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Minutes from the Upton by Chester 80 AGM: 26th March 2014

1. Present
83 members eligible to vote

2. Apologies for Absence
32 apologies received

3. Members who had passed away
In the last year the following members had sadly passed away
Vic Williams, Peter Gaskell, Don Taylor, Jeff Horrocks, Sandy Ruck and Alan Bostock
All present stood in silent tribute to these members and spared a moment of thought for those members who were
currently of ill health.

4. Minutes of the AGM held on Wednesday 27 March 2013
These had been posted on the notice board and the website for members.

Proposer: Mr D Wilton
Seconder: Mr C Dracott

5. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.

6. Presidents Report Mr Dave Wilton said a few words

7. Re-election of President and Vice President
Mr Jim McBride was proposed by Dave Wilton and Seconded by Fred Hopley. Jim gave a few words of thanks and thanked
Dave Wilton for his two years in office

Mrs Jill Smith was proposed by Jim McBride and seconded by Chris Beschizza, who said, I have no hesitation in seconding
Jill as Vice President. Jill has been a past Lady Captain and has been a great help on committees with her knowledge,
support and kindness.

Lady Vice President addressed the members, Good evening Mr Captain, Lady Captain, Mr President, Past Captain and
members. It is a great honour for me to have been asked to be Vice President. Once I knew that Jim had been nominated
as President I felt much more confident in accepting my nomination. In 2010 we worked alongside each other as Captains
and I saw then how professional, efficient and courteous he was at all times. I look forward to learning from him and
deputising where necessary, trying hard to reflect the best interest of all members and sections of this club. Thank you.

8. Captains Report
Mr Fred Hopley addressed the members, Mr President, Madam Vice President, Lady Captain, Immediate Past Lady
Captain, Vice-Captain, Members; what a couple of years it has been since I stood here to advise that I was delighted to be
nominated to become Captain. At that time I thought it was going to be the only way I could get my name on one of our
honours boards. I also said that I had, from childhood memories of holidays at Butlins, always wanted a red jacket.
Well as the two years passed I was fortunate enough, not only to achieve two hole-in-ones, but in fact to get my name on
two of the honours boards and sadly the red jacket has had nearly as many airings on sad occasions as it has on more social
The two years saw records broken in British weather with 2012 being one of the wettest and 2013 giving us some of the
hottest temperatures ever recorded in a glorious summer. Sadly that was all to be overturned by record breaking rain and
storms during the winter months. Such extremes in weather are a nightmare for green keeping.
Last year was a truly spectacularly successful year for sport:
A pre David Moyes Manchester United winning the top flight in soccer for the twentieth time; then Chris Froome winning
the Tour de France, a win for Britain for the second year running, Justin Rose wins the US Open, our cricketers win the
summer Ashes series, sadly handing them back a few months later in Australia. We also had records being set at Upton,
most notably by Peter Bostock during the Club Championship with a morning round of 66 followed by a record breaking
afternoon round of 63.

The Ladies Club Championship was won with two excellent rounds of golf by Laura Jones, carding rounds of gross 69 and 70.
Well done to both of these champions.
Then of course there was the most marvellous weekend in early July. It started with the British Lions winning their tour
against Australia with a record breaking score in the final match of 41:16; on the following day a 77 year wait for a British
winner at Wimbledon was secured by Andy Murray and in between these there was, yet another Club record set in a Major
competition. In this competition none of those playing had any increase in handicap and neither did the winner lose a
fraction of a stroke. This of course being the Lightfoot Trophy. This was played at Market Drayton and was won with a
magnificent 33 points by yours truly. I feel no shame for being rather more sober than most of those who took part on that
boiling hot day.
I now wish to recall my Drive-In, with grateful thanks to Jim Poole and Neal Smith in particular. After playing in the
morning's shotgun start I was shepherded into the gent's locker room a forced into a Manchester United shirt; clearly
designed to be worn by a small boy. The shirt bearing the name on the back of F van Hopley, the outfit completed with me
wearing a face mask of Robin van Persie. I was then transported to the first tee in a blacked out, top of the range Range
Rover, escorted by my Vice-Captain suitably disguised as Alex Ferguson. When required to play the actual Drive-In tee shot I
could be forgiven for pulling it left into the bunker as I was being subjected to the sound of Jerry Marsden singing the
Liverpool F C anthem, "You'll Never Walk Alone". But at least Iris Masters gained a much needed few bob by correctly
guessing where the all would finish. Thanks Iris for such faith.
Captain's Weekend was a great success with the Ladies securing the best of the weather on the Friday. Captain's Day
weather was a little more testing but did not stop Mark Buttery coming in with a magnificent net 61 and David Vaughan
with a gross 68.The Mixed played on Sunday resulted in a nightmare for the photographers at the presentation when
Gordon (Big G) Galletly and his playing partner (the Mighty Mouse) Iris Masters came up to receive the winners prize. James
Lightfoot was fortunate to draw big hitting Helen Beddows as his partner and they had no difficulty in securing the best
gross. I would like once again to thank all those who helped to make this a most enjoyable and memorable weekend.
Along with the Vice-Captain we led our team out in the seasons Scratch matches against the other Chester Clubs. Sadly,
despite the tremendous effort of team captain, James Lightfoot, we were never able to put out our strongest possible team
and Eaton and Vicars Cross tied the league table with us a very creditable third. I wish Jim and Andy the very best of
fortunes next year. The development of a number of our Junior players will, I'm sure, enable us to field a very strong team in
future years.
In August we hosted the Chester Junior Championship and over 36 holes our very own Shaun Coppock became this year's
champion. Two days later in our own Junior Championship Shaun managed second place in a tightly contested battle with
eventual winner David Galletly. That being the fourth time David has won this championship. Nathan Green won the Tommy
Broad medal played over 18 holes on that same day. Well done to all the successes our Juniors have achieved throughout
the year. I wish Chris Winskill and her team every success in the further development of junior golf, and of course give
thanks to Jenny for the years that she looked after the juniors.
Also in August, Lady Captain and I organised a fund raising golf day and auction for our chosen charity "Children Today".
Again thanks to all who supported this and for the buying and selling of raffle tickets. Particular thanks go to Vic Piercy a nd
Terry Given for dragging every last penny out of those attending the auction. The money raised on this event totalled nearly
5000 and along with other fund raising endeavours, we will on Saturday evening be presenting the charity with a cheque
for in excess of 7,200.
In September we held the Annual Ball at the club and whilst numbers attending were small all those present had a great
evening of dining and dancing. Our visiting guests from the other Chester Golf Clubs were very complimentary about our
hospitality and presentation of the club and of its members wearing their finery. Marge and Jim along with Lynn and myself
were equally welcomed to the Ball held at Eaton. Sadly Lynn and I were unable to attend the Vicars Cross Ball as we were
hospitalised in Cyprus. I attended Chesters Ball, without Lynn who was feeling under the weather, only to find out the day
after that she had had a heart attack.
Jim McBride, our new President, put together another well researched and enjoyable presentation evening to which all
Major winner and partners were invited. I hope that Jim will be able to continue to organise this annual event and also hope
that Lynn can get back to winning ways so that I get a partners invitation.

I would now like to give my congratulations and thanks to a number of people. Firstly, congratulations to Jim McBride our
new President and to Jill Smith as Vice-President. I am confident that we have two wonderful members at the helm over the
next few years.
Congratulations to Chris Beschizza on being appointed by the Ladies as the Lady Captain and to Pam Lucas as the Lady Vice-
Captain. I am sure their appointments will be fully endorsed at this meeting.
I give thanks to all that have served on the Clubs committees, particularly to Andy Payne in his organisation of competitions
and Howard Claydon for the Knock-Outs and his photographic skills and Mike and Jean Eastell for organising the ever
popular Social Mixes. I am pleased to see greater focus being given to the presentation of the golf course. I mentioned
earlier that the extremes of weather we have experienced over the past twelve months have not made life easy for the
greens staff and I am sure that Ian Orme will strive to get the best out of them, irrespective of weather. Thanks also to the
volunteer groups, George Tremarcos band of brothers in particular, who undertake tasks on and off the course. Thanks to
the bar and catering staff who have assisted in the increase of my waistline and the reduction in my bank balance. And early
thanks to our new Professional and staff, it is a pleasure to go into a well-stocked shop and be greeted with a friendly smile,
thanks Hannah.
When I was in the Office I never really understood why Captains, on these occasions, thanked me for doing what I was paid
for and for the most part enjoyed doing. Sadly I get the feeling that there is a lot less enjoyment these days and that
relationships all round are strained. I wish them all well and thank them for doing whatever it is they are asked to do.
I also wish to thank Alan OConnor for the production of posters promoting the events we have tried to hold, including the
current poster advertising the Captains Farewell and Hello evening on Saturday. I hope to see many of you in attendance.
Thanks to Jim Poole who was always there giving a Vice-Captains support. I hope he can avoid crocking himself again and
can enjoy all the fun of playing social and competitive golf during his Captains year.
Along with Andy Payne, as Vice-Captain, you will both have the benefit of your wives experience at being Captains and
know that you will get full support from them as well as the members. Good luck to both of you.
My final thanks to two ladies who have supported me throughout the year. The first of course is the now, almost retired
Lady Captain, Marge, or Elsie as I often call her. Weve had little, but then again, some success playing together, but weve
always had fun.
At last years meeting she gave me a lovely pen as a gift and this golf ball with her trademark smiley face. She asked that I
return it to her at the end of our year together. This I am happy to do, along with a little gift as a mark of what Im sure will
be a longstanding friendship.
The other lady of course is Lynn. What a year we have had. What a basket full of stuff we get when we call to collect our
prescriptions. I am very pleased that after almost 5 months Lynn has got back to playing competitive golf. When she and I
play together the loser has to cook the evening meal. I am sure that she will agree that while my golf has got no better that I
have become quite an accomplished cook. Thank you Lynn for your constant support in all that I try to achieve. Thank you
Members All.
9. Election of Captain
Mr Jim Poole was proposed as Mr Captain for 2014 by Mr Fred Hopley and Seconded by Mr Neal Smith. A unanimous vote
of approval was received from all present.

Mr Jim McBride presented the Captains red jacket and badge to, who then said a few words to acknowledge his role of
Captain for 2014. Mr President, Lady Vice President, Lady Captain, Vice Captains, Past Captains, Fellow Members of Upton
by Chester Golf Club. Firstly I would like to thank the Mens Committee, who have put their trust and faith in me to endorse
my nomination. Second I would like to say I recognise the tremendous honour you have given me in accepting me as
Captain, I feel deeply privileged especially when I look round the names and photographs of those who have preceded me.

I also recognise the responsibilities that come with the role, in this respect I will do my upmost to represent the club in the
manner that you expect both when playing and at the various functions I will be attending this year.

Most importantly, I will do my best to represent you, the members.

I would like to congratulate our New Lady Captain, Chris, I am really looking forward to working with her and to raising as
much money as possible for our chosen Charity, The Stoke Association, based at the Countess of Chester Hospital. Our main
objective is to raise money in order to purchase specialist chairs for those who are incapacitated by this dreadful condition.
Both Chris and I hope that you will give us your best efforts to support this worthy cause.

Thanks to the outgoing Captains. I would like to thank Fred and Marge our outgoing Captains for their year in office.
Marge and Fred you have been a great team and should both be very proud of your year. Chris and I know we have a very
hard act to follow. Thanks from us all.

I would also like to thank the outgoing President, Dave, whilst not always being able to attend all of the meetings due to
work commitments, he was always available of offer advice over the phone, and his knowledge of club protocol was
invaluable when dealing with membership issues. Thanks Dave.

I would like to congratulate both Jim and Jill on their appointments as President and Vice Presiden, I am sure their
appointments as President and Vice President, I am sure their experiences as Past Captain and Past Lady Captain will be of
immense value to the club as a whole.

Last but not least I would like to congratulate the incoming Vice Captains Pam and Andy who will be joining us on the top
table shortly.

Anyway just for a bit of fun, let me explain how the Mens Captain is selected. Each year a conclave of wise men get
together under the auspices of the Mens Committee, whose job it is to go through a list of potential candidates and come
up with their preferred choice, the Captain then contact the victim personally to invite him to be his Vice Captain. This
normally take place around November time, and you know, it is amazing how unpopular the Captain becomes around this
time of year since he can clear the clubhouse of all male members just by walking in, phone calls go unanswered, emails
accidently deleted and text messages conveniently missed.

I was wondering how the conversation went when they discussed me last year. Fred says So what about Pooley?
Committees probable response Is he physically up to it, he spends more time falling over that he does standing up?
Question from the Committee What about his golf? Fred responds If his handicap goes up any further we will have to
invent a new system! Question from the Committee Whats he like really, do you think, will he be able to cope? Fred
responds Well you know he can be a bit, you know odd, Committee says So right, you are telling us he is a physical
wreck, a bloody awful golfer, and is as mad as a bag of frogs. Fred, er yes, Committee OK hell do lets have him.

Please forgive me for being deliberately flippant, I did it on purpose as I want to set the scene on this being a fun year from
the outset, and if any of you catch me taking myself too seriously then you have my permission to buy me a drink!

10. Election of Vice Captain
Mr Andy Payne was proposed as Mr Vice Captain for 2014 by Mr Jim Poole and Seconded by Mr Jeff Holmes Jim said, Andy
together with his wife Jean, a Past Lady Captain, have been members at Upton by Chester for many years. He has served on
numerous committees over the years, organising and administering competition and other such duties and has recently
been Chairman of the Senior Section. He is dedicated, hard-working and totally committed and when asked to assist in any
task for the benefit of the club. Bearing in mind, he, like my-self, does not live on the doorstep of the club, it is even more
deserving that he is rewarded with the position of Vice Captain, and I have no hesitation in proposing him for this position.

11. Thank you to Lady Captain and Introduction of New Lady Captain. Mrs Chris Beszchizza was proposed by Mrs Marge
Poole who said, Chris has been a member since 2002 and has served on the ladies committee almost from day one. She
has held the posts of treasurer and competition secretary and this year took on the task of integrating new lady members
into the section, which went a long way to converting trialist members to IMPs and hopefully full membership next year. I
have pleasure in proposing Chris Beschizza as Lady Captain for the year 2014/15. Mrs Sandra Buttery was pleased to
second this proposal.
Lady Captain addressed the members, Mr President, Madam Vice President, Mr Captain, Mr Vice Captain, Lady Vice
Captain, Past Captains and fellow Upton-by-Chester members. I cant count the number of times I have been asked
whether I have enjoyed my year and I can honestly say it was better than I ever imagined. Despite the stuttering start to my
year having had to postpone my drive-in due to the course being covered in snow, the year has literally flown by. Thankfully
the weather did improve and we had a glorious summer.

I have had tremendous support from my ladies committee who got on with their jobs without making a song or dance
about it and for which I thank them. Their functionality is without question!
Thank you to all the members who have supported our Captains charity Children Today, I am sure they will be delighted
with our donation.
Throughout the year Anne Hewitt, Anne Jennings and Emily in the office were always available to help me in any way they
The bar and catering staff have served us well.
I will especially remember this year for the friends I have made with the other Chester captains, and at this point would like
to thank Fred for his support throughout the year, it has been a privilege to serve alongside him as an ambassador of the
Jim has told me that I also have to thank him for his support, so I hope he remembers to thank me next year!
It only remains for me to wish Chris and Jim a successful year I hope they will be happy together. Chris it is only one year,
Ive put up with him for 40!
Mr President, Madam Vice President, Mr Captain, Lady Vice Captain, Ladies and Gentlemen Good evening I would like to
thank you all for giving me the honour and privilege of being your Lady Captain for 2014/15. I have served on the Ladies
committee for many years, involved in many different jobs, so I hope this knowledge will help me to represent the Ladies
section and the Club. I endeavour to do this with the best of my ability, but most of all to enjoy it and smile.
I would like to thank everyone again who was involved in my Drive In on Tuesday from Pam and the team, to the
photographers and all who attended, it was a great day.
I congratulate Jim & Jill on their appointments and Jim on becoming Captain and look forward to our year in office together
and I give you this small gift to mark your year as Captain.
I also congratulate Andy and Pam and I know we will all work well together as a team. Hopefully our 3 high handicaps will
move in the direction of Pams and not the reverse. Thank you.
Mr Jim McBride, President, gave thanks to Marge for her year in office.
12. Nomination of Lady Vice Captain
Pam Lucas was proposed by Chris Beschizza who said, I have no hesitation in proposing Pam Lucas as Lady Vice Captain for
2014/15. Pam has been a member of Upton since 1992, a good golfer and a regular A team player. I look forward to us
working together and she has already been a great support to me which I thank her for. Mrs Jill Smith seconded this
Lady Vice Captain addressed the members, I am very honoured to have been elected as Lady Vice Captain. I am looking
forward to working with Andy and supporting Chris and Jim and hope they have a fabulous year.
13. Ratification of Junior Section Organiser
Mr President asked Chris Winskill to stand as ratification of her Appointment to Junior Section Organiser was made by a
show of hands from the floor. He offered his best wished to Chris and the whole Junior Section.
13. Notice of Motions
Rule and Bye Law Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 Amendment Motions were voted on as a block of motions requiring just one

14. Vote on Motions
Unanimous show of hands from the floor

15. Election of Management Committees

The Course Management Committee 4 people with a rotation of 2

Ian Orme Chairman
Golf Nominee Proposer Seconder Years
Jean Payne Fred Hopley Marg Poole One
Alan Siddall Chris Hornsey Lynn Lightfoot Two
Dan Carberry Mike Brown Barbara Morrissey Two
Andrew Douglas Howard Claydon CA Dolman One
Entertainments Committee 4 people with a rotation of 2
Mike Brown

There will be 4 vacancies to serve for 1 year No Nominees Received
Marketing Committee

Dr Phil Robinson
There will be 2 vacancies to serve for 1 year
One from the Mens Section and One from the Ladies Section No Nominees Received
(Mens Committee 4 male playing members
Jim Poole

Captain and Chairman
Andy Payne

Vice Captain
Fred Hopley

Immediate Past Captain
Chris Hornsey
Retires and does not seek re-election
Jim McBride

To serve for 1 year
Nominee Proposer Seconder
Neal Smith Fred Hopley

Andy Payne
Geoff Venables
Fred Hopley Jim Poole
There will be 1 vacancy to serve for 1 year with a rotation of 2 each year No nominees Received
16. Any Other Business
Robin Browne would like clarification that when the Pro organises competitions a couple of the old red tee times were still
Chris Dracott addressed the meeting: Mr Chairman, Ladies & Gentlemen I would like to ask if the plans to arrange
Professionals Competitions were discussed and approved by the Golf Committee, who until this evening had the
responsibility for arranging all club competitions, and if so did they consider all the pros and cons. I served on the GC for
about 15 years and for a time was responsible for preparing the club diary of competitions. Experience during that time
told us that when there were mens competitions on both Saturday and Sunday one would detract from the other and
neither had a full starting sheet. We would also consider the need for members to have times available to play their
knockout matches. Many of our members can only play these at weekends. Additionally, we have to consider our legal
obligations and since we have to give Equal Opportunities to both sexes, if the starting sheet for the Professionals
Competitions excludes Lades for much of the day we could be breaching legislation and in any event it seems to me to be
inequitable when the subscriptions are the same. Finally, turning to the Juniors, all their competitions are arranged on
days when no club competitions are taking place. Now they will be playing on the same day as a Professionals Competition
but with a changed starting rime which on discussion with them is not totally convenient. Additionally, experience has
shown that when given a choice between a cub or a Junior competition those eligible will choose the club comp because
the prizes are many times greater. I am not against our new Professional arranging competitions, as we must give him the
opportunity to make a success of his business, but feel that things need to be thought out and discussed with all interested
parties before we continue with this policy. Maybe the Professional could arrange competitions for each section on the
same day with no starting sheet restrictions and members irrespective of gender can book any time of the day that they
wish to play. Having said all this I am reluctant to vote for the Ladies resolutions as once a resolution is passed by an AGM
things cannot be changed without calling another General Meeting. This can cause considerable delays in getting things
done. Rather I would prefer the decision to be made by the new Match & Handicap Sub Committee (New Rule 3 (b) after
considering the points discussed this evening and any other members comments tat have been brought to the attention of
Committee members. If the Chairman will undertake to arrange this a s a matter of urgency, I would urge the members to
vote against the motion and to leave the matter with the Committees.

Bob Molyneaux Withdraw the scheme until such time discussed with members. Request re-examine and offer proposals
to the board.

Alan Siddall voiced concern over how many members had been lost over the last few years and there has to be a balance
between visitors and members. Future depends on right income streams from both.
Elaine Mapp raised concern over the Ladies being unable to book knock out comps and

The President thanked the membership for the valuable time they put it and noted the views of the membership would be
heard as the this great asset without members would be nothing.

There being no further business the meeting was call to a close by the President.

Meeting Closed: 8.55pm

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