateen police station to confess to
the whereabouts of their husbands.

Zaqaziq security camps

Security forces beat detainees during their interrogation by the prosecution.

Mansoura I police station

Severe torture of detainees by chief intelligence officer Sherif Abulnaga and his assistant
officer Mohamed Heit, resulting in severe injuries among detainees. Some of them have
been arrested several days ago and have not yet been summoned to the prosecution as
well as denied contact with their lawyers.

2 February
Officer beats prosecutor for refusing to interrogate tortured detainees.
The detainees have been arrested from Nubareyya and brutally tortured in security
headquarters in Damanhour. Eyewitness says the prosecutor refused to interrogate them in
view of the obvious signs of torture on their bodies. As a result the state security office
present aggressed and slapped him in front of those present.

SOS from inside Tora prison

My name is Hassan Ali Ahmed, 29 years, diploma of commerce. I was transferred from
Basateen police station to Tora investigation prison on the 12th of October 2012. Head of
intelligence officer in Basateen police station Khaled Abdelmoneim El Demerdash, and the
head of intelligence officer in Tora prison Ahmed Ismail and his assistant Ashraf Khafaga
gave orders to the informers in prison to torture me. They beat me, broke my left arm and
sexually assaulted me causing me an anal fissure.

I am held in high security ward (1). An informer by the name of Sabry tortured me more
than one and when I asked him why are you doing this he said because you are a criminal.
I told him I have not been found guilty. He said I dont care. I have orders to torture you. I
told him I am dying and my arm is broken. He told me if you want to stop the beating you
have to pay me 500 pounds every visit you receive. I had no other way out. But now my
father is dead and I have no one to get the money from so they are torturing me again,
assaulting me again. They make me drink this mixture of water, oil, salt, washing powder,
milk and tobacco. It makes us vomit a lot. Sometimes for two days. Several inmates have
died because of drinking this mixture, such as Hassan Orabi (26 years, cell 11A) in March
2013 and Ahmed Gamal (27 years, cell 8b) in May 2013 and Ahmed Koshari (30 years) in
November 2014. All of them were held in high security ward (1).
Of course nobody hears about those people, and who dares to talk dies like they did, and at
the end they write circulatory failure. Many people died but those are the names I
remember. This induced vomiting is one of many ways. There is something called the
Manwar. It is a place where they sexually assault us in ward (1). They strip our clothes
and they carry pipes or hoses and they assault us with them. To escape this you have to
pay money. For visits I have to pay money to the informers, and if I dont have any I dont
receive a visit and the food is thrown away in front of my eyes. All this happens to non
political inmates and the prison administration and the intelligence officers know it. I have
been here for 4 years and I have not met any of those human rights people they talk about,
nor any official. And when I hear they are visiting the prison I do not see them. And when I
ask I learn that they are sitting in the offices of the officers. And when they inspect the
administration brings its own inmates to show the officials.
There is also something called Eldawie. It consists of 2 cells (5b and 6b) in ward (1) where
they torture us. We would be about 25 to 35 criminal inmates, and the informers come in
and throw cold water on us in the middle of winter, they beat us with electric wires and they
use the falaka on us, they suspend us from our shoulders naked and keep laughing and
mocking us. Informer Sabri also uses the mosque of the ward to torture us. When the
inspection of the prison management comes they get us out of Eldawaie and then return us
again after they leave. What I want to say is that I wish some official would come to the
ward and see with his own eyes what is happening. I dont want to die of torture. I want to
be treated justly, with dignity. If I made a mistake I should be accountable to the law.
Tora investigation prison, high security ward (1), cell 16 b, 19/12/2014,

Torture of minors in Deir Mowas police station, Menya

Human Rights sources said that state security forces torture minors held in Deir Mowas
police station. Those minors have been held at the police station for several days without
seeing the prosecution or knowing their charges. Some of the victims have lost
consciousness and all are in a very bad health condition. The sources said that the torture
continues until this moment.

Mostafa shot dead by police sergeant

Police sergeant in Menufeyya shoots government employee killing him because of a
dispute with his brother. The name of the victim is Mostafa Badry, 50 years old. The
newspaper published only the initials of the sergeant A.N.

Provoked police officer kills detained patient in hospital

Mohamed Abdelati, from Warraq, Giza was killed while handcuffed in hospital by attending
police officer. The patient, already in hospital because of a gunfire injury in his thigh and
injury of fingers as a result of torture, according to family, was killed with 7 bullets which

Mohamed Abdelati
shattered his chest, abdomen, right lung, spleen and left kidney according to forensic
report. Ministry of Interior explained that the victim had provoked the police officer by
attacking Elsisi.,

Police officer accused of killing the MB member in hospital has taped the incident on video,
refuses to answer the prosecution and requests the presence of human rights

SOS from Shebin El Kom

At 2pm on the 31st of January a police force headed by
Mohamed Abulazm, head of intelligence officer at
Shebin Elkom police station broke into the house of
Tarek Ali Yunis, 50 years, kidnapped his sons Amr and
Ali (17 and 16 years) and brutally beat his wife before
taking them away in light clothes and without any
shoes on. The family then saw the attached picture of
them posted on facebook, while their whereabouts
remain unknown.

Zaqaziq State security

Khaled Meselhi was arrested yesterday. His family retrieved
his body today from Zaqaziq I police station.

Rod Elfarag police station

Eid Tohami, father of Sayed Eid Tohamy, who was killed
in Rod Elfarag police station said that an inmate called his
cousins and told them to come to the rescue of Sayed
because he was being beaten with the butts of rifles and
is dying. The father filed a complaint accusing officers
Osama Ezz Elarab, Mohamed Khairy, Mohamed
Shabana and Mohamed Abdelnasser from the police
force of Rod El Farag police station of systematically
torturing his son before beating him to death with their
rifle butts. His cousin said that the inmates called him
and said the officers had taken Sayed and then brought
his corpse with signs of torture on it.

3 February
7 killed in 2015 by police bullets
Police sergeant and army draftee kill accountant in Damanhour, Beheira governorate, for
allegedly escaping a check point.
Police sergeant kills farmer and injures 4 in unexplained dispute.
Police officer kills two young men in Suez
Police sergeant kills defendant in exchange for a bribe
Police officer kills farmer in Menufeyya
Policeman kills driver in Imbaba in traffic argument

Mina El Basal, Alexandria

Atef Mohamed Mahmud Noman, 26 years old,
arrested in Alexandria for allegedly torching a
tram car.

Appeal by a mother
My son Hassan Gamal Hassan Rihan from Meet Antar village in
Dakhleyya, student at the faculty of engineering in Mansoura was
arrested at a checkpoint on the 27th of January 2015. He was
falsely accused of burning police cars, killing of an officer and
sabotage. He disappeared for 3 days with all authorities denying
his whereabouts. Then we found him in Mansoura I police station,
barely alive from torture. He was denied access to the
prosecution. The torture continues with electricity to force him to

sign a confession to false charges. The police denies that he is in their custody. We have
heard rumors that he died. (Nation without Torture, Dakahleyya).

Prosecution releases two officers accused of killing driver: 5 shots by mistake

Letter from an Irish teenager detained in Egypt

Article by Bel True: An Irish teenager has been detained in Egypt since 540 days and faces
the death penalty. Irish teenager Ibrahim Halawa, 18 years, was sharing the same cell with
Australian journalist Peter Greste. He was spending his holidays in Egypt in August 2013
when he happened to walk in the vicinity of a demonstration in support of ousted president
Morsi. Hundreds were arrested, among them Halawa. He will stand trial together with 493
defendants accused of murder, demonstration, insulting the police and burning of
government buildings. If found guilty he might receive the death sentence. In an interview
with his sister, she said that he suffers depression and does not talk with anybody. The
family submitted a request for his deportation three months ago, for which they did not
receive a reply until now. Halawa is held in a cell with 60 adult inmates; the cell is full of
insects and the food is inedible. He wrote to this family about the maltreatment in prison
especially their search while naked and that guards drag inmates away, sexually assault
them and walk on their backs as well as club them.

Cop who killed the hospitalized detainee says he talked to me about assassination of El
Sisi so I shot him 7 times.
HRW: Investigate Professors Allegations of Torture
Egyptian judicial authorities should investigate allegations that police tortured an economics
professor and his brother. Abdallah Shehata, a former Finance Ministry advisor, and his
brother Asad have been held since they were detained on November 28, 2014.
A lawyer told Human Rights Watch in December that interrogators subjected Shehata, and
his brother to electrocution and other mistreatment to force Shehata to confess to weapons
possession and other charges related to violence. Attempts by the lawyer to file a complaint
for torture were reportedly dismissed by the prosecutor.
"They wanted to videotape [Shehata] saying dictated confessions...every time he refused,
they electrocuted him again," Ghoniem said. They also tortured his brother As'ad in front of
him to abuse him psychologically."
Ghoniem said he saw apparent torture wounds on Shehata's body when they met in the
prosecutors office and Shehata told him what had happened. They asked the prosecutor to
file a complaint against the officers who tortured him and order a forensic examination to
prove the torture. The prosecutor responded that he knew "everything" that had happened
to Shehata since he had been arrested, Ghoniem said, and refused to take any action.
They destroyed everything in the house, took Abdallah, his wife, and his 17-year-old
mentally-disabled kid, but then dumped the wife and the kid on the way to the detention
center, saying they didn't need them anymore," Shehatas lawyer told Human Rights
Watch. Full release at

4 February
Ministry of Interior: only 301 are in prison for breach of the protest law.
Ministry of Interior spokesperson, general Hani Abdellatif says that allegations by human
rights organizations of thousands of detainees because of violation of protest law has no
base of truth and that foreign agencies are working under cover of those organizations
which are used by the brotherhood in their terrorist plots against Egypt.

Continuous torture of 13 detainees in Mansoura police station

Sources from inside Mansoura I police station have confirmed that chief investigation officer
Sherief Abulnaga and his assistant Mohamed Heit supervise the torture of 13 young men
who have been kidnapped, denied access to the prosecution, their lawyers or family
members until now. According to source, lawyer who wants to remain anonymous, the
torture involves brutal beating, electrocution of hands, feet, private parts, head and teeth.
He added that several of them lose consciousness because of the brutality of the torture
which aims to force them to confess to false accusations regarding responsibility for
explosions and road block in Dakahleya governorate on the 25th of January.

Torture of 5 children continues in Deir Muwas police station in Menya

5 secondary school students are subjected to torture in the Deir Muwas poolice station in
the city of Beni Mazar, Menya governorate, supervised and instructed by chief investigation
officer Esam Abulfadl. Information leaked from the police station claims a number of
students have been transferred to hospital in a bad condition.

Khaled Meselhi killed under torture?

Was arrested on the 2nd of February from a protest in the city of Zaqaziq demanding the
release of the detained girls. He was taken to Zaqaziq I police station together with his
colleague Mohamed Abdel Hafiz. His wife, Marwa, says that a number of those participating
in the protest called her and told her that her husband Khaled and another young man were
arrested. She went to the police station with her mother in law, bringing along clothes and
food. She also called a lawyer to join her at the police station. Upon arrival the lawyer,
crying, met her and said that her husband had died a while ago. She went to the station
warden and asked how her husband died, to which he replied: we arrested him when he
was climbing the pipes of a building to steal. He fell from the third floor and died. Marwa
insists that the story is not true. According to the colleague who was arrested with Khaled
and torture as well, a number of thugs attacked their protest and beat them up then took
them to a police van which drove them to the police station where the beating continued.
Khaled, according to his colleague, lost consciousness and was taken to a nearby hospital
thinking he had died. When they realized he was alive he was brought back to the police
station where the beating continued until he died. According to his wife the body of her
husband showed multiple bruised along the back in addition to circular injuries as if he was
beaten with a sharp object. There were also sever injuries to the head. Khaled is a father of
two children, Ibrahim 7 years, and Habiba 4 years.

SOS: family of detainee in Abu Zaabal:

Family of detainee Ayman Salah, held in Abu Zaabal prison appeal to human rights
organizations to save their son from detention in the disciplinary ward where he is
continuously subjected to torture, whipped and made to sit on broken glass.

5 February
Bola Samir Mansour torched to death after masked men shot gunfire at Kentucky

7 February
Madinet Nasr I police station
According to inmates held at Madinet Nasr I police station, a group of sergeants and
officers set a price list for accommodation. A single cell for 200 LE a night (ward 6, the
best) down to 15 LE per night in ward (2). Ward (3) is kept for those who cannot afford to
pay. One of the inmates said that the number of people in a ward ranges between 100 and
150. The person who collects the money from the inmates is sergeant Mohamed
Abdelmoneim upon orders of the warden and the officers. The daily income reached 3000
pounds which they distribute among them according to rank. Any inmate who refuses to
pay is transferred to ward 3.
On the second floor of the police station is a section described by inmates as a butcher
house. It is headed by officer Ihab and Islamm Mokbel and Alaa Bashandi. On that floor
there is cage 1 times 1 meters, with no window, toilet or light. That is where officer Islam
tortures political detainees. He suspends them from the feet and whips them as well as
pours hot and cold water on their bodies before electrocuting them in sensitive parts of their
bodies. He is the one responsible for the death of Hassan Hamla on the 3rd of January

Testimony from Madinet Nasr I police station (1)

I was arrested from the street for suspicion I was marching in a protest. I was verbally
abused and beaten and taken to Madinet Nasr I police station. At the police station I was
received by officer Islam Mokbel who beat me. I was then interrogated by state security and
when they finished with me I was taken to ward 3. In the morning I as interrogated by the
prosecution who extended by detention until they got information from state security.

Testimony from Madinet Nasr I police station (2)

Alazhar female student: I was arrested from university. They took me to Madinet Nasr I
police station for 7 hours. Every two students were held in a cell, 6 tiles long times 4 tiles
wide. We requested to go to the toilet but the officer refused. They took us out of the cell
and a TV channel (7th day) camera came to film us. They took us to a wider place like a
ward, that had more than one cell. We remained standing until 1 am in this place. They
verbally abused us all the time. A bald officer by the name of Ibrahim would smoke and
blow the smoke in our faces.

Finally they agreed to allow my father in for a visit. He brought food. We met for exactly 4
minutes. He gave me food and a blanket because we had not eaten since the morning. We
gave some of it to the soldiers so that they allow us to sit. We were seven girls all
handcuffed to each other. We sat for a while and then an officer came in and insulted the
soldiers for allowing us to sit.
They took us to the womens cell at 3 am. Criminal inmates all of them, murder, kidnap,
drugs, prostitution, theft. They were 10 women. Their leader was called Fatma. They called
her Batta. She searched us in a most indecent manner. They terrorized us saying the most
horrible things will happen to us. We decided that we shall not sleep, but we were very tired
so we agreed on shifts. By the end of the next day we were 45 women in that cell. There
was a cell the size of a toilet, a dirty toilet, with a broken door. They let women come in to
scare us. One of them said she was possessed and she would scream and beat anybody,
but never the criminal inmates. Only us. One day she held an electric wire and said she
would electrify the water so that we die. One night I woke up to find her sleeping on top of
me and trying to bite me. Several times during some nights they would open the door
violently to search the cell looking for mobile phones. They would mess up the cell and then
order us to clean it. One night they broke into the cell and said we must spend the night
standing facing the wall.

Testimony from Madinet Nasr I police station (3)

At the time of the visit them got us all out and took us in a police van. Suddenly we found
ourselves in front of a hospital where they wanted to test us fro pregnancy. This was
accompanied by the most obscene language and abuse thrown at us. I fainted. There was
this bald officer. His name was Ibrahim. He would always threaten us that he would come at
9 pm and take a girl with him. He did come but he took a girl who was there for criminal
charges. They always abused them and ordered them to harass us.

Suez Cell defendant in court: They electrocute us. And the judge replies: there is no

Ain Shams police station warden: Inmate dies an hour after his transfer to hospital

El Shalal camp in Aswan, a mini Guantanamo

Several young men are being held in Shalal security camp in Aswan, where they are
subjected to torture by general Saleh El Moshraf, supervisor of the camp, and officers
Khaled El Shazli, Tarek Osran, Khaled Abdelsattar and Mohamed Abu Zeid. The young
men are held blindfolded and are regularly subjected to torture , dragging, electrocution as
well as obscene verbal abuse and death threats if they do not make the required

8 February
Suez defendant: I confessed on video after I was tortured and threatened to detain my wife
Cairo criminal court listened to the testimony of Mohamed Abdel Hakam Mahsoub in the
retrial of the case known as the Suez Cell where he is accused of formation and
leadership of a terrorist cell, targeting ships passing through the Suez canal, monitoring of
security headquarters with the aim of targeting them. In court the defendant testified that he
confessed under torture in state security. He said he spent 6 months and a half in state
security after which he was taken to Tora prison. While in state security custody he was
blindfolded for the whole 6 months, almost deprived of food, drink and prayer. He was
beaten and electrocuted. He said he was previously arrested on the 22 nd of October 2009,
presented to the prosecution on the 1st of March 2010. He added that he was threatened
with the arrest of his wife and her torture with electricity. The defendant suffers virus C and
is deprived of medical care in prison.
University security Falcon aggress Yasin Kasban, El Bawaba News correspondent and
detain him in a tank outside Cairo university.

Family of Imbaba victim: they cut his fingers, tore out his nails and killed him with 8 bullets

UWK: The stadium massacre is premeditated: the cage which killed so many was installed
one day before the game.

Names of the fans killed

The police first said we shall let you in but suddenly they closed the door and the tear gas
began. We were in the middle of the caged passage. People suffocated and tried to escape
but they ran randomly and started falling.
As far as I saw I did not see gunshots, but still the police is responsible. They caged people
in a long caged passage no more than 5 meters wide. We all had tickets. They wanted to
search everyone and we were too many. Suddenly they began shooting tear gas. I saw an
elderly man fall with his child in his hand giving her to somebody who was still standing
upright. I fell and only by miracle survived. The gas was suffocating and blinding.
We were more than 5000 in that caged passage. They closed it and threw tear gas at us.
People fell. The soldiers were searching the bodies for their wallets and money. The
ambulance came one hour later. The soldiers kept running after the fans in the surrounding

Father of one of the victims: My son was shot twice in the chest and his skull was smashed

Public prosecutor orders the arrest of UWK leaders, accusing them of inciting the clashes
that happened today between security forces and fans.

9 February
Families of victims of stadium massacre refuse to receive the corpses of their children
because of a false forensic report claiming they were killed in a stampede ignoring the
suffocation by tear gas.

Forensic report of football fans killed in the stadium

Dr. Hesham Abdel Hamid, spokesperson of the forensic department said the total number
of stadium victims were 19 in number, among them 9 of known and 8 of unknown identity.
The department posted the pictures of the unknown corpses on a screen outside the
morgue for families to identify them. According to Abdel Hamid, the bodies showed bruises
and lacerations in the areas of the chest and face. He concluded that they deceased died
because of the stampede and denied that birdshots, bullets or tear gas could have led to
their death. He said the ages of the deceased ranged between 15 and 25 as well as one
aged 59.
Eyewitness: Police did not help people when they started falling (stadium)
"Independent: Egyptian ministry of Interior trapped Zamalek fans.
Who is responsible for the stadium massacre?

Forensic medicine: Forensic doctor interrogated for allegedly fabricating reports concerning
the stadium massacre.

Armed riots surrounding a checkpoint after police kills a young man in Sohag

10 February
Video documenting the beginning of the stadium massacre.

UWK defense withdraws: The prosecution added three unknown defendants to the case

Member of the popular alliance: A masked police officer killed Shaimaa El Shabagh
Mohamed. They stole his corpse to hide his identity.

11 February
Eyewitness: the police fired tear gas while we were in the cage.

Amr Mostafa, 18 years

Finally transferred to hospital for an appendix operation after a

long time of suffering and neglect in detention

12 February

Ali Shaaban, 15 years old, arrested and his detention extended for
15 days, beaten and tortured to confess that he is a member of the
Muslim brotherhood, that he is a mercenary and that he was paid to
contribute to the killing of 22 football fans, burning of police cars and
the Port Said massacre

Esam El Din Mahmoud Ahmed Hassan, 14 years, arrested on the

6th of February 2015 by officer Ahmed El Badry. The officer asked
the child to sit by his feet; when the child refused he started beating
him in the face and the head, then he pulled out the childs belt and
whipped him in different parts of the body: Injuries: bruises in both
eyes, Bruises behind both ears, generalized body bruises. When
questioned, the child accused the officer.

Where is Samar?
15 people broke into the flat of Sama Hassan Mahmoud Mohamed
day before yesterday (Tuesday) at 2 am, and took her away to an
unknown location. Samar is a law student, and a mother of a child
in primary school. She was mistakenly assumed to work in the MB
sympathetic satellite channel Mekamelin. Breaking into the flat they
searched without a search warrant, and broke several of its
furniture. Upon her disappearance her brother filed a complaint of
with the public prosecution of false disappearance.

Police tortured Abulnomros youth to confess they received 2000 LE each from the Muslim
Brotherhood to throw Molotov inside the stadium. The victims are neither Ultras not White

13 February
Shazli A.M, 40 years, dies inside Komombu prison, Aswan. Diagnosis: Circulatory failure.
Arrest of 17 members of UWK accused of planning to break into Zamalek club.
Complaint accusing the police of torture of arrested Ultras White Knights to confess their
affiliation to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Hala's journey from Tanta to the stadium to the grave.

17 February
Complaint regarding the torture of child Essam El Din, 14 years, held in Raml police station,
Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression filed complaint regarding the torture by
beating and electrocution of 4 students arrested on the 8 th of February and held since then
at Abulnomros police station.

18 February
Badrashen police station, Giza
Brutal assault by chief investigation officer Mohamed Khater, officer Amr ElDibawi and their
assistants on a group of young men recently arrested and subjected to beatings and
electrocution to force them to sign false confessions.

20 February
Ain Shams police station
Fatma Nweihi has been held since three months in Ain
Shams police station. Her father passed away. Upon her
fathers wish on his death bed the ambulance carrying his
body stopped by the police station so that she can see him for
the last time. The police officers refused despite the pleading
by Fatma and her family.

Police sergeant shoots at a driver and his family, killing the wife upon an argument.

Elmansoura general prison

Death of detainee Adel Yucef Abdelsalam, 55 years in
Mansoura general prison. Adel was a liver patient who was
arrested on the 30th of August 2013 and sentenced to 10
years. His death comes 5 days after an SOS message was
sent out of the prison demanding health care for 6 critically ill
detainees. Adel was on top of the list.

21 February
Detainee suffering polio begins hunger strike in Demo prison, Fayoum protesting
maltreatment. Video:

22 February
Child: I saw the officer shooting at my mother. She is dead. Video:

23 February
SOS from Tora Istiqbal prison.
Visits limited to first degree relatives. Only small amounts of cooked food allowed. All fruits,
vegetables, canned food, tea and sugar prohibited, unless bought from prison canteen at

prices three times as much. Body search of detainees and family members humiliating.
Books prohibited. Lack of health care.

24 February
Lawyer dies in Matareyya police station 48 hours after his arrest
Lawyer Karim Hamdi dies in police custody in Matareyya police
station after his arrest for allegedly participating in a MB protest.
His body was taken to the Matareyya hospital and from there to
the morgue where he was seen by his family. The family said
they saw signs of torture on his face and hands and hence
refused to sign the forensic report since the doctors refused to
examine the body to document the signs of torture. Lawyers and
human rights activists are on their way to the morgue to
document the signs of torture.

Banha general prison

Three women detainees denied family visits
without explanation or legal grounds. The
three women are Aisha Mohamed
Abdelfattah, Shaimaa Omar Afifi and Rawda
Gamal. the three women are held in
disciplinary cells after being subjected to
beatings last Sunday. they were arrested on
the 28th of September 2013 from inside Cairo

Doaa Mostafa, Human Rights lawyer at the Egyptian commission for rights and freedoms
tells the details of her detention by the ministry of Interior and the threats to fabricate
charges against her. The lawyer was on a visit to two detained female journalists, who had
been kidnapped earlier in the month. Both were held in state security prosecution in El
Tagammu Elkhames. .

Assiut security directorate confirms the video showing women beaten in front of gas tube
store and says: will persecute those responsible .

25 February
Two cases of death under torture in Matareyya police station Tuesday evening
Lawyer Karim Hamdi Mohamed Ibrahim, 28 years

Emad Mohamed Elattar, 48 years, electrician.

Police warden and officers accused by lawyers of killing Karim Hamdi
Zeitoun prosecution refers three investigation officers to the court of felony for abusing their
position and breaking into the flat of Ihab El Sebaai, searching and destroying its furniture
without legal grounds.
Arabic Network for Human Rights Information and Egyptian Commission for Rights and
Freedoms: State security aggressed our lawyers Doaa Mostafa and Ahmed Abdellatif and
prevented them from attending interrogations with their clients, as well as threatened by
senior officer: we shall step on you with our shoes.
Police record in one day: 3 cases of torture and murder and a house raid.

Video: Driver tells how his wife was killed by a police sergeant.

Ministry of Interior: Lawyer Karim Hamdi died of circulatory failure. confronted with the
statements by the head of the Bar association that the deceased's body showed signs of
torture, the ministry's media spokesperson said: in such cases there are too many rumors.
we shall accept the report by the forensic department.

26 February
Forensic report: Matareyya lawyer was brutally beaten, has 10 fractured ribs and his tongue
is cut.

Medical source which requested to remain anonymous: Deceased lawyer Karim Hamdy
Mohamed (27 years) who dies in Matareyya police station, day before yesterday, had
several broken ribs, bruises in his abdomen, chest and back probably resulting from kicks,
internal hemorrhage in his chest, abdomen and head and swelling of his private parts.
Ministry of Interior: Matareyya lawyer was arrested from a terrorist cell and had firearms in
his possession.

28 February
Ain Shams police station

An argument erupted between one of the

detainees and an officer at Ain Shams
police station because of the bad
detention conditions. The officer called his
informers and subordinates and beat all
the detainees subjecting them to torture
for two hours, as well as threw their food
and clothes in the garbage. The detainee
filed the complaint no. 14/2015 with the
prosecution, which ordered his
examination by forensic authorities.,

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